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针对FAST的天文观测要求,对其天文观测软件进行了设计与开发。首先介绍了FAST天文观测的原理,对天文观测软件进行了需求分析。而后提出了馈源天文运动轨迹规划算法,并进行了仿真。针对其轨迹要求给出了控制方法,对天文观测控制软件进行了设计与实现。最后通过现场实地实验,验证了本文所提的算法与软件的可行性。  相似文献   
Records of two loess sections located in mid-eastern and western margins of the East Asian Monsoon area captured 20 Dansgaard-Oescher events and six Heinrich events. All these suggested that the climate in the East Asian Monsoon area fluctuated rapidly on millennial to century timescales during the whole Last Glacial. We found that these loess-based events of rapid climate fluctuations were generally synchronous with those of GRIP records, but that there were differences between the Shagou loess section in the west and the Wangguan loess section in the east: the former was more sensitive to climate change than the latter. Compared with earlier studies on loess records covering the Last Glacial from neighboring areas, we discovered that the magnitude of Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles decreased gradually from west to east and we suggest that it resulted from the combined effect of the Westerlies and the East Asian Monsoon.  相似文献   
Long-chain n-alkanols and n-alkanes in core sediments from the northern South China Sea (SCS) were measured to make a comparison during terrestrial vegetation reconstruction from ~42 ka to ~7 ka. The results showed that terrestrial vegetation record from long-chain n-alkanes matched well with previous studies in nearby cores, showing that more C4 plants developed during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and C3 plants dominated in the interglacial period. However, these scenarios were not revealed by terrestrial vegetation reconstruction using long-chain n-alkanols, which showed C3 plant expansion during the LGM. The discrepancy during the interglacial period could be attributed to the aerobic degradation of functionalized long-chain n-alkanols in the oxygen-rich bottom water, resulting in poor preservation of terrestrial vegetation signals. On the other hand, the different advantages of functionalized n-alkanols and non-functional n-alkanes to record local and distal vegetation signals, respectively, may offer a potential explanation for the contradiction during the LGM when the SCS was characterized by low-oxygen deep water. Nevertheless, large variations on n-alkyl lipid compositions in C3/C4 plants could play a part in modulating sedimentary long-chain n-alkanols and n-alkanes toward different vegetation signals, thereby suggesting that caution must be taken in respect to the terrestrial vegetation reconstruction using long-chain n-alkanes and long-chain n-alkanols.  相似文献   
为避免密集人群踩踏事件发生,从监控图像中准确获取密集人群人数信息非常重要。针对密集人群计数难度大、人群目标小、场景尺度变化大等特点,本文提出一种新型神经网络结构VGG-ResNeXt。本网络使用VGG-16的前10层作粗粒度特征提取器,使用改进的残差神经网络作为细粒度特征提取器。利用改进的残差神经网络“多通道,共激活”的特点,使得单列式人群计数神经网络获得了多列式人群计数网络的优点(即从小目标、多尺度的密集人群图像中提取更多人群特征),同时避免了多列式人群计数网络训练难度大、结构冗余等缺点。实验结果表明本模型在UCF-CC-50数据集、ShangHaiTech B数据集和UCF-QNRF数据集中取得了最高精度,MAE指标分别优于其他同期模型7.5%、18.8%和2.4%,证明了本模型的在计数精度方面的有效性。本研究成果可以有效帮助城市管理,有效缓解公安疏导压力,保障人民生命财产安全。  相似文献   
This paper reports the concentrations of 137 Cs, hexachlorocyclohexane(HCH), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes(DDT) and its main degradation products, δ13C, and organic carbon in pond sediments(0-210 cm, sectioned by 2-20 cm interval) and surface soils(the 0-3 cm horizon) collected in 2010 from Chenjia catchment, which is located in Yanting county in the hilly central Sichuan of China. α-, δ-, and γ-HCH, DDT, and DDD were not detected throughout the sediment profile. Trace concentrations of δ-HCH(0.89-29.31 ng g-1) and p,p′-DDE(1.85-6.02 ng g-1) were detected only in top 40 cm sediment. The 137 Cs fallout peak in 1963(corresponding to the 55-60 cm depth), the sedimentary signature left by the last year of HCH use in 1989(an additional indicator at 20-25 cm), and the obvious original channel bed prior to the construction of the pond in 1956 were used as temporal markers to estimate changes in average sedimentation rate between different periods due to changes in land use. Continuous, marked decrease in average sedimentation rate(i.e., 3.79, 1.35 and 1.07 cm year-1 in 1956-1963, 1963-1989, and 1989-2010, respectively)over time was observed, probably due to the reforestation, abandoning of steep sloping farmland for afforestation and natural re-vegetation(implementation of the Grain for Green Program), and the conversion of part of gently sloping farmland terraces to orchard land since the 1980 s, especially since the 1990 s. This was corroborated by the observed decrease(more negative) in δ13C of sediment towards the surface, which indicates increased relative contribution of eroded soil particles coming from slopes with increased tree cover in sediment source area. Combined use of 137 Cs, δ-HCH, and δ13C record in sediments has been demonstrated to be a powerful approach to reconstruction of response in sedimentation rate to historical land use changes.  相似文献   
随着市政部门不断寻求节约成本的创新技术来解决地下基础设施问题,非开挖管线更换技术诸如爆管法成为可行的选择。爆管法是一种用相等或更大口径的新管更换现有地下供水给水、污水排水和燃气输送管线的施工方法。它是唯一一种完全沿旧管线线路铺设的施工方法。这使得安装新管线施工时无须征求额外通行权。爆管法兴起于20纪80年代,现在已遍布北美地区。本文通过对来自2007—2010年加拿大和美国的886个项目的调查问卷结果的总结,讨论了目前非开挖更管技术的趋势,分析了爆管法施工中的因素:包括设备的使用、采购与支付的形式、管线扩径的限制和施工的风险。  相似文献   
In this paper, function characteristics of dispersion of ocean wave in finite depth water were analyzed systematically. The functional form of the fitting function is reasonably proposed, in which the parameters are optimally determined by the least square method (LSM). For infinitely deep and extremely shallow water,the fitting function fits strictly the dispersion to be fitted. A new technique is presented in application of LSM.An empirical formula with maximum error of less than 0.5% for computing wavelength in finite depth water is presented for practical applications.  相似文献   
利用四川测震台网记录的芦山余震资料,选取20个M≥2.5地震,以Loc3D(川滇)定位方法定位结果为标准。采用MSDP中常用定位方法(HypoSAT、HYP2000、LocSAT、单纯型),在人为增减台站情况下,使得台站空隙角在25°—320°范围内任意变化,采用相同震相和相同台站对选定的地震事件进行定位,并对定位结果与标准结果对比,结果表明:震中位置在台站空隙角25°—130°任意变化时,4种定位方法效果较好,差别不大;在空隙角达到130°时,震中位移具有随着空隙角增大而逐步变大趋势;在空隙角达到190°时,单纯型法震中位移明显加大,出现随机突跳现象。总体而言,LocSAT法定位效果较好,平均震中位移2.6 km,HYP2000法平均震中位移2.8 km,HypoSAT平均震中位移4.1 km,单纯型定位效果较差,平均震中位移10.3 km。  相似文献   
The Baimazhai nickel deposit, Yunnan Province, China, is located in the southern part of the Sanjiang (Tri-river) alkali-rich intrusive rock belt (Sanjiang ARIR). In this paper was conducted ^40Ar-^39Ar dating of two phlogopites in lamprophyres which are, as dikes, widely distributed in the orefield, and two plateau ages were acquired, i.e., 32.46±0.62 Ma and 32.01±0.60 Ma, respectively (averaging 32.23±0.60 Ma). The ages are obviously younger than those of the ore-hosted complex and mineralization of the Baimazhai nickel deposit. In combination with the characteristics, it is indicated that lamprophyres in the orefield and those in the Sanjiang ARIR are similar in tectonic setting, mineral assemblage and geochemistry. It is considered that lamprophyres in the orefield are the important component of the Sanjiang ARIR, and the lamprophyres and ore-hosted complex in the orefield represent the products of two times of different magmatic activity from different mantle sources. On the other hand, the age of lamprophyres in the orefield is older than that of the strike-slip shearing of the Ailaoshan-Honghe fault belt, suggesting that the strike-slip shearing of the Ailaoshan-Honghe fault belt is not the factor leading to magmatic activity of lamprophyres in the orefield, while it is more possible that magmatic activity of the Sanjiang ARIR promoted strike-slip shearing of the fault belt.  相似文献   
为了对广西合浦盆地干热岩资源成热条件及其潜力进行评价,利用广西航磁勘查数据,采用Parker-Oldenburg法反演计算了居里面深度。在此基础上进行大地热流密度值和不同埋深地温计算,发现计算结果与现有测温资料吻合,合浦盆地内西场凹陷和常乐凹陷具有干热岩资源成生条件。结合合浦盆地内基础地质调查资料和油气钻孔资料,分析了合浦盆地干热岩资源的储层和盖层条件。初步圈出2个位于西场凹陷和常乐凹陷的干热岩勘查靶区C1和C2,面积分别为167.10和72.90 km2,干热岩资源量分别为182.48×1015、77.59×1015 J。按20%的采收率,合浦盆地干热岩资源量可开采量为52.01×1015 J,折合标准煤177.48×104 t,占2018年广西全区能源生产总量3 756.69×104 t标准煤的4.72%。在资源量评价基础上,可优先考虑位于合浦盆地西场凹陷的C1靶区开展进一步的勘探工作。  相似文献   
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