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The carbon geochemistry of serpentinized peridotites and gabbroic rocks recovered at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field (LCHF) and drilled at IODP Hole 1309D at the central dome of the Atlantis Massif (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 30°N) was examined to characterize carbon sources and speciation in oceanic basement rocks affected by long-lived hydrothermal alteration. Our study presents new data on the geochemistry of organic carbon in the oceanic lithosphere and provides constraints on the fate of dissolved organic carbon in seawater during serpentinization. The basement rocks of the Atlantis Massif are characterized by total carbon (TC) contents of 59 ppm to 1.6 wt% and δ13CTC values ranging from −28.7‰ to +2.3‰. In contrast, total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations and isotopic compositions are relatively constant (δ13CTOC: −28.9‰ to −21.5‰) and variations in δ13CTC reflect mixing of organic carbon with carbonates of marine origin. Saturated hydrocarbons extracted from serpentinites beneath the LCHF consist of n-alkanes ranging from C15 to C30. Longer-chain hydrocarbons (up to C40) are observed in olivine-rich samples from the central dome (IODP Hole 1309D). Occurrences of isoprenoids (pristane, phytane and squalane), polycyclic compounds (hopanes and steranes) and higher relative abundances of n-C16 to n-C20 alkanes in the serpentinites of the southern wall suggest a marine organic input. The vent fluids are characterized by high concentrations of methane and hydrogen, with a putative abiotic origin of hydrocarbons; however, evidence for an inorganic source of n-alkanes in the basement rocks remains equivocal. We propose that high seawater fluxes in the southern part of the Atlantis Massif likely favor the transport and incorporation of marine dissolved organic carbon and overprints possible abiotic geochemical signatures. The presence of pristane, phytane and squalane biomarkers in olivine-rich samples associated with local faults at the central dome implies fracture-controlled seawater circulation deep into the gabbroic core of the massif. Thus, our study indicates that hydrocarbons account for an important proportion of the total carbon stored in the Atlantis Massif basement and suggests that serpentinites may represent an important—as yet unidentified—reservoir for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from seawater.  相似文献   

Routing and navigation services for leisure activities are conditioned by special needs and trade-offs. The advent of online communities and large crowdsourced datasets offers opportunities to improve the adoption of a user’s perspective in these suggested paths. This paper focuses on achieving two goals. First, the presented methodology analyses a dataset of 190,610 historical GPS traces to gain insights into the appreciation or attractiveness of each edge in a real-world network for a specific leisure activity (i.e. road cycling). Second, as literature on these leisure activities is still sparse, we want to create a thorough understanding of the activities at hand for future work. An appreciation model is proposed and the spread of this score is analyzed in shortest-path alternatives of popular routing engines for this activity. This analysis successfully discriminates these shortest paths based on the scoring value and three morphological parameters of the path. However, the robustness of the model should be improved to ensure the viability of the proposed approach in future work. More specifically, further research on the local optimality of the route choices will be imperative.  相似文献   
Drop-calorimetry determinations of the isobaric heat capacity (CP) of Mg2GeO4, Ca2GeO4 and CaMgGeO4 have been made up to 1700 K. The thermal expansion coefficient (α) of these olivine germanates has been determined from high-temperature X-ray measurements up to 1500 K. From these measurements and available compressibility data, one calculates that the isochoric heat capacity (CV) exceeds the harmonic limit of Dulong and Petit above 1000–1200 K. Such an intrinsic anharmonic behaviour can be accounted for by introducing anharmonic parameters ai=(? ln v i/?T)V in vibrational modelling of CV. These parameters are calculated from pressure and temperature shifts of the vibrational frequencies as measured by Raman spectroscopy up to 10 GPa at room temperature and up to 1300 K at 1 bar. A comparison of the Raman spectra of the three germanates with those of natural olivines justifies once again the use of germanates as silicate analogues. Extensive Ca,Mg disordering likely takes place in CaMgGeO4, beginning at about 1100 K and leading to unusually high increases of the heat capacity and thermal expansion coefficient.  相似文献   
The vesicle size distribution (VSD) and rare gas abundances in popping rocks from 14°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge provide constraints on the behavior of volatiles during ridge crest volcanism. These popping rocks, which contain 16–18 volume percent vesicles, are rare mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) magmas which appear to have retained much of their volatile inventory. The logarithm of vesicle population density displays the same linear correlation with decreasing size in two of the samples studied. This implies that continuous and simultaneous nucleation and bubble growth have occurred during magma ascent, with no significant perturbations due to accumulation, coalescence or loss of bubbles. In contrast, most MORB magmas display low vesicularities and we suggest that they have suffered some degree of pre-eruptive vesicle loss. We tentatively propose that large vesicles are produced by coalescence when MORB melt is at rest in chambers and conduits, and may be lost during early gas-rich episodes. Most MORB would represent residual liquids which erupt after vesicle loss has occurred, whereas popping rocks would represent a rare case where physical sorting of vesicles from melt did not occur, because storage in a magma chamber did not occur.The rare gas concentrations in the studied popping rocks are the highest yet measured in glassy ridge basalts ([He] > 50 μccSTP/g). The rare gas abundance pattern of these popping rocks probably resembles the pattern for non-vesiculated MORB magma and potentially reflects that of the depleted mantle source. This pattern is similar to the “mean MORB” pattern (computed from MORB glasses with40Ar/36Ar > 10,000) although a higher enrichment in He (and possibly Ne) compared to the heavier rare gases is observed in MORB. The overall similarity in abundance patterns for MORB and popping rocks indicates that vesiculation and vesicle loss do not fractionate the ArKrXe relative abundances from those in non-vesiculated magma, and that the modern flux ratios of these gases at ridges are similar to their elemental ratios in the depleted mantle. The degassing flux of He at ridge crests estimated from the MORB He deficit relative to popping rocks is comparable to the flux derived from the3He budget for the abyssal ocean. This suggests that degassing at ridges may be strongly influenced by the dynamics and style of submarine volcanism.  相似文献   
U-deposit hosted in hydrothermally altered tuffs in Mexico, together with weathering profiles from Cameroon were studied as natural analogues of radionuclide release and migration. Using petrological and spectroscopic methods (infrared and electron paramagnetic resonance), we have distinguished successive secondary mineral parageneses and the behaviour of radionuclides.

In the U-deposit, the mineral parageneses show that uranium migration is mainly controlled by the redox potential and silica activity of the altering solutions. The high silica content of the solutions is caused by the intense alteration of volcanic rocks. Two types of secondary clay mineral parageneses are evidenced: a kaolinization, intense where uranium is accumulated in the welded tuffs, and a smectitization mainly developed in the underlying weakly welded tuffs.

Several types of kaolinite have been defined according to their genesis (fillings in fissures and feldspar pseudomorphs), their location relative to a breccia pipe where uranium has accumulated (core and rim of the pipe; surrounding rhyolitic tuffs), and particle morphology, structural order and substitutional Fecontent. It is shown that the variations of the concentration of paramagnetic defect centres, always more than ten times as important than those measured in weathering kaolinites, are only correlated to the location of the kaolinites. The highest values correspond to the breccia pipe kaolinites, e.g. kaolinites located in the uranium accumulation zones. Moreover, one or two main defects centres are detected depending on the intimate association of kaolinites with uranium-bearing minerals. Besides, in weathering kaolinites from U-depleted laterites, defect centre concentrations are correlated to the total Fe203 content in bulk samples. This means that the defect centre acts as a memory of the travel of uranium when this element was sorbed onto iron gels in the first stage of weathering.

It is concluded that paramagnetic defect centres in kaolinites might allow an efficient fingerprint of successive irradiations in the natural analogues under study and could be an useful tool to control radionuclides migration through kaolinite-containing clayey materials such as those used for waste repository.

A better understanding of radiation efficiency as well as accurate dose-ratekaolinite-containing clayey materials such as those used for waste reposit estimation are needed for a quantitative tracing of the migration ofA better understanding of radiation efficiency as well as accurate dose-ratekaolin radionuclide elements. With this aim, a simulation has been undertaken withestimation are needed for a quantitative tracing of the migration of various radiations sources. We have determined for each irradiation the parameters of the paramagnetic centres created in order to understand the way they are forming. The knowledge of the parameters governing the formation and the stability of the radiation centres in kaolinites allow to use this mineral as a natural dosimeter.  相似文献   

The fish and macro-crustacean community of the Vaccarès lagoon (Rhône River delta, South France) was sampled monthly from 1993 to 2002. The lagoon salinity shifted from 15 in 1993 to 5 in 1994–1997 and went back to 15 in 1999–2002. Connections with the sea also varied during the study period with larger openings in 1996–1997. During the study period, the community changed to revert in 2002 to a state similar to 1993. These changes consisted of a sequence of increased and decreased patterns of freshwater species and some marine species. Typical lagoon species tended to resist to salinity changes. Freshwater species colonised the lagoon when the salinity was low. Marine species may have varied both in relation to connections with the sea and to indirect effects of freshwater outflow. This study shows that community changes following environmental variations can be delayed in time, and emphasises the need for long-term studies.  相似文献   
The seaward concave shape of beaches located between two headlands and exposed to a predominant direction of wave attack has been assimilated previously by a logarithmic spiral.In this study, a similar mathematical concept is applied to the Galé coast (Portugal) and an ancient coast located around 50 m deep on the continental shelf.The shape of the present-day coastline corresponds to a long-term equilibrium form reached almost one century ago. Application of such a model to the ancient coast, parallel to this coastline, suggests that the swell direction likely has not changed during the last 10,000 to 11,000 years.  相似文献   
This study assessed whether trace elements present at Deception Island, an active submarine volcano in the Antarctic Peninsula, show enhanced biological availability to the local marine community. Using a weak acid extraction method to dissolve organic material and leach associated but not constitutive trace elements of sediments, fifteen elements were measured from seafloor sediment, seawater particulates, and tissues of benthic (bivalves, brittlestars, sea urchins) and pelagic (demersal and pelagic fishes, krill) organisms collected in the flooded caldera. The highest element concentrations were associated with seafloor sediment, the lowest with seawater particulates and organism tissues. In the case of Ag and Se, concentrations were highest in organism tissue, indicating contamination through the food chain and biomagnification of those elements. The elements Al, Fe, Mn, Sr, Ti, and to a lesser extent Zn, were the most concentrated of the trace elements for all sample types. This indicates that the whole ecosystem of Deception Island is contaminated with trace elements from local geothermal activity, which is also reflected in the pattern of element contamination in organisms. Accordingly, element concentrations were higher in organisms collected at Deception Island compared to those from the neighboring non-active volcanic King George Island, suggesting that volcanic activity enhances bioavailability of trace elements to marine organisms. Trace element concentrations were highest in digestive tissue of organisms, suggesting that elements at Deception Island are incorporated into the marine food web mainly through a dietary route.  相似文献   
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