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地下水资源评价与地下水可开采量计算,需要对地下含水层组参数进行分析确定。本文结合鲁北地区两个地下水水源地采用抽水试验确定承压含水层水文地质参数的实践,探讨定流量(单孔或多孔)抽水试验确定含水层参数的可行性,并对定降深抽水试验确定水文地质参数方法进行了探索。 相似文献
为了探索矿业活动对河流水质产生的影响,以秦岭某大型钼矿区下游的东川河流域为研究对象,通过现场采样与室内测试的方法,分析了地表水、沉积物、岩矿样品中重金属Cd的含量特征。采用污染超标倍数法、地累积指数法及Hakanson潜在生态风险评价法分别对东川河流域的河水和底泥样品进行了污染现状评价和生态风险程度评价,最后讨论了Cd的来源。结果表明:东川河主沟16个河水采样点位中,有11个点位的Cd含量明显高于未受矿业活动影响的对照区各点位Cd含量值,Cd含量变异系数达到95.65%,并且从上游到下游各点位Cd含量呈偏态分布,说明东川河流域Cd受矿业活动影响显著。东川河主沟16个河水采样点中有15个Cd含量满足地表水Ⅱ类水标准,比重为93.75%,可以判断东川河整体水质较好。仅5号点位超Ⅱ类水质标准,污染超标倍数为1,为轻度污染。地累积指数分析结果表明,东川河主沟11个底泥样品均存在不同程度的污染:污染最严重的10号点位达到中度-强污染级别;污染最轻的8、9、13号点位为无污染-中度污染;大多数点位为中度污染。东川河主沟11件底泥样品重金属Cd的潜在生态危害指数平均值为120.27,表明东川河主沟底泥总体达到强生态风险程度。酸性矿山废水、原生地质背景、底泥释放、大气干湿降尘等是造成东川河流域Cd重金属污染的主要污染源。 相似文献
辽西北票上园镇四合屯地区义县组沉积层是热河生物群珍稀化石的重要产出层位之一, 其中蕴含丰富的地壳演化和古地理环境演化信息.分析了四合屯剖面上12m厚的含鸟化石沉积岩层的50件样品的微量元素组成和其中10件样品的主量元素组成.结合前人已发表数据, 得出以下认识: (1) 该套沉积岩具有与下伏火山岩类似的地球化学特征: Mg#值较高, 大离子亲石元素含量较高.稀土元素的分异程度较高, 在微量元素分布蛛网图中表现为明显的Nb负异常和Pb正异常等.因此我们认为义县组高镁火山岩构成了该沉积岩的主要源区之一; (2) 样品的Eu/Eu*=0.48~1.81, 其中大部分样品具负Eu异常.正的Eu异常(7件样品) 主要由于含有长石造成; (3) 通过微量元素Th-Co-Zr/10沉积构造环境判别图解对区域构造环境进行分析, 结果表明该沉积岩物源区具有大陆岛弧和活动大陆边缘物源特征. 相似文献
This paper presents a finite‐element (FE) model for simulating injection well testing in unconsolidated oil sands reservoir. In injection well testing, the bottom‐hole pressure (BHP) is monitored during the injection and shut‐in period. The flow characteristics of a reservoir can be determined from transient BHP data using conventional reservoir or well‐testing analysis. However, conventional reservoir or well‐testing analysis does not consider geomechanics coupling effects. This simplified assumption has limitations when applied to unconsolidated (uncemented) oil sands reservoirs because oil sands deform and dilate subjected to pressure variation. In addition, hydraulic fracturing may occur in unconsolidated oil sands when high water injection rate is used. This research is motivated in numerical modeling of injection well testing in unconsolidated oil sands reservoir considering the geomechanics coupling effects including hydraulic fracturing. To simulate the strong anisotropy in mechanical and hydraulic behaviour of unconsolidated oil sands induced by fluid injection in injection well testing, a nonlinear stress‐dependent poro‐elasto‐plastic constitutive model together with a strain‐induced anisotropic permeability model are formulated and implemented into a 3D FE simulator. The 3D FE model is used to history match the BHP response measured from an injection well in an oil sands reservoir. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
三叠纪小嘴贝类(Rhynchonellids)的表型—分支系统学 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
表型一分支系统学在方法上吸取数学系统学和分支系统学的优点,避免它们的缺点,是一种综合方法。本文以三叠纪小嘴贝类的47属为材料进行表型一分支系统学的研究。在性状状态分析的基础上,以距离量作为参数对47属作聚类分析,其主要结果获得各属之间总体相似程度,同时提出了对于分支分析十分有用语的信息,尤其关于祖一裔关系的信息。以近裔共性作为分支分析研究亲缘关系的主要标准,结合其它标准作出分支图。这种分支关系只是分类的一个依据,要作出合理的分类还必须研究各类间的性状状态的差异量,以确定分类的阶元。 相似文献
储层地震反演在辽河油田大民屯凹陷的应用 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
针对大民屯凹陷构造复杂、薄互层储层横向变化快等特殊地质条件, 在叠前时间偏移和叠后高分辨处理的地震资料基础上, 利用以已知地质规律和测井资料为约束的储层地震反演新技术, 对地下岩层空间结构和物理性质进行反演、综合岩性解释、定量预测和描述储层空间分布及变化规律.通过叠前高分辨地震资料波阻抗反演、测井多属性反演方法的研究和应用, 提高了该区储层预测的纵向分辨率, 加强了对薄互层砂体的识别能力, 提高了储层预测的可靠性, 落实了有利的岩性圈闭, 获得了较好的地质效果, 为该区隐蔽油气藏的勘探做了有意义的探索. 相似文献
本文将给出垂直断层附近三维不均匀体电阻率法的数值解,所用方法是边界单元法,但基本解的选择与以往的边界单元法不同。 相似文献
The Marwar Supergroup(NW Peninsular India)is thought to be of Ediacaran-Cambrian age,based on previous paleontological and geochronological studies.However,direct constraints on the onset of sedimentation within the Marwar basin are still scarce.In this study,we report U–Pb zircon,LA-ICP-MS,and SIMS ages from the Chhoti Khatu felsic volcanic rocks,interlayered with the Jodhpur Group sandstones(Lower Marwar Supergroup).The cathodoluminescence images of the zircons indicate complex morphologies,and core-rim textures coupled with the wide range of ages indicate that they are likely inherited or in the case of thin poorly indurated ash-beds,detrital in origin.The age spectra of 68 zircon analyses from our sampling display a dominant 800–900 Ma age peak corresponding to the age of basement"Erinpura granite"rocks in the region.The youngest inherited zircon from a felsic ash layer yielded a U–Pb age of651 Ma±18 Ma that,together with previous studies and paleontological evidence,indicates a postCryogenian age for the initiation of Marwar sedimentation following a~125 Ma hiatus between the end of Malani magmatism and Marwar deposition. 相似文献
该文首先采用合成分析的方法研究了江淮入梅前后大尺度大气环流的演变特征和西太平洋副热带高压西伸北跳的可能机制。研究结果表明, 江淮入梅前期的最显著的特征是:副热带高压首先在太平洋中部增强北跳, 而后向西扩展导致太平洋副高西部脊 (120°E) 的增强北跳。进一步分析表明, 在太平洋中部副热带高压的增强北跳和西伸之前, 副热带高压南侧ITCZ中对流和孟加拉湾北部的对流活动明显并且都经历了一次增强活跃过程, 这意味着热带ITCZ和孟加拉湾北部对流的异常活跃可能对副热带高压的增强北跳西伸产生影响。全球大气环流模式模拟结果表明, 赤道中太平洋ITCZ中对流异常活跃不仅可导致副热带高压的增强北移, 而且还可导致副热带高压西伸, 与诊断分析结果相一致。 相似文献
改进的能量守恒方法及其在CHAMP重力场恢复中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
XU Tianhe HE Kaifei Xi’an Research Institute of Surveying Mapping Middle Yanta Road Xi’an China. 《地球空间信息科学学报》2008,11(3):168-173
An efficient method for gravity field determination from CHAMP orbits and accelerometer data is referred to as the energy balance approach. A new CHAMP gravity field recovery strategy based on the improved energy balance approach IS developed in this paper. The method simultaneously solves the spherical harmonic coefficients, daily Integration constant, scale and bias parameters. Two 60 degree and order gravitational potential models, XISM-CHAMPO1S from the classical energy balance approach, and XISM-CHAMPO2S from the improved energy balance, are determined using about one year's worth of CHAMP kinematic orbits from TUM and accelerometer data from GFZ. Comparisons among XISM-CHAMPO1S, XISM-CHAMPO2S, EIGEN-CGO3C, EIGEN-CHAMPO3S, EIGEN2, ENIGNIS and EGM96 are made. The results show that the XISM-CHAMPO2S model is more accurate than EGM96, EIGENIS, EIGEN2 and XISM-CHAMPO1S at the same degree and order, and has almost the same accuracy as EIGEN-CHAMPO3S. 相似文献