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Changes in habitat acoustics over the year can potentially affect fish hearing and orientation to sound, especially in temperate climates. This is the first study where year-round changes in ambient noise in aquatic habitats were assessed. Seven different European freshwater habitats were chosen for this study. Sound pressure level (SPL) and spectral composition of the ambient noise varied in both quiet stagnant habitats (lakes, backwaters) and in flowing habitats (streams, rivers). Linear equivalent SPL (LLeq, 60s) tended to be lower in stagnant habitats (means: 91.6–111.7 dB) than in flowing habitats (means: 111.2–133.4 dB). The changes in SPL were smallest in the river (means: 4.2–4.4 dB, maxima: 8.5–10.1 dB), whereas significantly higher values were measured in stagnant habitats and the stream (means: 9.9–14.9 dB, maxima: 25.1–30.9 dB). The spectral compositions of the ambient noise determined at different times of the year were highly correlated to each other at the river sites (mean cross-correlation coefficients: 0.85 and 0.94) and were weaker or not correlated at the other study sites (means: 0.24–0.76). The changes in ambient noise spectra were negatively correlated to changes in SPL, indicating that large changes in SPLs were accompanied by large changes in spectral composition and vice versa. Comparison of these eco-acoustical data with a preceding study (Amoser and Ladich in J Exp Biol 208:3533–3542, 2005) indicates that the auditory sensitivity in hearing specialists is affected by changes in ambient noise levels and spectra throughout a year and that this effect tends to be more pronounced in stagnant waters and the stream than at river sites. On the other hand, absolute noise levels result in a higher degree of masking in flowing waters.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird eine auf rein dynamischen Grundlagen beruhende Erklärung für die starke Westwärts-Intensivierung des Polar-front-Jetstream in den Winkel zwischen der geneigten Polarfrontfläche und der gegengeneigten Tropopause an der Ostflanke eines polaren Kälteausbruches gegeben.Eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit des Atmosphärenaufbaues mit dem Aufbau des Ozeans im Stromstrich des Golfstromes führt dazu, die Trägheitsgrenzschichten-Theorie vonJ. Charney [1] auf ein solches atmosphärisches System anzuwenden. Ein dreigeschichtetes Atmosphärenmodell wird entwickelt, und für dieses werden Bewegungsgleichungen abgeleitet, die es erlauben, das Problem entsprechend dem LösungsgangCharneys zu behandeln.Der Vergleich mit den aus den Beobachtungen abgeleiteten Neigungen der Polarfront und der Tropopause und der beobachteten Westwärts-Intensivierung des Stromes fällt sehr befriedigend aus. Diese Theorie erfaßt selbstverständlich nur die rein dynamische Seite der Erscheinung und berücksichtigt den sicher wichtigen Beitrag der thermodynamischen Prozesse durch die Verwendung des rohen Modells nur näherungsweise.
Summary Based on purely dynamical reasoning an explanation for the strong westward-intensification of the polarfront jetstream into the angle between the inclined polarfront surface and the opposite inclined tropopause on the eastern side of an outbreak of cold polar air is presented.Certain similarity of the structure of the atmosphere with that of the ocean in the main core of the gulf stream has guided me to apply the inertial boundary layer theory ofJ. Charney [1] to such an atmospheric system. A three-layered model of the atmosphere has been developed and corresponding equations of motion were derived, which allow to handle the problem according to the solution ofCharney.The comparison with the slopes of polarfront and tropopause according to the observations and with the observed westward intensification of the flow is rather satisfactory. However, we must understand that this theory only considers the dynamical side of the phenomenon and does only approximately account for the important contribution of thermodynamic processes by the use of the rather simple model.

Résumé L'auteur tente d'expliquer du point de vue purement dynamique l'intensification vers l'Ouest du jet situé dans l'angle compris entre le front polaire et la tropopause d'inclinaison contraire, sur le flanc oriental d'un afflux d'air polaire.Une certaine analogie entre la structure de l'atmosphère et celle de l'océan à l'endroit du Gulf-stream incite à appliquer au cas évoqué ici la théorie de la couche limite d'inertie deJ. Charney [1]. On imagine un type d'atmosphère à trois couches pour lequel on établit les équations du mouvement permettant de traiter le problème en cause à l'aide du procédé deJ. Charney.Les observations concernant l'inclinaison du front polaire et de la tropopause ainsi que celles de l'intensification du jet vers l'Ouest confirment la théorie de façon très satisfaisante. Cette dernière, purement dynamique, ne tient compte que d'une manière approchée des processus thermodynamiques sans doute importants.

Mit 7 Textabbildungen  相似文献   
This work presents measurements and analysis of sand particle velocities over a subaqueous dune with median sand diameter of 0.85 mm. Time-lapse images of the mobile bed and an automated particle image velocimetry (PIV)-based cross-correlation method are used to obtain mean velocity of sand particles. This technique is shown to be consistent with measurements obtained with manual tracing. The measurements indicate an increase in mean particle velocity over a dune slope. Three regions are distinguished over the dune slope: (1) region of fluctuating particle velocity, (2) region of increasing particle velocity, and (3) region of maximum particle velocity. The observations are aligned with experimental and numerical modelling studies, indicating fluctuations in flow velocity over a dune stoss slope. We furthermore show that the standard deviation of the mean particle velocity is affected by the slope location and decreases from the lower slope towards the upper slope. The particle velocity variability is discussed in the context of general onset and cessation of sediment transport, the effect of the reattachment zone, sweep-transport events, and the existence of superimposed bedforms. With this work we bridge the gap between measurements of bedload transport at the particle-scale and at the bedform-scale. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Remanent coercivity spectra derived from IRM acquisition curves and thermal demagnetization of the IRM indicate that magnetite, haematite and minor amounts of goethite determine the magnetic properties of the Pliensbachian limestones at Bakonycsernye. These limestones have been sampled at approximately 7-cm intervals along a 10-m stratigraphic section which covers the whole Pliensbachian stage (Lower Jurassic) without any recognizable break in sedimentation. The primary natural remanent magnetization (NRM) is carried by detrital particles of magnetite and haematite, but it is seriously overprinted by a normal magnetization which originates from secondary haematite with a wide range of blocking temperatures. This haematite is believed to have formed diagenetically during one of the Mesozoic periods of normal polarity. However, the reversal pattern obtained after NRM thermal demagnetization at temperatures ≥450°C is thought to be characteristic of the Pliensbachian stage.  相似文献   
The river Rhine has lain under considerable anthropogenic stress of its water quality for 100 years. As early as 1905 the first results of studies of the plankton in the Rhine were published. Due to the long residence time of the water a real potamoplankton can develop and at the end of the Lower Rhine it reaches its highest density. The paper consists of two parts. At first an overview is given about the history of plankton studies in the Rhine. The second part is the presentation of results from a monitoring at the Lower Rhine from 1979 to 2004.First systematic studies started at the beginning of the 20th century at the beginning of pollution. Our studies started during a phase of recreation from extreme pollution and eutrophication. Samples were taken at four stations: Bad Honnef, km 640, entrance to North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf, km 732, Duisburg, km 792 downstream large industrial effluents and big cities, Kleve-Bimmen, km 865 at the border to the Netherlands.In the 1970s nutrients were high, especially phosphate 0.65 mg PO4-P L−1 in 1979. After 1980 phosphate dropped to 0.11 mg PO4-P L−1 in 2004 (mean values of the growing season). Ammonia was reduced from about 0.52 (1979) to 0.02 (2004) mg NH4-N L−1. Nitrate remained between 3.72 (1989) and 2.26 (2004) mg NO3-N L−1 at a relatively high level. Oxygen concentrations were very low during the 1960s and 1970s, sometimes only 4 mg L−1 O2. During our studies the oxygen increased up to 9 mg L−1 O2 with a tendency to 11 mg L−1 O2 in the last years. Chlorophyll a was estimated to be between 59 (1979) and 31μg L−1 (1986) with short peaks up to 170 μg L−1 (1989). Since 1992 the mean values have varied between 30 (1993) and 21 μg L−1 (2004).The floristic phytoplankton composition is characterised by the dominance of the centric diatom Stephanodiscus hantzschii. Other diatoms like Skeletonema subsalsum, Skeletonema potamos and Asterionella formosa were regularly present in smaller quantities. The second dominant group was coccale green algae. During the 1980s they formed up to 35% of the biomass. Since the 1990s their contribution to the phytoplankton became much smaller. This change corresponds with the increase of wastewater treatment and the diminution of nutrients. All the other groups of algae were present in minor quantities. During the time of higher trophy in the 1970s and 1980s the phytoplankton formed two peaks, in recent years only one peak has developed, depending on different flow conditions during the growing season and lower trophic state in the upstream parts of the river.Excellent correspondence exists between cell number, biovolume and chlorophyll a content and the results of delayed fluorescence (DF) measurement. The trophic status in the Lower Rhine may be estimated as (moderate) eutrophic. The ecological status of the phytoplankton is good based on the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD).The zooplankton consists mainly of rotatoria and larvs of Dreissena polymorpha. Grazing on phytoplankton seems to be mainly due to the large quantities of benthic Dreissena and the newly introduced mussel Corbicula.  相似文献   
For data treatment of phytoplankton countings in the Lower Rhine the specific biovolume was calculated. The used computer-aided method is described, and the correlation between phytoplankton biomass, cell number and chlorophyll a is presented.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Bleiglanzproben aus verschiedenen Lagerstätten der Sierra de Cartagena wurden auf ihre Blei-Isotopen-Verhältnisse untersucht. Auffallend ist deren völlig identische Pb-Isotopen-Zusammensetzung, aus der sich nach dem Houtermans-Modell ein Modell-Alter von 30 Millionen Jahren errechnen läßt. Die Blei-Mineralisation im Erzdistrikt von Cartagena steht daher in einem sicheren Zusammenhang mit der Tätigkeit jungtertiärer subvulkanischer Magmenherde. Das Alter der Andesite wurde mittels Rb/Sr-Methode an einem Biotit des Atalaya-Andesites mit 44±27 m.y. bestimmt. Dieser Wert stimmt sehr gut mit einer Altersbestimmung an einem leukogranitischen Gang aus der Sierra Cabrera überein (50±3 m.y.). Die Ergebnisse der Spurenelement-bestimmung an Bleiglanzproben werden im Zusammenhang mit schon früher mitgeteilten Schwefel-Isotopen-Daten diskutiert.
Lead isotope ratios have been determined in galena samples from the Sierra de Cartagena (Spain). The range of the Pb-isotopes is extremely narrow within the ore district, which contains different types of ore deposits. The age of the galena bearing ore deposits has been determined by using the Houtermansmodel: 30 million years. The lead minertalisation in the district therefore may be linked to the subvolcanic activity of Tertiary age. Ascribing the mineralisation to three volcanic episodes of Palaeozoic, Miocene and Pliocene ages and two periodes of supergene processes is not possible. Rb/Sr ratios have been determined in a biotite sample from the Atalaya andesite. The mica age is 44±27 m.y. which is in closest agreement with the age given for rocks in the Sierra Cabrera (50±3 m.y.). The results of trace element analyses are discussed in connection with previously studied sulphur isotope composition.
The dynamics of stably stratified stellar radiative zones is of considerable interest due to the availability of increasingly detailed observations of Solar and stellar interiors. This article reports the first non-axisymmetric and time-dependent simulations of flows of anelastic fluids driven by baroclinic torques in stably stratified rotating spherical shells – a system serving as an elemental model of a stellar radiative zone. With increasing baroclinicity a sequence of bifurcations from simpler to more complex flows is found in which some of the available symmetries of the problem are broken subsequently. The poloidal component of the flow grows relative to the dominant toroidal component with increasing baroclinicity. The possibility of magnetic field generation thus arises and this paper proceeds to provide some indications for self-sustained dynamo action in baroclinically-driven flows. We speculate that magnetic fields in stably stratified stellar interiors are thus not necessarily of fossil origin as it is often assumed.  相似文献   
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