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吴玉杰  卜方玲  陈莉琼  方新  付静 《测绘科学》2016,41(7):104-108,114
针对洱海流域蓝藻预警研究所需的气象数据不足的问题,提出洱海气象监测站优化布局方法,采用环境影响统计概念模型分析了对环境产生影响的主要经济因素,根据水体污染指标将洱海各个行政区分为高污染区和低污染区,再考虑汇入洱海支流是否流经高污染区,认为在高污染区支流汇入口是蓝藻发生概率较高的区域。依据2个主要参数:区域污染程度和支流入口,部署气象监测站,该监测站能为洱海蓝藻预警研究提供必要、准确和可靠的水面气温、降雨量以及日照长度等气象参数,将对水环境的监测和研究具有重大意义和广泛应用前景。  相似文献   
滇中鹤庆—剑川地区碳酸盐岩岩溶极为发育,其空间展布广,以连续纯碳酸盐岩型岩溶层组类型为主,岩溶形态多样,包括溶蚀平原、溶丘谷地、溶丘洼地等类型.滇中鹤庆—剑川岩溶系统具有沿断裂走向展布的显著特点,同时沿断层、褶皱轴部和构造裂隙岩溶发育程度明显较大.结合区域地质构造背景,研究认为鹤庆—剑川地区岩溶系统的发育主要受控于物质...  相似文献   
The coefficients embodied in a Boussinesq-type model are very important since they are determined to optimize the linear and nonlinear properties.In most conventional Boussinesq-type models,these coefficients are assigned the specific values.As for the multi-layer Boussinesq-type models with the inclusion of the vertical velocity,however,the effect of the different values of these coefficients on linear and nonlinear performances has never been investigated yet.The present study focuses on a two-layer Boussinesq-type model with the highest spatial derivatives being 2 and theoretically and numerically examines the effect of the coefficient on model performance.Theoretical analysis show that different values for(0.13≤α≤0.25)do not have great effects on the high accuracy of the linear shoaling,linear phase celerity and even third-order nonlinearity for water depth range of 0相似文献   
Previous studies on erosional relations between inter-gullied and gullied lands have mainly concentrated on exploration of water and sediment relations, with few quantitative studies of evolution relations between inter-gullied land and gullied landform erosion in small catchments. This paper, using information from a 1:5000 digital orthophotomap (DOM), digital elevation model(DEM), and topographic map of the same period and of the same scale, quantitatively analyzes the impact and interactions of inter-gullied and gullied land geomorphologic characteristics on the dissected extent of a catchment using orthogonal polynomial regression analysis. Results indicate that gullies play a leading role in the catchment morphologic evolution and extent of cracked ground surface. When inter-gullied land areas are the same, a 0. 1 km2 gullied land area has the maximum effect on the erosive evolution intensity of the catchment cracked degree. The smaller the catchment area is, the greater the extent of cracked ground surface and gully intensity would be. The geomorphologic evolution mechanism of gullied catchments can be explained as a function of geomorphologic indicators of inter-gullied and gullied land characteristics.  相似文献   
To quantify the impacts of native vegetation on the spatial and temporal variations in hydraulic properties of bank gully concentrated flows, a series of in situ flume experiments in the bank gully were performed at the Yuanmou Gully Erosion and Collapse Experimental Station in the dry-hot valley region of the Jinsha River, Southwest China. This experiment involved upstream catchment areas withone-and two-year native grass(Heteropogon contortus) and bare land drained to bare gully headcuts, i.e., Gullies 1, 2 and 3. In Gully 4, Heteropogon contortus and Agave sisalana were planted in the upstream catchment area and gully bed, respectively. Among these experiments, the sediment concentration in runoff in Gully 3 was the highest and that in Gully 2 was the lowest, clearly indicating that the sediment concentration in runoff obviously decreased and the deposition of sediment obviously increased as the vegetation cover increased. The concentrated flows were turbulent in response to the flow discharge. The concentrated flows in the gully zones with native grass and bare land were sub-and supercritical, respectively. The flow rate and shear stress in Gully 3 upstream catchment area were highest among the four upstream catchment areas, while the flow rate and shear stress in the gully bed of Gully 4 were lowest among the four gully beds, indicating that native grass notably decreased the bank gully flow rate and shear stress. The Darcy–Weisbach friction factor(resistance f) and flow energy consumption in the gully bed of Gully 4 were notably higher than those in the other three gully beds, clearly indicating that native grass increased the bank gully surface resistance and flow energy consumption. The Reynolds number(Re), flow rate, shear stress, resistance f, and flow energy consumption in the gully beds and upstream areas increased over time, while the sediment concentration in runoff and Froude number(Fr) decreased. Overall, increasing vegetation cover in upstream catchment areas and downstream gully beds of the bank gully is essential for gully erosion mitigation.  相似文献   
Sea ice is a sensitive indicator of climate change and an important component of climate system models. The Los Alamos Sea Ice Model 5.0(CICE5.0) was introduced to the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model(BCC_CSM) as a new alternative to the Sea Ice Simulator(SIS). The principal purpose of this paper is to analyze the impacts of these two sea ice components on simulations of basic Arctic sea ice, atmosphere, and ocean states. Two sets of experiments were conducted with the same configurations except for the sea ice component used, i.e., SIS and CICE. The distributions of sea ice concentration and thickness reproduced by the CICE simulations in both March and September were closer to actual observations than those reproduced by SIS simulations, which presented a very thin sea ice cover in September. Changes in sea ice conditions also brought about corresponding modifications to the atmosphere and ocean circulation. CICE simulations showed higher agreement with the reference datasets than did SIS simulations for surface air temperature, sea level pressure, and sea surface temperature in most parts of the Arctic Ocean. More importantly, compared with simulations with SIS, BCC_CSM with CICE revealed stronger Atlantic meridional overturning circulation(AMOC), which is more consistent with actual observations. Thus, CICE shows better performance than SIS in BCC_ CSM. However, both components demonstrate a number of common weaknesses, such as overestimation of the sea ice cover in winter, especially in the Nordic Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk. Additional studies and improvements are necessary to develop these components further.  相似文献   
As an important component of China' transportation systems, for a long time, the insufficient performance of transport in QinghaiTibet Plateau(QTP) was a bottleneck restricting the economic growth and social development in this area. Nevertheless, the implementation of the western development strategy has accelerated the preliminary construction of comprehensive transport network since 2000. Due to the large area and significant geographical heterogeneity, there is a growing need to understand the relationship between transportation and economic development based on the perspective of spatial difference. By using GIS-based raster analysis and Geographically Weighted Regression(GWR) model, we investigated the spatial-temporal distribution of highway, railway and airport accessibility, respectively, and estimated the correlation and heterogeneity between transport accessibility and the level of economic development. Results revealed that:(1) Transport accessibility in the QTP improved by 53.38% in the past 15 years, which is specifically embodied in the improvement of both highway and railway.(2) Accessibility presented prominent differentiation in the space, increasing from west to east and reducing with the rise of elevation, specifically, the best accessibility area of the highway is below 4000 m above sea level, while the area with an altitude of over 4000 m has the lowest aviation time cost.(3) In general, the long weighted average time cost to critical transport facilities posed significantly negative effect on county economic growth in QTP, more positively, the adverse effect gradually weakened over time.(4) Obvious heterogeneity exists at the influence of different transport accessibility factors on the level of economic development, reflecting both in the horizontal space and altitudinal belt. Therefore, region-specific policies should be addressed for the sustainable development of transport facilities as well as economy in the west mountain areas.  相似文献   
全球气候变化背景下,海平面上升以及高潮位和风暴潮引起的极值水位导致的海岸洪水对沿海社会经济和自然环境造成巨大影响,已是国内外关注的重点。论文梳理了广义和狭义海岸洪水的定义和要素,重点阐述了狭义海岸洪水的组成部分,从致灾因子、孕灾环境和承灾体以及风险评估方法与模型3个方面,系统总结了相关研究方法与研究成果的主要进展,以及存在的主要问题,并透视了未来拟加强的研究方向。建议加强沿海地区应对全球气候变化风险的研究,包括全球气候变化下多致灾因子耦合危险性和不确定性研究,沿海关键地区和关键暴露(关键基础设施)的风险评估研究,全球气候变化风险适应与减缓性措施的成本效益评价研究,提高沿海地区应对全球气候变化风险的韧性研究,以及建立多学科间的基础数据共享机制,采用交叉学科手段以便更综合、系统、动态研究海岸带问题,保障沿海地区开展全球气候变化下风险评估的需要。  相似文献   
Understanding the feeding selectivity on phytoplankton by shellfish is currently a big challenge.In order to investigate the feeding behavior of bay scallop(Argopecten irradians)on phytoplankton,we compared its compositions of phytopigments in digestive glands with those in the surrounding seawater,and conducted five consecutive investigations between July and November 2016 in a bay scallop culture area along coast of Qinghuangdao City,northwest of the Bohai Sea,China.Phytopigments in four-size fractionated phytoplankton of seawater(micro-(20-200 μm);nano(L)-[10-20 μm];nano(S)-[2.7-10 μm],and pico-[2.7 μm])and digestive glands of A.irradians were examined to investigate the selective feeding of A.irradians.Results show that fucoxanthin and peridinin constituted the major part of taxonomically diagnostic carotenoids(TDCs)in the micro-and nano(L)-phytoplankton in seawater.Compared with total phytoplankton biomass of seawater(TPB,sum of the four sizes),a substantial decrease of fucoxanthin proportion to total DCs in digestive glands was observed while that of peridinin,19'-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin,alloxanthin and 19'-hexanoyloxy-fucoxanthin showed an obvious increase when those pigments were mainly confined to micro-sized phytoplankton(20-200 μm).However,zeaxanthin and prasinoxanthin were mainly confined to nano(s)-and pico-phytoplankton,of which the proportions in digestive glands were usually lower in TPB.The contribution of lutein to total DCs in digestive glands(with an average of 7.23%)increased compared with TPB of seawater(with an average of 0.63%)during all five sampling times.  相似文献   
研究并实现中国区域北斗广域差分实时电离层延迟格网改正算法,针对北斗单系统实时建立电离层延迟格网的不足,提出联合BDS/GPS的北斗广域差分实时电离层延迟改正方法。比较BDS、GPS以及BDS/GPS观测的实时电离层延迟格网,并利用北斗单频单点伪距定位进行精度验证。结果表明,在有效格网点覆盖充足的地区,BDS与GPS实时电离层延迟格网定位效果相当;而联合BDS/GPS观测的实时电离层延迟格网极大提高了偏远地区的单频定位精度与可定位历元数,也使原本单系统格网覆盖充足的地区定位效果得到进一步增强和稳定。  相似文献   
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