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东中国海环流及其季节变化的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于东中国海环流的研究,国内外学者已做了大量的工作。早期科学家们主要依赖于对温盐资料和少数测流资料的分析研究对渤、黄、东海的环流结构有了较系统和深入的认识。东中国海环流是由一个气旋式的“流涡”组成,东侧主要是北上的黑潮-对马暖流-黄海暖流及其延伸部分;西侧为南下的沿岸流系。黑潮对东中国海环流的影响是如此之大,以致于除了某些局部区域外,上述海域主要流系的冬、夏季分布形式比较相似而无本质上的差异(胡敦欣等,1993)。但本文所研究海域正处于世界上最显著的季风区,冬、夏季盛行风向基本相反,过渡季节(春、秋季)风向多变,风力减弱;海洋热盐结构季节变化明显(如冬季混合强,而夏季层化明显等),这些因素都使得东中国海环流存在着较明显的季节变化。 自20世纪80年代以来,东中国海环流的数值模拟工作逐步展开,并已成为研究环流结构及其形成机制的强有力工具。但由于数值模式本身以及计算方案的缺陷(如有些学者用固定的风场、温盐场对东中国海环流进行诊断模拟等)和观测资料的不足,数值模拟的结果难以得到验证,渤、黄、东海的环流研究中仍有大量的问题存在争议,以待澄清。例如,台湾暖流的来源、流径;对马暖流的来源;夏季黄海暖流的流径以及黄海冷水团环流等均有不同的论述。对黄、东海环流季节变化的数值模拟工作也较少,多用冬、夏典型月份的风场强迫积分至稳定态,给出冬、夏季环流,这种做法值得商榷。三维环流模式很难在1个月内达到稳定态,尤其是夏季层化明显、风力减弱的情况下,非常定风场的影响更应引起人们的重视。 本文采用比较符合实际的计算方案,用年循环风场和海面热通量场为外强迫,对渤、黄、东海的环流及其季节变化进行了模拟,并对一些争议问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
众所周知,ENSO(El Nino/ Southern Oscillation)是发生在热带太平洋的年际时间尺度上最强的气候信号,与 El Nino (La Nina)相应的正(负)海温距平(SSTA)主要分布于赤道中东太平洋地区(Rasmusson et al.,1982)。相对于热带太平洋的年际ENSO现象,人们注意到北太平洋海平面气压(SLP)存在更长周期的年代际变化(Trenberth et al.,1994),有人认为这与北太平洋的表层温度(SST)变化有关(Latif et al.,1994),也有人认为与热带SST的异常关系更为密切(Jacobs et al.,1994)。20世纪80年代后的ENSO事件和20世纪60,70年代有明显的差别(Wang,1995),20世纪90年后El Nino发生频数增加,并且在1997和1998年出现了20世纪最强的一次Nino事件(McPhaden,1999)。 因此,不论是作为大气年代际变化可能的一个驱动因子,还是作为年际ENSO的背景场,从整体上了解太平洋SST的年代际时间尺度上的时、空变化特征都是十分重要的。  相似文献   
菲律宾海热含量分布及其变化的初步探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白虹  胡敦欣 《海洋科学》1989,13(3):7-12
本文利用1986年及1987年秋季在菲律宾以东海域进行的CTD观测资料,分析了该海域上层海水热含量分布及变化,得出,热含量由南向北随纬度逐渐增大,这主要是北赤道流引起的等温线自南向北下倾造成的,另外也与南部和北部的冷涡和暖涡有关。本文认为,两年里热含量的差异可能与1986年生成的El Nin有关。另外,北太平洋赤道流体积输送量的变化与菲律宾海热含量的变化也有一定的联系。  相似文献   
Direct current observations in the Yellow Sea interior are very scarce due to intense fishing and trawling activities. Most previous studies on tides in the area were based on coastal measurements or satellite altimeter sea levels and have not been rigorously compared with direct measurements. In this paper, tidal currents are studied with current profiles from three bottom-moored Sontek Acoustic Doppler Profilers (ADPs) deployed in the southern Yellow Sea in summer of 2001 and 2003. The measured current series were dominated by tidal currents. Maximum velocities are between 40-80 cm/s at the mooring stations. M2 current is the most dominant primary tidal constituent, while MS4 and M4 are the most significant shallow water tides with much smaller amplitudes than the primary tides.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTheSubeiShoalandtheChangjiangRiverestuarineareainthewestoftheHuanghaiandEastChinaSeasisoneofthemarginalseasintheworld ,wheresuspendedmatterisextremelyhigh .Here ,notonlyistheretheTaiwanWarmCurrentoneoftheKuroshio’sbranchesintheEastChinaSea,butalsotheHuanghaiCoastalCurrent,andChangjiangDilutedWater.Sothestrongmixingbetweenthecoastalandoffshorewaterscomplicatessuspendedmatterdistributioninthisarea.HowthesuspendedmatterdischargedfromtheChangjiangRiverandtheabandonedHuan…  相似文献   
A complete set of one-month Acoustic Doppler Profiler (ADP) current data at a station in the southern Yellow Sea (SYS) is analyzed using the rotary spectrum method. The results revealed different rotary properties between barotropic and baroclinic tidal currents. The barotropic and baroclinic tidal currents rotate elliptically counter-clockwise and clockwise, respectively. Meanwhile, baroclinic bottom tidal currents are almost along-isobath. The baroclinic cross-isobath velocities attenuate quickly at the bottom, implying important effects of bottom topography on the cross-isobath motions.  相似文献   
南海海温异常与ENSO的相关性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
使用1958-1987COADS资料,应用复经验正交函数(CEOF)分析方法,分析南海海表面温度场(SST)和风场(u及v)。结果发现,南海海温异常基本独立于西太平洋,同时存在类似于ENSO事件的年际变化,ENSO发生前冬季南海有异常降温过程,之后有增暖事件发生。分析还表明,南海SST异常主要取决于经向风场的异常强迫。南海SST与ENSO事件的相关性实质上反映了季风异常对ENSO循环的影响。  相似文献   
Hu  Shijian  Liu  Lingling  Guan  Cong  Zhang  Linlin  Wang  Jianing  Wang  Qingye  Ma  Jie  Wang  Fujun  Jia  Fan  Feng  Junqiao  Lu  Xi  Wang  Fan  Hu  Dunxin 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2020,38(4):1092-1107
Near-inertial oscillation is an important physical process transferring surface wind energy into deep ocean.We investigated the near-inertial kinetic energy(NIKE) variability using acoustic Doppler current profiler measurements from a mooring array deployed in the tropical western Pacific Ocean along130°E at 8.5°N,11°N,12.6°N,15°N,and 17.5°N from September 2015 to January 2018.Spatial features,decay timescales,and significant seasonal variability of the observed NIKE were described.At the mooring sites of 17.5°N,15°N,and 12.6°N,the NIKE peaks occurred in boreal autumn and the NIKE troughs were observed in boreal spring.By contrast,the NIKE at 11°N and 8.5°N showed peaks in winter and troughs in summer.Tropical cyclones and strong wind events played an important role in the emergence of high-NIKE events and explained the seasonality and latitudinal characteristics of the observed NIKE.  相似文献   
Sea surface height (SSH) variability in the Mindanao Dome (MD) region is found to be one of the strong variations in the northern Pacific. It is only weaker than that in the Kuroshio Extension area, and is comparable to that in the North Pacific Subtropical Countercurrent region. Based on a 1.5-layer reduced gravity model, we analyzed SSH variations in this region and their responses to northern tropical Pacific winds. The average SSH anomaly in the region varies mainly on a seasonal scale, with significant periods of 0.5 and 1 year, ENSO time scale2-7years, and time scale in excess of 8 years. Annual and long-term variabilities are comparably stronger. These variations are essentially a response to the northern tropical Pacific winds. On seasonal and ENSO time scales, they are mainly caused by wind anomalies east of the region, which generate westward-propagating, long Rossby waves. On time scales longer than 8 years, they are mostly induced by local Ekman pumping. Long-term SSH variations in the MD region and their responses to local winds are examined and discussed for the first time .  相似文献   
Monthly ocean temperature from ORAS4 datasets and atmospheric data from NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis I/II were used to analyze the relationship between the intensity of the South Asian summer monsoon(SASM) and upper ocean heat content(HC) in the tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean.The monsoon was differentiated into a Southwest Asian Summer Monsoon(SWASM)(2.5°–20°N,35°–70°E) and Southeast Asian Summer Monsoon(SEASM)(2.5°–20°N,70°–110°E).Results show that before the 1976/77 climate shift,the SWASM was strongly related to HC in the southern Indian Ocean and tropical Pacific Ocean.The southern Indian Ocean affected SWASM by altering the pressure gradient between southern Africa and the northern Indian Ocean and by enhancing the Somali cross-equatorial flow.The tropical Pacific impacted the SWASM through the remote forcing of ENSO.After the 1976/77 shift,there was a close relationship between equatorial central Pacific HC and the SEASM.However,before that shift,their relationship was weak.  相似文献   
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