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Drought monitoring is a key topic in environmental monitoring and assessment although there is still a need to determine the correlation between drought monitoring indices and remote sensing products. We analyzed the correlation between the self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index (sc_PDSI), the Standardized Precipitation Index and the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) and terrestrial water storage monitored through the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) on a monthly timescale from 2002 to 2015 in China. As a consequence of anomalies in the soil water budget, the highly significant correlation between the sc_PDSI and the GRACE satellite-observed terrestrial water storage suggested that these two datasets are the most suitable for use in monitoring droughts. In comparing the three drought indices, the sc_PDSI was introduced as a means of drought monitoring in the Yangtze, Pearl, Huaihe, Southeast and Songhua River Basins, whereas the SPEI was found to be more applicable to other major river basins, such as the Inland River Basin. These diverse spatial behaviors are caused by the differences between the hydrological droughts characterized by these three drought indices.  相似文献   
Due to its negative impact on the living environment of human beings, ambient air pollution has become a global challenge to human health. In this study, surface observations of six criteria air pollutants, including PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, CO and O3, were collected to investigate the spatial and temporal variation in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei (BTH) region during 2013–2016 and to explore the relationships between atmospheric pollutants and meteorological variables using quantile regression model (QRM) and multiple linear regression model (MLRM). The results show that BTH region has experienced significant air pollution, and the southern part generally has more severe conditions. The annual average indicates clear decreasing trends of the particulate matters, SO2 and CO concentrations over the last 4 years and slight increasing trends of NO2 and O3 in several cities. The seasonal and monthly characteristics indicate that the concentrations of five species reach their maxima in the winter and their minima in the summer, whereas O3 has the opposite behaviour. Finally, the pseudo R2 values show that the QRMs have the best performance in the winter, followed by spring, fall, and summer. Specifically, all the meteorological factors have significant impacts on air pollution but change with pollutants and seasons. The MLRM results are generally consistent with the QRM results in all seasons, and the inconsistencies are more common in the fall and winter. The results of this research provide foundational knowledge for predicting the response of air quality to climate change in the BTH region.  相似文献   
Tailings resulted from sulphuric acid leaching process of uranium from sedimentary rocks contain high concentrations of 226Ra and its daughters, the most important of which is 222Rn. Movement of radon gas out of the tailings is strongly influenced by the physicochemical characteristics of these tailings especially their radium content and the grain size. So, the tailing samples were size fractionated into four sizes (>?250, 250–125, 125–74 and <?74 µm). The natural radioactivity was investigated using hyper-pure germanium detector and solid-state nuclear track detectors (CR-39) for bulk size and after size fractionation. The activity concentrations of different radionuclides in size-fractionated tailing samples have been shown to be strongly dependent on the size of the particles. In the range of >?250 and <?74 µm, the activity concentrations of 230Th, 226Ra, 214Pb, 214Bi, 210Pb, 232Th and 40K increased throughout with decreasing particle size, while that of 238U, 234U and 235U have an opposite effect. The results revealed an inverse relationship between the radon exhalation rate and size fractionation. Also, the results showed a good correlation between radium activity concentration and radon mass exhalation rate.  相似文献   
In this study, the time-dependent damage process of granite is investigated utilizing two numerical simulation schemes based on continuous method and discontinuous method. Numerical creep tests are carried out with both simulation schemes and mechanical responses and fracture patterns of rock specimens are analyzed. The calibrated numerical models can successfully reflect the typical creep stages observed in the laboratory. The predicted lifetime is in accordance with the laboratory test data. Comparisons are made between the two simulation schemes. It is found that both schemes have unique features that can promote a genuine reflection of the time-dependent damage process of the brittle rocks.  相似文献   
The urban growth of the southern neighborhoods of Mar del Plata City provoked significant changes in the groundwater balance of the loessic sequences. These regional loessic levels with a significant portion of volcanic ash layers were reported subject to fluoride and nitrate concentrations. Residential houses pump from sands located 70 m depth and withdraw the sewages to depths less than 5 m. These effects cause significant local and seasonal (summer) increments of the water table outcropping via springs at certain unconformities of the coastal cliffs. A mathematical model was applied to analyze the water level lowering at the productive levels, while there is a decrease in the quality of the upper levels subject to waste discharges. Much of this groundwater flow is concentrated in unconformities between different types of sediments. Human activities have affected the aquifer dynamics increasing the groundwater pumping rates and the return velocity of the sewages. This should be considered in the management strategies of coastal hydric resources.  相似文献   
With accelerating urbanization in China, urban waterlogging has had a serious impact on urban sustainable development and citizen welfare. Simple urban rainstorm intensity formulas with a monotonous frequency distribution type cannot meet the practical needs of urban drainage planning and design. This study focuses on the development of urban rainstorm intensity formulas based on spatial diversity in China. Using the annual maximum sampling method, rainstorm data of 607 cities throughout China were collected into a database, with a total of 24,933 rainfall samples (annual observations) under various specified precipitation durations. The database was used to verify that integrating the Pearson III and Gumbel distributions would constitute an optimal theoretical distribution type, owing to its small error and increased fitting precision. Modification and coordination of four important parameters in the rainstorm intensity formula were done using a digital elevation model, which improved the accuracy of the formula. In addition, precipitation distributions in China were treated from the perspective of topographic features to validate the calculations from up-to-date formulas. Accuracy assessment was accomplished using a national code (GB-50014-2006), GIS-based isograms, and authoritative results from the Hydrological Bureau of the Ministry of Water Resources. This work provides a comprehensive foundation for the establishment of an up-to-date rainstorm intensity formula for China, which can be used widely in different cities.  相似文献   
Concentrations of suspended solids in lakes can affect the latter’s primary productivity and reflect changes in sediment deposition. Determining the temporal and spatial distribution of suspended solid concentrations has important significance in lake water environmental management; this is particularly urgent for Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in China. In this study, suspended solid concentration inversion models for Poyang Lake were created using a semi-empirical method with regression analysis between continuously measured suspended solid concentration data and multi-band moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer images for spring, summer, autumn, and winter from 2009 to 2012. The coefficient of determination (R2) is from 0.6 to 0.9 and the average relative error for the accuracy verification was between 10 and 30%. The seasonal distributions of suspended solid concentrations in Poyang Lake from 2000 to 2013 were then obtained using optimal reversal models. The results showed that the seasonal variation in suspended solid concentrations had a “W” shape in which high spring and autumn and low summer and winter values. The suspended solid concentrations increased annually from 2000 to 2013 and were mainly distributed in the northern and central portions of the lake, with lower values along the shorelines. Further analysis indicated that the large difference in water level between the wet and dry seasons is an important factor in explaining these seasonal variations. Moreover, the suspended solid concentrations were poorly correlated with water temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration but more highly correlated with the deferred chlorophyll-a concentration.  相似文献   
The hydrogeochemical characteristics of shallow groundwater in the Grombalia region, northeastern Tunisia, were investigated to evaluate suitability for irrigation and other uses and to determine the main processes that control its chemical composition. A total of 21 groundwater samples were collected from existing wells in January–February 2015 and were analyzed for the major cations and anions concentrations. Conductivity, pH, T°, O2 and salinity were also measured. Interrelationships between chemical parameters were determined by using the scatter matrix method. The suitability of groundwater for irrigation and other uses was assessed by determining the sodium adsorption ratio, soluble-sodium percentage, total dissolved solids, total hardness, Kelly’s index and permeability index values of water samples. The spatial distribution of key parameters was assessed using a GIS-based spatial gridding technique. This analysis indicated that the chemical composition of groundwater in the study area is of Cl–SO4–Na–Ca mixed facies with concentrations of many chemical constituents exceeding known guideline values for irrigation. The salinity of groundwater is controlled by most dominant cation and anion (Na–Cl). A correlation analysis shows that Na+ is the dominant cation and that reverse ion exchange is a dominant process that controls the hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater in the area. Geospatial mapping of hydrochemical parameters and indices analyzed with the USSL and Wilcox diagrams show distinctive areas of irrigation suitability. In contrast, 76.2% of samples fall in the highly doubtful to unsuitable category and indicate that the central and north-eastern parts of the study area are unsuitable for irrigation due to a high salinity and alkalinity.  相似文献   
The Lalibela rock-hewn churches are one of the most important religious pilgrimage sites in Ethiopia. These churches are carved from the scoriaceous basalt rock substrate, which has been exposed to attack by biological agents with significant loss of surface material. Particularly, the widespread growth of lichens and other microorganisms on the carved surfaces of the churches has proven to represent a substantial threat for the preservation of the site. In this study, laboratory tests have been conducted to assess the feasibility of using laser technology as an efficient cleaning method of biological patina from polymineralic stone substrates. Multi-analytical techniques were applied for the characterization of the stone samples collected from two of the Lalibela churches: Bete Giyorgis and Bete Amanuel. Stone samples artificially inoculated with bacteria, yeast, fungi isolates, and lichen-encrusted samples were laser cleaned using UV and IR laser wavelengths. The high content of Fe and Ti oxides and the high porosity have made the stone surfaces easily susceptible to low-energy laser treatment. Results indicate that laser cleaning can be applied to polymineralic lithotypes and UV irradiation can successfully remove lichen colonies. Further studies need to be conducted to optimize the laser procedure in polymineralic, high porosity stones.  相似文献   
Like almost all fields of science, hydrology has benefited to a large extent from the tremendous improvements in scientific instruments that are able to collect long-time data series and an increase in available computational power and storage capabilities over the last decades. Many model applications and statistical analyses (e.g., extreme value analysis) are based on these time series. Consequently, the quality and the completeness of these time series are essential. Preprocessing of raw data sets by filling data gaps is thus a necessary procedure. Several interpolation techniques with different complexity are available ranging from rather simple to extremely challenging approaches. In this paper, various imputation methods available to the hydrological researchers are reviewed with regard to their suitability for filling gaps in the context of solving hydrological questions. The methodological approaches include arithmetic mean imputation, principal component analysis, regression-based methods and multiple imputation methods. In particular, autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) models which originate from finance and econometrics will be discussed regarding their applicability to data series characterized by non-constant volatility and heteroscedasticity in hydrological contexts. The review shows that methodological advances driven by other fields of research bear relevance for a more intensive use of these methods in hydrology. Up to now, the hydrological community has paid little attention to the imputation ability of time series models in general and ARCH models in particular.  相似文献   
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