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The temporary capture of the dust grains in the exterior resonances with planets is studied in the frames of the planar circular three-body problem with Poynting-Robertson (PR) drag. For the Earth and particles ~ 10 Μm the resonances 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 7/8 are shown to be most effective. The capture is only temporary (of order 105 years) and the position of resonance may be calculated from semi-analytical model using averaged disturbing function. These semi-analytical results are confirmed by numerical integration. For various planet this picture changes as with increasing planetary mass the more exterior resonances become more important. We showed that for Jupiter (at least in the space between Jupiter and Saturn) the resonance 1/2 plays the dominant role. The capture time is here several myr but again eccentricity is evolving to eccentricity e 0 ~ 0.48 of libration point for this resonance.  相似文献   
三峡水库运行条件下金乐滑坡稳定性评价   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
胡新丽  王亮清 《地球科学》2007,32(3):403-408
三峡水库运行后,水库水位每年将在145m~162m~175m间波动,库水位的浸泡软化作用及水位升降引起的地下水位的波动将会降低库岸岩土体的抗剪强度,影响已有滑坡的稳定性.因此,在实际水库运行条件下滑坡的稳定性是目前迫切需要研究的重要课题.针对库区大型复杂滑坡——金乐滑坡,分析了该滑坡的工程地质条件和形成机制;建立了二维有限元计算模型并选择合理的岩土力学参数;利用英国帝国理工学院ICFEP有限元软件,依据水库实际运行曲线,在一年时间内分7种不同的模拟状态进行了模拟.结果表明:(1)金乐滑坡在天然状态下处于稳定状态;(2)库水位上升状态下,滑坡前缘稳定性较相应的稳定水位状态较好;(3)水位下降状态,滑坡前缘将出现破坏,特别是162m下降至145m时,滑坡前缘出现破坏,存在中前部渐进破坏的可能;(4)金乐滑坡变形破坏形式为牵引渐进式,在一个水位波动周期内不存在整体滑移的危险.建议对滑坡前缘进行治理.  相似文献   
The equilibrium (Mg, Fe, Zn)3Al2Si3O12+2Al2SiO5=3(Mg, Fe, Zn)Al2O4+5SiO2 garnet + sillimanite/kyanitc = spinel + quartz was calibrated in the piston-cylinder apparatus between 11 and 30 kbar, and over the temperature range of 950 to 1200°C. Three experimental mixes of Mg no. [100*MgO/(MgO+FeO)] 40, 47 and 60, in the FeO –MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–ZnO (FMASZn) system were used under low oxygen fugacities and anhydrous conditions. We derive a ternary Fe–Mg–Zn symmetric mixing model for aluminous spinels in equilibrium with garnet, to quantify the increase in gahnitic end-member of spinel with increasing pressure and descreasing temperature. Further experiments in the spinel-cordieritequartz-sillimanite field were combined with garnet-cordierite data from the literature to produce a consistent set of equations describing the exchange reactions in FMASHZn relevant to quartz-sillimanite bearing rocks at granulite facies conditions. As spinel is an important mineral participating in many rocks of aluminous composition at granulite-facies conditions, and as zinc contributes to an enlargement of spinel's stability field towards higher pressures and lower temperatures, the thermobarometric calibrations presented here will be most significant in delineating the prograde and retrograde trajectory of P-T paths.  相似文献   
Garnets from the Alpine Fault mylonites are fractured. Most fractures have a retrogressive fracture fill; a small number have garnet fill. A detailed SEM study has been carried out to elucidate the mechanisms of fracture and associated retrogression. Wide fracture zones contain free floating islands of garnet in a retrogressive matrix. Electron channelling patterns show that segments of garnet across such fracture zones rarely show any relative rotations. Where rotations are observed, they are small and systematic. Some large fractures show clearly that fracture and retrogression occurs by a replacement process. Fracture surface morphologies are indicative of surface dissolution. A model is established where crack tips advance by a process of dissolution at a high stress crack tip whilst precipitation occurs as the tip and its associated stress field advance. Precipitation of retrogressive fracture fill occurs if fracture occurs out of the field of stability of garnet.  相似文献   
The American horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, is found along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts in genetically isolated populations. Eggs are laid in shoreline beaches that expose developing embryos to combinations of environmental stressors. Whether populations of L. polyphemus differ in multi-stressor tolerance had never been tested. We assessed the multi-stressor tolerance of L. polyphemus embryos from a population in Delaware Bay (DE) and determined whether these differed from the multi-stressor tolerance of embryos from a more southerly Florida Gulf Coast (FGC) population. We monitored the field sediment temperatures and determined multi-stressor tolerance of DE embryos, then compared these to published data for FGC embryos. For multi-stressor tolerance, we assessed development success of embryos in 2-week exposures to 36 full-factorial combinations of temperature (20, 25, 30, 35 °C), salinity (5, 15, and 34 ppt), and ambient O2 (5, 13, and 21% O2), followed by 2 weeks in recovery conditions. Sediment temperatures in the DE site ranged from 9.5 to 46 °C, with extended periods exceeding 35 °C. Development success was similar between the DE and FGC populations in 14 of 26 multi-stressor combinations. The DE embryos were generally more successful in conditions that included high temperature or moderate hyposalinity, whereas the FGC embryos were generally more successful in conditions that included extreme hyposalinity. This suggests that although multi-stressor tolerances are generally similar between the two populations, specific differences exist that correlate more with differences in nest microenvironment than latitude.  相似文献   
In the context of American geography's distinguished record in area studies around the world, East Central Europe stands out as a region that has attracted particular scrutiny over the time-span of activity by the Association of American Geographers. While the work done prior to 1918 was inevitably cast in an imperial framework with some hints of environmental determinism, the subsequent emergence of a new Europe — along with more explicitly humanistic perspectives in a discipline that was continuing to grow rapidly — led to a surge in field activity which was maintained through the communist years despite the formidable restrictions of the early post-war years. While there is a great diversity in the contributions made it is evident that there has been a continuing preoccupation with political power and the region's geopolitical significance evaluated in the context of changing great power relations. Also the big questions of economic and social geography — resources, culture and planning systems — have been examined; while a number of geographers have dedicated significant proportions of their total career activity to in-depth primary research on their chosen specialisms.  相似文献   
Abstract— We report results of our investigation of the relationship between values of Is/FeO (relative concentration of nanophase Fe0 divided by total FeO content), glass abundance, total Fe content, and degree of digestion of <20 μm clasts for 22 individual agglutinates (250–1000 μm) from the mature Apollo 16 soil 61181 (Is/FeO = 82 units in the <250 μm fraction). Agglutinates are important products of space weathering on the Moon, and they influence spectral observations at visible and near-IR wavelengths. Values of Is/FeO for individual agglutinates (250–1000 μm) within this single soil span a range from 3 to 262 units which is larger than the range observed for all Apollo 16 bulk soils (~0 to 110 units). No correlation was observed between Is/FeO and glass abundance and FeO concentrations for either agglutinitic glass or whole agglutinate particles under investigation. Our results suggest that the variation in Is/FeO for agglutinates from a single soil may be in part a consequence of natural mixing processes on the Moon that produce highly-variable environments (with respect to surface exposure) for agglutinate formation and in part to variable kinetics of reactions in an agglutinate melt, which are influenced by a variety of factors including melt composition, temperature, impactor velocity, and quench rate. We cannot exclude but do not see evidence for other processes including addition of exotic agglutinates, micrometeoritic bombardment into compositionally-diverse microtargets, recycling of agglutinates, preferential melting of very fine soil particles, and production of nanophase Fe0 in amorphous rims of very fine irradiated lunar grains contributing to the observed variation of Is/FeO.  相似文献   
Late Quaternary alluvial induration has greatly influenced contemporary channel morphology on the anabranching Gilbert River in the monsoon tropics of the Gulf of Carpentaria. The Gilbert, one of a number of rivers in this region, has contributed to an extensive system of coalescing low-gradient and partly indurated riverine plains. Extensive channel sands were deposited by enhanced flow conditions during marine oxygen isotope (OI) Stage 5. Subsequent flow declined, probably associated with increased aridity, however, enhanced runoff recurred again in OI Stages 4–3 (65–50 ka). Aridity then capped these plains with 4–7 m of mud. A widespread network of sandy distributary channels was incised into this muddy surface from sometime after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the mid Holocene during a fluvial episode more active than the present but less so than those of OI Stages 5 and 3. This network is still partly active but with channel avulsion and abandonment now occurring largely proximal to the main Gilbert flow path.A tropical climate and reactive catchment lithology have enhanced chemical weathering and lithification of alluvium along the river resulting in the formation of small rapids, waterfalls and inset gorges, features characteristic more of bedrock than alluvial systems. Thermoluminescence (TL) and comparative optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages of the sediments are presented along with U/Th ages of pedogenic calcrete and Fe/Mn oxyhydroxide/ oxide accumulations. They show that calcrete precipitated during the Late Quaternary at times similar to those that favoured ferricrete formation, possibly because of an alternating wet–dry climate. Intense chemical alteration of the alluvium leading to induration appears to have prevailed for much of the Late Quaternary but, probably due to exceptional dryness, not during the LGM. The result has been restricted channel migration and a reduced capacity for the channel to adjust and accommodate sudden changes in bedload. Consequent avulsions have caused local stream powers to increase by an order of magnitude, inducing knickpoint erosion, local incision and the sudden influx of additional bedload that has triggered further avulsions. The Gilbert River, while less energetic than its Pleistocene ancestors, is clearly an avulsive system, and emphasizes the importance in some tropical rivers of alluvial induration for reinforcing the banks, generating nickpoints, reworking sediment and thereby developing and maintaining an indurated and anabranching river style.  相似文献   
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