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The ability of association analysis to discriminate sedimentary facies was tested on Purdy's modal analyses of modern sediments of the Great Bahama Bank. Purdy's data set has served in the past as a standard reference for evaluating various multivariate classification algorithms. In order to adapt Purdy's data to association analysis, the percent abundance of the 12 constituents was converted to binary form by dichotomizing each variable on its mean value. The results obtained by association analysis are virtually identical to those obtained by Purdy and other authors. The same four main sedimentary facies were discriminated; 86% of the samples were identically classified (97% when misclassified borderline cases are counted as matches); the total partition variance of the classification is only negligibly greater (4%); and the grouping of the variables yielded the same four groups. The rank order of the three division-attributes responsible for the sample classification is fines, oolites, and corals. Association analysis has been employed by other authors to differentiate meaningful facies groups in studies of ancient reef carbonates, modern reef sediments, and heavy minerals in stream sediments. In all these studies, the results were found to be compatible with those obtained by using the continuous quantitative measurements, indicating that qualitative binary data may often be sufficient for the purpose of facies discrimination in many branches of geology and that association analysis is an effective method for this purpose.  相似文献   
大气污染已成为全球性的环境污染问题之一,PM2.5和PM10已成为当前大气遥感研究的热点,以京沪穗为代表的特大城市更成为相关研究的重要焦点。通过对国内外相关文献的分析,以广州为例描述了地面站点监测的现状和不足,指出PM2.5遥感的关键问题为区域尺度气溶胶光学厚度垂直订正和区域尺度近地面消光系数湿度效应校正研究;通过空气质量模式系统进行相关研究,是包括PM2.5在内的大气颗粒物遥感的重要途径之一。  相似文献   
本文通过对江西九瑞地区钻天山-郎君山一带的地层、岩体、断裂及矿化蚀变等地质特征进行分析,认为该区成矿地质条件优越,找矿前景良好.奥陶系灰岩与志留系碎屑岩间的岩性差异面是重点关注的找矿方向,结合物化探证据,认为钻天山-郎君山地区应优先进行勘查.  相似文献   
新疆塔里木河下游断流河道输水对地下水变化的影响分析   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
郑丹  陈亚宁  薛燕 《干旱区地理》2004,27(2):216-220
结合2000~2002年以来塔里木河下游间歇性输水后地下水变化的监测数据.用回归分析的方法对输水后地下水位动态响应变化过程进行分析,揭示输水量与地下水的响应范围之间的关系。结果表明:在横向上.随着向塔河生态输水次数和输水量的增加.地下水的响应范围逐渐扩大.但随远离输水河槽中轴线,响应程度减小.地下水位的抬升幅度减弱;纵向上,输水河段上游区段地下水位响应范围最大,中游区段次之,下游区段较小。在第二次输水过程中,靠近河岸地下水位出现急剧上升,而在第三次输水过程中,地下水的响应范围则有巨幅增加.输水量与输水持续时间与地下水位变化有着密切关系。  相似文献   
Non-point source pollution is one of the primarily ecological issues affecting the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. In this paper, landscape resistance and motivation coefficient, which integrated various landscape elements, such as land use, soil, hydrology, topography, and vegetation, was established based on the effects of large-scale resistance and motivation on the formation of non-point source pollution. In addition, cost models of the landscape resistance and motivation coefficients were constructed based on the distances from the landscape units to the sub-basin outlets in order to identify the “source” and “sink” patterns affecting the formation of non-point source pollution. The results indicated that the changes in the landscape resistance and motivation coefficients of the 16 sub-basins exhibited inverse relationships to their spatial distributions. The landscape resistance and motivation cost curves were more volatile than the landscape resistance and motivation coefficient curves. The landscape resistance and motivation cost trends of the 16 sub-basins became increasingly apparent along the flow of the Yangtze River. The landscape resistance and motivation cost models proposed in this paper could be used to identify large-scale non-point source pollution “source” and “sink” patterns. Moreover, the proposed model could be used to describe the large-scale spatial characteristics of non-point source pollution formation based on “source” and “sink” landscape pattern indices, spatial localization, and landscape resistance and motivation coefficients.  相似文献   
何丹  单冲  张盼盼  高鹏 《地理研究》2018,37(9):1818-1831
国务院《长江中游城市群规划》的颁布虽然结束了一直以来的“中三角”和“中四角”的争论,但与公众对其空间范围的认知仍然存在一定的差异。通过问卷获取武汉、长沙和南昌三市大学生对长江中游城市群空间范围的认知地图,并绘制认知范围集成图、密度图和认知比例图等分析其认知特性;通过构建面积偏差系数和中心偏差系数度量了认知地图与规划地图的差异,探究个体社会属性对认知差异的影响。研究发现:① 三市大学生的认知地图呈“武汉+”的特色,长沙市有“南向偏移”的趋势、南昌市“东南向偏移”趋势明显;② 三市大学生的空间认知范围与《长江中游城市群规划》的范围存在差异,其中南昌市大学生差异最大,长沙次之,武汉最小;③ 个体社会属性与认知差异存在关联,其中性别、居住地、专业和居住时间变量为显著影响因子。公众空间认知的差异及其影响因素在一定程度上会影响到城市群发展的政策偏好,研究结论可为未来城市群的构建和城市政策的制定提供新的参考。  相似文献   
詹瑾  李玉霖  韩丹  杨红玲 《中国沙漠》2019,39(6):184-191
为探究放牧对丘间低地植被群落及土壤的影响,分析了浑善达克沙地丘间低地在重度和轻度放牧下植被的地上生物量、物种重要值、物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数、Simpson生态优势度指数及0~10 cm土壤中黏粒、粉粒、砂粒、有机碳和全氮含量。结果表明:(1)植被地上生物量、土壤黏粒、粉粒、砂粒、土壤有机碳和全氮含量在不同放牧程度下存在极显著差异(P<0.01),物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数在不同放牧程度下差异不显著(P>0.05),Simpson生态优势度指数在不同放牧程度下差异显著(P<0.05)。(2)放牧区植被以禾本科为主,禾本科植被地上生物量占整个植被群落的54.88%~57.76%;重度放牧区植被地上生物量为63.59 g·m-2,比轻度放牧区低26.61%。(3)羊草(Leymus chinensis)和狗尾草(Setaria viridis)是放牧区的优势种,其重要值依次为14.16%(重度放牧区)和19.10%(轻度放牧区)、13.40%(重度放牧区)和15.42%(轻度放牧区),重度放牧下雾滨藜(Bassia dasyphylla)、克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)和猪毛蒿(Artemisia scoparia)的重要值较显著高于轻度放牧区,而羊草则低于轻度放牧区。(4)重度放牧加剧了土壤沙漠化,使砂粒含量增加,草地生产力下降,土壤有机碳和全氮含量降低。  相似文献   
Highly resolved sediment stratigraphic and stable isotope records from a lake in south-central Sweden give evidence of relatively humid summers during the wide-spread cold event at c. 8200 cal. BP. A transient lake-level rise led to increased catchment erosion followed by enhanced phytoplankton production and disturbance of the Chara-dominated algal community. An associated increase in the deposition of organic material resulted in hypolimnetic oxygen deficit and methane formation as inferred from elevated sulphur content of the sediments and strong depletion in 13C of bulk organic material. In combination with dry and cold winter conditions as revealed by other proxy records, these data suggest the development of a strongly seasonal climate in northwestern Europe in response to altered atmospheric circulation at this stage. Enhanced zonal circulation with frequent cyclonic activity and increased effective humidity probably characterized the summer climate of southern and central Scandinavia, consistent with conditions inferred for continental Europe. In contrast, the winter climate was dominated by blocking high-pressure circulation, giving rise to cold and dry conditions.  相似文献   
传统农业生态系统正面临着来自现代化发展及其带来的技术经济变革的严重威胁,在一些传统农业地区现代农业替代传统农业已经引发了严重的生态环境问题。生态足迹,作为可持续发展评价的方法之一,由于无法全面衡量人类活动对生态系统造成的各种影响,因此无法揭示传统农业地区真实的生态环境状况,也无法给出科学合理的可持续发展评价。能值生态足迹是对传统生态足迹的一种改进,试图利用能值分析理论的优点囊括人类利用生态系统产品和服务的各种活动。然而,目前能值生态足迹研究往往受到传统生态足迹理论的局限,无法真正将人类消费的各种资源、产品和服务纳入进来。为此,本文将生态系统服务概念引入能值生态足迹理论框架中,进一步改进和完善了能值生态足迹模型,使之能够全面衡量人类活动的生态环境影响。本文利用改进的能值生态足迹模型,以我国传统农业地区贵州省从江县为例,开展生态环境状况评估和可持续发展评价。结果表明,从江县2007年人均能值生态承载力为9.3311 ha,人均能值生态足迹为14.5638 ha,人均能值生态赤字为5.2327 ha。可见,从江县的生态承载力仅能满足当地居民消费总需求的64%,当地处于不可持续发展状态,生态环境状况不容乐观。这与传统生态足迹的评价结果差异十分显著。传统生态足迹评价结果显示,从江县的生态承载力不仅能够满足当地居民的消费需求而且有少量生态盈余。进一步分析显示,从江县居民对生态系统的污染物吸纳服务和侵蚀控制服务的消费,在从江县总生态足迹中占有相当大的比例。这说明,从江县传统农业生产方式受现代农业影响而发生的部分改变,所产生的生态环境影响已经逐步显现。过量施用化肥农药所引起的面源污染以及频繁翻耕和砍伐森林所引起的水土流失,已经严重威胁当地的生态环境健康和可持续发展。  相似文献   
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