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Understanding the effects of simulated warming on photosynthetic performance of aquatic plants may provide strong supports for predicting future dynamics of wetland ecosystems in the context of climate change. The plateau wetlands located in Yunnan province are highly sensitive to climate warming due to their high altitude and cold temperature. Here, we conducted a temperaturecontrolled experiment using two temperature manipulations (ambient temperature as the control and 2°C higher than ambient temperature as the warmed treatment) to determine the photosynthetic characteristics of two lakeside dominant species (Scirpus validus Vahl and Typha orientalis C. Presl.) in Dianchi Lake. Net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), and transpiration rate of S. validus that grew under warmed treatment were all significantly higher than those under the control. Gs and Ci of T. orientalis showed similar patterns as S. validus did. For the response curves of Pn to photosynthetic active radiation (Pn-PAR) and intercellular CO2 concentration (Pn-Ci), S. validus had higher Pn values under elevated temperatures than the control, while Pn-PAR and Pn-Ci curves of T. orientalis did not separate clearly under two temperature scenarios. Both S. validus and T. orientalis had higher maximum net photosynthetic rate, light saturation point, dark respiration rate, the maximum rate of RuBP carboxylation (Vcmax), maximum electron transport rate driving RuBP regeneration (Jmax), the ratio of Vcmax to Jmax, triosephosphate utilization, and 1, 5-bishosphate carboxylase ribulose content under warmed treatment than those under the control. This study provides a preliminary step for predicting the future primary production and vegetation dynamics of plateau wetlands in Yunnan province.  相似文献   
型钢混凝土梁柱框支剪力墙结构抗震性能试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
框支剪力墙结构在实际工程中经常被采用,震害表明钢筋混凝土框支剪力墙结构抗震性能较差,本文提出型钢混凝土梁柱框支剪力墙结构对此加以改进。作者进行了4个1/4缩尺模型在竖向荷载和单调及低周反复水平荷载作用下的对比试验,其中3个试件采用型钢混凝土转换梁、型钢混凝土框支柱,1个试件采用钢筋混凝土转换梁、钢筋混凝土框支柱。我们分析其承载力、刚度、变形、延性和破坏形态等。试验结果表明,型钢混凝土梁柱框支剪力墙结构承载力高、延性好、滞回曲线丰满,变形能力和耗能能力较强。  相似文献   
摘要:目的 探讨菌株Salinivibrio sp.YH4分泌的丝氨酸蛋白酶EYHS的耐盐性及结构特征。方法 明胶底物酶谱法分析EYHS的耐盐性。应用生物信息学手段对EYHS及6种耐盐的S8家族丝氨酸蛋白酶结构特征进行分析。结果 EYHS在4 mol/L的NaCl溶液中仍具有活性,属于耐盐蛋白酶。EYHS及6种S8家族丝氨酸蛋白酶分子表面的loop区等无规则卷曲所占比例较高,α-螺旋与β-片层则主要位于酶分子内部。EYHS分子表面酸性氨基酸含量较高,且具有弱疏水内核。多序列比对发现蛋白酶的催化三联体两侧存在高度保守的基序和保守的极性氨基酸及芳香族氨基酸,并存在多个保守的Gly与Ala。同源模建和表面电荷分布显示,α螺旋和β片层围成了蛋白酶的催化腔,EYHS活性中心包含由Asp32、His65与Ser215组成的催化三联体,且催化位点区域表面静电势为负。结论 上述结构特征可能有助于耐盐丝氨酸蛋白酶EYHS在高盐环境下维持其稳定性和适度柔性,并有助于其催化功能的发挥,为深入研究耐盐丝氨酸蛋白酶的高盐环境适应性提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   
东亚地区春季一氧化碳的输送特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以ECMWF ERA-40再分析资料构建的气象场为驱动场,利用全球三维大气化学模式MOZART-2,模拟了2001年3月大气污染物浓度的全球时空分布,并以一氧化碳(CO)作为示踪剂分析了春季东亚污染物向西太平洋地区输送的路线和机制.为了检验模拟结果的合理性,对TRACE-P 期间典型天气过程下的模拟结果与观测结果进行了比较.比较结果显示,模拟结果可以较好地再现2001年春季冷锋过境期间与东南亚深对流运动加强的天气形势下,东亚污染物向西太平洋地区输送的2大主要路径及其特征:(1) 污染物被冷锋系统提升后,在对流层中层向西太平洋快速传输;(2) 强烈的大气对流运动可以导致东南亚生物质燃烧产生的污染物在对流层上层向西太平洋输送.  相似文献   

With the growing demand for underwater refill engineering, the construction technology of implementing fluidized solidification in underwater pouring has recently received increased attention. However, the environmental impact of underwater casting on surrounding water bodies, especially when the silt is polluted, is still unclear. In this study, a simulated underwater pouring test and a static immersion release test were conducted separately to study the quality of the surrounding water during and after pouring. The results showed that fluidized-solidified silt casting could increase the pH of the surrounding water, even after the pouring had stopped, by approximately 1.0 and the turbidity could reach 200 NTU. No diffusion of Zn and Cu into the surrounding water was observed and while Ni and Cr exhibited slight diffusion, this was at a level well below international water quality standard. During construction, reducing the distance from the seafloor to the bottom of the pouring catheter could reduce the level of pollution. After construction, the use of neutral solidified materials can effectively reduce the pH of the surrounding water and the potential risk of heavy metal dissolution.  相似文献   
淹没植物对河道糙率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于河道水动力及植物柔性变形分析,建立淹没状态下的植物河道糙率计算的理论关系,同时,利用试验资料及理论分析成果,进一步获得了植物河道糙率的附加值,借此可以分析与评价河道植物对水流阻力的影响程度.  相似文献   
IIWr~IOWThesedimentarycharacteristicsofdebrisflowcanreflectthecompoSition,fluidtypeandsedimentaryprocess.ThescholarswhostudymoderndebrisfloWinChinagenerallyclassifydebrisflowbythemethodofviscositywithfloWpattern.SeveraltypicalschemesareshowninTable1,inwhichthemethodofunitweight(fluiddensityinunitvolumet/m3)isusedandfluidunitweightisthoughttobethedirectproPOSitiontotheviscosityofdebrisflow(Wu,1990).Ithasbeenprovedbyhydrcrmechacsthatnon-cohesivedebrisf1OwfollowsBagnoldgranular'flowmedel(B…  相似文献   
基于EMD的中国大陆强震活动特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李志雄  朱航  刘杰  曾钢平  丘学林 《地震》2007,27(3):57-62
利用EMD方法对中国大陆年度最大地震时间序列进行逐级分解, 得到5个本征模态函数(IMF)项和1个趋势项, 分析了各个IMF分量不同的周期成分同地球自转速度变化、 太阳黑子活动和潮汐运动等环境因子之间的相关关系, 初步探讨了各个IMF分量的物理机理及其对中国大陆地震活动的影响。  相似文献   
基于港口城市功能的评价指标体系,采用主成分分析法,提取反映港口城市功能特征的4个主成分因子;运用分层聚类法对我国21个港口城市的主成分得分进行聚类分析;结合港口功能、城市功能、港口与城市关系等指标对我国港口城市功能模式进行总结,并分析不同功能模式港口城市的发展特征和存在问题;基于港口城市功能模式差异性分析,提出我国港口城市发展的几点建议。  相似文献   
采用总人口和劳动力等直接指标单独测度,结合出生率、死亡率、少年系数和老年系数等指标进行综合测度,分析1996—2015年非洲51个国家(地区)人口扩张区的数量变化、空间分布及演化特征,并对比了不同测度指标和方法之间的差异。发现:①总人口扩张区的比重虽高,但扩张程度有所放缓,地域分布整体呈现“南北弱、中部强”的特征,其在东非地区缩减明显;②劳动力扩张区较总人口扩张区扩张程度更为明显,两者在北非和南非部分地区差异较大,其地域分布整体呈现“北退南进”的变化过程;③“劳动力增长率大于总人口增长率”地区比重高于“总人口增长率大于劳动力增长率”,且差距有不断拉大的趋势,前者以北非地区西北部、西非地区几内亚湾沿岸较为集中,后者主要集中分布在中非、东非与西非部分地区;④基于综合指标结果显示,重度扩张型占有较高的比重,中度扩张型增速较快,轻度扩张型占比呈波动下降;⑤综合指标与单一指标结果有一定的趋同性,但区别也比较明显,综合指标在综合性、前瞻性方面有一定优势。  相似文献   
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