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自由投放式声学多普勒海流剖面(FADCP)观测以“自由落体”方式进行采样,其不依赖于测船钢缆牵引即可对全深度海流进行观测,观测稳定性较下放式声学多普勒海流剖面(LADCP)大幅提升,有效减少了观测值之中的不规则运动。2021年4月与9月在南海西沙海域开展的FADCP观测实验获得了两个断面包含16个站的海流及CTD资料。基于静置期间的真实底流观测,各站全深度的海流剖面采用剪切法获得,潜标附近站位剖面与潜标观测剖面相比,平均流速偏差为3 cm/s。观测断面捕捉到了西沙海域两个时期的气旋涡,其垂直结构比HYCOM模拟更精细,表层流与绝对地转流契合。研究表明,FADCP对测船要求低、数据质量高,其后处理简便且结果良好,但无法对特定水层实施补充观测。  相似文献   

马家窑文化是甘青地区仰韶文化晚期阶段一个重要的文化遗存类型,其以精美的彩陶闻名于世,对于马家窑文化彩陶的交流传播研究受到了学术界的广泛关注。本文运用X-荧光光谱分析法对甘青地区5个典型马家窑文化早期阶段遗址出土的92件彩陶陶片样品和各遗址附近采集的42份红粘土及黄土样品进行化学元素组成分析,追溯彩陶的产源地及贸易。同时基于陶器的起源传播理论,收集整理马家窑文化区遗址出土的粟(Setaria italica)、黍(Panicum miliaceum)农作物以及动物骨骼遗存鉴定资料,探讨马家窑彩陶贸易的动力。Ti/Al-Na/K和主成分分析结果显示宗日文化区宗日遗址的马家窑文化彩陶元素组成特征和马家窑文化主体区域的彩陶一致,表明宗日遗址马家窑类型彩陶是从马家窑文化主体区域贸易而来;马家窑文化彩陶的传播和该地区粟黍农作物的交流传播具有时空一致性,粟黍农业人群沿黄河上游谷地向共和盆地的扩散带来了新的文化元素;宗日文化区和马家窑文化核心区生业模式的差异带来了跨区域间文化交流的动力,这也可能是马家窑文化彩陶贸易的动力。

为使药品管理摆脱繁琐的手工操作,减少差错,提高效率,用微机替代手工操作,实现药品管理系统化、程序化、自动化。本设计较好地实现了上述目标。  相似文献   
Outburst floods caused by breaches of landslide dams may cause serious damages and loss of lives in downstream areas; for this reason the study of the dynamic of the process is of particular interest for hazard and risk assessment. In this paper we report a field-scale landslide dam failure experiment conducted in Nantou County, in the central of Taiwan.The seismic signal generated during the dam failure was monitored using a broadband seismometer and the signal was used to study the dam failure process.We used the short-time Fourier transform(STFT) to obtain the time–frequency characteristics of the signal and analyzed the correlation between the power spectrum density(PSD) of the signal and the water level. The results indicate that the seismic signal generated during the process consisted of three components: a low-frequency band(0–1.5 Hz), an intermediate-frequency band(1.5–10 Hz) and a highfrequency band(10–45 Hz). We obtained the characteristics of each frequency band and the variations of the signal in various stages of the landslide dam failure process. We determined the cause for the signal changes in each frequency band and its relationship with the dam failure process. The PSD sediment flux estimation model was used to interpret the causes of variations in the signal energy before the dam failure and the clockwise hysteresis during the failure. Our results show that the seismic signal reflects the physical characteristics of the landslide dam failure process. The method and equipment used in this study may be used to monitor landslide dams and providing early warnings for dam failures.  相似文献   
水资源可持续利用是经济社会发展的重大战略问题。近年来,黄河下游水量持续偏枯,用水量不断增加,水污染范围逐步扩大,污染程度日益加重,黄河水资源管理面临水资源短缺和水污染程度加剧两大难题。当前,采取多种措施确保水资源可持续利用势在必行。  相似文献   
Little is known about the genome of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). To address this, we conducted BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) end sequencing of L. vannamei. We selected and sequenced 7 812 BAC clones from the BAC library LvHE from the two ends of the inserts by Sanger sequencing. After trimming and quality filtering, 11 279 BAC end sequences (BESs) including 4 609 paired- ends BESs were obtained. The total length of the BESs was 4 340 753 bp, representing 0.18% of the L. vannamei haploid genome. The lengths of the BESs ranged from 100 bp to 660 bp with an average length of 385 bp. Analysis of the BESs indicated that the L. vannamei genome is AT-rich and that the primary repeats patterns were simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and low complexity sequences. Dinucleotide and hexanucleotide repeats were the most common SSR types in the BESs. The most abundant transposable element was gypsy, which may contribute to the generation of the large genome size of L. vannamei. We successfully annotated 4 519 BESs by BLAST searching, including genes involved in immunity and sex determination. Our results provide an important resource for functional gene studies, map construction and integration, and complete genome assembly for this species.  相似文献   
Perciformes, the largest order of vertebrates with 20 suborders, is the most diverse fish order that dominates vertebrate ocean life. The complete mitochondrial control region (CR) of Trichiurus japonicus (Trichiuridae, Scombroidei) and Pampus sp. (Stromateidae, Stromateoidei) were amplified and sequenced. Together with data from GenBank, the tandem repeats in the mitochondrial CR from 48 species, which covered nine suborders of Perciformes, are reported in this study. The tandem repeats tend to be long in the suborder Percoidei and Stromateoidei. The identical repeats in 21 species of Cichlidae suggest a common origin and have existed before species divergence. Larimichthys crocea shows tandem repeats instead of the typical structure of the central conserved sequence blocks, which was first reported in Perciformes and vertebrates. This might have resulted from interruption of the polymerase activity during the H-strand synthesis. The four broader patterns presented here for the tandem repeats, including those in both the 5′ and 3′ ends, only in the either 5′ or 3′ end, and in the central conserved domain of the control region, will be useful for understanding the evolution of species.  相似文献   
In this paper, we take DLW3101 core obtained at the top of the canyon(no landslide area) and DLW3102 core obtained at the bottom of the canyon(landslide area) on the northern continental slope of the South China Sea as research objects. The chronostratigraphic framework of the DLW3101 core and elemental strata of the DLW3101 core and the DLW3102 core since MIS5 are established by analyzing oxygen isotope, calcium carbonate content, and X-Ray Fluorescence(XRF) scanning elements. On the basis of the information obtained by analyzing the sedimentary structure and chemical elements in the landslide deposition, we found that the DLW3102 core shows four layers of submarine landslides, and each landslide layer is characterized by high Si, K, Ti, and Fe contents, thereby indicating terrigenous clastic sources. L1(2.15–2.44 m) occurred in MIS2, which is a slump sedimentary layer with a small sliding distance and scale. L2(15.48–16.00 m) occurred in MIS5 and is a debris flow-deposited layer with a scale and sliding distance that are greater than those of L1. L3(19.00–20.90 m) occurred in MIS5; its upper part(19.00–20.00 m) is a debris flow-deposited layer, and its lower part(20.00–20.90 m) is a sliding deposition layer. The landslide scale of L3 is large. L4(22.93–24.27 m) occurred in MIS5; its upper part(22.93–23.50 m) is a turbid sedimentary layer, and its lower part(23.50–24.27m) is a slump sedimentary layer. The landslide scale of L4 is large.  相似文献   
The frequency and extent of debris flows have increased tremendously due to the extreme weather and the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008. Previous studies focused on the debris flow from gullies damming the mountain streams. In this paper, an equation for the run-out distance of debris flow in the main river is proposed based on the dynamic equation of debris flow at different slopes given by Takahashi. By undertaking field investigations and flume experiments, a new calculation method of the volume of debris flow damming large river is obtained. Using the percolation theory and the renormalization group theory it was deduced that the large particles should comprise more than 50% for forming a stable debris flow dam. Hence, the criteria of damming large river by debris flow is presented in terms of run-out distance and grain composition which was then validated through the event of damming river by debris flow at Gaojia gully, the upper reaches of the Minjiang River, Sichuan, China, on July 3, 2011.  相似文献   
黔西南和黔东南是贵州的两个主要产金地区,大部分金矿都产于浊积岩中。但黔西南的金矿主要是含金蚀变岩型(或称卡林型、微细浸染型),以不可见金为主;黔东南的金矿却是含金石英脉型,以明金为主。这两种金矿都产在造山带,赋矿围岩是浊积岩,区内岩浆侵入作用不显著,成矿受背斜与断裂控制,成矿温度不高,矿石物质成分基本一致。研究表明,产生不同类型矿化的原因主要在于:黔东南地区的容矿岩石是浅变质的硅质碎屑岩,碳酸盐矿物很少;而黔西南地区是未变质的富钙硅质碎屑岩,碳酸盐矿物多。前者形成石英脉型金矿床,后者形成蚀变岩型金矿床。  相似文献   
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