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Introduction Haiyuan fault is a major seismogenic fault in north-central China. One of the most devastat-ing great earthquake in the 20th century occurred near Haiyuan in northwestern China on Decem-ber 16, 1920. More than 220 000 people were killed and thousands of towns and villages weredestroyed during the devastating earthquake. A 230 km long left-lateral surface rupture zone wasformed along the Haiyuan fault during the earthquake with maximum left-lateral displacement of10 m. Pale…  相似文献   
Introduction With the development of the seismological observation technique and deep-going of seismicdata application fields, especially the digitization of data in earthquake station networks, theimprovement of the precision, the data quantity increases as geometric order, which bringdifficulty to saving and transfering these data. To keep all information, seismic data, like medicalimages, should be compressed without error in many applications. In generally, traditionalcompression meth…  相似文献   
基于复模态的有限元模型修正算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对地下结构地震响应分析中无限地基辐射阻尼问题,引入复模态情况下的具有非简化的堆积阻尼矩阵的阻尼模型,并针对具有集中质量阵的阻尼模型提出了合并与质量有关的阻尼和堆积阻尼的思想,并据此提出了一种修正此类有限元模型的两步法,首先从复模态参数中提取实模态参数,采用基于模态残余力的识别算法修正刚度矩阵,然后根据复模态参数和已得的刚度矩阵来识别阻尼模型中的刚度参与系数和质量阻尼堆积阻尼联合矩阵。  相似文献   
腾冲火山区S波速度结构接收函数反演   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
腾冲火山区临近印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞、俯冲的边界,火山活动与构造环境关系密切.采用远震接收函数反演的方法揭示了该区域的深部结构特征. 结果显示, 腾冲火山区S波低速结构明显受到NE向大盈江断裂的影响,断裂的南部存在明显的S波低速构,断裂的北部低速结构不十分明显.火山区存在浅部的低速结构,低速结构与地震活动性存在对应关系.证实了低速结构是火山区热活动的直接因素, 并认为腾冲火山区存在再次活动的基本条件.   相似文献   
塔中地区主要受塔中Ⅰ号、Ⅱ号及Ⅲ号三条大断层控制 ,形成巨型复式背斜 ,隆起高部位地层遭受了强烈的风化剥蚀。背斜之上 ,断裂和局部构造发育。可划分出两个主要成藏期 :第Ⅰ成藏期为寒武系—下奥陶统烃源岩成熟生烃运移期 ,生排烃高峰为志留纪 ;第Ⅱ成藏期为中—上奥陶统烃源岩在燕山期—喜马拉雅期成熟生烃运聚。第Ⅰ成藏期形成的油藏有两个特征 :在塔中Ⅰ号断裂带、北部斜坡带油气注入奥陶系及志留系圈闭中 ,形成原生油气藏 ;构造高部位 (如中央断垒带 )的油气藏在后期构造运动中遭受破坏。第Ⅱ成藏期形成的油藏可分为两类 :对早期油藏的再次充注 ;聚集形成新油藏。塔中地区的油气运移通道主要有断裂和不整合面 ,油气的分布也主要受断裂和不整合面所控制。塔中Ⅰ号构造带和北部斜坡带是较为有利的勘探区带  相似文献   
利用断裂活动过程中留下的各种地质标记研究断裂发育史是比较困难的 ,已有的研究方法主要可归纳出七种 ,都存在局限性。岩层离距图法是以地震剖面为基础 ,将穿过断裂的各剖面上的标志层投影到沿断裂走向的铅垂面上 ,得到多组标志层的垂向断距数据 ,然后用下部各标志层的断距减去最上部标志层的断距 ,并作多轮次计算 ,直到最后的断距差近似为零或仅剩一个非零标志层。每一轮次计算代表一个活动期次 ,如果出现负值 ,则表示有构造反转。对松辽盆地敖古拉断裂作了实例计算 ,结果为该断裂发育经历了三个正断活动期和一个逆断活动期 ,与盆地区域性活动有些差别。岩层离距图法比起其他已有方法 ,可靠程度大大提高  相似文献   
IntroductionEarthquakedamagesurveyandresearchresultshavedemonstratedthatspatialdistributiondifferenceofgroundmotionisoneoftheimportantreasonswhichcausedlongstructure(eglongspanbridge,undergroundpipe)destroy.Thathowtoprovideareasonableinputofgroundmotionfieldforaseismicdesignoflongstructureisaurgentprobleminearthquakeengineeringfield.Atpresent,themethodtostudyspatialvariationofgroundmotionsisadoptingstatisticanalysisbasedondensearrayrecordssuchasSMART-1array,etc,togetcoherencyfunctionofground…  相似文献   
IntroductionItisdefinitelystipulatedintheLawofthePeople'sRepublicofChinaonProtectingagainstandMitigatingEarthquakeDisastersthattheseismicsafetyevaluationmustbemadeformajorprojects(includinglifelineprojects)and,accordingtotheresultsobtained,theseismicresistancerequirementsshouldbedetermined.Thenecessityofseismicsafetyevaluationhasbeenrecog-nizedgradually,butthetopicontheeffectofsafetyevaluationhasnotbeenreferredmuch.Gener-allyspeaking,althoughmostpeopleapprovethesocialeffectofsafetyevaluatio…  相似文献   
Introduction Through many year's practices by vast numbers of scientific and technological workers andefforts from all aspects, the dynamic testing method of high-low strain has formally entered intothe technical code of foundation pile test of construction at last (The Industry Standards of thePeople's Republic of China, 2003). The striking mode of the dynamic testing method of high strainis stipulated as hammer in the code, the striking of rocket can also be used. The latter is widely…  相似文献   
Introduction The Earth′s crust deforms in the regional tectonic stress field. Borehole strain observation isone important means for studies on the crustal deformation and the stress field. QIU and ZHANG(2002) have introduced the current situation of borehole strain observation in China. OutsideChina, early in September of 1968, Sacks of Carnegie Institution of Washington and Evertson ofUniversity of Texas firstly invented a borehole dilatometer in the world (Sacks, Evertson, 197…  相似文献   
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