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Observed climate data are processed under the assumption that their time series are stationary, as in multi-step temperature and precipitation prediction, which usually leads to low prediction accuracy. If a climate system model is based on a single prediction model, the prediction results contain significant uncertainty. In order to overcome this drawback, this study uses a method that integrates ensemble prediction and a stepwise regression model based on a mean-valued generation function. In addition, it utilizes empirical mode decomposition (EMD), which is a new method of handling time series. First, a non-stationary time series is decomposed into a series of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs), which are stationary and multi-scale. Then, a different prediction model is constructed for each component of the IMF using numerical ensemble prediction combined with stepwise regression analysis. Finally, the results are fit to a linear regression model, and a short-term climate prediction system is established using the Visual Studio development platform. The model is validated using temperature data from February 1957 to 2005 from 88 weather stations in Guangxi, China. The results show that compared to single-model prediction methods, the EMD and ensemble prediction model is more effective for forecasting climate change and abrupt climate shifts when using historical data for multi-step prediction.  相似文献   
贵州铜仁暴雨和冰雹雷达回波特征对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用铜仁新一代多普勒天气雷达对贵州铜仁区域的局地暴雨和冰雹天气过程的雷达监测常用产品进行对比分析,得出了产生暴雨和冰雹天气时其雷达回波特征的差异性:(1)冰雹回波反射率因子及剖面在较高的高度上维持较大强度,且其剖面通常具有穹窿结构,暴雨回波中通常有多个对流回波柱,强回波核位于云体中下部。(2)局地暴雨天气通常为混合型降水回波的"准静止"状态和长时间的"列车效应",冰雹回波其外形结构多呈点状、块状、带状等特征,有时候还会出现钩状、弓形回波等特殊形状;(3)暴雨径向速度和冰雹径向速度都存在逆风区等特征,短时强降水发生在逆风区边缘地带、径向速度辐合最大的区域。冰雹径向速度变化范围较大,有强烈的风向、风速辐合过程,有时还会伴随中尺度气旋。(4)冰雹回波的垂直液态水含量和回波顶高都比暴雨大,在降雹前2-5个体扫范围内冰雹回波的垂直液态水含量值会出现明显的跳变,而暴雨回波其值比较平稳并且维持较低数值。(5)VWP在冰雹过程中从低层到高层存在垂直风切变,其切变越大,出现冰雹的可能性越大,而暴雨的西风气流风速远小于冰雹过程。  相似文献   
气候舒适度是影响一个地区旅游资源开发和发展以及旅游季节游客数量的重要因素。利用长岛国家基本气象站1986—2015年的气温、降水、风速、相对湿度和日照时数等与旅游气候舒适度相关的气象观测资料,对山东省烟台市长岛县气候舒适度进行研究计算,划分出长岛适宜于旅游的季节分布;结合2011—2015年长岛县游客的月统计资料,分析研究长岛旅游气候舒适度与游客数量之间对应关系。结果表明:长岛县5—10月均较适宜旅游,其中最佳旅游时间段为6—9月,其他月份气候舒适度等级较低,基本不适合旅游。旅游游客数量与气候舒适度密切相关,综合气候舒适度指数每变化一个单位,长岛县游客数量月指数增加2.098个百分点。  相似文献   
The resolution of General Circulation Models (GCMs) is too coarse for climate change impact studies at the catchment or site-specific scales. To overcome this problem, both dynamical and statistical downscaling methods have been developed. Each downscaling method has its advantages and drawbacks, which have been described in great detail in the literature. This paper evaluates the improvement in statistical downscaling (SD) predictive power when using predictors from a Regional Climate Model (RCM) over a GCM for downscaling site-specific precipitation. Our approach uses mixed downscaling, combining both dynamic and statistical methods. Precipitation, a critical element of hydrology studies that is also much more difficult to downscale than temperature, is the only variable evaluated in this study. The SD method selected here uses a stepwise linear regression approach for precipitation quantity and occurrence (similar to the well-known Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM) and called SDSM-like herein). In addition, a discriminant analysis (DA) was tested to generate precipitation occurrence, and a weather typing approach was used to derive statistical relationships based on weather types, and not only on a seasonal basis as is usually done. The existing data record was separated into a calibration and validation periods. To compare the relative efficiency of the SD approaches, relationships were derived at the same sites using the same predictors at a 300km scale (the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis) and at a 45km scale with data from the limited-area Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM) driven by NCEP data at its boundaries. Predictably, using CRCM variables as predictors rather than NCEP data resulted in a much-improved explained variance for precipitation, although it was always less than 50?% overall. For precipitation occurrence, the SDSM-like model slightly overestimated the frequencies of wet and dry periods, while these were well-replicated by the DA-based model. Both the SDSM-like and DA-based models reproduced the percentage of wet days, but the wet and dry statuses for each day were poorly downscaled by both approaches. Overall, precipitation occurrence downscaled by the DA-based model was much better than that predicted by the SDSM-like model. Despite the added complexity, the weather typing approach was not better at downscaling precipitation than approaches without classification. Overall, despite significant improvements in precipitation occurrence prediction by the DA scheme, and even going to finer scales predictors, the SD approach tested here still explained less than 50?% of the total precipitation variance. While going to even smaller scale predictors (10–15?km) might improve results even more, such smaller scales would basically transform the direct outputs of climate models into impact models, thus negating the need for statistical downscaling approaches.  相似文献   
Daily precipitation data for the period of 1960–2005 from 42 precipitation gauging stations in the Pearl River basin were analyzed using the Mann–Kendall trend test and copula functions. The standardized precipitation index method was used to define drought episodes. Primary and secondary return periods were also analyzed to evaluate drought risks in the Pearl River basin as a whole. Results indicated that: (1) in general, the drought tendency was not significant at a 95 % confidence level. However, significant drought trends could be found in November, December, and January and significant wetting trends in June and July. The drought severity and drought durations were not significant at most of the precipitation stations across the Pearl River basin; (2) in terms of drought risk, higher drought risk could be observed in the lower Pearl River basin and lower drought risk in the upper Pearl River basin. Higher risk of droughts of longer durations was always corresponding to the higher risk of droughts with higher drought severity, which poses an increasing challenge for drought management and water resources management. When drought episodes with higher drought severity occurred in the Pearl River basin, the regions covered by higher risk of drought events were larger, which may challenge the water supply in the lower Pearl River basin. As for secondary return periods, results of this study indicated that secondary return periods might provide a more robust evaluation of drought risk. This study should be of merit for water resources management in the Pearl River basin, particularly the lower Pearl River basin, and can also act as a case study for determining regional response to drought changes as a result of global climate changes.  相似文献   
Accurate sea-level rise (SLR) vulnerability assessments are essential in developing effective management strategies for coastal systems at risk. In this study, we evaluate the effect of combining vertical uncertainties in Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) elevation data, datum transformation and future SLR estimates on estimating potential land area and land cover loss, and whether including uncertainty in future SLR estimates has implications for adaptation decisions in Kahului, Maui. Monte Carlo simulation is used to propagate probability distributions through our inundation model, and the output probability surfaces are generalized as areas of high and low probability of inundation. Our results show that considering uncertainty in just LiDAR and transformation overestimates vulnerable land area by about 3 % for the high probability threshold, resulting in conservative adaptation decisions, and underestimates vulnerable land area by about 14 % for the low probability threshold, resulting in less reliable adaptation decisions for Kahului. Not considering uncertainty in future SLR estimates in addition to LiDAR and transformation has variable effect on SLR adaptation decisions depending on the land cover category and how the high and low probability thresholds are defined. Monte Carlo simulation is a valuable approach to SLR vulnerability assessments because errors are not required to follow a Gaussian distribution.  相似文献   
Two numerical experiments were performed by using ECMWF limited area model in order to assess theimpact of radiative processes on the onset of summer monsoon.The control experiment includes all model physicsand the other experiment is exclusive of radiative processes.The simulated results show that the radiativeprocesses enhanced the monsoon circulation and the associated vertical circulation over South Asia.Especiallyover the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau,the build-up of the plateau monsoon depression and the beginning of the plat-eau rainy season are highly dependent upon the radiative processes.Through the radiation-cloud interaction,the “moist processes” were enhanced over land.More latent heatwas released.The feedback of the physical processes caused the strengthening of the monsoon circulation oversouthern Asia.  相似文献   
通过冰雹云模式模拟的一次冰雹云降水过程中降水粒子廓线和微波辐射传输模式结合,分析了冰雹云发展的不同阶段的微物理含量垂直结构变化及其对微波亮温的影响,得到以下几点结论:1)如果微波通道受到降水粒子散射和辐射的共同作用,如降水云早期的85 GHz亮温,成熟期的19 GHz亮温及消散期的37 GHz亮温,由于辐射和散射信息互相抵消,致使亮温随雨强的变化较复杂,这些通道亮温和雨强的相关性明显降低,不宜被用来反演地面雨强。2)根据19 GHz亮温随地面雨强或冰相粒子柱含量的改变,可以大致确定降雨云的不同阶段:在发展阶段,主要是降雨层以上的冰相粒子,尤其霰粒影响19 GHz亮温,致使其亮温与冰相粒子柱含量具有较好的负相关,而与地面雨强相关性较差;在成熟阶段,主要受雨水上层逐渐增加的辐射和冰相粒子散射共同作用,使得19GHz亮温与地面雨强和冰相粒子柱含量的相关性都不太好;在消散阶段,19 GHz亮温主要受较强的雨水辐射影响,与地面雨强和冰相粒子柱含量均有着较高的正相关。3)37 GHz是相对比较稳定的通道,其亮温与地面雨强有较好的线性关系,尤其与冰相粒子柱含量相关性更好,因此是反演地面雨强和冰相粒子柱含量的最佳通道。85 GHz亮温对降雨云体的中高层结构较为敏感,使得其亮温随地面雨强增加而降低的变化比较离散,不如37 GHz的集中。  相似文献   
原油族组分成气的化学动力学模型及其标定   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
卢双舫  付晓泰 《地质学报》1997,71(4):367-373
利用等温密封热解实验技术及恒速升温热解实验与PY—GC分析技术的结合,本文分别建立并标定了原油中各族组分,即饱和烃、芳烃、非烃和沥青质成气的化学动力学模型。结果表明,原油中不同族组分成气的过程均可用平行一级反应描述,但不同组分在平均活化能及活化能分布上有明显的差异。各族组分在地史过程中成气的过程可由各自的化学动力学模型来描述。这将使原油成气过程的定量、动态描述成为可能。  相似文献   
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