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Absolute orientation is a basic technical work in digital image geologic logging of underground coal mine. Traditional control-point-based absolute orientation method requires setting object space control points of the known three-dimensional coordinates, which may lead to low efficiency. Therefore, this paper proposed a point-free close-range photogrammetry absolute orientation algorithm, which utilized direction line segments including plumb line segments and line segments with known directions and lengths to identify the dimensional orientation of a stereoscopic model. Experiment results show that the precision of the orientation results is favorable. σ X and σ Y are as high as 0.5 mm, and σ Z is 0.3 mm. Finally, this paper introduced the application of the proposed algorithm in rapid geological logging of coal mine roadway, which was fast and reliable, convenient and feasible.  相似文献   
This article investigates the effectiveness of simultaneous and staged evacuation strategies for hurricane evacuations of Galveston Island using agent-based microsimulation techniques. In the simultaneous strategy the entire population is informed to evacuate simultaneously, whereas in a staged evacuation strategy, people are informed to evacuate in a sequence. The results suggest that (1) the most efficient staged evacuation strategy can help reduce the evacuation time for Galveston Island by approximately one hour, (2) previous studies might have underestimated the evacuation time of Galveston, and (3) an evacuation under the rapid response assumption does not necessarily lead to an effective evacuation.  相似文献   
We develop and test a real-time envelope cross-correlation detector for use in seismic response plans to mitigate hazard of induced seismicity. The incoming seismological data are cross-correlated in real-time with a set of previously recorded master events. For robustness against small changes in the earthquake source locations or in the focal mechanisms we cross-correlate the envelopes of the seismograms rather than the seismograms themselves. Two sequenced detection conditions are implemented: After passing a single trace cross-correlation condition, a network cross-correlation is calculated taking amplitude ratios between stations into account. Besides detecting the earthquake and assigning it to the respective reservoir, real-time magnitudes are important for seismic response plans. We estimate the magnitudes of induced microseismicity using the relative amplitudes between master event and detected event. The real-time detector is implemented as a SeisComP3 module. We carry out offline and online performance tests using seismic monitoring data of the Insheim and Landau geothermal power plants (Upper Rhine Graben, Germany), also including blasts from a nearby quarry. The comparison of the automatic real-time catalogue with a manually processed catalogue shows, that with the implemented parameters events are always correctly assigned to the respective reservoir (4 km distance between reservoirs) or the quarry (8 km and 10 km distance, respectively, from the reservoirs). The real-time catalogue achieves a magnitude of completeness around 0.0. Four per cent of the events assigned to the Insheim reservoir and zero per cent of the Landau events are misdetections. All wrong detections are local tectonic events, whereas none are caused by seismic noise.  相似文献   
高精度扫描是数字摄影测量生产工作流程的一个重要部分。评定性能优良扫描仪的一个重要的条件是:在一定要求下连续高速的进行高光学分辨率的胶卷扫描。目前徕卡公司在试图改善图像的质量和扫描平台控制的同时,将在DSW彩色扫描仪上提供这种快速的扫描功能。徕卡公司为了这些新的性能,已经进行了许多针对性的革新,这些新的革新技术构成了一个新的型号DSW700。  相似文献   
The distribution, partitioning and concentrations of trace metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn) in seawater, including dissolved and particulate phases, and in copepods in the ocean outfall area off the northern coast of Taiwan were investigated. Normalization of metal concentrations to the background metal concentration to yield relative enrichment factors (EF), which were used to evaluate the contamination of dissolved and particulate trace metals in seawater around the ocean outfall. The EF results indicated that the outfall area was significantly contaminated by dissolved Fe and Zn, and by particulate Fe, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn. In addition, most trace metals were chiefly in the particulate phase. The average percentage of total metal concentrations (dissolved plus particulate phases) bound by suspended particulate matter followed the sequence Al(95%) = Mn(95%) > Pb(88%) > Cu(86%) > Fe(72%) > Zn(32%) > Cr(17.5%) > Cd(3.4%). Therefore, metal contamination is better evaluated in solid phase than in the dissolved phase. The concentration ranges of trace metals in the copepods, Temora turbinata, Oncaea venusta and Euchaeta rimana, near the outfall were: Cd, 0.23-1.81 microg g(-1); Cr, 16.5-195 microg g(-1); Cu, 14-160 microg g(-1); Fe, 256-7255 microg g(-1); Mn, 5.5-80.8 microg g(-1); Pb, 2.6-56.2 microg g(-1); Zn, 132-3891 microg g(-1); and Al, 0.21-1.13%. Aluminum, and probably Fe, seemed to be the major elements in copepods. The concentrations of trace metals in copepods, especially Temora turbinata, near the outfall were generally higher than those obtained in the background station. The mean increase in bioconcentration factor of metals in copepods ranged from 4 to 7 and followed the sequence Al(6.4) > Cu(6.2) > Fe(6.0) > Zn(5.7) > Pb(5.6) > Cr(5.5) > Cd(5.1) > Mn(4.7). Therefore, marine copepods in the waters of northern Taiwan can accumulate trace metals over background concentrations and act as contamination indicators.  相似文献   
This paper analyses results of trial, construction and quarry blasting, carried out in sediment rock deposits, mainly limestone and dolomite. Based on results of seismic measurements and engineering geological observations in sedimentary formation, an empirical relationship was established between ground vibration and geological strength index (GSI). The charge weight of explosive that may be detonated per delay for any given distance of nearby structures from the blast is approximately determined by using the concept of the scaled distance (SD) along with the DIN 4150 standard.  相似文献   
甘肃陇南市武都区小水沟泥石流治理防治工程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年5.12汶川特大地震对甘肃省陇南市造成了严重危害。震后次生地质灾害对陇南市城镇村庄、交通和人民群众生命财产安全造成严重威胁。武都区蒲池乡小水沟震后产生了大量的崩塌、滑塌堆积体,一旦遭遇暴雨,极易发生泥石流灾害,直接危及小水沟沟口左岸九年制义务学校一座及沟口两岸居民,因此治理该泥石流沟是十分必要的。通过对当地暴雨特征、地层岩性、地质构造、泥石流固体物质源及形成的踏勘,针对该泥石流具有危险度高,流量大的特点,执行全面规划、重点治理的设计思路,采取了防护、生物工程相结合的综合防治措施。拦挡工程为有效发挥工程泻洪、拦渣、调节、固床、稳坡和控制固体物质补给量,预防沟道下切及沟壑发展,减少泥石流对下游村庄危害,起到了积极作用;生物工程的主要作用是稳固堤前砂土、减缓水石流流速、减小水石流对护堤的直接冲蚀和破坏、保障堤内居民生命财产安全和耕地的正常使用、增大植被覆盖率,绿化环境等。  相似文献   
Cigarette smoking is a well-recognized cause of lung cancer and other diseases and is a major contributor to indoor air pollution in numerous settings worldwide. Most cigarette lighters use rare earth element (REE) mischmetal in their flints in order to aid ignition, and these lighters thus have pyrophoric properties. REE particulate emitted from these lighters presents a complexity in the role of health of smokers that has yet to be explored fully. Furthermore, these particles are likely present in numerous urban settings and contribute to the complexities of urban geochemistry. Details of the material properties of rare earth element (REE) particulate derived from smoking lighters are determined first the first time. Particulate was investigated using back-scatter detection scanning electron microscopy techniques and transmission electron microscopy techniques. Several particle types were observed and demonstrate a diverse range of size and textures, many of which are previously not documented and are much smaller than previous basic scanning electron microscopy investigations. These include irregularly shaped fragments of mischmetal, micrometer-scale spherules, aggregates of nanospherules, and platy sponge-like nanoparticles. All of these particles have significant REE content, and most are of a particle size that can be deposited deep in the lung. The available literature regarding toxicity of REEs and the material science data presented here argues very strongly for cause for concern.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the use of an improved genetic algorithm combining operation tree method (IGAOT) and apply it to monitor the salinity of the Taiwan Strait by using remote-sensing data. The genetic algorithm combining operation tree (GAOT) is a data mining method used to automatically discover relationships among nonlinear systems. Based on genetic algorithms (GAs), the relationships between input and output can be expressed as parse trees. The GAOT method typically has the disadvantages of premature convergence, which means it cannot produce satisfying solutions and performs satisfactorily when applied to only low-dimensional problems. Therefore, the GAOT method is enhanced using an automatic incremental procedure to improve the search ability of the method and avoid trapping in a local optimum. In this case study, an IGAOT is used to determine the relationship between the in situ data on the salinity of the Taiwan Strait and the data on the spectral parameters, seven wavebands, of a Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor. The results indicate that the IGAOT model performs more favorably than do the GAOT and linear regression (LR1 and LR2) models, exhibits higher correlation coefficients, and involves fewer estimating errors. The results of this study indicate that the proposed technique is useful for estimating the Taiwan Strait salinity.  相似文献   
Foliated garnet-bearing granite, usually associated with high pressure and ultrahigh -pressure (UHP) metamophic rocks, is a particular rock-type extensively exposed in the Mesozoic Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt of China. This study focuses on deformation features and SHRIMP zircon dating of foliated garnet granite in a high-pressure metamorphic unit from Huwan, western Dabie Mountains in order to resolve discrepancies in current versions of its petrogenesis and structural evolution. SHRIMP dating reveals a zircon age of 762 ± 15 Ma (MSWD=1.7) for Huwan granites, representing the Middle to Late Neoproterozoic age of intrusion and crystallization. Field and microstructural studies show that the Huwan granite body underwent multiple-stage deformation. The deformation was manifested by an early stage of rootless folding and imposition of relict foliation (S1); an Indosinian main stage marked by imposition of north-dipping penetrative gneissosity (S2) and development of ductile shear zones under NNE-SSW directed compression; and a final Indosinian stage of southward thrusting of the Huwan high-pressure unit. Shallow level extension prevailed after the Late Triassic, giving rise to south-dipping thrust faults and north-dipping normal faults. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40802046 and 40334037) and the Project of Science & Technology Research and Development from Sinopec (Grant No. P02009)  相似文献   
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