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我国抗灾建设与防灾对策之研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据我年来研究国内外防灾经验,分析了我国自然灾害的基本现状,总结了建国以来的减灾工作状况,提出了经济发展听防灾之对策,为下世纪我国抗灾策略提供了基本思路。  相似文献   
苏飞  张海华  张健  唐友军  孙鹏 《地质与资源》2017,26(4):377-382,396
突泉盆地南部的牤牛海凹陷实施的突D1井见到良好的油气发现.钻井烃源岩的地化指标表明:有机质丰度低;有机质类型主要为Ⅲ型,少部分为Ⅱ型;有机质演化进入高成熟阶段,处于生气阶段.指示突D1井中侏罗统万宝组烃源岩具有一定的生烃条件.突泉盆地油气勘探方向应以找气为主.  相似文献   
中国红树林生态系统的植物种类、多样性、功能及其保护   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
本文从4个方面对中国红树林生态系统的植物进行论述:(1)中国红树林生态系统的红树植物、半红树植物、伴生植物、红树林区的大型藻类和浮游植物种类;(2)中国红树林生态系统植物的物种多样性、红树植物生理和形态适应的多样性、产物的多样性;(3)红树林的生态功能;(4)中国红树林生态系统的主要保护问题及其保护措施。  相似文献   
The eastern main sub-sag (E-MSS) of the Baiyun Sag was the main zone for gas exploration in the deep-water area of the Zhujiang River (Pearl River) Mouth Basin at its early exploration stage, but the main goal of searching gas in this area was broken through by the successful exploration of the W3-2 and H34B volatile oil reservoirs, which provides a new insight for exploration of the Paleogene oil reservoirs in the E-MSS. Nevertheless, it is not clear on the distribution of “gas accumulated in the upper layer, oil accumulated in the lower layer” (Gasupper-Oillower) under the high heat flow, different source-rock beds, multi-stages of oil and gas charge, and multi-fluid phases, and not yet a definite understanding of the genetic relationship and formation mechanism among volatile oil, light oil and condensate gas reservoirs, and the migration and sequential charge model of oil and gas. These puzzles directly lead to the lack of a clear direction for oil exploration and drilling zone in this area. In this work, the PVT fluid phase, the origin of crude oil and condensate, the secondary alteration of oil and gas reservoirs, the evolution sequence of oil and gas formation, the phase state of oil and gas migration, and the configuration of fault activity were analyzed, which established the migration and accumulation model of Gasupper-Oillower co-controlled by source and heat, and fractionation controlled by facies in the E-MSS. Meanwhile, the fractionation evolution model among common black reservoirs, volatile reservoirs, condensate reservoirs and gas reservoirs is discussed, which proposed that the distribution pattern of Gasupper-Oillower in the E-MSS is controlled by the generation attribute of oil and gas from source rocks, the difference of thermal evolution, and the fractionation controlled by phases after mixing the oil and gas. Overall, we suggest that residual oil reservoirs should be found in the lower strata of the discovered gas reservoirs in the oil-source fault and diapir-developed areas, while volatile oil reservoirs should be found in the deeper strata near the sag with no oil-source fault area.  相似文献   
The interannual variations of intensity of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) during boreal winter are investigated by using the observed outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) and the reanalysis data of ECMWF and NCEP. The standard deviation of 20-80-day filtered OLR anomaly is used to measure the MJO intensity. The dominant spatial structure of the interannual variability is revealed by an EOF analysis of the MJO intensity field. It is found that the leading mode is associated with eastern Pacific type ENSO, whereas the second mode is related to central Pacific type ENSO. A simple atmospheric model is used to investigate the relative roles of background moisture and wind changes in affecting the overall strength of MJO. The numerical experiments indicate that the background moisture effect is dominant while the background wind change has a minor effect.  相似文献   
在ANUSPLIN薄盘光滑样条插值中,高相关协变量的选取决定了插值结果的精确性。本文选取2017—2019年大雾和霾能见度较差的天气过程,利用183个能见度观测站点对能见度进行插值,引入Himawari-8卫星的通道数据和DEM数据作为协变量对能见度的插值结果进行改进,并对能见度插值结果进行对比分析。研究表明,引入Himawari-8数据和DEM数据作为协变量的能见度插值结果在精度上有显著提高,尤其对雾区和霾区的边界范围和纹理的反演更为准确,基于Himawari-8卫星数据和气象监测站点的观测数据,使用协变量的方法进行能见度插值可以做为能见度监测网格化的一种有效途径。  相似文献   
冬春季切变类冰雹发生条件的对比分析   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
张艳玲  袁媛  张鹏  徐云 《气象科学》2004,24(3):357-360
本文以 1996年 12月 31日和 1981年 5月 1日为例 ,对冬、春季节发生在江苏的较大范围的切变类冰雹天气过程作了对比分析。结果指出 ,无论冬季或春季当高原东部有深槽东移 ,冷暖空气在江淮地区交汇 ,地面抬升系统为暖切 ,并有大气层结不稳定 (Δθse( 50 0 - 850 ) <0℃ =中心和较强的风向和风速垂直切变、85 0hPa西南急流轴、85 0hPa最大水汽通量轴线、5 0 0和 85 0hPa正涡度中心等相配置时 ,就可能导致江苏地区较大范围强对流天气的发生。  相似文献   
The skarns and skarn deposits are widely distributed at home and abroad. The skarn deposits include many kinds of ores and higher ore grade. Some of them are broad in scale. Scientists of ore deposits from different countries have paid and are paying grea…  相似文献   
Reinforced concrete (RC) precast shear walls are extensively applied in practical engineering, owing to their fast construction speed. However, because of the transport conditions, RC precast shear walls have to be separated into small wall segments during the factory prefabrication procedure before being assembled on site. Typically, wet-type jointing methods are adopted to link the segments, which is time-consuming and results in unreliable post-pouring area strength. To overcome this problem, the novel scheme of the steel shear key (SSK) featuring steel shear panels and combined fillet and plug welding is proposed. Three RC precast shear wall specimens with different linking strength, termed as weakened SSK wall, standard SSK wall, and strengthened SSK wall, respectively, and an integrated shear wall specimen were designed. Quasi-static cyclic loading was applied to investigate the specimens' dynamic properties. The test results suggest the prefabricated wall segments equipped with SSKs showed reliable stiffness and bearing capacity and were improved in energy dissipation ability, compared with conventional shear walls. As the shear stiffness and number of equipped SSKs increased, the specimens exhibited higher strength, but their ductility and energy dissipation were slightly decreased. Most importantly, the standard SSK wall specimen could achieve satisfactory bearing capacity and deformability and is thus recommended for precast building structures. Finite element method (FEM) models were established to validate the test results, and parametric study analysis was conducted based on the coupling ratio of the SSK walls. Finally, an appropriate coupling ratio range is recommended for practical engineering applications.  相似文献   
中国木结构建筑是我国宝贵的物质文化遗产和文化瑰宝,具有悠久的文化历史。以嘉峪关光化楼为依托,对光化楼进行实地调研,分析光化楼主要残损变形。采用ANSYS软件建立考虑光化楼残损变形的三维有限元精细模型,并进行模态分析与时程分析。研究结果表明,光化楼主要残损变形为油饰脱落、墙体剥蚀开裂、柱偏移等,极个别柱产生较大偏移;光化楼刚度相对稳定,前20阶振型自振频率均在10Hz以内;光化楼动力放大系数与层间位移角均较小,仍具有良好的抗震减震性能。  相似文献   
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