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朱瑞兆 《气象学报》1963,33(4):527-536
本文根据1955—1959年逐日02时(北京时)东亚地面天气图統計了鋒出現頻数的分布,給出1、4、7、10月东亚气候锋的位置.  相似文献   
Extensive organic-matter (OM) rich facies (black shales) occur in the Ordo-Silurian boundary successions in the Yangtze area, South China. To investigate the redox changes of the Yangtze Sea during the Ordo-Silurian transition, two OM sections (Wangjiawan in Yichang, Hubei Province, and Sanjiaguan in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province) straddling the Ordo-Silurian boundary are studied. The measurements finished in this study include contents of the total organic carbon (TOC), pyrite sulphur, and different species of Fe, including dithionite-extractable Fe (FED), pyrite Fe (FeP), HCl-extractable Fe (FeH), and total Fe (FeT), in black shales, as well as other redox proxies, such as the SIC ratio, the ratio between highly reactive Fe (FeHR = FeD + FeP) and FeT, and the FeP/(FeP + FeH) ratio, known as the degree of pyritization (DOP). In the Wangjiawan section, the Middle Ashgill sediments have high FeHR/FeT ratios (0.20-0.77; avg. 0.45), high DOP values (0.21-0.72; avg. 0.54), and a relatively constant sulfur content independent of the organic carbon content. By the contrast, the mid-early Hirnantian deposits generally have low FeHR/FeT ratios (0.10-0.35; avg. 0.21), low DOP values (0.11- 0.40; avg. 0.28), and SIC values are clustering on the normal marine value (SIC = 0.36). The late Hirnantian and early Rhuddanian deposits, similar to those of the Middle Ashgill deposits, are characterized by high FeHR/FeT ratios (0.32-0.49; avg. 0.41), high DOP values (0.46-0.68; avg. 0.53) and fairly constant sulfur contents. These data suggest the occurrences of marine anoxia on the Yangtze Sea shelf during intervals of the Mid Ashgill, Late Hirnantian and Early Rhuddanian, and ventilated and oxygenated marine conditions during the mid-early Hirnantian time. The mid-early Hirnantian ventilated event was concomitant with the global glacial period, likely resulted from the glacio-eustatic sea-level fall and subsequent circulation of cold, dense oxygenated waters  相似文献   
大别山南山岭石榴橄榄岩成因的岩石学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
大别山罗田穹隆东南侧的南山岭石榴橄榄岩岩体面积小(173×133m2),由贵橄榄石(75%).透辉石(10%)和镁铝石榴石(15%)组成.本文通过岩石学及地球化学研究,并与大别山的碧溪岭、毛屋、饶拔寨、芝麻坊岩体以及其他地区的基性岩浆杂岩体(如红格岩体、元宝山岩体、柴北缘岩体)、残留地幔块体(五大连池、鹤壁、山旺)等不同成因的超镁铁岩进行对比后认为,该岩体属于火成成因,是镬铁-超锾铁杂岩体的一部分.表现在橄榄岩呈块状构造,矿物分布均匀未见定向排列.镜下呈现典型的火成结构;FeOT.含量高(21.36%),Mg#(0.77)低,Mg Ni/Fe Mn(3.06)<7,V(175.5×10-6)含量高于地幔块体成因的橄榄岩;REE总量偏低,LREE弱富集,(La/Yb)N=3.1,低于饶拔寨、芝麻坊等残留地幔块体成因的橄榄岩.南山岭橄榄岩在微量元素蛛网图中,具有Ba、U、Pb、Zr、Eu的正异常和Nb的负异常,石榴橄榄岩全岩以及透辉石单矿物都具有高87Sr/86Sr(0.7088,0.7086)和低εNd(t)(-6.55~-6.01)的特征,尽管南山岭与碧溪岭岩体距离很近而且都属于火成成因,但岩石的结构构造、变质变形的印记、REE配分形式和同位素特征都有区别,表明二者的源区及演化经历不同,相比之下.南山岭岩浆源区地壳组分的作用更为明显.在εNd(t)-(87Sr/86Sr),图解中南山岭橄榄岩的投点十分靠近大别山北麓120~130Ma侵位的祝家铺辉石岩-辉长岩岩体群的投点分布范围,暗示可能有与罗田穹窿西北侧祝家铺岩体群的岩浆活动相对应.  相似文献   
On the origin of oriented rutile needles in garnet from UHP eclogites   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Although oriented rutile needles in garnet have been reported from several ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) rocks and considered to be important UHP indicators, their crystallographic features including growth habit and lattice correspondences with garnet host have never been properly characterized. This paper presents a detailed analytical electron microscopic (AEM) study on evenly distributed oriented rutile needles in garnet of two eclogitic rocks from Sulu. Some garnet in one UHP diamondiferous quartzofeldspathic rock from the Saxonian Erzgebirge, and in one high‐pressure (HP) felsic granulite from Bohemia also contain a few unevenly distributed oriented rutile needles. They have also been studied for the purpose of comparison. Despite different distribution patterns, AEM revealed that all rutile needles are oriented along the 〈111〉 directions of garnet with their lateral sides surrounded by the {110} planes of garnet, and that the growth directions of most needles are close to the normal of the {101} planes of rutile. No other specific crystallographic orientation relationships between rutile and garnet host were observed, and there is no pyroxene associated with rutile, as necessitated by the precipitation reaction of rutile in garnet as previously proposed. A simple solid‐state precipitation scenario for the formation of the rutile needles in garnet in these two eclogitic rocks is not justified. Three alternative mechanisms are considered for the formation of oriented rutile needles: (i) the rutile needles may be inherited from precursor minerals; (ii) the rutile needles may be formed by a dissolution–reprecipitation mechanism; and (iii) the rutile needles may be formed by cleaving and healing of garnet with rutile deposition. None of these mechanisms can fully explain the observations, although the first one is less likely and the third one is preferred. This study presents an example where the presence of oriented/aligned inclusions in minerals does not necessarily imply a precipitation origin.  相似文献   
TRMM星载测雨雷达和地基雷达反射率因子数据的三维融合   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
TRMM卫星上的测雨雷达(TRMMPR)探测资料分布均匀且具有很高的垂直分辨率,但灵敏度较低;地基雷达(GR)水平分辨率较高且具有较高的灵敏度,但其垂直分辨率低。通过将TRMM PR与GR反射率因子数据的三维数据融合,得到了更优的反射率因子图像。测雨雷达与地基雷达三维数据融合主要分为以下几步:测雨雷达与地基雷达数据预处理——如去杂波、衰减校正;测雨雷达与地基雷达时空匹配;选取和应用合适的三维图像融合算法;对融合后的图像进行效果评估。试验结果表明:融合后的图像不仅增大了信息量,更好地检测弱降水,还提高了空间三维(3D)分辨率,能更好地反映降水区域细节,且使得数据总体上具有更高的完整性和可靠性。此外,还将基于雷达资料估测的降水数据与地面雨量计数据进行对比,估计反射率因子数据融合在降水测量上的有效性。   相似文献   
This paper reviews recent progress in the development of the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model(BCC-CSM) and its four component models(atmosphere,land surface,ocean,and sea ice).Two recent versions are described:BCC-CSM1.1 with coarse resolution(approximately 2.8125°×2.8125°) and BCC-CSM1.1(m) with moderate resolution(approximately 1.125°×1.125°).Both versions are fully coupled climate-carbon cycle models that simulate the global terrestrial and oceanic carbon cycles and include dynamic vegetation.Both models well simulate the concentration and temporal evolution of atmospheric CO_2 during the 20th century with anthropogenic CO2 emissions prescribed.Simulations using these two versions of the BCC-CSM model have been contributed to the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase five(CMIP5) in support of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report(AR5).These simulations are available for use by both national and international communities for investigating global climate change and for future climate projections.Simulations of the 20th century climate using BCC-CSMl.l and BCC-CSMl.l(m) are presented and validated,with particular focus on the spatial pattern and seasonal evolution of precipitation and surface air temperature on global and continental scales.Simulations of climate during the last millennium and projections of climate change during the next century are also presented and discussed.Both BCC-CSMl.l and BCC-CSMl.l(m) perform well when compared with other CMIP5 models.Preliminary analyses indicate that the higher resolution in BCC-CSM1.1(m) improves the simulation of mean climate relative to BCC-CSMl.l,particularly on regional scales.  相似文献   
GPS radio occultation(GPS RO) method,an active satellite-to-satellite remote sensing technique,is capable of producing accurate,all-weather,round the clock,global refractive index,density,pressure,and temperature profiles of the troposphere and stratosphere.This study presents planetary-scale equatorially trapped Kelvin waves in temperature profiles retrieved using COSMIC(Constellation Observing System for Meteorology,Ionosphere,and Climate) satellites during 2006-2009 and their interactions with background atmospheric conditions.It is found that the Kelvin waves are not only associated with wave periods of higher than 10 days(slow Kelvin waves) with higher zonal wave numbers(either 1 or 2),but also possessing downward phase progression,giving evidence that the source regions of them are located at lower altitudes.A thorough verification of outgoing longwave radiation(OLR) reveals that deep convection activity has developed regularly over the Indonesian region,suggesting that the Kelvin waves are driven by the convective activity.The derived Kelvin waves show enhanced(diminished) tendencies during westward(eastward) phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation(QBO) in zonal winds,implying a mutual relation between both of them.The El Nino and Southern Oscillation(ENSO) below 18 km and the QBO features between 18 and 27km in temperature profiles are observed during May 2006-May 2010 with the help of an adaptive data analysis technique known as Hilbert Huang Transform(HHT).Further,temperature anomalies computed using COSMIC retrieved temperatures are critically evaluated during different phases of ENSO,which has revealed interesting results and are discussed in light of available literature.  相似文献   
河北省含铁岩系的地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据河北省区域岩石地球化学调查成果,讨论了区内不同成因类型含铁岩系的地球化学特征。其中重要的沉积变质铁矿地层中Al2O3、Ti、P、V、Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn的质量分数和w(Fe2O3)/w(FeO)、w(Sr)/w(Ba)、w(La)/w(Y)较高,Rb、Li、Cs、Sc的质量分数及w(K2O)/w(Na2O)较低;海相沉积型铁矿地层中强烈富集Sb、Li、B、Hg、Sr和K2O,同时贫化FeO、Na2O、CaO、Mn、Rb等元素;主要接触交代型铁矿围岩中CaO、MgO的质量分数较高,SiO2、Al2O3、K2O、Mn、Ti、P、V、Cr、Zr、Ba、REE的质量分数及w(Fe2O3)/w(FeO)较低。这些地球化学特征反映其特定的地质构造环境。  相似文献   
一座营钼矿床位于吉林省梅河口市一座营镇北东方向3.5 km处,经详查提交钼资源储量(332+333)15 204 t。笔者根据区域地质背景及矿床特征总结了矿床的控矿条件,认为志留系桃山组、华力西期、印支期侵入岩、北西向构造为主要控矿条件,并建立了找矿标志。  相似文献   
利用气相色谱(GC)、气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)测定了西南印度洋中脊49.6°E热液区热液产物中的可溶有机质,结合生物标志物和单体同位素分析,对烃类有机质的组成、来源及成因意义进行了探讨。硫化物烟囱体以正构烷烃(3.437~3.962μg/g)为主要烃类,L/H1,C22以上烷烃具有轻微奇碳数优势(CPI=1.140~1.209),NAR接近0;生物标志物类型丰富(Sq、IS40、烷基环己烷),C31藿烷22S/(R+S)高达0.77,且缺少17β(H),21β(H)构型藿烷;低碳数饱和脂肪酸为主要脂肪酸类型,异构/反异构脂肪酸含量显著,缺少单不饱和脂肪酸。热液蚀变岩以异构烷烃(2.094μg/g)为主要烃类,正构烷烃以低碳数(L/H=1.33)、偶碳优势(CPI=0.377)为特征;脂肪酸以单不饱和脂肪酸为主。结果表明,海洋原生生物体是49.6°E热液区主要的烃类有机质输入源,热液流体温度及化学条件是控制热液喷口区原生生物群落分布及热液产物中烃类有机质组成的主要因素。生物标志物类型显示硫化物烟囱体中具有产甲烷古菌与硫酸盐还原菌共存的现象,反映出热液流体中富含H2,表明49.6°E热液区具有非生物合成烃类的可能。  相似文献   
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