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Valuable dropsonde data were obtained from multiple field campaigns targeting tropical cyclones, namely Higos,Nangka, Saudel, and Atsani, over the western North Pacific by the Hong Kong Observatory and Taiwan Central Weather Bureau in 2020. The conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation(CNOP) method has been utilized in real-time to identify the sensitive regions for targeting observations adhering to the procedure of real-time field campaigns for the first time. The observing system experiments...  相似文献   

本文研究低低跟踪重力卫星任务核心微波测距系统的数据预处理与分析方法, 实现关键载波频率不稳定性噪声的高效抑制, 以及相关干扰、偏差的消除和矫正.依据理论分析成果, 研发了相关处理与分析程序.本研究所完成的双频双向单程测距数据产品与GRACE Follow-On官方产品的残差远小于载荷设计精度指标, 满足重力场反演的精度需求.针对最终数据产品中电子学噪声、系统噪声等噪声, 讨论评估与分析方法.本文通过引入电离层自由电子含量的空间非均匀性的频域分析方法, 利用星间微波测距数据, 实现针对自由电子含量的不同空间尺度变化行为及其全球分布特征的分析能力, 从新视角为电离层的深入研究提供数据支撑.本研究可为我国低低跟踪重力卫星任务微波测距系统的数据预处理与分析提供相关技术积累和参考.


通过对南起中国内蒙古满都拉、向北经蒙古国、直抵北端俄罗斯贝加尔湖北卡楚加全长1320km长重力剖面的布格重力异常数据进行处理和解析, 依其构建了沿剖面的二维地壳密度结构模型, 并详细分析了沿剖面的地壳底界面(Moho界面)展布的深部构造特征, 及剖面辖域内的5个次级局部构造单元的重力异常场、地壳密度结构、界面起伏及断裂构造分布的特征.期望此研究结果能为该剖面跨越的中亚造山带东部地区的地壳结构、各次级构造单元的界域与关联方面的进一步研究提供相关的重力场依据.

声波方程数值模拟已广泛应用于理论地震计算,同时构成了地震逆时偏移成像技术的基础.对于有限差分法而言,在满足一定的稳定性条件时,普遍存在着因网格化而形成的数值频散效应.如何有效地缓解或压制数值频散是有限差分方法研究的关键所在.有限差分格式分为显式有限差分和隐式有限差分.隐式有限差分能够进一步压制数值频散效应.因此本文提出了给定频率范围满足时间-空间域隐式有限差分频散关系的方法,并根据震源频率、波速和网格间距确定波数范围,在此基础上建立方程确定了相应的隐式有限差分系数,使得差分系数能在更大频率范围符合波场传播规律.通过频散分析和正演模拟,验证了本文方法的有效性.  相似文献   
The seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake has remained in suspensed until now. Several faults or tectonics, including basal slipping zone, unknown blind thrust fault and piedmont buried fault, etc, are all considered as the possible seismogenic structure. This paper tries to make some new insights into this unsolved problem. Firstly, based on the data collected from the dynamic seismic stations located on the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault deployed by the Institute of Earthquake Science from 2008 to 2009 and the result of the aftershock relocation and the location of the known faults on the surface, we analyze and interpret the deep structures. Secondly, based on the terrace deformation across the main earthquake zone obtained from the dirrerential GPS meaturement of topography along the Qingyijiang River, combining with the geological interpretation of the high resolution remote sensing image and the regional geological data, we analyze the surface tectonic deformation. Furthermore, we combined the data of the deep structure and the surface deformation above to construct tectonic deformation model and research the seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake. Preliminarily, we think that the deformation model of the Lushan earthquake is different from that of the northern thrust segment ruptured in the Wenchuan earthquake due to the dip angle of the fault plane. On the southern segment, the main deformation is the compression of the footwall due to the nearly vertical fault plane of the frontal fault, and the new active thrust faults formed in the footwall. While on the northern segment, the main deformation is the thrusting of the hanging wall due to the less steep fault plane of the central fault. An active anticline formed on the hanging wall of the new active thrust fault, and the terrace surface on this anticline have deformed evidently since the Quaterary, and the latest activity of this anticline caused the Lushan earthquake, so the newly formed active thrust fault is probably the seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake. Huge displacement or tectonic deformation has been accumulated on the fault segment curved towards southeast from the Daxi country to the Taiping town during a long time, and the release of the strain and the tectonic movement all concentrate on this fault segment. The Lushan earthquake is just one event during the whole process of tectonic evolution, and the newly formed active thrust faults in the footwall may still cause similar earthquake in the future.  相似文献   
2018年9月和12月,两次调查了广东雷州珍稀海洋生物国家级自然保护区海域海水的环境质量。结果表明,该保护区平均综合水质指数为0.38,一类海水平均达标率为93.59%,海水中铅、磷酸盐、锌的含量达标率偏低,分别为53.85%、73.1%、96.15%。12月保护区海水中的无机氮、磷酸盐、溶解氧、叶绿素a含量明显高于9月,保护区实验区和缓冲区站位的水质优于核心区站位的水质。该保护区海域综合水质定性评价结果为优。靠近康港附近站位的营养盐相对偏高,磷酸盐的平均达标率仅为73.1%,因此,需加强对康港附近海域养殖情况的监控,尽量减少养殖废水对保护区海域的排放,保持保护区海水清洁,以利于对保护区内珍稀海洋生物及其栖息地的保护。  相似文献   
洋浦湾南浅滩-深槽-拦门沙近40年冲淤变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文根据1965、1984、1999和2005的海图对比分析, 探讨了洋浦湾深槽、南浅滩以及口外拦门沙的冲淤变化, 得出: 1)1965—1984年之间, 南浅滩呈淤涨之势, 其西南部最大淤涨距离可达640m; 1984—1999年南浅滩出现了侵蚀, 这主要是由于洋浦湾波浪以及沿岸流的作用引起的; 1999—2005年, 靠近口门附近的南浅滩出现淤涨现象, 主要是由于洋浦湾口门附近水动力的影响作用; 但是目前整体基本上处于稳定的阶段。2)洋浦深槽段呈现出不同程度的西边坡淤涨, 东边坡侵蚀后退, 深泓断面缩窄、淤浅及东偏的趋势, 特别是剖面5的变化比较复杂,值得关注。3)口外拦门沙近几十年来呈现出不同的时空冲淤变化, 但是以淤积为主, 1965—2005年拦门沙总的淤积厚度达到1m左右, 但随着泥沙补给的减少, 这种淤积趋势也随着减少。  相似文献   
陈旭阳  刘保良 《海洋通报》2012,31(3):297-301
对广西铁山港海域表层沉积物进行采集,对沉积物中重金属(Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、As、Hg)含量进行测定,并采用单因子指数法和Hakanson潜在生态风险指数法进行了评价。结果表明:六种重金属平均含量(×10-6)依次为Zn(61.1)>Pb(15.9)> Cu(13.1)>As(10.1)>Cd(0.27)>Hg(0.068),均低于国家海洋沉积物一类标准;铁山港表层沉积物重金属单因子污染程度总体较轻,属于低污染水平,污染程度排序为Cu>Zn >Hg>As>Cd>Pb;铁山港海域沉积物重金属潜在生态风险排序为Hg>Cd>As>Cu>Pb>Zn,所有站位潜在生态风险指数RI平均值为 63.11,潜在生态风险总体处于较低水平,潜在风险高值区出现在铁山港北部海域,主要受Hg的高潜在风险水平影响。  相似文献   
犬齿牙鲆胚胎及仔、稚、幼鱼形态发育观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈朴贤 《海洋科学》2012,36(6):64-71
犬齿牙鲆(Paralichthys dentatus)卵为端黄卵,受精卵浮性,卵径950~1100μm,油球径200~225μm.在水温20.5~22.0℃,盐度33条件下培育,受精后1 h 20 min 进入卵裂期,6 h 10 min 进入囊胚期,11 h 20 min 进入原肠胚期,19 h 10 min 发育到胚孔封闭期,胚体形成,26 h 50 min 尾芽出现,33 h 35 min心跳开始,48 h 10 min 开始孵化出仔鱼.初孵仔鱼平均全长2.59 mm±0.02 mm,在培育水温为17.0~21.0℃,盐度24~34条件下,胚后发育时序为:1日龄~9日龄为仔鱼前期,10日龄平均全长5.52 mm±0.05 mm,卵黄囊和油球完全吸收进入仔鱼后期;40日龄平均全长20.82 mm±0.67 mm,各鳍鳍条发育形成进入稚鱼期;65日龄平均全长41.13 mm±0.88 mm,全身鳞被完整进入幼鱼早期  相似文献   
裂片石莼营养价值的评价及其多糖制备的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对采自福建的野生裂片石莼(Ulva fasciata)进行了分类学鉴定和营养价值评估;采用微波加热新方法,进一步研究了裂片石莼多糖提取工艺。研究结果表明,裂片石莼的总糖、粗蛋白质、总氨基酸和总脂含量分别为34.38%、27.60%、25.20%、11.70%;其必需氨基酸含量为10.0%,氨基酸比值系数分(SRC)=79.77;裂片石莼的重金属元素含量达到国家海藻制品的限量标准。研究结果还表明,通过正交实验优化微波加热提取工艺,与传统加热提取工艺相比,裂片石莼多糖的得率提高了21.35%,而耗能降低了58.51%。  相似文献   
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