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2012年6月30日新疆新源、和静交界MS6.6地震造成灾区大量工业与民用建筑遭到破坏。为了能对灾区今后恢复重建加强房屋的抗震性能提供依据,介绍了灾区房屋建筑结构类型和建筑特点,分析了各类房屋建筑的震害特征及其破坏原因,并对提高房屋的抗震能力提出了建议。  相似文献   
甘肃省文县阳山超大型金矿床成矿作用及成矿模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阳山金矿床位于甘肃省文县.区域构造演化分析、成矿年代学研究及野外地质观察表明,矿区岩浆岩与金成矿在空间及时间上均存在密切关系.通过对阳山地区区域地层成矿元素含量及阳山金矿各类矿石元素含量分析,确定泥盆系三河口组地层为阳山金矿床的矿源层.进一步研究矿床稀土元素、稳定同位素、流体包裹体等测定结果,认为阳山金矿成矿物质来源复杂,具地层和岩浆岩双重来源;成矿热液具有岩浆热液、变质热液以及大气降水多种来源.自三叠纪以来,与区域构造演化有关的多次岩浆热液活动与阳山金矿成矿作用存在密切相关.综合分析认为,阳山金矿床成矿作用是多期岩浆热液活动叠加的复合成矿作用.在此基础上提出了阳山金矿床的成矿模式.  相似文献   
汝阳盆地是豫西地区的一个中—新生代断陷盆地,自2006年以来发现了一个以巨型蜥脚类恐龙为代表的恐龙动物群。本文描述了近期发现于汝阳盆地下白垩统郝岭组中的若干恐龙蛋蛋壳碎片。基于以下对蛋壳宏观形态和显微特征的分析,这些蛋壳碎片可以归入长形蛋科(Elongatoolithidae)的长形蛋属(Elongatoolithus):蛋壳外表面具分散瘤点状或线性脊状的纹饰;蛋壳自内而外分为锥体层和柱状层,二层之间的界线不清晰;锥体层中锥体排列紧密;柱状层中具波浪状的平行生长纹。这一发现代表了长形蛋属在早白垩世地层中的首次记录,进一步拓展了该蛋属的地史和古地理分布。由以往已知的化石关联推测,这些蛋壳可能与该层位中的窃蛋龙类如刘店洛阳龙(Luoyanggia liudianensis)等具有相关性,表明汝阳盆地在早白垩世晚期具有适宜该类恐龙生存与繁殖的环境。  相似文献   
为研究不规则框架隔震结构的地震反应,分别对一个传统抗震结构、一个铅芯叠层橡胶支座隔震结构和四个组合隔震结构(隔震层由铅芯支座和滑板支座组成)进行了弹塑性地震反应时程分析,研究隔震支座参数对隔震效果的影响。结果表明:采用组合隔震技术时,合理选择隔震层的铅芯支座布置位置、滑板支座的摩擦系数和铅芯叠层橡胶支座的型号,可以有效地降低上部结构的扭转效应;对于不规则的建筑隔震结构,为减小地面运动带来的扭转效应,建议采用由铅芯支座和滑板支座组合而成的隔震层,可对上部结构的扭转起到很好的抑制作用。  相似文献   
An empirical atmospheric model(EAM) based on the singular value decomposition(SVD) method is evaluated using the composite El Ni(?)o/Southern Oscillation(ENSO) patterns of sea surface temperature (SST) and wind anomalies as the target scenario.Two versions of the SVD-based EAM were presented for comparisons.The first version estimates the wind anomalies in response to SST variations based on modes that were calculated from a pair of global wind and SST fields(i.e.,conventional EAM or CEAM).The second version utilizes the same model design but is based on modes that were calculated in a region-wise manner by separating the tropical domain from the remaining extratropical regions(i.e.,region-wise EAM or REAM). Our study shows that,while CEAM has shown successful model performance over some tropical areas, such as the equatorial eastern Pacific(EEP),the western North Pacific(WNP),and the tropical Indian Ocean(TIO),its performance over the North Pacific(NP) seems poor.When REAM is used to estimate the wind anomalies instead of CEAM,a marked improvement over NP readily emerges.Analyses of coupled modes indicate that such an improvement can be attributed to a much stronger coupled variability captured by the first region-wise SVD mode at higher latitudes compared with that captured by the conventional one. The newly proposed way of constructing the EAM(i.e.,REAM) can be very useful in the coupled studies because it gives the model a wider application beyond the commonly accepted tropical domain.  相似文献   
瞬变电磁法应用于矿产资源、环境工程等领域.目前主流的瞬变电磁三维正演模拟方法包括积分方程法、有限差分法、有限体积法和有限元法.随着观测环境的复杂化以及探测精度要求的提高,有必要研究瞬变电磁法高精度三维模拟计算,以便推动数据处理解释方法的进步.本文系统介绍了瞬变电磁三维正演计算研究进展,分析了准静态差分方程的构建和发射源...  相似文献   
The coal-forming characteristics,as well as the similarities and differences between epicontinental sea basins and continental marginal sea basins developed during different time periods,were analyzed in this study by adopting comparative analysis thoughts and methods.The results obtained in this study revealed that epicontinental basins and marginal sea basins are both characterized by the main development of thin coal seams or extremely thin coal seams.In addition,changes in sea levels were determined to be the main controlling factors for coal formation,and there were similarities in the continent-sea interactions and coal-forming sedimentary systems of the different basins.However,there were also significant differences observed in the sea level change events,basin basement structural characteristics,coal seam stability levels,accumulation and aggregation characteristics,and the migration patterns of coal-forming materials.For example,the marginal sea basins in the South China Sea were found to be characterized by strong tectonic activities,diversity and complexity.The basin structures showed complex patterns of depressions,uplifts and concave or sag uplifts,which tended to lead to greater complexity in the paleogeographic patterns of the coal formations.This had subsequently resulted in complex coal-forming processes and paleogeographic characteristics,in which the coal-forming zones displayed bead-like distributions,and the enrichment areas and centers were scattered.The practical significance of studying the similarities and differences of the coal-forming characteristics between epicontinental basins and marginal sea basins is that the results can potentially be used to guide the predictions of coal-measure coal seam distributions in South China Sea,as well as provide valuable guidance for future explorations of natural gas reservoirs related to coal measures in the South China Sea area.  相似文献   
Abstract: 3–D velocity images of the crust beneath the northern margin of the North China Plate have been constructed using P-wave travel time residuals of the latest earthquakes, with the data supplied by Chinese seismic networks.
The seismic image results indicate that there is a lateral heterogeneity in the crust beneath the northern part of the North China block. The velocity images of the upper crust show features closely related to the tectonic features on the surface. It can be seen from these velocity images of the vertical sections, and from the horizontal slice images at depths of 11 and 16 km that there exist East-West and North-East structures. The images indicate that the juncture zone of basin–and–range terrain is between the blue-colored high–velocity block corresponding to the Yanshan mountain range that developed during the Yanshan period in northwest Beijing and the green low-velocity area corresponding to the North China basin in southeast Beijing (Fig. 5). The juncture zone between high-velocity and low–velocity, and EW and NE fault zones have significant ore-control effects. From the chart of epicenters in the northern region of North China, we find that the epicenters of earthquakes are almost entirely distributed within the NE strip. Almost all major earthquakes took place in the transition strip between the high and low-velocity zones in the crust. The distribution of epicenters also reflects the strikes of known NE–faults. From the image sections along the latitude, we find that in the area between 114.0 E –118.0 E , there is a blue high-velocity block standing upright from the Moho to the upper crust (Fig. 6), from which can be deduced that some materials such as magma moved upward from the upper mantle during the history of its geological development.  相似文献   
考虑非线性徐变的混凝土温度裂缝扩展过程模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘杏红  周创兵  常晓林  周伟 《岩土力学》2010,31(6):1995-2000
混凝土温度应力超过相应龄期的抗拉强度一半时,混凝土的徐变变形不再与应力呈线性关系。采用一个混凝土非线性徐变模型来进行混凝土的温度应力计算,并给出了相应的算法。同时,吸取无网格方法在裂缝扩展模拟方面的优势,采用无网格方法对混凝土的温度裂缝过程进行了仿真计算。数值算例计算结果表明,所编制的无网格法程序具有较好的收敛性和可靠性,能够有效地模拟混凝土块在温度应力作用下的开裂发展过程,考虑混凝土非线性徐变效应后,在开裂时刻混凝土急剧增加的非线性徐变变形缓和了缝端的温度拉应力,使得相同龄期混凝土的裂缝深度和扩展速率要比只考虑混凝土线性徐变要小一些。  相似文献   
大洋深部氧化还原环境与深部水体流通状况以及表层水体生产力密切相关。表层生产力与深部流通性变化影响着有机碳-呼吸CO2的转化及其在海洋-大气中的转移,最终与大气CO2分压(pCO2)变化密切相关。故探明大洋深部氧化还原环境的变化对于解决大气pCO2冰期旋回机制具有重要意义。本次研究以中国第31和32次南极科考获得的南极罗斯海柱状岩心ANT31-R23及表层样为研究材料。通过元素钙、钛,以及氧化还原敏感元素(RSE)锰、钼、镍、钴、镉的测试分析,以表层样中RSE与Ti的比值作为判断ANT31-R23孔中相应RSE富集程度的背景值。结果显示,Mn在沉积期均表现出富集,表明罗斯海深部在该孔沉积期为氧化环境。根据Mn在不同层位出现的富集峰识别出4次强氧化脉冲事件,可能由南大洋底层水流通性增强和/或生产力降低导致。4次氧化脉冲事件层位中Mo、Ni、Co的明显富集,是由于锰(氢)氧化物对其捕获或吸附所致。此外,推测分析认为罗斯海对冰期大气pCO2降低似乎没有明显贡献,但很可能对冰消期大气pCO2迅速升高起重要作用。然而这些有关南极罗斯海深部氧化还原环境与大气pCO2变化之间关联的推测,有待后续该孔精确年代模式的构建,方可进一步验证。  相似文献   
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