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东北平原土壤碳库构成具有典型特征:土壤有机碳密度(SOCD)由西部盐碱化、沙化平原向东部低山丘陵增高的趋势,由南向北显示增高趋势,无机碳密度(SICD)具有由西部盐碱化、沙化平原向东部低山丘陵降低的趋势; 土壤碳库仍以有机碳为主,不同土壤类型中有机碳密度占总碳密度的56.14% ~94.03%,有机碳和无机碳所占比例差别较大; 有机碳与总氮呈明显的线性关系,无机碳与CaO呈较强相关性,二者与SiO2均呈较强的负相关性,表明土壤碳库受土壤组成及类型控制最为明显; 土壤质地、pH值及其他土壤性质对土壤碳库也具有较大影响,有机碳及无机碳含量与pH值关系的散点图表现为"马鞍型",但是形状存在微小差别,土壤无机碳含量受碱性条件控制更为明显。  相似文献   
Riparian zones act as important buffer zones for non-point source pollution, thus improving the health of aquatic ecosystems. Previous research has shown that riparian zones play an important role, and that land use has an important effect, on phosphorus (P) retention. A spatial basin-scale approach for analyzing P retention and land use effects could be important in preventing pollution in riparian zones. In this study, a riparian phosphorus cycle model based on EcoHAT was generated with algorithms from soil moisture and heat models, simplified soil and plant phosphorus models, plant growth models, and universal soil loss equations. Based on remote sensing data, model performance was enhanced for spatial and temporal prediction of P retention in the riparian zone. A modified soil and plant P model was used to simulate the soil P cycle of a riparian zone in a temperate continental monsoon climate in northern China. A laboratory experiment and a field experiment were conducted to validate the P cycle model. High coefficients of determination (R 2) between simulated and observed values indicate that the model provides reliable results. P uptake variations were the same as the net primary productivity (NPP) trends, which were affected by soil temperature and moisture in the temperate continental monsoon climate. Beginning in June, the monthly content increased, with the maximum appearing in August, when the most precipitation and the highest temperatures occur. The spatial distribution of P uptake rates from March to September showed that areas near water frequently had relatively high values from May to August, which is contrary to results obtained in March, April, and September. The P uptake amounts for different land uses changed according to expectation. The average monthly P uptake rates for farmlands and grasslands were more than those for orchards and lowlands, which had moderate P uptake rates, followed by shrubs and forests. The spatial distribution of soil erosion demonstrated that the soil erosion came primarily from high-intensity agricultural land in the western and central areas, while the northern and eastern study regions, which were less affected by human activity, experienced relatively slight soil erosion. From the point of view of P pollution prevention, the spatial structure of riparian zones and the spatial distribution of land use around the Guanting reservoir are thus not favorable.  相似文献   
充分利用长江三峡工程文物抢救性发掘的宝贵机会,通过对重庆市忠县中坝遗址、丰都县玉溪遗址等典型遗址和神农架大九湖泥炭地层环境考古研究,摸索出了一套利用年代学、沉积学、重矿物组分鉴定、锆石形态统计、地球化学和环境磁学方法辨别考古遗址地层中古洪水沉积的方法;建立了该区地表孢粉-气候的转换函数,并将其用于对神农架大九湖泥炭地层的研究,弄清了该区全新世以来环境演变的背景,并将自然沉积地层环境演变记录与典型考古遗址地层古洪水事件作了对比分析。遗址时空分布研究表明:长江三峡库区旧石器时代至宋代677处遗址时空分布总趋势是从西往东、从高往低逐渐增加的,遗址多沿江河分布,且在河流交汇处呈聚集状态,这与人类多选择河流1~2级阶地为生、河流交汇处鱼类资源丰富有关。研究表明:中坝遗址能延续5000a的原因一方面与其盐业遗址的属性有关,另一方面与其长期具有良好生态环境有关。从该遗址T0202探方出土近20万件动物骨骼的分类统计证明了这一点。7.6kaBP以来,水位在吴淞高程147.024m以上的古洪水至少在玉溪遗址T0403探方中留下了16次沉积记录。神农架大九湖297cm厚的泥炭及其148个孢粉样品和10个AMS14C测年数据表明,该泥炭地层为本项目提供了理想的全新世自然环境演变背景,尤其8.2kaBP前后的降温事件很明显,6.7~4.2kaBP为中全新世最适宜期,4.2kaBP前后由暖湿转为凉干,3.5~0.9kaBP季风降水整体较弱,0.9kaBP前后转为较凉湿。根据对中坝和玉溪两处遗址地层的研究,在8.2~6.7kaBP期间出现有10个古洪水层;在6.7~4.2kaBP全新世最适宜期遗址地层中出现有8个古洪水层;在3.5~0.9kaBP降水减少的时期,中坝遗址中仅出现2个洪水层(即西周时期的37-1和战国早期的第21层);在0.9kaBP以来降水较多的时期,中坝遗址中存在3个洪水层(即宋代中期的11C-1层、清代的5-1层和1981年的2B-2层)。这表明,8.2~6.7kaBP的洪水在三峡地区次数是最多的,6.7~4.2kaBP的洪水数量次之。长江三峡库区的这一古洪水发生规律或许可以解释长江中游的江汉平原在7.8~5.1kaBP期间遗址数量偏少的原因。  相似文献   
西藏蛇绿岩中二种合金矿物新变种   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在西藏雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩带的东部,距拉萨200km的泽当罗莎蛇绿岩的铬铁矿中,发现有种类繁多的合金矿物,铬铁镍矿和依铁镍矿就是其中二种。铬铁镍矿分子式:Ni0.41Fe0.35Cr0.24,为等轴晶系,空间群为Fm3m,晶胞参数a=0.35622(2)nm。铱铁镍矿分子式:Ni0.66Fe0.18Ir0.16,属等轴晶系,空间群Oh^5-Fm3m,晶胞参数a=0.46486(4)mm。  相似文献   
敖瑙达巴斑岩型铜银锡乡金属矿床既不同于大多数由幔源岩浆衍生物所形成的斑岩铜矿,也不同于大多由地壳重熔岩浆衍生物形成的斑岩型锡(钨钼)矿床。它是分布于过渡性地壳上的、由起源于下地壳-上地幔的过渡性岩浆的衍生物形成的斑岩型铜银锡矿床。根据已取得的资料,在矿区内磁法、电法、化探异常的展布与已知矿化蚀变带一致。凡磁、电、化探异常吻合一致的综合异常,经验证都已见到了矿体。  相似文献   
On the basis of its geological characteristics, the Gushan iron deposit should be assigned to volcano-hydrothermal type with hematite-quartz as its principal mineral assemblage. Iron concentration of the ore solution has been estimated from the ratio of hematite to quartz in the ore. By using experimental and thermodynamic data, the solubility of ferro-minerals at elevated temperatures and pressures have been calculated in the system FeO?Fe2O3?NaCl?HCl?H2O. The effects ofT, P, pH,f O 2 and total Cl concentration on the solubility of ferrominerals are discussed. Thermodynamic calculations based on presumed physico-chemical conditions for the ore solution are in good agreement with geological observations. The calculation shows that ferro-minerals were deposited at logf O 2=?21~?25, log(mHCl+mH+)=?2.5~?3,P=1?0.75 (or 0.5) kb, andT=400°?350°C. It is believed that the original solution was an acid NaCl-bearing solution of magmatic derivation. However, iron in the solution was enriched with falling temperatures by dissolving pre-existing ferro-minerals in consolidated rocks rather than extracting directly from the magma. Either temperature (below 400°C) or pressure decrease may result in the precipitation of ferro-minerals from the solution, but the Fe/Si ratio in the ore is dependent mainly upon pH. The widespread siliceous veins of later stages are a reflection of decreasing acidity of the solution. An increase inf O 2 will also favor the deposition of ferro-minerals. The hypabyssal occurrence and the existence of the Huangmaqing sandy shale have contributed greatly to the formation of hematite.  相似文献   
The Significance of the rock stress measurements for studying state of stress in the crust is elucidated in this paper .A brief introduction on the principles and methods of calculating the rock stress by measuring the deformations of the bore-holes by means of the overcoring technique is given .Generally the error is estimated to be about 10% by the laboratory checking methods .Form the practical examples it is summed up for some laws of the stress distribution within 200 meters of the shallow crust: from the viewpoint of the rock-mass strength and energy accumulation, the relationship between the major principal stress and the elastic modules of the rock is shown in diagrams, and its direction is closed related to the topographical conditions .The practical examples reveal the measurement of rock stress is significant to the ground surface and underground engineering projects .  相似文献   
北黄海盆地是发育于隆起背景之上的中、新生代沉积盆地。新一轮资源调查研究表明,北黄海中、新生代沉积盆地的基底由古生界沉积岩层和前寒武纪变质岩系等组成,盆地不同程度地发育下构造层(J3-K1)、中构造层(E2-E3)和上构造层(N);从油气资源和中、新生代地层发育情况出发,将北黄海海域划分为辽东-海洋岛隆起区、北黄海盆地和胶北.刘公岛隆起区等3个一级构造单元,其中北黄海盆地包括6个二级构造单元和24个三级构造单元;盆地褶皱、断裂构造十分发育,褶皱构造可划分为区域挤压型、局部伴生型和披盖型等三类,断裂构造主要可见近EW—NE向、NW向和NNE向三组,其中近EW—NE向和NNE向断裂比较发育,控制着盆地隆、坳分布格局和沉积特征。  相似文献   
自工业革命以来全球大气CH4含量呈快速的增长趋势, 但达索普冰芯记录所显示的北半球中低纬度地区大气CH4增长的启动时间要晚于极地冰芯记录近100 a. 由于受北半球人类活动CH4排放、CH4在大气中的寿命及大气中CH4的传输等过程的影响, 最近150 a以来, 中低纬度大气CH4与南极大气CH4含量在不同的时段表现出不同的净积累量和增长速率, 且20世纪两次世界大战期间达索普冰芯记录明确显示出人类活动排放的减缓使大气CH4呈负增长. 对比研究认为, 到20世纪中叶人类活动的甲烷排放已达到极高值, 中低纬度大气中CH4增长率及年积累逐步趋于平稳且略有降低. 可以认定, 工业革命以来中低纬度地区大气CH4与南极大气CH4含量的变化在不同的时段在受控于人类活动影响的同时, CH4在大气中的行为和传输过程以及东亚中低纬度季风气候的影响决定了两地之间大气CH4含量变化存在显著的差异.  相似文献   
天山奎屯河哈希勒根51号冰川表面运动特征分析   总被引:14,自引:14,他引:14  
奎屯河哈希勒根51号冰川位于新疆奎屯市以南的天山依连哈比尔尕山北坡, 奎屯河上游支沟哈希勒根河源区. 1999年8月, 在该冰川上布设了用于冰川运动和冰川物质平衡观测研究的测杆18根, 并进行了冰川表面运动、冰川物质平衡和冰川末端变化的首次观测. 根据2000年8月和2001年8月的冰川运动观测资料, 分析了奎屯河哈希勒根51号冰川的运动特征和冰舌末端的变化状况. 结果表明: 奎屯河51号冰川应属于亚大陆型冰川; 1999/2000年度和2000/2001年度的表面运动值不大, 最大流速点的年运动速度为3.15 ma-1; 运动速度垂直分量UZ的变化规律同乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川的变化规律相同, 即消融区的显出流作用和积累区的显入流作用. 该冰川的冰舌末端处于相对稳定的退缩状态, 1964-1999年间平均退缩量约为1.4 m*a-1, 而1999-2001年间的平均退缩量为5.0 m*a-1, 反映出冰川退缩增大的趋势.  相似文献   
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