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Marabasco is a tropical river-estuary system comprising the Marabasco river and the Barra de Navidad Lagoon. The river is impacted by the Pe?a Colorada iron mine, which produces 3.5 million tons of pellets per year. Thirteen surface sediment samples were collected in May 2005 (dry season) in order to establish background levels of Al, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn in the system and to ascertain the potential mobility of metals in the sediments. Analyses were carried out in the fraction finer than 63 microm, and labile metals extracted according the BCR procedure. Certified reference materials were used for validation of methods. Total concentrations of Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn were in the range of 0.05-0.34, 6-95, 0.7-31, 9-26, 2-18, and 53-179 mgkg(-1), respectively; Al and Fe ranges of 24-127, and 26-69 mgg(-1) correspondingly. Cadmium was found to be significantly labile in the sediments (20-100%), followed by Co (0-35%), Ni (3-16%) and Zn (0-25%), whereas the labile fraction for Cu, Fe and Pb was almost negligible (<4%). According with the total metal concentrations, background levels and normalised enrichment factors (NEF) of the metals studied, the impact of the Pe?a Colorada iron mine on the Marabasco system is lower than expected when compared with other similar World systems influenced by mining activities.  相似文献   
The central arcminute of the Perseus cooling flow galaxy, NGC 1275, has been mapped with the JCMT in 12CO(2–1) at 21-arcsec resolution, with detections out to at least 36 arcsec (12 kpc). Within the limits of the resolution and coverage, the distribution of gas appears to be roughly east–west, consistent with previous observations of CO, X-ray, Hα and dust emission. The total detected molecular hydrogen mass is ∼ 1.6 × 1010 M, using a Galactic conversion factor. The inner central rotating disc is apparent in the data, but the overall distribution is not one of rotation. Rather, the line profiles are bluewards-asymmetric, consistent with previous observations in H  i and [O  iii ]. We suggest that the blueshift may be due to an acquired mean velocity of ∼ 150 km s−1 imparted by the radio jet in the advancing direction. Within the uncertainties of the analysis, the available radio energy appears to be sufficient, and the interpretation is consistent with that of Bo¨hringer et al. for displaced X-ray emission. We have also made the first observations of 13CO(2–1) and 12CO(3–2) emission from the central 21-arcsec region of NGC 1275 and combined these data with IRAM data supplied by Reuter et al. to form line ratios over equivalent, well-sampled regions. An LVG radiative transfer analysis indicates that the line ratios are not well reproduced by single values of kinetic temperature, molecular hydrogen density and abundance per unit velocity gradient. At least two temperatures are suggested by a simple two-component LVG model, possibly reflecting a temperature gradient in this region.  相似文献   
Reproducibility of Re-Os molybdenite ages depends on sample size and homogeneity, suggesting that Re and Os are decoupled within individual molybdenite crystals and do not remain spatially linked over time. In order to investigate the Re-Os systematics of molybdenite at the subgrain (micron) scale, we report LA-ICP-MS Re-Os ages for an Archean molybdenite crystal from Aittojärvi, Finland, analyzed in situ in a white aplite matrix. A related Aittojärvi molybdenite (A996D), in the form of a very fine-grained mineral separate, is used as one of our in-house NTIMS standards, and thus its age of 2760 ± 9 Ma is well established. Measurements of (187Re + 187Os)/185Re on micron scale spots along 200 μm traverses across the crystal yield a wide range of ages demonstrating that, in this case, microsampling of molybdenite does not produce geologically meaningful ages. Experimentation with mineral separations and sample size over a 7-yr period predicted that this would be the outcome. We suggest that 187Os is more likely to be the mobile species, based on its charge and ionic radius, and that 187Os becomes decoupled from parent 187Re with time on the micron and larger scale. Incompatible charge and ionic radius for Os ions formed during reduction of molybdenite-forming fluids may explain the widely observed absence of common (initial) Os in molybdenite. Geologically accurate ages for molybdenite can only be obtained for fully homogenized crystals (or crystal aggregates) so that any post-crystallization 187Re-187Os decoupling is overcome.A growing number of geologically accurate ID-NTIMS 187Re-187Os ages for homogenized molybdenite suggest that postcrystallization mobility of radiogenic 187Os must be limited to within the molybdenite mineral phase. We suggest that radiogenic 187Os may be stored in micron scale dislocations, kink bands, and delamination cracks produced by deformation, and that the unusual structure and deformation response of molybdenite results in an increased chemical stability in this mineral. Migration of 187Os into adjacent silicate phases is highly unlikely, but other contacting sulfides may take in Os. In an example from a Proterozoic skarn deposit at Pitkäranta (western Russia), we demonstrate minor loss of radiogenic 187Os from molybdenite and a corresponding gain in adjacent chalcopyrite such that the molybdenite age is not perceptibly disturbed, whereas the resulting chalcopyrite ages are impossibly old. Therefore, it is unadvisable to perform Re-Os analytical work on any sulfide in contact or intimate association with molybdenite. In addition to large errors in the age, if the isochron method is employed, initial 187Os/188Os ratios could be erroneously high, leading to seriously errant genetic interpretations.  相似文献   
Domestic Well Capture Zone and Influence of the Gravel Pack Length   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Domestic wells in North America and elsewhere are typically constructed at relatively shallow depths and with the sand or gravel pack extending far above the intake screen of the well (shallow well seal). The source areas of these domestic wells and the effect of an extended gravel pack on the source area are typically unknown, and few resources exist for estimating these. In this article, we use detailed, high-resolution ground water modeling to estimate the capture zone (source area) of a typical domestic well located in an alluvial aquifer. Results for a wide range of aquifer and gravel pack hydraulic conductivities are compared to a simple analytical model. Correction factors for the analytical model are computed based on statistical regression of the numerical results against the analytical model. This tool can be applied to estimate the source area of a domestic well for a wide range of conditions. We show that an extended gravel pack above the well screen may contribute significantly to the overall inflow to a domestic well, especially in less permeable aquifers, where that contribution may range from 20% to 50% and that an extended gravel pack may lead to a significantly elongated capture zone, in some instances, nearly doubling the length of the capture zone. Extending the gravel pack much above the intake screen therefore significantly increases the vulnerability of the water source.  相似文献   
Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) formation constitutes an important mechanism for the export of macronutrients out of the Southern Ocean that fuels primary production in low latitudes. We used quality-controlled gridded data from five hydrographic cruises between 1990 and 2014 to examine decadal variability in nutrients and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the AAIW (neutral density range 27 < γ n <? 27.4) along the Prime Meridian. Significant positive trends were found in DIC (0.70 ± 0.4 μmol kg??1 year??1) and nitrate (0.08 ± 0.06 μ mol kg??1 year??1) along with decreasing trends in temperature (??0.015 ± 0.01°C year??1) and salinity (??0.003 ± 0.002 year??1) in the AAIW. Accompanying this is an increase in apparent oxygen utilization (AOU, 0.16 ± 0.07 μ mol kg??1 year??1). We estimated that 75% of the DIC change has an anthropogenic origin. The remainder of the trends support a scenario of a strengthening of the upper-ocean overturning circulation in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean in response to the positive trend in the Southern Annular Mode. A decrease in net primary productivity (more nutrients unutilized) in the source waters of the AAIW could have contributed as well but cannot fully explain all observed changes.  相似文献   
Quartz phenocrysts from 31 granitoid stocks in the Colorado Mineral Belt yield 18O values less than 10.4, with most values between 9.3 and 10.4. An average magmatic value of about 8.5 is suggested. The stocks resemble A-type granites; these data support magma genesis by partial melting of previously depleted, fluorine-enriched, lower crustal granulites, followed by extreme differentiation and volatile evolution in the upper crust.Subsolidus interaction of isotopically light water with stocks has reduced most feldspar and whole rock 18O values. Unaltered samples from Climax-type molybdenumbearing granites, however, show no greater isotopic disturbance than samples from unmineralized stocks. Although meteoric water certainly played a role in post-mineralization alteration, particularly in feldspars, it is not required during high-temperature mineralization processes. We suggest that slightly low 18O values in some vein and replacement minerals associated with molybdenum mineralization may have resulted from equilibration with isotopically light magmatic water and/or heavy isotope depletion of the ore fluid by precipitation of earlier phases.Accumulation of sufficient quantities of isotopically light magmatic water to produce measured depletions of 18O requires extreme chemical stratification in a large magma reservoir. Upward migration of a highly fractionated, volatile-rich magma into a small apical Climax-type diapir, including large scale transport of silica, alkalis, molybdenum, and other vapor soluble elements, may occur with depression of the solidus temperature and reduction of magma viscosity by fluorine. Climax-type granites may provide examples of 18O depletion in magmatic systems without meteoric water influx.  相似文献   
Natural fractures are characterized by rough surfaces and complex fluid flows. A large distribution of apertures (residual voids) within their walls and the presence of contact points (in situ normal loads) produce heterogeneous flows (channeling). The resulting permeabilities, porosities or fluid–rock exchange surfaces cannot be realistically modeled by parallel and smooth plate models. Four natural fractures are sampled at different depths and degrees of alteration in the Soultz sandstone and granite (EPS1 drillhole, Soultz-sous-Forêts, Bas-Rhin, France). The fracture surfaces are measured with mechanical profilometry and maps of asperity heights (XYZ). Resulting local apertures (XYe) are then calculated. A statistical study of the surface profiles (XZ) show that the fractures are more or less rough and tortuous according to the types of alteration. Altered samples are characterized by smoother surfaces of fractures. Such differences imply that (i) the average fracture aperture is not representative for the whole fracture and that (ii) the different local apertures should be integrated in hydraulic and mechanical models. A hydraulic model (finite difference calculations) of fluid flow, taking into account the elastic closure (Hertz contact theory) of fractures with depth, is used. Maps of contact points and relative local loads within the fracture planes are compared to flow maps. They show different channeling of fluid flows. Strongly altered fractures are characterized by homogeneous fluxes despite the presence of numerous contact zones during the closure of fracture. By contrast, fresh fractures develop, increasing fluid flow channels with depth.Fracture closure (increasing normal stress) does not systematically increase the channeling of fluid flow. There is evidence for a general smoothing out of the irregularities of the fracture walls due to precipitation of secondary minerals, indicating that the cubic law can be commonly valid, also at great crustal depth but this validity depends on the degree of fracture alteration. Mineralogical and geochemical observations, thus, should be taken into account to perform more accurate permeability calculations and models of fluid circulation in fracture networks.  相似文献   
Widespread use of social media during crises has become commonplace, as shown by the volume of messages during the Haiti earthquake of 2010 and Japan tsunami of 2011. Location mentions are particularly important in disaster messages as they can show emergency responders where problems have occurred. This article explores the sorts of locations that occur in disaster‐related social messages, how well off‐the‐shelf software identifies those locations, and what is needed to improve automated location identification, called geo‐parsing. To do this, we have sampled Twitter messages from the February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand. We annotated locations in messages manually to make a gold standard by which to measure locations identified by a Named Entity Recognition software. The Stanford NER software found some locations that were proper nouns, but did not identify locations that were not capitalized, local streets and buildings, or non‐standard place abbreviations and mis‐spellings that are plentiful in microtext. We review how these problems might be solved in software research, and model a readable crisis map that shows crisis location clusters via enlarged place labels.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine peat formation processes throughout the millennia in four tidal marshes in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta. Peat cores collected at each site were analyzed for bulk density, loss on ignition, and percent organic carbon. Core data and spline fit age–depth models were used to estimate inorganic sedimentation, organic accumulation, and carbon sequestration rates in the marshes. Bulk density and percent organic matter content of peat fluctuated through time at all sites, suggesting that peat formation processes are dynamic and responsive to watershed conditions. The balance between inorganic sedimentation and organic accumulation at the sites also varied through time, indicating that marshes may rely more strongly on either inorganic or organic matter for peat formation at particular times in their existence. Mean carbon sequestration rates found in this study (0.38–0.79 Mg C ha−1 year−1) were similar to other long-term estimates for temperate peatlands.  相似文献   
The recently developed Morphological Acceleration Factor (MORFAC) approach for morphodynamic upscaling enables numerical model simulations of coastal evolution at decadal to millennial time scales. Primarily due to the massive increase in modeling time scales it affords, the MORFAC approach is now standard in state-of-the-art commercially available coastal morphodynamic modeling suites. However, the general validity of the MORFAC concept for coastal applications has not yet been comprehensively investigated. Furthermore, a robust and objective method (as opposed to the subjective and inelegant trial and error method) for the a priori determination of the highest MORFAC that is suitable for a given simulation (i.e. critical MORFAC) does not currently exist. This communication presents some initial results of an ongoing, long-term study that attempts to rigorously and methodically investigate the limitations and strengths of the MORFAC approach. Based on the results of a strategically designed numerical modeling exercise using the morphodynamic model Delft3D, two main outcomes are presented. First, the main dependencies and sensitivities of the MORFAC approach to fundamental forcing conditions and model parameters are elucidated. Second, a criterion based on the Courant–Friedrichs–Levy (CFL) condition for bed form propagation that maybe used as a guide to determine the critical MORFAC a priori is proposed.  相似文献   
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