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王佳晨  陈丹  郭栋 《气象科学》2023,43(6):761-771
利用欧洲中期数值预报中心(ECMWF)提供的ERA5高分辨率月平均再分析资料,分析了1991—2020年共30 a夏季6—8月南亚高压对其邻近上对流层—下平流层区域臭氧(O3)分布的影响。结果表明:ERA5资料能清晰地刻画出南亚高压夏季6—8月的月变化及振荡特征,同时能很好地反映出对应的臭氧低值这一现象。此外,ERA5高分辨率资料还能揭示出臭氧低值的范围和强度变化与南亚高压的范围和强度变化之间存在紧密联系。当南亚高压异常偏强(弱)时,邻近区域的臭氧低值增强(减弱),当南亚高压中心位置发生振荡时,臭氧浓度纬向偏差的中心也随之发生变化,这种变化在南亚高压偏强年时更明显。但这种联系有一定复杂性,不同月份的相关性存在差异。南亚高压对臭氧浓度的这种影响主要与对流层的空气输送有关,臭氧低值中心位置和范围的变化与位涡低值、位温纬向偏差负值区域分布相对应。  相似文献   
Since 2001, there have occurred in succession the 2001 Kunlun Mountains M S8. 1earthquake,the 2008 Wenchuan M S8. 0 earthquake,the 2010 Yushu M S7. 1 earthquake and the 2012 Lushan M S7. 0 earthquake in the periphery of the Bayan Har block. By comparison of the characteristics of seismic strain release variations before and after the Kunlun Mountains M S8. 1 earthquake in the same time length in the geodynamical related regions,we found that the seismic strain release was obviously enhanced after the earthquake in the Longmenshan area,Batang area,and the NS-trending valleys at the west of the Hot Spring Basin. The Wenchuan earthquake occurred in the first area,and the Yushu earthquake is related to the second area. After the earthquake rupture occurred on the East Kunlun fault zone on the northern boundary of the Bayan Har Block,crustal materials on the south side of the fault zone migrated to the southeast,leading to a concentration of tectonic deformation in the Longmenshan thrust belt, e ventually rupturing on the Longmenshan thrust belt. This earthquake case illustrates that seismicity enhancement zones are possibly prone to long-term destructive earthquakes. After the M S7. 3 earthquake in Yutian,Xinjiang on February 12,2014,earthquake frequency and seismic strain release markedly increased in the junction area between the eastern Qilian Mountain tectonic belt and the Altun Tagh fault zone,where more attention should be paid to the long-term seismic risk.  相似文献   
采用响应面分析法,以双髻鲨肉盐溶蛋白凝胶保水性为依据,对盐溶蛋白的提取和凝胶形成条件NaCl浓度、pH和低温加热时间进行优化。结果表明:(1)根据中心组合试验设计,采用三因素三水平的响应面分析法,建立了双髻鲨肉盐溶蛋白凝胶保水性与其提取条件的数学模型:保水性(%)=65.440+10.868X1+1.835X2-0.5...  相似文献   
Based on the established mathematic model and graphic interpretation, a new method, which is used to calculate the contribution of single-zone production in a commingled producing well by the ultraviolet spectrum technique, has been established. The standard plate was drawn using the extinction coefficient E of sample oils formulated artificially as y-axis and the wavelength as x-axis. The curve resulting from the UV analysis of sample oils in the commingled well was inserted into the standard plate and compared. The proportion of each single zone in the commingled producing well was identical with the proportion of the curve which is closest to the curve of sample oils formulated artificially. In the well QHD32-6-3 field, taking well A22 for example and using this method, the production contribution of a single zone was calculated. The result showed that the Nm4 zone is a major "contributor", the proportion of the Nm4 zone is 70%, and that of the Nm1 zone is 30%. The ultraviolet spectrum technique provided a new reservoir geochemical technique of monitoring production contribution, especially for biodegraded heavy oil, but it has some limitation, just depending on the GC fingerprint technique.  相似文献   
提起光学天象仪,我们首先想到的当然是德国蔡司天象仪,其次是日本的五藤天象仪和美能达天象仪其实美国天象仪也是世界天象仪制造业的一个极其重要的方面军,  相似文献   
18世纪下半叶,在英国蓬勃发展的太阳系仪飘洋过海,来到美国。在美国独立战争中诞生的里滕豪斯太阳系仪。至今在美国的两所顶尖级的大学校园中仍然可以看到。诞生于18世纪七八十年代的荷兰北方的居室中的太阳系模型,将行星仪发展到了极致。  相似文献   
海岸带滩涂是重要的生态资源,对于环境保护和区域可持续发展具有重要意义,是学术界研究的热点区域。但由于滩涂周期性地被潮水淹没,通达性较差,传统的测量方式难以满足这一高度动态环境的变化监测需求,因此遥感观测方式成为一个潜在的选择。但遥感观测受成像方式、大气条件和潮情的影响,其应用仍面临很大的挑战。本文以苏北至上海南汇边滩沿岸作为研究区域,首先选择了1975年以来每年潮位最低的Landsat影像数据作为数据源,利用水边线作为滩涂的外边界,植被线或围垦大堤作为内边界提取滩涂面积;然后利用ArcGIS软件对获取的滩涂数据进行分析,以此来研究长江口滩涂的时空变化特征。结果表明:① 1975年以来研究区域滩涂面积整体上呈降低趋势;1990s之前滩涂面积基本保持稳定,1990s之后降低趋势较为明显;1995年前后研究区圆陀角以北的江苏海岸和以南的长江河口区域滩涂面积达到最大值,分别为1101.2 km2、1495.5 km2,至2017年,二者面积分别降为649.5 km2、1043.4 km2,1990年至今总体降低速率为21.7 km2/a;② 流域来沙减少和围垦、深水航道等河口工程是长江口滩涂面积减少的主要控制因素。  相似文献   
文艺复兴时 期,古典星图和 星座文化已深入到 绘画、建筑和装饰等多 种艺术领域之中。意大利 的卡普拉洛尔的Villa Farnese教堂的穹顶壁画——星座,就是其中的最为辉煌之作。作品完成于1574年至1575年。作者是谁,已不  相似文献   
日本是天文馆大国,无论是天文馆的建设和运营,还是天象仪的制造,以及天文馆软件开发等方面,都是世界一流的。在中小型天文馆和中小型天象仪方面也是如此。根据日本天文馆协会2005年的《天文馆白皮书》,它所统计到的中小型天文馆就有253座,从拥有的数量来说,日本的中小型天文馆继美国之后,居世界第二位。日本天象仪制造业发达,其两大制造商——五藤和美能达,从创立之初,就把开发和经营中小型天象仪放置在与大型天象仪同样重要的地位,从一开始就把他们的大中小产品编成系列,加以推广,并不断推陈出新。  相似文献   
沉水植物生态修复对西湖细菌多样性及群落结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
沉水植物的重建是湖泊富营养化修复的关键措施之一.本研究利用在杭州西湖进行的沉水植物生态修复工程,应用基于聚合酶链式反应的变性梯度凝胶电泳(PCR-DGGE)及分子克隆等手段,研究种植菹草和苦草对水体中细菌多样性及群落结构的影响.未进行沉水植物生态修复的湖区细菌以Bacteroidetes(42.9%)、Betaproteobacteria(30.8%)和Verru-comicrobia(14.3%)为主.而种植菹草和苦草后,Bacteroidetes所占的比例分别减少到12.7%和5.3%;Betaproteobacteria则分别提高到52.4%和59.5%;Alphaproteobacteria由4.4%分别提高到19.0%和12.8%.种植菹草后Verrucomicrobia所占比例大幅降低,而种植苦草对Verrucomicrobia的影响不大.沉水植物修复不仅可以改善水质,同时也可以显著提高水体中细菌的多样性,改变细菌的群落结构.  相似文献   
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