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日前,省国土资源厅发出通知,要求全省各级国土资源部门认真贯彻落实国务院检查组验收意见,切实把土地市场治理整顿、整改工作落到实处。  相似文献   
在黑龙江与松花江的交汇处,省国土资源厅驻省农垦总局国土资源局宝泉岭分局犹如一朵奇葩,在宝泉岭大地上灿烂开放。近年来,该局在上级国土资源部门的正确领导下,深入贯彻落实党的十七大精神,不断创新管理,坚守耕地红线,从农垦总局级精神文明标兵向省级文明单位迈进。  相似文献   
渭河盆地东南缘蓝田-渭南一带发育较连续完整的新生代地层,其中包含丰富的哺乳动物化石,特别是灞河组中产 出典型的三趾马化石,并曾据此建立了灞河期标准生物地层。鉴于灞河组及灞河期沉积地层在中国北方环境变化及古生物 研究中的重要意义,对陕西蓝田灞河南岸厚约246 m的段家坡灞河组典型剖面进行了详细古地磁年代学研究。磁性地层分 析确定的极性序列可与标准古地磁年表(GPTS) 较好对比,结果表明段家坡剖面灞河组年龄为11~7 Ma,属于晚中新世。 本研究支持灞河期单独作为一个地层年代单位,为哺乳动物化石的区域对比提供了相对准确的年代界定,同时结合与其它 盆地同时期沉积的对比探讨了灞河组的沉积环境和古气候,认为当时为半干旱型草原气候,沉积环境和气候与上覆的蓝田 组有很大不同。  相似文献   
The dust source and transporting system are two indispensable aspects in the process of loess-palaeosol accumulation. It has been proved that the dust of the Loess Plateau mainly comes from the northwestern inland gobi and desert, transported by the East Asia monsoon systems and westerlies. However, there are little researches with respect to the dust source and deposition dynamics of the upper reaches of the Huaihe River. In the present study, we investigated and collected the YPC section with high resolution in the upper reaches of the Huaihe River. The chronological frame was reconstructed by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating and correlated with the published loess time series. By comparison of the magnetic susceptibility (MS) and grain size (GS) of loess-soil profile among YPC profile, XJN profile (western Loess Plateau) and the JYC profile (southern Loess Plateau), we find similar climate change and pedogenic process between the upper reaches of the Huaihe River and the Loess Plateau, both experienced an extreme dry and the weakest pedogenesis during the last glacial, followed by a transitional episodes from the cold-dry last glacial to the warm-humid mid-Holocene and increased pedogenesis in the early Holocene, then a most humid-warm and strong pedogenesis in the mid-Holocene, and climate deterioration and decreased pedogenesis occurred during the late Holocene. But the MS of loess-soil profile sequences in the upper reaches of the Huaihe River was much lower than those in the Loess Plateau, and the GS was much coarser than those in the Loess Plateau. Comparison of GS for these three profiles revealed that there were different dust sources, which belonged to different aeolian transporting systems. The loess in the upper reaches of the Huaihe River was a wind blown deposition of near source, while the coarser dust mainly came from loose alluvial deposits of alluvial and proluvial fans of the Yellow River. The yielding and carrying dynamics of the dust in the Huaihe River is the northeast wind prevails in the winter half year.  相似文献   
今年,宝泉岭垦区绥滨农场招商引资改变打法,由“引资”变为“选资”,4个不利于耕地保护的项目“落选”。  相似文献   
农垦二九○农场采取承包到户治理废弃地的办法,使1500亩不毛之地成为良田,14万平方米废弃土地成为发展养殖业的高效用地。  相似文献   
“悉心教导学生。全心呵护自然,热心建言政府。小学教师担负起保卫千里湿地的责任,不遗余力,不怕阻力,甚至不惜生命,终为三江平原唤来生机。”他就是东北三省唯一入选中国首届“生态贡献奖”的萝北县苇场小学老师李启文。国家林业局局长贾治邦曾亲切地抠着李启文的手鼓励他说,你就是教育孩子保护湿地的李老师啊,做得好!在颁奖晚会上,中央电视台著名主持人崔永元问:今后还继续做这些工作么?李启文坚定地回答说:要做,不但要做而且还要做得更好!  相似文献   
在野外考察研究的基础上,在河南禹州全新世黄土-古土壤剖面系统采样,利用X-荧光光谱仪测定了常量元素的含量,并与磁化率、粘粒含量及碳酸钙含量变化曲线对比发现:常量元素氧化物(Al2O3、Fe2O3、K2O、MgO)含量随土壤地层呈现有规律变化,即在古土壤层(S0)中含量最高,表土层(MS)中次之,在黄土层(L1、Lt、L0)中最低;Na2O在古土壤层淋失,在黄土层相对富集。深入分析表明,淮河上游全新世黄土为风力沉积物,来源于黄河下游泛滥平原的风沙活动和沙尘暴沉积。在古土壤层和表土层形成时期,气候温暖湿润,虽然仍然有沙尘暴发生,但是成壤作用和次生粘化作用较强;在黄土层堆积时期,气候干旱寒冷,黄河下游泛滥平原植被稀疏,风沙活动和沙尘暴强烈,风化成壤作用极其微弱。这些化学成分含量与磁化率相关性很强,表明它们主要受全新世气候与成壤环境变化的控制。  相似文献   
近日,黑龙江省宝泉岭农垦分局传出好消息,2006年经济指标实现新的突破。“这成绩的取得,主要得益于国土资源部门的大力支持。”宝泉岭分局局长赵广民说。  相似文献   
经过积极探索,黑龙江省宝泉岭垦区从.今年开始,将推行占用耕地表层土壤剥离制’度,所有建设项目占用耕地的,将按照“谁占用、谁剥离、谁覆土、谁受益”的原则,将表层适于作物生长的土壤层进行剥离,深度至少达到30厘米,集中堆放,用于土地复垦开发整理项目和中低产田改造工程。  相似文献   
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