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To explore the size-dependent responses of zooplankton to submerged macrophyte restoration, we collected macrophyte, zooplankton and water quality samples seasonally from a subtropical shallow lake from 2010 to 2012. Special attention was given to changes in rotifers and crustaceans(cladocerans and copepods). The rotifers were grouped into three size classes(200 μm, 200 μm–400 μm, 400 μm) to explore their size-related responses to macrophyte restoration. The results showed that during the restoration, the annual mean biomass and macrophyte coverage increased significantly from 0 to 637 g/m~2 and 0 to 27%, respectively. In response, the density and biomass of crustaceans and the crustacean-to-rotifer ratio increased significantly, while the rotifer density decreased significantly. Moreover, rotifers showed significant sizedependent responses to macrophyte restoration. Specially, rotifers 400 μm were significantly suppressed, while those ≥400 μm were significantly encouraged. Overall, the population of large-sized zooplankton tended to boom, while that of small rotifers was inhibited during macrophyte restoration. Redundancy analysis(RDA) revealed positive correlations between macrophytes and crustaceans, rotifers and COD or Chl-a, but negative correlations between macrophytes and COD or Chl-a, and between crustaceans and Chl-a. Moreover, the results indicate that increased predation on phytoplankton by large-sized zooplankton might be an important mechanism for macrophyte restoration during development of aquatic ecosystems, and that this mechanism played a very important role in promoting the formation of a clear-water state in subtropical shallow lakes.  相似文献   
为了利用海冰图像识别技术获取海冰冰况信息, 探索了利用高斯混合模型进行海冰图像分割的技术途径, 描述了具体算法, 并利用高斯混合模型的最大期望值(EM)算法以及最小描述长度(MDL)准则对渤海海冰图像进行目标提取。研究结果表明, 该方法可以很好地实现海冰信息的有效提取和海冰图像的有效分割, 从而证明了建立在图像分割技术...  相似文献   
隐伏矿体预测研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
隐伏矿体预测,具有大比例、小尺度和高精度的特点。预测理论有相似类比理论、矿床模型理论以及地质异常理论、成矿系列和成矿系统理论等。预测技术方法有经验类比法,地球化学方法(如地气法、活动态偏提取技术),地球物理方法(如放射性测量、地面电磁法、地震法和井中物探),以及遥感技术、GIS技术和综合信息矿产预测方法等。拓展找矿思路、加大深部找矿力度、多学科合作、应用新技术和新方法是今后隐伏矿体预测的发展趋势。  相似文献   
佳木斯市气象局的服务器是一机多用,既是文件服务器、数据库服务器,又是代理服务器。服务器承载着全局的公文传输、报文传输、测报数据库共享、代理上网等,服务器本身性能较高,能满足工作需求,但是受到网络传输能力的限制,效率不高。采用多网卡负载平衡技术解决了这个问题。多网卡负载平衡是多块网卡使用同一IP地址,相当于将网络带宽扩大了几倍,加大了服务器的数据吞吐能力,提高了性能。同时也具备一定的容错能力,如果一块网卡或一条线路损坏,不影响服务器的正常运行,其它网卡和线路依然正常工作。  相似文献   
王4井因受井区地热开发的影响,于2008年12月断流停测。2010年对原观测井口装置进行改造,开始进行抽水观测水汞试验研究。在新的观测方式下,为确保观测数据稳定、可靠,本文从抽水观测的观测条件方面,对不同取样位置和抽水时间对水汞测值的影响进行了试验。试验结果表明,不同抽水时间和不同取样位置抽水观测对水汞测值影响不大,这一结论与水汞本身的化学特性相一致。认为在没有自流井的地区,只要选择灵敏的观测点使用抽水方式采样,固定观测条件,依然可以进行水汞监测。  相似文献   
A scheme for estimating tropical cyclone intensity using AMSU-A data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Brightness temperature anomalies measured by the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) polar-orbiting series are suited to estimate tropical cyclone (TC) intensity by virtue of their ability to assess changes in tropospheric warm core struc-ture in the presence of clouds. Analysis of the measurements from different satellites shows that the variable horizontal resolution of the instrument has significant effects on the observed brightness temperature anoma-lies. With the aim to decrease these effects on TC intensity estimation more easily and effectively, a new simple correction algorithm, which is related to the product of the brightness temperature gradient near the TC center and the size of the field-of-view (FOV) observing the TC center, is proposed to modify the observed anomalies. Without other measurements, the comparison shows that the performance of the new algorithm is better than that of the traditional, physically-based algorithm. Furthermore, based on the correction algorithm, a new scheme, in which the brightness temperature anomalies at 31.4 GHz and 89 GHz accounting for precipitation effects are directly used as the predictors with those at 54.94 GHz and 55.5 GHz, is developed to estimate TC intensity in the western North Pacific basin. The collocated AMSU-A observations from NOAA-16 with the best track (BT) intensity data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) in 2002-2003 and in 2004 are used respectively to develop and validate regression coefficients. For the independent validation dataset, the scheme yields 8.4 hPa of the root mean square error and 6.6 hPa of the mean absolute error. For the 81 collocated cases in the western North Pacific basin and for the 24 collocated cases in the Atlantic basin, compared to the BT data, the standard deviations of the estimation differences of the results are 15% and 11% less than those of the CIMSS (Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies, Univ  相似文献   
五峰组-龙马溪组含笔石富有机质页岩是中国目前最成功和最重要的页岩气勘探目标.由于缺乏镜质体,该地层的成熟度一直存在争议.以雪峰山西侧北缘富含笔石的五峰组-龙马溪组页岩为例,采用笔石表皮体反射率来表征其成熟度特征.该套页岩笔石含量丰富,以非粒状笔石表皮体为主,其具有二轴晶光性特征,最大反射率(GRmax)和双反射率之间表现出正相关关系,成熟度越高的笔石表皮体表现出更强的各向异性.同时,该套地层中也含有丰富的沥青颗粒,其随机反射率与笔石表皮体的最大和随机反射率也呈现了正相关性,其各向异性更弱,但其成因复杂,且颗粒细小,测定较困难,因此,相对而言,作为热成熟指标,笔石表皮体反射率更占优势.雪峰山西侧北缘五峰组-龙马溪组含笔石页岩的成熟度较高,EqVRo值均为3.10%以上,达到了过成熟阶段,是页岩气勘探的有利区.   相似文献   
大西洋中脊TAG热液活动区中热液沉积物的稀土元素地球?…   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
用ICP-MS对TAG热液活动区表层热液沉积物中6个块状硫化物样品进行了稀土元素分析。所有样品均表现出正Eu异常和LREE相对富集的球粒陨石标准化配分模式,热液沉积物样品中稀土元素组成的变化是由于海底热液循环体系中热液流体和涨水不同程度混合作用的结果,  相似文献   
1804号台风"艾云尼"给广州带来了近10年最强的台风降水,对期间主要出现的两次强度明显不同的强降水过程的成因进行了对比分析,结果表明:(1)第1段强降水主要是受"艾云尼"外围环流影响,第2段转受其本体环流影响,深厚的低空急流为强降水的产生提供了较好的水汽和不稳定能量条件;(2)第2段强降水过程高低空辐散辐合强度均增大到第1段过程的1.5倍以上,为第2段强降水的增强提供了更好的动力条件;(3)第2段强降水过程水汽通量及辐合强度较第1段明显增强,为降水的增强提供了更好的水汽条件;(4)强的θse平流输送及其随高度的减弱是不稳定能量维持的重要原因.  相似文献   
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