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借助携带地理信息的图像数据,标注未知图像的地理信息,是图像视频地理信息系统迫切需要的基于内容的检索工具。传统基于文本的地理信息标注方法主要借助人工完成,效率低下且无法运用于视频GIS检索之中,针对该问题,提出了基于流形结构的图像地理信息标注方法。该方法提取图像的视觉特征作为相似度度量,重构地理图像的流形结构,用以刻画不同视角视图图像的渐进变化规律,建立相同地理位置不同视角图像之间的内部关联,以便携带地理信息的共享。构建地理图像的流形结构需要连续视角变化的地理图像,当已有地理图像视角变化跳跃时,提出利用主动学习策略,通过交互完成视角变化跳跃位置的地理图像补充,同时进行增量式训练,提升地理信息标注方法的泛化能力。实验结果表明,给出携带地理信息的图像,该文方法可以获得相同地理位置处流形结构内的所有地理图像,高效完成地理信息标注。此外,在应对成像视角变化跳跃的情况时,具有较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   
利用实况资料和WRF模拟资料,分析2009年8月6—10日"莫拉克"台风在台湾地区造成强降水过程中台风螺旋雨带与水平涡度的关系。结果表明:模式较好地模拟出了本次台风暴雨的发生发展过程。在7日00时—9日00时,台风外围有两条螺旋雨带,一支位于台湾的中部偏南,一支位于台湾的南部,暴雨主要位于这两支螺旋雨带上;暴雨出现在环流上升支附近,在中低层,雨带对应着较大的指向东的水平涡度,且随着水平涡度大值区移动而移动,显示出两者较密切的联系;水平涡度的大值区与垂直涡度的大值区也有较好的对应关系,存在水平涡度向垂直涡度的转化;水平涡度的旋度正值区对应上升运动区,其旋度的大值区对应强的螺旋雨带与降水。当水平涡度减小时,若水平涡度的旋度正值区存在,雨带仍然可以维持。  相似文献   
The present work provides a novel method for calculating vertical velocity based on continuity equations in a pressure coordinate system.The method overcomes the disadvantage of accumulation of calculating errors of horizontal divergence in current kinematics methods during the integration for calculating vertical velocity,and consequently avoids its subsequent correction.In addition,through modifications of the continuity equations,it shows that the vorticity of the vertical shear vector(VVSV) is proportional to-ω,the vertical velocity in p coordinates.Furthermore,if the change of ω in the horizontal direction is neglected,the vorticity of the horizontal vorticity vector is proportional to-ω.When ω is under a fluctuating state in the vertical direction,the updraft occurs when the vector of horizontal vorticity rotates counterclockwise;the downdraft occurs when rotating clockwise.The validation result indicates that the present method is generally better than the vertical velocity calculated by the ω equation using the wet Q-vector divergence as a forcing term,and the vertical velocity calculated by utilizing the kinematics method is followed by the O'Brien method for correction.The plus-minus sign of the vertical velocity obtained with this method is not correlated with the intensity of d BZ,but the absolute error increases when d BZ is =40.This method demonstrates that it is a good reflection of the direction of the vertical velocity.  相似文献   
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