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IPCC评估报告气温变化观测数据的不确定性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王芳  葛全胜  陈泮勤 《地理学报》2009,64(7):828-838
IPCC评估报告给出了全球气候变暖的结论.本文从IPCC采集引用的数据源角度对其揭示的近百年地表增温结论进行了不确定性分析,具体包括地表气温观测网络空间分布、温度序列时间尺度、数据可信度、人类活动对温度的影响等.结果表明:百年尺度全球地表气温观测网络覆盖范围较少;经纬度单元网格内数据源分布不均匀;长时间尺度的温度序列记录有限,且不同年代气温记录数量存在显著差异;大量站点观测连续性差,年平均温度可信度低;目前使用的地面温度观测记录大部分来自大城市,对城市化的热岛效应考虑不足.  相似文献   
More than 240 items of historical records containing climatic information were retrieved from official historical books, local chronicles, annals and regional meteorological disaster yearbooks. By using moisture index and flood/drought (F/D) index obtained from the above information, the historical climate change, namely wet-dry conditions in borderland of Shaanxi Province, Gansu Province and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (BSGN, mainly included Ningxialu, Hezhoulu, Gongchanglu, Fengyuanlu and Yan’anlu in the Yuan Dynasty) was studied. The results showed that the climate of the region was generally dry and the ratio between drought and flood disasters was 85/38 during the period of 1208–1369. According to the frequencies of drought-flood disasters, the whole period could be divided into three phases. (1) 1208–1240: drought dominated the phase with occasional flood disasters. (2) 1240–1320: long-time drought disasters and extreme drought events happened frequently. (3) 1320–1369: drought disasters were less severe when flood and drought disasters happened alternately. Besides, the reconstructed wet-dry change curve revealed obvious transition and periodicity in the Mongol-Yuan Period. The transitions occurred in 1230 and 1325. The wet-dry change revealed 10- and 23-year quasi-periods which were consistent with solar cycles, indicating that solar activity had affected the wet-dry conditions of the study region in the Mongol-Yuan Period. The reconstructed results were consistent with two other study results reconstructed from natural evidences, and were similar to another study results from historical documents. All the above results showed that the climate in BSGN was characterized by long-time dry condition with frequent severe drought disasters during 1258 to 1308. Thus, these aspects of climatic changes might have profound impacts on local vegetation and socio-economic system.  相似文献   
戴尔阜  翟瑞雪  葛全胜  吴秀芹 《地理学报》2014,69(11):1651-1660
以我国内蒙古草原为研究区域,结合1982-1988年第二次土壤普查资料以及2011-2012年实地考察数据,构建了基于遥感数据和土壤数据的区域表层土壤有机碳储量估算方法,对研究区1980s和2010s表层土壤有机碳储量、空间分布特征及其变化进行研究,结果表明:(1) 1980s、2010s内蒙古草地表层土壤 (0~20 cm) 有机碳储量分别为2.05 Pg C、2.17 Pg C,土壤有机碳密度约为3.48 kg C·m-2、3.69 kg C·m-2,其空间分布上呈现从草甸草原、典型草原、荒漠草原逐渐降低的特征;(2) 1982-2012年间,内蒙古草地表层土壤有机碳储量略有增加,但增加幅度较小,其中草甸草原和典型草原表层土壤有机碳储量增加,荒漠草原则表现为减少。研究结果将为研究区因地制宜地采取固碳措施,实现草地可持续管理提供科学参考。  相似文献   
2005年9月5日至9日,第17届国际生物气象大会在风景如画的德国南部小城加米施·帕滕基兴城市议会中心大厦召开。会议由国际生物气象学会(International Society of Biometeorolgy,ISB)主办,世界气象组织(WMO)、世界卫生组织(WHO)、欧洲科学技术联合会(COST)、美国、德国、日本和  相似文献   
Vegetation greenness is a key indicator of terrestrial vegetation activity. To under-stand the variation in vegetation activity in spring across eastern China (EC), we analysed the variation in the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from April to May during 1982-2006. The regional mean NDVI across EC increased at the rate of 0.02/10yr (r2=0.28; p=0.024) prior to 1998; the increase ceased, and the NDVI dropped to a low level thereafter. However, the processes of variation in the NDVI were different from one region to another. In the North China Plain, a cultivated area, the NDVI increased (0.03/10yr; r2=0.52; p<0.001) from 1982 to 2006. In contrast, the NDVI decreased (-0.02/10yr; r2=0.24; p=0.014) consecu-tively from 1982 to 2006 in the Yangtze River and Pearl River deltas, two regions of rapid urbanisation. In the eastern region of the Inner Mongolian Plateau and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in East China, the NDVI increased prior to 1998 and decreased thereafter. In the Hulun Buir area and the southern part of the Yangtze River Basin, the NDVI increased prior to 1998 and remained static thereafter. The NDVI in the grasslands and croplands in the semi-humid and semi-arid areas showed a significant positive correlation with precipitation, while the NDVI in the woodlands in the humid to semi-humid areas showed a significant positive correlation with temperature. As much as 60% of the variation in the NDVI was ex-plained by either precipitation or temperature.  相似文献   
Soil carbon sequestration and potential has been a focal issue in global carbon research. Under the background of global change, the estimation of the size as well as its change of soil organic carbon(SOC) storage is of great importance. Based on soil data from the second national soil survey and field survey during 2011–2012, by using the regression method between sampling soil data and remote sensing data, this paper aimed to investigate spatial distribution and changes of topsoil(0–20 cm) organic carbon storage in grasslands of Inner Mongolia between the 1980 s and 2010 s. The results showed that:(1) the SOC storage in grasslands of Inner Mongolia between the 1980 s and 2010 s was estimated to be 2.05 and 2.17 Pg C, with an average density of 3.48 and 3.69 kg C·m–2, respectively. The SOC storage was mainly distributed in the typical steppe and meadow steppe, which accounted for over 98% of the total SOC storage. The spatial distribution showed a decreased trend from the meadow steppe, typical steppe to the desert steppe, corresponding to the temperature and precipitation gradient.(2) SOC changes during 1982–2012 were estimated to be 0.12 Pg C, at 7.00 g C·m–2·yr–1, which didn't show a significant change, indicating that SOC storage in grasslands of Inner Mongolia remained relatively stable over this period. However, topsoil organic carbon showed different trends of carbon source/sink during the past three decades. Meadow steppe and typical steppe had sequestered 0.15 and 0.03 Pg C, respectively, served as a carbon sink; while desert steppe lost 0.06 Pg C, served as a carbon source. It appears that SOC storage in grassland ecosystem may respond differently to climate change, related to vegetation type, regional climate type and grazing intensity. These results might give advice to decision makers on adopting suitable countermeasures for sustainable grassland utilization and protection.  相似文献   
雄安新区:如何建成生态与创新之都   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建设雄安新区,是千年大计、国家大事。为落实中央决策,我们突出强调将雄安建设成为生态与创新之都。来自地理学及人居环境科学领域的16位专家,以笔谈方式,对此开展了深入讨论。认为雄安新区的发展,应该坚持和秉承以下观念。一是宜居安全观,需要优化调控区域资源环境承载力,突出安全第一,切实防范洪涝灾害、环境污染等风险,以创建宜居宜业宜游的城市为目标,走全面宜居城市之路。二是生态城市观,应积极采用低碳生态技术,有机组织城市区域生态系统与空间布局,建设绿色基础设施系统,保证城市生态系统良性循环,走系统化的生态城市之路。三是创新核心观,应该以科技文化为灵魂,推进科技创新、文化创新与管理创新等全面创新,突出科技创新核心,建设新一代可持续发展的科技创新之都。四是区域统筹观,应从流域视角、区域一体化视角,统筹新区建设,注重区域协作,共享共生,互动互补,带动区域转型新型发展,走区域深度协同发展之路。五是文化城市观,重视历史文化保护与城市文化艺术发展,倡导文化包容与和谐,探索中华人文生态特色新型城市风貌,走文化特色城市发展之路。六是综合品质观,强调城市生态经济社会全面高水平发展,突出全面高质量与高标准发展理念,建立国际领先的质量标准体系与规范体系,发展智慧城市,全面加强综合质量监测评价与督察,结合文化品质追求,配套先进的社会公共设施与保障系统,走综合高品质发展之路。七是典型示范观,努力将雄安新区打造成生态创新的城市示范区和新型城市化的样板城市,促进京津冀建设生态与创新型世界城市群。  相似文献   
贵阳木本植物始花期对温度变化的敏感度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物物候期的温度敏感度反映了植物是怎样及在何种程度上响应气候变化,研究不同物种物候期的温度敏感度有利于鉴别易受气候变化影响的物种。现有关于始花期的温度敏感度研究主要集中在温带地区,在亚热带地区研究仍较少。本文以位于亚热带的贵阳为研究区,利用1980-2014年60种典型木本植物的始花期观测资料,分析了该地区植物始花期变化趋势及对气温变化的敏感度,评估了样本量大小对敏感度估计稳定性的影响。结果表明:①研究时段内贵阳发生了明显的气候变化,年平均气温显著升高,其中春、秋季的增温比夏、冬季显著。②绝大多数植物(88.3%)的始花期在研究时段内呈提前趋势,其中显著提前的占物种总数的21.7%(P<0.05);60种植物始花期总体的提前趋势为2.89 d/10 a。③绝大多数(88.3%)植物始花期的年际变化与最优时段内平均气温呈显著负相关(P<0.05),所有植物始花期的总体敏感度为-5.75 d/℃。④样本量大小对温度敏感度估计的稳定性有显著影响,15年长序列能将敏感度估计结果的波动范围以99%的概率控制在2 d/℃之内。  相似文献   
面向“未来地球”计划的陆地表层格局研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
未来地球计划是目前国际上关于全球环境变化前沿研究的综合科学计划,集国际科学理事会(ICSU)所领导的四大科学计划为一体,旨在将自然科学与社会科学结合在一起,并加强决策支持和研究交流,寻求地球系统可持续途径,全球环境变化研究与人类学、社会学合作构建综合集成平台,推进科学研究为社会经济可持续发展服务。本文剖析陆地表层格局特点,分析陆地表层格局的国内外关注焦点及其研究理念的转变与应用领域的拓展。分析表明:陆地表层是未来地球计划关注的重点之一,陆地表层要素与过程相互作用并在人类活动驱动下形成的格局,可作为未来地球计划进一步研究的区域基础框架。未来,陆地表层格局研究应力求方法论的突破,为自然地理学综合研究的发展提供支撑。  相似文献   
1736-2010年华南前汛期始日变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据清代华南雨雪分寸记载的内容、特点,参照华南地区前汛期降水特征,提出了利用雨雪分寸记载重建华南前汛期开始时间的方法,重建了1736-1911 年福州与广州前汛期开始日期变化序列;并利用福州与广州(分别始于1953 和1952 年)逐日降水观测记录辨识了器测时期两地前汛期的逐年开始时间;据此分析了过去300 年华南前汛期开始日期的年-年代际变化特征。结果表明:1736-2010 年间,福州、广州两地前汛期开始时间平均为5 月第1 候;但存在显著的年际和年代际波动,其中重建时段(1736-1911 年)的主周期为2~3 年、准10 年和准40年,器测时段的主周期为2~3 年、准10 年和准22 年。在年际尺度,重建时段福州和广州前汛期开始时间最早的年份均为4 月第4 候,最晚的年份则分别为5 月第6 候和6 月第1 候;而器测时段两地前汛期开始时间的最早年、最晚年均为4 月第4 候和6 月第1 候。在年代际尺度,重建时段福州和广州相邻年代最大变幅分别为2.2 候和1.6 候;器测时段福州和广州相邻年代最大变幅则分别为2.5 候和2.4 候。  相似文献   
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