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Long wavelength baroclinic oceanic Rossby waves are of interest because they are the main mechanism of energy transfer among the oceanic basins as the rotating fluid adjusts under the forcing of gravity and buoyancy,They play an important role in dynamics and thermodynamics in the ocean.The signature of them is evident from the altimeter measurements.Sea surface beight derived from the multiple ocean satellite altimeter missions over 1993~2008 is analyzed to systematically investigate the characteristics of the Rossby waves in the tropical Indian Ocean,by jointly adopting 2D-FFT,2D-Radon Transform,Complex Empirical Orthogonal Function and the classic linear theory methods.Results are as follows.The energy of Rossby wave is mainly concentrated between 5°S~18°S.Annual Rossby wave can be observed all over the whole badin,whereas semi-annual Rossby wave can bw only detected in the equatorial area, and inter-annual Rossby wave in the off-equatorial region.The phase speeds of Rossby waves detected from altimeter satellites are basically in agreement with the calculation based on the classic linear theory, but the former are some slower(faster) north(south)of 15°S than the later,Furthemore,it is indicated from the CEOF analysis that the annual Rossby waves is apparent in the Bay of Bengal,Arabian Sea ,and the open south Indian Ocean,whereas inter-annual Rossby wave mainly presents in the south Indian Ocean ,and eastward Kelvin wave is dominant along equator.  相似文献   
依据海水中悬浮物垂直通量的计算公式 ,提出了一种利用悬浮物含量、垂直通量和静水沉速估算海水垂向流速的新方法。当悬浮物静水沉速未知时 ,可用判别方法对海水是否存在显著垂向流动做基本判断。同时采用估算及判别方法对东海9404航次两连续站111和410的实测资料进行分析 ,得出了410站的海水不存在显著的上升流动 ,而111站的海水不仅存在上升流动 ,流速约为2.6×10 3cm/s ,而且在时均情况下 ,上升流不能达到表层的结果。此判断结果与以往的观测和结论以及本次观测结果相吻合。  相似文献   
Wunsch提出的反演模式已被人们广泛用于大洋中的环流计算。贝塔螺旋(Beta Spiral)技术也被广泛用于海洋中单站三维流速的计算。本文旨在利用“科学一号”考察船一九八九年十月在西太平洋取得的CTD资料,以这两种方法相结合,优化算出该海域的流速场和体积输送量。  相似文献   
秋末南黄海的透光度及其与环流的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着现代光学仪器的发展,人们越来越多地利用海水的浊度、透光度或光束的吸收系数等在海洋中的分布来讨论海流、水团混合、海洋锋面等水文现象,以此作为温、盐等水文资料的重要补充。例如,Drake用表层海水的透光度揭示了Santa Barbar海峡中的环流状态。Matsuike和Morinaga曾用日本南岸黑潮区域中的光束吸收系数揭示了沿岸水进人黑潮主流的混合现象。Matsuike 等用光束吸收系数研究了长江冲淡水与外海高盐水之间和黄海沿岸水与东海高盐水之间的锋面特征。上述研究都是卓有成效的。 然而,在我国还很少使用过类似的方法来研究有关的海洋水文现象。1983年11月在中美南黄海环流与沉积动力学联合调查研究的首航调查中,使用25cm光程的透光度计(Transmissometer)精确地测定了南黄海的透光度值。本文将以这些资料为基础,阐明南黄海透光度值的分布规律及其同南黄海的水团分布、环流状态、潮汐运动等水文现象之间的关系。 25cm光程透光度计用产生波长为660nm红光的发光二极管作光源,这种光源接近单色,在蒸馏水中经过25cm光程后,仪器测得的最大透光度值为90%。由于该仪器使用单色红光光源,海水中的腐植酸等黄色物质对它影响很小,因此测得的透光度值可较真实地反映海水中悬浮物含量的多少。调查中将透光度计的信号接入Mark-III型CTD的备用通道,因此它的取样速率同温、盐等要素一样。 本次调查共设7个断面,54个CTD观测站,测站和断面分布如图1所示。  相似文献   
基于东海PN断面近50年的历史水文数据,本文中作者应用一种斜压流函数空间投影的方法分析冲绳海槽北部黑潮水团的季节性和年代际变异.诊断生成的地转经验模态(GEM)显示黑潮中层水的盐度在夏季相对较低,春季达到最高.通过比较1987年之后CTD数据生成的GEM场与1987年之前BOttle数据生成的GEM场,得以证实黑潮的年代际变化特征,即黑潮表层水近20年来温度升高而盐度减小,同时发现黑潮热带水具有盐度增加而中层水具有盐度减小的趋势.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONThewesternboundarycurrents(WBC),counterundercurrentsobservedbelowthethermoclineincludetheMindanaoUndercurrent(MUC)beneaththeMindanaoCurrent(MC)(HuandCui,1989,1991;WangandHu,1998a,b;Wangetal.,1998)(Fig.1a),thesouthwardflowbelowtheKuroshio(hereinafter,KUC)(Huan…  相似文献   
西太平洋暖池的跃变及其气候效应   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
用SST(COADS,NCEP)资料研究热带西太平洋暖池的年代际变化和跃变特征,讨论其气候效应。结果表明:西太平洋暖池有显著的10-20年周期的年人际变化和40-50年周期的气候跃变:一百多年来西太平洋暖池发生了4次大跃变,在1910年代中期和1950年代中期,西太平洋暖池由异常发展转为异常减弱,1930年代初和1980年代初,西太平洋暖池由异常减弱转为异常发展:西太平洋暖池在1980年代初的跃变,具明显的效应,跃变后热带中东太平洋海温显著升高,大范围海域升温超过0.5℃,夏季西太平洋副高加强西伸,脊线偏南,我国汛期降水呈南方偏多、北方偏少的分布趋势,与跃变前基本相反。研究结果还表明:在西太平洋暖池异常发展期,El Nino事件出现多且强于La Nina事件,而在西太平洋暖池异常减弱期,La Nina事件出现多且强于El Nino事件。  相似文献   
Interannual variations of Pacific North Equatorial Current (NEC) transport during eastern-Pacific El Niños (EP-El Niños) and central-Pacific El Niños (CP-El Niños) are investigated by composite analysis with European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast Ocean Analysis/Reanalysis System 3. During EP-El Niño, NEC transport shows significant positive anomalies from the developing to decay phases, with the largest anomalies around the mature phase. During CP-El Niño, however, the NEC transport only shows positive anomalies before the mature phase, with much weaker anomalies than those during EP-El Niño. The NEC transport variations are strongly associated with variations of the tropical gyre and wind forcing in the tropical North Pacific. During EP-El Niño, strong westerly wind anomalies and positive wind stress curl anomalies in the tropical North Pacific induce local upward Ekman pumping and westward-propagating upwelling Rossby waves in the ocean, lowering the sea surface height and generating a cyclonic gyre anomaly in the western tropical Pacific. During CP-El Niño, however, strength of the wind and associated Ekman pumping velocity are very weak. Negative sea surface height and cyclonic flow anomalies are slightly north of those during EP El Niño.  相似文献   
Current data from three moored Acoustic Doppler Profilers (ADPs) deployed in the southern Yellow Sea at sites A (1-24.17°E, 34.82°N), B (122.82°E, 35.65°N) in summer 2001 and site C (120.85°E, 34.99°N) in summer 2003 were analyzed in this paper. Features of the tidal and residual currents were studied with rotary spectral and cross-spectral methods. Main achievements were as follows: 1) Tides dominated the currents. At sites A and B, the semidiurnal tidal current was basically homogeneous in the whole depth, taking a clockwise rotation at site A, and near-rectilinear counterclockwise rotation at site B; while the diurnal tidal current was strong and clockwise near the surface, but decreased and turned counterclockwise with depth; at site C, semidiurnal tidal current dominated and diurnal current took the second, both of which were counterclockwise and vertically homogeneous. Inertial motion contributed to the clockwise component of diurnal fluctuations; 2) The 3-5d fluctuation of residual current w  相似文献   
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