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2010年8月8日,舟曲县城北侧三眼峪沟和罗家峪沟暴发的特大山洪泥石流,给舟曲县城人民生命财产造成了巨大损失。本文基于对舟曲"8.8"泥石流灾害的现场勘查和治理工程设计项目,从施工的难易程度、工程投资、安全性和服务年限4个方面对拦挡坝的类型,以及从工程投资、占地和安全性3个方面对排导渠的路线进行了详细的论证,选取钢筋混凝土拦挡坝和在原有排导渠的基础上截弯取直修建复式排导渠作为三眼峪沟泥石流灾害最优的治理措施,该措施的应用对同类工程地质条件下灾害治理工程的设计方案的选择具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   
低纬高原城市冬季南北朝向室内温湿特征的初步分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
通过对低纬城市-昆明冬季室内、外气温观测资料的分析,探讨了不同天气下南北朝室内的气温、湿度特征。得出昆明地区冬季各种天气状况下室内最低气温和日均气温的增温效应均十分显著,与庭院相比,南向室内的增温幅度为7.7-10.0℃和4.6-5.8℃;北向室内为4.6-7.0℃和1.3-4.4℃;最高气温南向室内高于室外,而北向室内一般低于室外。另外,建筑物不但可维持较高的室同温度,而且减缓了室内气温的变化幅度,不论南向室内还是北向室内,气温日较差均小于室外,变幅仅为室外的40%-48%(南向)和20%-30%(北向),且最高气温出现时间比室外约迟2小时,显示了建筑物内温度变化的惰性。研究还得出南向室内相对湿度均小于北向,南北差异以晴天最大,阴天最小。室内相对湿度的日变化特征为夜间湿度大,变化小,昼间湿度小,变化大。以上结果可为低纬城市气候的深入研究,建筑的合理设计提供科学基础。  相似文献   
In this paper,an explicit finite element method to analyze the dynamic responses of three-medium coupled systems with any terrain is developed on the basis of the numerical simulation of the continuous conditions on the bounda-ries among fluid saturated porous medium,elastic single-phase medium and ideal fluid medium.This method is a very effective one with the characteristic of high calculating speed and small memory needed because the formulae for this explicit finite element method have the characteristic of decoupling,and which does not need to solve sys-tem of linear equations.The method is applied to analyze the dynamic response of a reservoir with considering the dynamic interactions among water,dam,sediment and basement rock.The vertical displacement at the top point of the dam is calculated and some conclusions are given.  相似文献   
塔里木河流域近40 a来气候、水文变化及其影响   总被引:40,自引:23,他引:40  
塔里木河流域平原地区在近 10a明显变暖 ,较明显的增湿出现在近 2 0a,大部分平原地区近10a反而略有变干的迹象 ;2 0世纪 90年代是流域山区近 4 0a来最暖阶段 ,在天山南麓中西部山区和帕米尔高原一带 90年代增湿幅度大 ,西昆仑山北坡一带近 2 0a降水变化很小 .塔里木河流域 4条源流出山口多年平均径流量为 2 2 4 9× 10 8m3 ( 195 7— 1999年 ) ,年代际尺度上 ,5 0— 80年代基本接近多年平均值 ,而 90年代由于受山区增暖变湿影响 ,4条源流径流量达 2 4 1 9× 10 8m3 ,增幅 7 6 % .由于源流区人类活动的影响和粗放型农业 ,补给塔里木河源流条数减少 ,塔里木河干流上中游区间耗水量严重 ,中下游水量来水量在近 4 0a中持续减少 ,导致下游生态环境急剧恶化  相似文献   
Analyzing observations of wintertime air temperature in both indoor and outdoor surroundings in Kunming, a city lying in low latitudes, characteristics of temperature and humidity have been studied for the interior of rooms facing north-south under different weather conditions. Significant warming effect has been identified in terms of lowest and daily-mean indoor temperature in the area of Kunming. The heating amplitude ranges from 7.7°C to 10.0°C and from 4.6°C to 5.8°C for the interior part of rooms facing the south and from 4.6°C to 7.0°C and from 1.3°C to 4.4°C for the interior part of rooms facing the north, respectively for the two elements. The highest air temperature is higher indoor than outdoor for rooms facing the south, but otherwise is usually true for rooms facing the north. Additional findings point out that buildings not only help maintain relatively warm indoor temperature but delay its variation. The diurnal cycle of temperature indoor is smaller and ranges by 40% ~ 48% for south-facing rooms, and by 20% ~ 30% for north-facing rooms, than outdoor, and the highest temperature is about 2 hours late inside the room than outside. It shows how inertly indoor temperature varies. The work also finds that relative humidity is less indoor in southward rooms than in northward ones and difference is the largest on fine days but the smallest when it is overcast. For the diurnal variation, the indoor relative humidity is large at nighttime with small amplitude but small during daytime with large amplitude. The above-presented results can be served as scientific foundation for more research on climate in low-latitude cities and rational design of urban architectures.  相似文献   
随着地层学层析成像技术的出现,使钻孔电磁波法增加了新的内容.电磁波同声波、地震波一样,也作为一种透射波引用到层析成像技术中,本文探讨了将电磁波井间层析成像技术用于探查石英脉金矿床.层析图像清晰地揭示了被测巷道间的岩性分层结构和石英脉的展布.表明电磁波层折成像探测可以应用于石英脉型金矿.  相似文献   
色散缓变光纤中脉冲频谱演变的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用数值计算的方法研究了高斯脉冲的频谱在色散缓变光纤中的传输特性及初始啁啾对频谱演变的影响.结果表明:色散缓变光纤可以有效的抑制频谱的展宽,将其应用到超长距离光纤通信系统是可行的;初始啁啾使脉冲频谱严重展宽,应采取消啁啾的措施.  相似文献   
应用新疆塔里木河流域天山南坡阿克苏河流域1956-2006年的实测径流资料, 分析了阿克苏河流域各支流径流变化的特征与趋势. 结果表明, 近50 a来, 阿克苏河流域径流量呈显著的增加趋势, 其中冰川融水是其主要贡献量. 径流量在1994年发生了增多的跃变, 原因可能是气温持续升高引起冰川消融径流急剧增多, 导致以冰川融水补给为主的河流径流量大增. 这种趋势能够持续多久, 取决于未来的气候变化及流域上游冰川系统的响应. 随着冰川的加剧退缩和较小冰川的消失, 短期内会给阿克苏河流域带来丰富的水资源;但是随着冰川补给峰值过后径流量逐渐减小, 将会给塔里木河流域带来严重的水资源和生态安全问题. 冰川的强烈退缩, 还会带来一系列的洪水灾害问题.  相似文献   
高密度电阻率法的应用技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高密度电阻率法是近几年来在水文、工程地质物探中应用的一种新方法,该方法能较详细地揭示地质体的分布状况。通过我们在几个工程场地应用效果来看,该方法在查找细微地质体方面较为理想,是其它方法难以相比的。  相似文献   
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