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1959年来珠江三角洲地区的海平面变化与趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何蕾  李国胜  李阔  崔林林  任惠茹 《地理研究》2014,33(5):988-1000
验潮站资料的低空间分辨率与卫星数据的短时序是区域海平面变化研究存在的关键难题。本文结合卫星高度计海平面高度距平资料及验潮站数据,基于EOF和最小二乘法重建过去53 年(1959-2011 年)珠江三角洲海平面变化时空序列,并利用主成分分析方法建立区域统一海平面变化时间序列。结果显示,基于EOF和最小二乘法的海平面高度场重建方法能很好地解决卫星高度计资料时间序列不长和验潮站分布稀缺时间不连续等问题,对于海平面变化研究,尤其是关于过去长期的变化过程及特征研究适用性良好。对统一海平面变化时间序列线性拟合显示,近53 年珠江三角洲区域海平面平均变化速率为4.08 mm/yr,且存在近期加速上升趋势。与单站研究相比,该方法较好地表达了区域海平面主要变化特征并剔除可能存在的噪音。径流及厄尔尼诺现象也对珠江三角洲海平面空间变化产生影响。  相似文献   
环境影响评价中空气污染物环境容量计算模式的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对贵州省安龙县德卧工业园区大气环境影响评价,提出了一种以大气污染物排放参数和污染气象条件等为基本参数的空气污染物环境容量简便计算方法,计算了该园区TSP和SO2的空气环境容量。并以TSP为例,与采用常用的箱模式A值法的计算结果进行了对比,表明两种模式的结果具有良好的一致性。  相似文献   
This paper examines the changes in the time series of water discharge and sediment load of the Yellow River into the Bohai Sea. To determine the characteristics of abrupt changes and multi-scale periods of water discharge and sediment load, data from Lijin station were analyzed, and the resonance periods were then calculated. The Mann-Kendall test, order clustering, power-spectrum, and wavelet analysis were used to observe water discharge and sediment load into the sea over the last 62 years. The most significant abrupt change in water discharge into the sea occurred in 1985, and an abrupt change in sediment load happened in the same year. Significant decreases of 64.6% and 73.8% were observed in water discharge and sediment load, respectively, before 1985. More significant abrupt changes in water discharge and sediment load were observed in 1968 and 1996. The characteristics of water discharge and sediment load into the Bohai Sea show periodic oscillation at inter-annual and decadal scales. The main periods of water discharge are 9.14 years and 3.05 years, whereas the main periods of sediment load are 10.67 years, 4.27 years, and 2.78 years. The significant resonance periods between water discharge and sediment load are observed at the following temporal scales: 2.86 years, 4.44 years, and 13.33 years. Water discharge and sediment load started to decrease after 1970 and has decreased significantly since 1985 for several reasons. Firstly, the precipitation of the Yellow River drainage area has reduced since 1970. Secondly, large-scale human activities, such as the building of reservoirs and floodgates, have increased. Thirdly, water and soil conservation have taken effect since 1985.  相似文献   
德州市工矿废弃地复垦利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为进一步规范推进工矿废弃地复垦利用工作,促进耕地保护和节约集约用地,拓展建设用地空间,德州市开展工矿废弃地复垦利用试点工作。通过现状调查和潜力分析,合理确定德州市未来3年工矿废弃地利用项目规模、布局和实施时序,以期为工矿废弃地复垦利用项目提供科学依据。  相似文献   
在生态足迹原理的基础上,提出生态压力指数的概念,并将其作为生态安全评价的指标,同时制定了相应的指标等级划分标准.利用该方法对江西省1990-2004年的生态足迹与生态安全进行了定量研究.结果表明,江西省人均生态足迹从1990年的1.7340hm2增加到2004年的1.9304hm2,而同期的人均生态承载力则由0.8934hm2下降到0.7077hm2,人均生态赤字由0.8406hm2增长到1.2227hm2,生态压力指数从0.78增加到0.98,其等级由不安全变为很不安全.说明江西省现有的发展模式是不可持续的,生态环境处于很不安全状态.  相似文献   
有机污染提高对虾对病原菌易感性研究   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
1995年5~11月,以人工合成饵料作为有机污染源,取体长8、10和12cm以上中国对虾,在0.9m3水族箱中,分批进行有机污染提高对虾对病原体易感性试验.对虾在上述环境中培育2~3周后,测定其对付溶血性孤菌易感性及体内与抗病有关一些酶的活性.结果:与对照组相比,试验组对虾对病原菌易感性提高1~3倍;体内SOD、PO及溶菌酶活性分别下降约22%、50%和28%~86%.血细胞数量减少50%左右.这与人工合成饵料在水环境中经分解后,产生一些对对虾有害物质,其中以氨氮产生和DO减少尤为显着有关.  相似文献   
针对传统的高分影像建筑物提取方法存在分割精度低和分割边界模糊等问题,本文提出了一种基于U-Net3+模型的建筑地物语义分割方法。该模型以U-Net网络结构为基础,首先使用全尺度的跳跃连接将不同尺度的特征图相融合;然后通过深度监督从多尺度聚合的特征图中学习特征表达,并使用交叉熵损失函数进行训练;最后根据数据集特征,调试出不同的模型参数并以此模型进行测试,以达最佳的分割效果。试验结果表明,与U-Net和U-Net++模型相比,基于该方法的影像分割精度及地物边缘分割完整度均得到了显著提升,且当设置历元为15时,精度最高。使用该方法对高分辨率遥感影像中建筑物进行的分割试验,精度达96.62%,平均交并比(mIoU)达0.902 7,并减少了错分、漏分,同时也减少了模型参数,模型损失收敛速率快且缩短了训练周期,显著提升了建筑物提取精度。  相似文献   
万林林  余天堂 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z1):772-0778
扩展有限元法是针对不连续问题提出的一种改进的有限元法,由于其计算网格独立于结构内不连续面,该方法十分适用于处理不连续问题,因此,该方法需能将不连续面和计算网格的几何信息转化为计算分析所需的单元拓扑信息的前处理。针对扩展有限元法在不连续岩体问题中的应用,系统地研究了二维扩展有限元解决不连续问题时单元拓扑信息生成等前处理问题,给出了单元拓扑信息自动生成算法,将不连续面和计算网格几何信息转化为计算所需要的单元拓扑信息,并在此基础上开发了不连续岩体二维扩展有限元法前处理程序。结果表明该算法和程序的适用性和正确性,同时还表明扩展有限元法在不连续岩体问题求解中有较好的应用前景  相似文献   
GIS在我国岩土工程中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍国内GIS在岩土工程中的应用实例、应用范围及研究水平、发展方向。  相似文献   
This study aims to explore the interdecadal variation of South Asian High (SAH) and its relationship with SST (Sea surface temperature) of the tropical and subtropical regions by using the NCEP/NCAR monthly reanalysis data from 1948 to 2012, based on the NCAR CAM 3.0 general circulation model. The results show that: 1) the intensity of SAH represents a remarkable interdecadal variation characteristic, the intensity of SAH experienced from weak to strong at the late 1970s, and after the late 1970s , its strength is enhanced and the area is expanded in the east-west direction. The expansion degree is greater westward than eastward, while it is opposite in summer. 2) Corresponding to the interdecadal variation of SAH intensity, after the late 1970s, the divergent component of wind field has two ascending and three descending areas. Of the two ascending areas, one is located in the East Pacific, the other location varies with the season from the Indian Ocean in winter to the South China Sea and West Pacific in summer. Three descending areas are located in the north-central Africa, the East Asia and the Middle Pacific region respectively. 3) Corresponding to the interdecadal variation of SAH intensity, the rotational component of wind field at the lower level is an anomalous cyclone over the South China Sea and West Pacific in summer, while in winter, it is an anomalous cyclone over the Indian Ocean, and an anomalous anticyclone over the equatorial Middle Pacific. 4) Numerical simulations show that the interdecadal variation of SAH is closely related to the SST of the tropical and subtropical regions. The SST of Indian Ocean plays an important role in winter, while in summer, the SST of the South China Sea and West Pacific plays an important role, and the SST of the East Pacific also plays a certain role.  相似文献   
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