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The Cenozoic continental marginal basins in the northern South China Sea margin can be divided into the Beibu Gulf Basin, the Qiongdongnan Basin, the Pearl River Mouth Basin, and the Taixinan Basin from west to east. These basins recorded the Cenozoic evolution of the northern South China Sea margin. To deepen the understanding of the fault activity and the Cenozoic tectonic evolution in the northern South China Sea margin, a case study of the eastern Yangjiang Sag in the ZhuⅢ Depression was carried out on the bases of high-resolution 3D seismic data. The 2D move software was used to restore the structural evolution of representative seismic profiles. The results showed that the structures in the eastern Yangjiang Sag during depositional period of the Wenchang Formation were dominated by the intensive NE-NEE- striking faults. By the depositional period of the Enping Formation, the NWW-striking faults became prevalent while a few NE-NEE-trending faults remainded active. The estimated activity rates showed that from early to late, the strikes of syn-sedimentary main faults changed from NE-NEE to near EW and NWW, while the corresponding depocenter migrated westward and southward. However, the activity intensity of individual main faults varied both temporally and spatially. The distribution and balanced cross sections of the fault system showed that the Mesozoic basement in the eastern Yangjiang Sag underwent multiple deformation and formed NE- and NWW-trending conjugate basement-involved faults. In the Early-Middle Eocene, the NE-striking pre-existing fault was preferentially re-activated under NW-SE- directed stress field, and its fault activity reached its climax during this period. During the Middle-Late Eocene, under the influence of the dextral slipping, the NE-trending faults evolved into NEE-striking and formed the NE-striking dextral faults which are characterized by right-step strike-slip and controlled the sedimentation and fault pattern. In the Oligocene, the NE-trending faults were mostly ceased, and the near-EW- and NWW-trending strike-slip faults were predominant. Therefore, the syn-rift eastern Yangjiang Sag experienced three-phase evolution: the NW-SE- directed extension in the depositional period of the Wen-3 Member, the NE-striking dextral, right-step pull-apart basin in the depositional period of the Wen-2 Member, and the NWW-trending sinistral, left-step pull-apart basin in the depositional period of the Wen-1 Member-Enping Formation. Based on previous results on the northern South China Sea continental margin, it is believed that the Cenozoic basins in the northern South China Sea margin are dextral, right-step pull-apart basins, and the NEE-trending secondary faults triggered by the dextral, right-step strike slipping of the main faults controlled the formation of the sags, in addition, the basins experienced a late stage superimposition related to the NWW-trending slipping. © 2021, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
随着我国国民经济的持续增长,人民群众精神文化消费需求日益旺盛。文化休闲场所是满足人民群众日益增长的美好生活需要的重要空间。以北京市5625处文化休闲场所为研究对象,综合运用重心坐标、标准差椭圆、核密度、空间自相关、地理探测器等分析方法,对1994–2019年北京市文化休闲场所的时空分布特征和影响因素进行分析。结果表明:(1)北京市文化休闲场所空间多少不均,“核心—边缘”格局凸显,从长远看,文化休闲场所有向南北郊区扩散的态势。(2)随时间演进,北京市文化休闲场所由中心城区的“单核集聚”向中心城区和通州区“双核并存”演化,空间上有向全市扩散分布的趋势。(3)中心城区的东城、西城、朝阳、丰台形成北京市文化休闲场所的HH集聚区,怀柔和密云则成为LL集聚区。(4)北京市文化休闲场所的空间分布受经济、人口、交通、教育和政策等多因素影响,由“经济”和“需求”双因素共同推动向单一的“经济”因素驱动转变。  相似文献   
滨海城市的土地开发利用及其优化配置对经济发展和生态环境起重要作用。以大连市为例,依据2002-2013年能源消费和土地利用等数据,在遥感和GIS技术支持下对其土地利用变化情况进行分析,借助碳排放量计算模型核算其土地利用碳排放量,通过相关性分析明确碳排放与土地利用类型之间的相关性,在低碳目标下进行土地利用类型的优化配置,以此保证滨海地区土地开发利用的合理性。结果表明:(1)从2002到2013年,各个土地类型在利用数量上发生明显变化。其中耕地面积先由2002年的2 500 km~2增加到3 950 km~2,又减少至2013年的3 291 km~2;林地面积减少了1 858 km~2;建设用地面积增加了454 km~2;(2)大连市碳排放总量增加1 695.8万t,各土地利用类型对碳排放的贡献率差异显著,其中建设用地碳排放量占总量的98%,耕地碳排放量所占比重不足2%;(3)土地利用类型变化与碳排放量之间的关联程度密切,建设用地、林地与碳排放量之间的相关系数分别为0.877 4和-0.970 1;(4)线性土地利用优化配置下各个土地利用类型的碳排放量比大连市2020年规划下的碳排放总量减少96.79万t。  相似文献   
可能最大风暴潮风险评估中各等级热带气旋设定方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可能最大热带气旋的设定是可能最大风暴潮计算的基础,对风暴潮灾害应急疏散具有重要意义。利用1949~2011年中国气象局(CMA)西北太平洋热带气旋最佳路径数据集、美国联合台风预警中心(JTWC)以及美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)最大风速半径数据集,基于各等级热带气旋参数之间的定量关系,建立了各等级可能最大热带气旋最大风速、中心气压、最大风速半径、移动速度、移动方向等参数设定及路径合成的方法。以福建省连江县为例,按照台风、强台风及超强台风强度等级,分强度衰减和不衰减2种情况,设定3种移动方向,合成了共216场热带气旋作为可能最大风暴潮的计算输入。另外,对参数敏感性、风场参数设定、参数设定与计算量的关系、叠加天文潮以及溃堤等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
干密度是评价软土固化质量的重要指标,一般通过室内击实试验获得。以氯氧镁水泥(MOC)为结合料,砾石土为固化对象,研究了原料配比对MOC固化砾石土击实性能的影响。通过室内击实试验,考察了轻烧镁粉掺量、卤水浓度、卤水掺量和活性MgO/MgCl_2物质的量比(Mg/Cl比)影响混合料干密度的规律。结果表明:MOC固化砾石土击实料的干密度随卤水掺量增加先增加后降低,随轻烧镁粉掺量及Mg/Cl比的增加而先增加后降低,随卤水浓度及轻烧镁粉掺量的增加而增加,随卤水浓度增加及Mg/Cl比降低而增加。  相似文献   
以1981—2010年河南省113个气象观测站影响冬小麦生长及产量形成的主要气象因素为区划指标,利用K均值聚类算法,将河南省划分为5个农业气候生态区。根据2013—2017年地面农业气象观测数据,利用Sobol全局敏感性分析方法,各分区选择总敏感指数大于0.01的作物参数,得到9种敏感参数。以产量与叶面积指数为代价函数,采用差分进化马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛方法对敏感参数进行分区标定,并使用2018—2019年观测数据进行验证。结果表明:分区进行参数标定时,叶面积指数动态模拟精度和产量模拟精度均显著优于使用默认参数或整个研究区使用同一套优化参数时的精度,其中,使用分区调参后验平均值模拟关键生育期叶面积指数的总均方根误差为0.655,其模拟产量的均方根误差为672.016 kg·hm-2。该方法将农业气候学知识与差分进化马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛优化算法相结合,通过合理、高效地分区域标定作物模型参数,可为作物模型区域应用和模型参数调整优化提供科学依据。  相似文献   
A newly developed Deep Ocean Compact Autonomous Raman Spectrometer(DOCARS) system is introduced and used for in-situ detection of acid radical ions in this paper. To evaluate the feasibility and capability of DOCARS for quantitative analysis of the acid radical ions in the deep ocean,extensive investigations have been carried out both in laboratory and sea trials during the development phase. In the laboratory investigations,Raman spectra of the prepared samples(acid radical ions solutions) were obtained,and analyzed using the method of internal standard normalization in data processing. The Raman signal of acid radical ions was normalized by that of water molecules. The calibration curve showed that the normalized Raman signal intensity of SO24 ˉ,NO ˉ 3,and HCO ˉ 3 increases linearly as the concentration rises with correlation coefficient R 2 of 0.99,0.99,and 0.98 respectively. The linear function obtained from the calibration curve was then used for the analysis of the spectra data acquired in the sea trial under a simulating chemical field in the deep-sea environment. It was found that the detected concentration of NO ˉ 3 according to the linear function can refl ect the concentration changes of NO ˉ 3 after the sample was released,and the detection accuracy of the DOCARS system for SO24 ˉ is 8%. All the results showed that the DOCARS system has great potential in quantitative detection of acid radical ions under the deep-sea environment,while the sensitivity of the DOCARS system is expected to be improved.  相似文献   
李颖  陈婷婷  李郇  许伟攀  郎嵬 《热带地理》2020,40(2):206-216
利用手机信令数据,以广佛地区为例,采用洛伦茨方法识别广州和佛山的职住中心,进而分析了广佛跨界地区居民职住模式的时空特征及其影响因素。结果发现:1)广州市居民职住空间呈现就业单中心和居住郊区化特征,职住空间错位明显;佛山市居民职住空间则呈现大分散、小集聚的特征。2)同城化下职住空间呈现新态势,以金沙洲、芳村—桂城为主的跨界地区已形成连绵的、高强度通勤区域。3)5个跨界地区职住空间模式不同,其主要原因有:交通枢纽型的花都空港地区和新客站地区因其交通枢纽功能,影响着两地的劳动力和资本要素流动,带动周边产业发展;居住型的金沙洲和芳村—桂城地区承接了两市中心城区的居住外溢;产业型的五沙地区发挥区位优势形成跨界产业园,吸纳周边人口就业。可见,不同类型的跨界地区的发展都有利于缝合广佛两市空间断裂带,加速城市空间的契合。  相似文献   
溢油事件的发生会给海洋环境的保护和经济发展带来巨大的影响。运用现代化的监测手段和技术进行监测,及时发现溢油现象和违规行为,保护海洋环境是非常重要的。合成孔径雷达(SAR)技术是溢油检测的有效工具,在SAR图像中溢油表现为黑色的区域,但是黑色区域也可能会由其他的因素引起。本文提出了一种基于二维经验模态分解(BEMD)的方法来识别溢油和疑似溢油。首先通过BEMD方法将感兴趣的区域分解为局部窄带的各分量—内蕴模函数(BIMF)之和,并对分解后得到的各分量IMF进行Hilbert变换,通过Hibert谱分析得到64维的特征空间,然后使用Relief方法得到5个特征向量,最后利用马氏距离分类器进行分类。通过实验结果表明,该方法能够有效、准确地检测出溢油,准确率超过90%。  相似文献   
三江平原沼泽湿地景观格局变化及其生态效应   总被引:63,自引:16,他引:63  
李颖  张养贞  张树文 《地理科学》2002,22(6):677-682
在遥感和地理信息系统的支持下,应用景观生态学的理论和方法,对景观类型的斑块和面积大小、形状特征、主要景观及其相关土地覆盖类型间的转化关系以及沼泽景观破碎化进行分析,定量分析和研究1986-2000年三江平原沼泽景观的动态变化,结果表明:15年来,三江平面沼泽的面积正在日益缩小,沼泽正在大幅度地转化为耕地,沼泽已经到了完全破碎化的边缘。最后分析了沼泽的动态变化引起的生态效应。  相似文献   
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