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河口大型围垦工程围区吞吐潮量大,河口滩势条件复杂,龙口位置选择和极值流速确定是工程设计中的关键环节。以两个典型河口大型围垦工程龙口为例,从水动力分析角度提出合理的龙口平面选址和龙口渡汛时因地制宜的结构布置。在青草沙水库工程中,龙口位置的确定充分利用围区原有深槽的过流能力,以保证库区内外及时水交换,并兼顾到围堤实施顺序与工程区整体河势环境相协调,避免口门进出水引起工程河段滩地的大冲大淤,也确保了堤基安全。龙口渡汛需要面临长时间大潮汛过流考验,龙口流速大小决定了龙口结构的保护方案和后期的合龙方案,常规使用的堰流计算方法能较为准确地计算龙口流量和断面平均流速过程,数值模型能对大型龙口流速空间分布情况进行很好的模拟,是常规计算方法的重要补充。计算结果表明口门横向上中心流速大于口门两侧流速,在纵向上底坡内外两侧顶角处水流受重力作用加强,垂向断面收缩,在涨、落急时刻分别形成大流速区,是龙口结构布置时重点抗冲保护区域,需要设置抗冲性较强、自重大且联接牢固的护面材料。此外,同一潮周期内涨急流速通常大于落急流速也是其重要水动力特点。  相似文献   
建立二层非线性原始方程海洋模式,采用湍流动能收支参数化风应力产生的垂直混合(夹卷),研究海洋对不同强度和最大风速半径的静止热带气旋(TC)的响应。数值试验结果表明,由于科氏参数随纬度变化,海洋对热带气旋的响应具有不对称性。热带气旋强度对海流,上混合层(UML)深度和海表温(SST)变化量值产生重大影响,并对它们变化范围影响较大。热带气旋最大风速半径对海流、混合层深度和海表温变化量值的影响不明显,但对它们的变化范围有明显影响。  相似文献   
The low-frequency atmosphere-ocean coupled variability of the southern Indian Ocean(SIO) was investigated using observation data over 1958-2010.These data were obtained from ECMWF for sea level pressure(SLP) and wind,from NCEP/NCAR for heat fluxes,and from the Hadley Center for SST.To obtain the coupled air-sea variability,we performed SVD analyses on SST and SLP.The primary coupled mode represents 43% of the total square covariance and is featured by weak westerly winds along 45-30 S.This weakened subtropical anticyclone forces fluctuations in a well-known subtropical dipole structure in the SST via wind-induced processes.The SST changes in response to atmosphere forcing and is predictable with a lead-time of 1-2 months.Atmosphere-ocean coupling of this mode is strongest during the austral summer.Its principle component is characterized by mixed interannual and interdecadal fluctuations.There is a strong relationship between the first mode and Antarctic Oscillation(AAO).The AAO can influence the coupled processes in the SIO by modulating the subtropical high.The second mode,accounting for 30% of the total square covariance,represents a 25-year period interdecadal oscillation in the strength of the subtropical anticyclone that is accompanied by fluctuations of a monopole structure in the SST along the 35-25 S band.It is caused by subsidence of the atmosphere.The present study also shows that physical processes of both local thermodynamic and ocean circulation in the SIO have a crucial role in the formation of the atmosphere-ocean covariability.  相似文献   
首先分析了杭州湾、长江口冬季余流和物质输运作用的观测特征,提出了几个值得继续研究的问题.然后,利用杭州湾、长江口三维联合模型,综合考虑径流、风应力、密度流、中国东部海域背景环流和M2,S2,K1,O1四个分潮的综合作用,模拟出了冬季的余流结构及其对物质的输运作用.在此基础上,针对所总结的几个问题,进一步作数值模拟,讨论余流和物质输运作用形成的机制。  相似文献   
ImODUcrIONTheIndo-PadricregionbeweenMindanao,NewGuinea,andtheIndonesianArchipelagoistheonlydeeppassagefromthePadricOceantotheIndiandrincyig.l),Fig.lMapoftheIndoThdficopon(Internalframeisthemodeldomain)andobendupper1aperimtSthereinsmrandhasareivedconsiderableattentionhauseofitSlocationbetweretheIn.TheIndonesianThappearstobepotentiallyboortantintheevoluhonsofthewesternboundaryatandthewarmpoolinthewesternPadric,andplaysacrudelroleinthehcatandsaltbalanceoftheworkl'soasnoprdon,l986).Nume…  相似文献   
Data taken in the two large-scale ocean investigations in China in winter 1959 and 1982 are used to analyze the residual current off the Changjiang (Yangtze) River mouth in this paper. The current in wintertime off the river mouth consist of the Changjiang runoff, wind-driven current, coastal current, density-driven current and Taiwan Warm Current (TWC). The TWC occurs in wintertime off the mouth. The surface TWC reaches only to the east side of Dinghai, then turns southeastward. The bottom TWC can flow to the area off the Changjiang mouth along west slop of the submerged river valley (SRV) and to the area off the Subei coast, The simulated currents by 3D model are basically consistent with the observed currents, although the model was run with climatological forces and the observations was done in episodic time manner.  相似文献   
The western Pacific,one of the most violent air-sea interaction areas,plays an important role in theformation of ENSO events which greatly affect global climate change.Knowledge on the structure of theatmospheric boundary layer and the air-sea exchange over that area is very important and is the key tounderstanding the air-sea interaction. Tethered balloon measurements were made successfully during theSeptember-October,1987 cruise of the R/V SCIENCE 1 in the Philippine Sea at the northwest ofthe Warm Pool.The data collected were used for analysis of the structure of the atmospheric boundary layer showingthat the characteristics of the inversion layers(advection layer,capping inversion layer and radiation layer)are different from those over the land and other sea areas.The wind profiles were simulated with the P-exponent method and the values of P under unstable, sta-ble and neutral conditions were obtained. Moreover,the effect of the ship body on the air above was es-timated to reach 30 meters high.  相似文献   
Light transmission data collected from June to July 1987 and from February to March 1997 by the R/V Kexue 1 in the East China Sea were used to analyze its distribution characteristics and its relation to the sediment transport in this sea. Some results obtained were: (1) The Taiwan Warm Current flowing northwards seemed to be a barrier preventing suspended matter discharged from the Changjiang River Estuary from continuously moving southeastward and causing the suspended matter to flow along a path near 123°30′E in summer and 123°00′E in winter. (2) Suspended matter in the area adjacent to the Changjiang River Estuary could not be transported southward along the coast in summer due to opposing offshore currents including the Taiwan Warm Current flowing northward and the Changjiang Diluted Water turning northeastward. (3) The thermocline and temperature front bar suspended matter from crossing through.  相似文献   
长江河口北支上口不规则周期潮流的动力机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
裘诚  朱建荣 《海洋学报》2012,34(5):20-30
数值模拟和动量分析长江河口北支上口枯季大潮期间 1 d内出现"四涨四落"不规则周期涨落潮流现象。长江河口北支上口 1日内两次涨潮流和两次落潮流为常规涨落潮流,受外海半日潮流控制,两次涨潮流和落潮流为非常规涨落潮流。北支上口非常规的涨潮流处于南支落潮的末期,范围小,流速弱,历时约2 h;表层主要是垂向黏滞项和水平扩散项与正压项间的作用,南向的垂向黏滞项起着决定的作用,底层则是斜压项与正压项间的作用;北支上口非常规涨潮流是北风、盐度锋面产生的南向斜压压强梯度力和南支末期落潮流的牵引作用共同造成的;径流抑制非常规涨潮流的产生,持续时间随径流量的增加呈指数递减,当径流量达到22 300 m3/s时,非常规涨潮流现象消失。北支上口非常规落潮流处于南支涨潮流的初期,由于在北支上口南支的涨潮流早于北支涨潮流,导致南支水体进入北支,形成北支上口第二次落潮流,范围较大,流速较强,历时约2.5 h,从表层至底层主要是垂向黏滞项与非线性平流项和正压项之间的作用。本文揭示了北支上口 1 d内出现"四涨四落"不规则周期涨落潮流的动力过程和机制。  相似文献   
青草沙水库是长江河口的一个重大工程,显著改变了北港上段的河势。河势的变化会引起流场和泥沙质量浓度的变化,进而影响河床的冲淤。本文应用三维水动力和泥沙数值模式,计算和分析了青草沙水库工程对附近水域流场、泥沙质量浓度和冲淤的影响。青草沙水库工程建设后,北港河道束窄,导致水库北侧河道主槽流速和泥沙质量浓度增加。水库工程使得进入北港的径流量和纳潮量减少,导致青草沙水库以东、北港下段和拦门沙区域流速和泥沙质量浓度下降。应用半理论半经验河床冲淤公式和模式计算的工程前后流速、泥沙质量浓度和水位数据,给出了由水库工程造成的河床冲淤变化分布。在水库以北北港水域发生普遍冲刷,冲刷强度最大可达2~3 m,冲淤分布和量值与工程前后实测水深变化吻合良好。数值模式较好地模拟了青草沙水库工程对附近水域冲淤分布的影响和变化量值。  相似文献   
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