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长江口拦门沙河段潮滩表层沉积物分布特征(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sediment samples with high spatial resolution (432 samples in total) and flow data were collected on the tidal flats in the mouth-bar region of the Yangtze Estuary. The data was collected in July 2005, July 2006 and May 2007. The samples were analyzed with a particle sizer, resulting in the sediment distribution. The grain sizes and related parameters were analyzed. The results were presented in a ternary diagram. The sediment mainly consisted of sand, silty sand, sandy silt, sand-silt-clay, silt and clayey silt. And sand skeletons and clay matrices were found. At Nanhui Shoal, silt skeletons could be identified as well. Furthermore, the results were discussed per shoal. Although some depth dependencies were found per shoal, no general relation was found. The results are as follows: sediment located at these tidal flats of the Yangtze Estuary was mainly composed of sand, silty sand and silt. The median grain size in sediment was relatively complex with a range from 2.5 φ to 8 φ. The distributions of sorting coefficients ranging from 1 to 2 were in agreement with median sizes. It was suggested that sediment of the tidal flats was coarser and better sorted or finer and worse sorted. The skewness in sediment distribution varied from 0.1 to 0.8. In addition, the distributions of sorting coefficient and skewness in sediment at Chongming Eastern Shoal, Hengsha Eastern Shoal and Jiuduan Shoal were of similar characteristics because there were closely positive correlated relationships among these parameters. However, due to the location difference between Nanhui Southern Shoal and Eastern Shoal, the values of sorting coefficient and skewness had relatively large distinctions. The tracks of sediment transport could be described based on the distributions of sediment, which might reveal sediment transport controlled by two dominant hydrodynamic factors of current and wave. It was appreciable that coarser sediment with lower sorted coefficient was affected by dominant ebb current action and intense wave action resulted from rapidly dissipated wave energy. Moreover, due to the effects of obstructed branches, guided current and broken wave actions of the Deep Water Channel Project, grain-size in sediment located at two sides of the groyne was of uneven distribution characteristics.  相似文献   
东北地区一次短时大暴雨β中尺度对流系统分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
为了探寻东北短历时暴雨的预报线索,利用自动站、卫星和常规气象观测资料相结合的方法,研究2006年8月10日最大1 h雨量达到90.8 mm(泰来,其中,后半小时降水82 mm)的东北中西部百年一遇短历时特大暴雨中尺度对流系统(MCS)发展过程,及其发生的天气尺度背景和中尺度环境与触发机制.通过红外卫星云图和高分辨率的可见光云图,分析MCS如何从一个γ中尺度发展为α中尺度对流复合体(MCC)的过程.分析表明,与6个市(县)半小时雨量超过33 mm相关联的MβCS分别发生在2个阶段,第1阶段在MCC形成之前,MβCS主要向东移动(最后合并成MCC),第2阶段,在MCC成熟阶段.MpCS出现在MCC的西南边缘,而且最强短历时暴雨就发生在这里.从分辨率更高的可见光云图上可以发现,有北、西两条积云线,它们交汇的地方MβCS强烈发展并产生暴雨.分析MCS加强和产生暴雨的原因表明:(1)暴雨发生前夕暴雨区域具有高温、高湿和对流性不稳定层结,并存在明显的对流有效位能增加、抬升凝结高度及自由对流高度降低的现象,有利于暴雨发生;(2)β中尺度云团之间的合并,使MCS迅速发展,产生暴雨;(3)北、西两条积云线分别与地面风场中的两条辐合线相对应,在它们交汇处的较强辐合导致β中尺度云团强烈发展产生暴雨.分析MCS在MCC西南方向传播的原因表明,两条辐合线的移动方向和速度决定了暴雨MCS的传播方向.另外,偏北气流的出现和新老云团的新陈代谢过程是触发暴雨的关键因素.上述分析结果也为短历时暴雨的预报提供了有用的线索.  相似文献   
El Nino对云南初夏降水的影响   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
利用云南初夏5-6月的降水资料,全球月平均海温资料及热带OLR资料,研究了云南初夏5-6月降水对海气相互作用特别是El Nino的响应,发现云南初夏降水与赤道东太平洋海温变化以及南海对流活动有密切关系。  相似文献   
对2002年3月18~22日北京出现的强沙尘天气过程的高低空天气形势和主要气象要素进行了分析,并对沙尘天气影响下北京地区的空气污染状况特别是颗粒物污染进行了分析。结果表明:这次强沙尘天气过程主要是受新疆地区东移的强冷空气和蒙古地区低压的共同影响所致,沙尘天气来临前后,许多气象要素(如风速、能见度、温度、湿度等)发生急剧变化;在沙尘影响下,北京地区的颗粒物浓度迅速上升,在短时间内达到重度污染,随着沙尘天气的结束,能见度转好,空气质量改善。  相似文献   
介绍北京市空气污染预报业务显示服务系统。该系统包括资料处理、动力统计预报、数值预报等模式计算及资料采集、处理、模式运行,预报显示、结果分发、资料查询、效果检验等多种功能。系统采用菜单技术,VB5.0编程,能正确运行各模式,完成所需功能。具有界面友好、可操作性强、功能丰富、简洁、易用、快捷、直观的特点。在业务应用中收到良好的效果。  相似文献   
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