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为了证明雷达水位计波高测量的有效性,基于PY30-1石油平台上的雷达水位计海面高度变化观测数据,开展了雷达水位计海浪波高信息提取算法研究。基于所发展算法提取海浪波高信息,与同一平台上的C波段测波雷达观测数据及平台附近的浮标观测数据进行了比对分析。结果表明,雷达水位计数据提取的海面波高数据与C波段测波雷达及浮标测量数据一致性较好,二者标准偏差分别为0.006和0.008 m,均方根误差(RMS)分别为0.55和0.60 m。波高小于4 m时一致性优于波高大于4 m的一致性,波高大于4 m时水位计提取的波高偏小。因此,雷达水位计可作为波高观测的重要数据源之一。  相似文献   
Under suitable conditions of tidal current and wind, underwater topography can be detected by synthetic aperture radar (SAR) indirectly. Underwater topography SAR imaging includes three physical processes: radar ocean surface backscattering, the modulation of sea surface short wave spectrum by the variations in sea surface currents, and the modulation of sea surface currents by the underwater topography. The first process is described usually by Bragg scattering theory because the incident angle of SAR is always between 20°-70°. The second process is described by the action balance equation. The third process is described by an ocean hydrodynamic model. Based on the SAR imaging mechanism for underwater topography, an underwater topography SAR detection model and a simplified method for its calculation are introduced. In the detection model, a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model – the shallow water model is used to describe the motion of tidal current. Due to the difficulty of determining the expression of SAR backscattering cross section in which some terms can not be determined, the backscattering cross section of SAR image used in the underwater topography SAR detection is pro-processed by the simulated SAR image of the coarse-grid water depth to simplify the calculation. Taiwan Shoal, located at the southwest outlet of Taiwan Strait, is selected as an evaluation area for this technique due to the occurrence of hundreds of sand waves. The underwater topography of Taiwan Shoal was detected by two scenes of ERS-2 SAR images which were acquired on 9 January 2000 and 6 June 2004. The detection results are compared with in situ measured water depths for three profiles. The average absolute and relative errors of the best detection result are 2.23 m and 7.5 %, respectively. These show that the detection model and the simplified method introduced in the paper is feasible.  相似文献   
C波段紧缩极化SAR海冰探测能力评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The C-band synthetic aperture radar(SAR) data from the Bohai Sea of China, the Labrador Sea in the Arctic and the Weddell Sea in the Antarctic are used to analyze and discuss the sea ice full polarimetric information reconstruction ability under compact polarimetric modes. The type of compact polarimetric mode which has the highest reconstructed accuracy is analyzed, along with the performance impact of the reconstructed pseudo quad-pol SAR data on the sea ice detection and sea ice classification. According to the assessment and analysis, it is recommended to adopt the CTLR mode for reconstructing the polarimetric parameters σ_(HH)~0,σ_(VV)~0, H and α,while for reconstructing the polarimetric parameters σ_(HV)~0, ρ_(H-V), λ_1 and λ_2, it is recommended to use the π/4 mode.Moreover, it is recommended to use the π/4 mode in studying the action effects between the electromagnetic waves and sea ice, but it is recommended to use the CTLR mode for studying the sea ice classification.  相似文献   
以2015—2016年白天和夜间的VIIRS,MODIS-Terra和MODIS-Aqua三个红外SST产品为研究对象,探讨了3个红外SST的全球覆盖情况,包括统计全年有效观测天数和每日全球海洋覆盖率,将3个红外SST与Argo浮标在全球范围以及大西洋、印度洋、太平洋进行匹配统计分析,同时对匹配点平均偏差与标准偏差随纬度的变化进行研究,最后将3个红外SST进行交叉比对。结果表明:VIIRS在白天和夜间全年观测到的最大有效观测天数高于MODIS-Terra和MODIS-Aqua,该数据白天观测到的范围最大、全球海洋覆盖率也最高,夜间3个红外SST观测范围和覆盖率差别不大;VIIRS SST产品在全球以及3个大洋统计中数据质量较MODIS-Terra和MODIS-Aqua更接近Argo浮标;3个数据白天的SST平均偏差和标准差随纬度变化除了南北高纬度地区,整体浮动相差不大,VIIRS整体偏差在0℃附近,MODIS-Aqua次之,MODIS-Terra大部分都在0℃以下。夜间偏差与标准差随纬度变化平缓,在南北半球高纬度地区波动也小于白天。VIIRS白天和夜间SST值都高于其他2个红外SST。白天,VIIRS与MODIS-Aqua的温度值接近;夜间,则与MODIS-Terra的温度值接近。  相似文献   
船只目标SAR、HFSWR和AIS多手段融合探测的点迹关联分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
A space-borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR), a high frequency surface wave radar (HFSWR), and a ship automatic identification system (AIS) are the main remote sensors for vessel monitoring in a wide range. These three sensors have their own advantages and weaknesses, and they can complement each other in some situations. So it would improve the capability of vessel target detection to use multiple sensors including SAR, HFSWR, and A/S to identify non-cooperative vessel targets from the fusion results. During the fusion process of multiple sensors' detection results, point association is one of the key steps, and it can affect the accuracy of the data fusion and the efficiency of a non-cooperative target's recognition. This study investigated the point association analyses of vessel target detection under different conditions: space- borne SAR paired with AIS, as well as HFSWR, paired with AIS, and the characteristics of the SAR and the HFSWR and their capability of vessel target detection. Then a point association method of multiple sensors was proposed. Finally, the thresholds selection of key parameters in the points association (including range threshold, radial velocity threshold, and azimuth threshold) were investigated, and their influences on final association results were analyzed.  相似文献   
基于Sentinel-3载荷OLCI和SRAL数据的内波同步探测研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The ocean and land color instrument(OLCI) and synthetic aperture radar altimeter(SRAL) installed aboard the Sentinel-3 satellite have been in orbit for operational uses. In this study, data collected from Sentinel-3 are used to investigate internal waves in the South China Sea. An internal wave is detected using an OLCI image with a resolution of 300 m, and an analysis was performed with a quasi-synchronous moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer(MODIS) image. The opposite characteristics of OLCI and MODIS images of the same internal wave are explained by the critical angle in brightness reversals. The unique observational geometry of the OLCI image and its influence on observations of internal waves are discussed. The distribution of σ0 and sea surface height anomalies(SSHAs) induced by internal waves are studied using SRAL records. The σ0 records of SRAL occasionally show less sensitivity to the modulation of internal waves, which may be attributed to the observational geometry, while SSHAs show obvious variations. The synchronous pairing of OLCI images and SRAL records are analyzed to extract the three-dimensional sea surface signatures induced by internal waves. The analysis demonstrates that the profile of SSHAs in the surface shows an opposite phase to the profiles of internal waves in the ocean. The opposite phase relationship, observed in the remote sensing view, is also confirmed with a laboratory experiment.  相似文献   
This paper describes investigations of the internal waves in the Andaman Sea using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) imagery over the period of June 2010 to May 2016. Results of the spatial and temporal distribution, generation sources and propagation characteristics of internal waves are presented. The statistical analysis shows that internal waves can be observed in almost the entire area of the Andaman Sea. Most internal waves are observed in the northern, central and southern regions of the Andaman Sea. A significant number of internal waves between 7°N and 9°N in the East Indian Ocean are also observed. Internal waves can be observed year-round in the Andaman Sea, while most of internal waves are observed between February and April, with a maximum frequency of 15.03% in March. The seasonal distribution of the internal waves shows that the internal waves have mostly been observed in the dry season(February to April), and fewer internal waves are observed in the rainy season(May to October). The double peak distribution for the occurrence frequency of internal waves is found. With respect to the lunar influence, more internal waves are observed after the spring tide, which implies the spring tide may play an important role in internal wave generation in the Andaman Sea. Generation sources of internal waves are explored based on the propagation characteristics of internal waves. The results indicate that six sources are located between the Andaman Islands and the Nicobar Islands, and one is located in the northern Andaman Sea. Four regions with active internal wave phenomenon in the Andaman Sea were presented during the MODIS survey, and the propagation speed of internal waves calculated based on the semidiurnal generation period is smaller than the results acquired from pairs of the images with short time intervals.  相似文献   
以2016年SMAP 8日均、月均海表盐度(Sea Surface Salinity, SSS)产品与SMOS日均、月均SSS产品为研究对象,基于Argo浮标实测盐度数据与Argo月均盐度网格产品,进行了质量评估,并开展了SMAP和SMOS盐度遥感产品间的交叉比对。结果表明:SMAP 8日均、月均SSS产品均比SMOS日均、月均SSS产品更接近于Argo盐度数据;SMAP SSS产品在12个月里的标准差均小于SMOS SSS产品,SMAP SSS产品年均偏差与标准差在大部分海域小于SMOS SSS产品,除高纬度地区,4种SSS产品与Argo数据的平均偏差和标准差随纬度变化浮动不大;SMAP 8日均、月均与SMOS日均、月均产品的年平均SSS空间分布特征一致,SMAP 8日均与SMOS日均、SMAP与SMOS月均SSS产品间的年平均偏差在全球范围内总体在-0.50~0.50,标准差总体为0~1.00。  相似文献   
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