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新疆博尔塔拉盆地含油碎屑岩的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在新疆博尔塔拉中亚型地洼盆地第三系地洼构造层中首次发现油浸碎屑岩,经气相色谱、红外光谱及有机质谱的初步分析.确认存在丰富的有机质,主要成分为饱和烷烃。表明地层中有生油和聚积的过程,这将为在该地洼区进一步开展找油(气)工作提供方向。  相似文献   
1999与 2 0 0 0年夏季对南极菲尔德斯半岛不同地点大气中 N2 O浓度进行了监测 ,分析了苔藓植被区 N2 O浓度季节变化特征 ;2 0 0 0年夏季该植被区 N2 O浓度均值为 ( 31 0 .7± 4.4)×1 0 - 9(体积百分比 ) ,比 1 999年的 ( 32 1 .9± 3.3)× 1 0 - 9约低 1 1× 1 0 - 9;阿德雷岛企鹅滩及其沙坝处N2 O浓度变化趋势与苔藓植被区相一致 ,浓度均值分别为 ( 31 2 .4± 5 .1 )× 1 0 - 9和 ( 31 2 .7± 5 .3)× 1 0 - 9,比 1 999年约低 9× 1 0 - 9;另外 ,不同地点大气中 N2 O浓度普遍比 1 999年低 ,但整体变化规律相似 :各考察站区 N2 O浓度普遍高于无人区 ;唯一例外的是企鹅聚集区 N2 O浓度却高于各考察站区 ,暗示了企鹅及其排泄物、人为源是南极大气中 N2 O主要的源。本文初步探讨了 N2 O浓度异常降低的原因  相似文献   
Three-year summertime surface atmospheric N2O concentrations were observed for the first time on the Fildes Peninsula, maritime Antarctica, and the relationships among the N2O concentration, total atmospheric O3 amount, and sunspot number were analyzed. Solar activity had an important effect on surface N2O concentration and total O3 amount, and increases of sunspot number were followed by decreases in the N2O concentration and total O3 amount. A corresponding relationship exists between the N2O concentration and total atmospheric O3, and ozone destruction was preceded by N2O reduction. We propose that the extended solar activity in the Antarctic summer reduces the stratospheric N2O by converting it into NOx, increases the diffusion of N2O from the troposphere to the stratosphere, decreases the surface atmospheric N2O, and depletes O3 via the chemical reaction between O3 and NOx. Our observation results are consistent with the theory of solar activity regarding the formation of the Antarctic O3 hole.  相似文献   
通过对沙溪斑岩矿床的研究,以构造-岩浆活化成矿背景和四级控矿的构造为依据,提出了构造岩石屏蔽,背形核部控矿定位的模式及其依据,并讨论构造活动对成矿元素化学行为的控制作用,着重分析了强矿化剂元素F与Cu含量的关系,提出了成矿元素垂向分带,水平分带和迁移富集的地球化学模式,运用此模式预测了沙溪矿床邻区一个相似的成矿远景区,初步证明了本文提出了的构造控矿模式。  相似文献   
Three kinds of tundra plant samples including Dicranum angustum(a type of boreal bryophyte),Puccinellia phryganodes(a type of fringy plant),Salix polaris(a type of vascular plant) and surface soil were samples in 200 at Ny-lesund of the Arctic.The levels of eight heavy metal elements(Hg,Pb,Cd,Cu,Zn,Ni,Fe and Mn) and three metal-like elements(As,Se,Sr) in the plant and soil samples of the areas within previous coal mining activities are significantly higher than those of other areas.The relative accumulation of these elements in these tundra plant samples is consistent with the one in the soil samples,especially in the areas affected by previous coal-mining activities.Thus,the pollution is apparently from local coal mining activity.Dicranum angustum has the highest concentrations among those elements,and it can be a good bio-indicator for heavy metal pollution in Ny-lesund.Though Ny-lesund is less polluted by heavy metal than nearby Northern European human living areas,but much more than the tundras of the Alaska,Greenland and the Antarctic.  相似文献   
通过对沙溪斑岩铜矿床的研究,提出四级控矿构造和构造岩石屏蔽、背斜核部控矿定位的模式及其依据,运用此模式预测了沙溪矿床邻区一个柚似的成矿远景区,初步证明了本文提出的成矿模式。  相似文献   
沙溪斑岩型铜(金)矿床成矿地球化学研究及靶区圈定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙溪和菖蒲山地区位于扬子金属成矿带中部,前者是一个已经探明并圈定地质储量的中型斑岩型铜(金)矿床.本文通过地质-地球化学-地球物理综合研究,在沙溪矿床的邻区———菖蒲山地区预测并应用高精度地球物理方法圈定了一个与已知矿床规模相近的斑岩铜矿成矿异常区,该异常区由硫化物矿化所引起,呈北北东展布,长1500m,宽500m,总面积接近0.8km2。本文提出了一个斑岩型铜矿的控矿模型,结合区域资料和前人关于我国铜矿成矿研究成果,综合分析得出,本区为形成大型斑岩型铜(金)矿床的有利成矿远景区。  相似文献   
In Antarctica, the marine ecosystem is dynamically interrelated with the terrestrial ecosystem. An example of the link between these two ecosystems is the biogeochemical cycle of phosphorus. Biovectors, such as penguins, transport phosphorus from sea to land, play a key role in this cycle. In this paper, we selected three colonies of penguins, the most important seabirds in Antarctica, and computed the annual quantity of phosphorus transferred from sea to land by these birds. Our results show that adult penguins from colonies at Ardley Island, the Vestfold Hills, and Ross Island could transfer phosphorus in the form of guano at up to 12 349, 167 036, and 97 841 kg/a, respectively, over their breeding period. These quantities are equivalent to an annual input of 3.96×109–1.63×1010 kg of seawater to the land of Antarctica. Finally, we discuss the impact of phosphorus on the ice-free areas of the Antarctica.  相似文献   
The elemental and isotopic signatures in the sediments influenced by seal excrement on Antarctic Fildes Peninsula are examined for their potential palaeoecologlcal applications. The seal hair abundance in sediments exhibits remarkable fluctuation versus depth, indicating similar changes in historical populations of the seals visiting the marine terrace. The combination of δ^13 C, total organic carbon concentration (TOC), total nitrogen concentration (TN) and atomic C/N ratio shows that the organic matters in sediments with numerous seal hairs have a marine origin and are predominantly derived from seal excrements. The large δ15 N values in sediments are attributed to trophic enrichment and NH3 vollatilization processes. The large variations in the δ^15 N values and the negative correlation between the δ15 N values and the seal hair abundances seem to be the results of changes in the paleoclimates and the volatilization rates of the ammonia produced in the seal excrements. The 87 Sr/86 Sr ratios in the acid-soluble fraction of sediments are interpreted as a mixture of the ones from the seal excrements (30%-50%) and the chemically weathered local bedrocks (70%-50%). The calculated proportion of seal-derived Sr based on the ^87 Sr/^86 Sr ratios has a significant correlation with seal hair abundances in sediments. These results suggest that δ15 N values and the ^87 Sr/^86 Sr ratios in the acid-soluble fraction of sediments were influenced by seal excrements, similar to seal halt numbers, and thus can potentially be used to estimate the historical seal population in the Antarctic region.  相似文献   
南海湖泊沉积物中的陆源粉尘记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对采集于南海西沙东岛"牛塘"的湖泊沉积柱(DY6)进行元素、粒度、显微成像、扫描电镜及场发射能谱分析。元素分析结果表明,Ti、Al元素在沉积柱中的含量远高于3个主要沉积端元(珊瑚砂、鸟粪和植物),具有外源的特征,在Ti和Al的高值层位中存在较多不溶于酸的粉尘颗粒,与春季合肥地区收集到的北方风尘颗粒形貌特征相近,粒径相对较小,也与季风携带沉降于朝鲜半岛和南海北部海域的风尘形貌相似;X射线能谱分析结果显示,这些粉尘颗粒物成分以硅酸盐岩和石英为主,很可能是东亚冬季风携带下源自亚洲大陆的沉积;沉积物中Ti和Al的含量变化可以用于指示历史时期南海中北部海域陆源粉尘颗粒的沉降通量。  相似文献   
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