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测绘,顾名思义,就是测而绘之,是测量与绘图的总称,就是采用科学技术手段获取、处理、管理和分发地球上各种与地理位置有关的自然、社会和人文的空间信息,从而为经济建设和社会发展服务。测绘科学是在人类与自然斗争的实践中逐步发展起来的。随着科学技术和生产实践的不断发展,测绘由简单的测量绘图转变为科学测绘,  相似文献   
信息技术的发展不断改变着人们的生活,而互联网的发展也使人们逐渐接受了电子政务这种方式。可是,大多数档案馆如今仍延用着各部门各自的软件系统,只有少数档案馆实现了部分档案的信息集成。这就需要我们不断提高自身的信息化水平。  相似文献   
Due to the decrease in grid size associated with the convergence of meridians toward the poles in spherical coordinates, the time steps in many global climate models with finite-difference method are restricted to be unpleasantly small. To overcome the problem, a reduced grid is introduced to LASG/IAP world ocean general circulation models. The reduced grid is implemented successfully in the coarser resolutions version model L30T63 at first. Then, it is carried out in the improved version model LICOM with finer resolutions. In the experiment with model L30T63, under time step unchanged though, execution time per single model run is shortened significantly owing to the decrease of grid number and filtering execution in high latitudes. Results from additional experiments with L30T63 show that the time step of integration can be quadrupled at most in reduced grid with refinement ratio 3. In the experiment with model LICOM and with the model’s original time step unchanged, the model covered area is extended to the whole globe from its original case with the grid point of North Pole considered as an isolated island and the results of experiment are shown to be acceptable.  相似文献   
豫西郁山铝土矿床沉积环境分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
豫西郁山铝土矿床是河南省新发现的一大型隐伏铝土矿,属华北地台G层铝土矿。以系统的中—深部钻探工作为基础,根据含铝岩系的岩性组合、沉积构造和地球化学特征,将郁山矿区内上石炭统一段分为2个相和4个微相。提出郁山铝土矿床含铝岩系形成于滨海泻湖潮坪环境,铝土矿主要赋存于豆鲕状(含砂砾屑)铝土矿微相中,为局限潮下带上部环境;认为郁山矿床含铝岩系经历了3期规模不断增大的突发海侵到缓慢海退的沉积环境演化旋回,并形成矿床的3个铝土矿层,最后一次大规模海侵—海退事件形成了区内最连续的铝土矿层(体)。通过研究,进一步完善了华北地台本溪组铝土矿成矿理论。  相似文献   
基于EOF分析对南海西北海域水体光谱特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study presents an analysis of the spectral characteristics of remote sensing reflectance(R_(rs)) in northwestern South China Sea based on the in situ optical and water quality data for August 2018.R_(rs)was initially divided into four classes,classes A to D,using the max-classification algorithm,and the spectral properties of whole R_(rs) were characterized using the empirical orthogonal function(EOF) analysis.Subsequently,the dominant factors in each EOF mode were determined.The results indicated that more than 95% of the variances of R_(rs) are partly driven by the back-scattering characteristics of the suspended matter.The initial two EOF modes were well correlated with the total suspended matter and back-scattering coefficient.Furthermore,the first EOF modes of the four classes of R_(rs)(A-D R_(rs)-EOF_1) significantly contributed to the total variances of each R_(rs) class.In addition,the correlation coefficients between the amplitude factors of class A-D R_(rs)-EOF_1 and the variances of the relevant water quality and optical parameters were better than those of the unclassified ones.The spectral shape of class AR_(rs)-EOF_1 was governed by the absorption characteristic of chlorophyll a and colored dissolved organic matter(CDOM).The spectral shape of class B R_(rs)-EOF_1 was governed by the absorption characteristic of CDOM since it exhibited a high correlation with the absorption coefficient of CDOM(a_g(λ)),whereas the spectral shape of class C R_(rs)-EOF_1 was governed by the back-scattering characteristics but not affected by the suspended matter.The spectral shape of class D R_(rs)-EOF_1 exhibited a relatively good correlation with all the water quality parameters,which played a significant role in deciding its spectral shape.  相似文献   
金龙山——丘岭金矿区含金矿源为层上泥盆统南羊山组和下石炭统袁家沟组。组成含金矿源层岩石为高频互层的细碎屑岩-碳酸盐岩,其中细砂岩、粉砂岩、碳酸盐岩含成矿流体物性较好.页岩、板岩含成矿流体物性较差,构成屏蔽层。金鸡岭Ⅰ级复式向斜控制着金、砷、锑等异常范围;松枣Ⅱ级复式背斜控制着金的矿化带;金龙山-丘岭金矿Ⅲ级背斜控制着金的矿(化)体;镇安——板岩镇断裂的次级断裂是金矿化体的容矿有利位置。在成矿过程中,构造变形与成矿流体的形成、运移及储集密切相关。其规律是:①原生构造导致成矿流体的初次聚集。②第一期构造变形导致成矿流体的聚集。③第二期构造变形导致成矿流体运移及金矿床形成。此期变形是金的主要成矿期。④第三期构造变形使成矿流体进一步聚集和金矿体的富集。⑤第四期构造变形是石英方解石脉的形成时期。总结出矿床形成模式。据此提出了在4种不同的构造部位找金的方向。  相似文献   
组合桩型复合地基计算与应用分析   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
周德泉  张可能  刘宏利 《岩土力学》2004,25(9):1432-1436
为完善组合桩型复合地基设计理论,以单一桩型复合地基计算方法为基础,给出了其承载力和沉降量计算方法,提出了静载试验结果的尺寸修正方法,并与测试结果进行了验证。结果表明:经修正后,承压板下组合桩型复合地基承载力试验值与采用本文公式所得计算值吻合;采用桩间土的压缩模量乘以承载力的提高幅值,所得复合压缩模量计算组合桩型复合地基,最终沉降满足工程要求。  相似文献   
金刚石钻进方法在我国试验推广已有十多年的历史,积累了许多实践经验,取得了有意义的效果,现在应当深入了解金刚石钻进的实质,以便在生产中充分发挥其经济效益.一、金刚石钻进的特性众所周知,金刚石在现有物质材料中具有最高的硬度,这是取得优良钻进效果的主要依据。金刚石在莫氏硬度标中列为10级,实际上,它比9级刚玉的硬度要大七倍之多.按赫氏(苏联、赫鲁舍夫)硬度标测定,金刚石的硬度为10060—14250公斤/毫米~2,而现在工业中常用的碳化钨硬质合金的赫氏硬度仅为1500—1700公斤/毫米~2。若用泽耶巴赫的绝对刻度标测定,金刚石的硬度要比刚玉大138倍。由此可知,金刚石比其它材料有很大的硬度差值,这是取得优良钻进效果的关键所在.  相似文献   
滑坡的时间-位移曲线一般具有3个阶段特征,即初始变形阶段、等速变形阶段和加速变形阶段,不同演化阶段加速度具有不同的变化特点.目前往往是依据对加速度曲线特征的分析来人为划分演化阶段,缺少相应的理论支持和定量计算.针对上述问题,选取月降雨量、月库水位高程变化量对滑坡的累计位移建立多因素的时间序列预测模型.然后利用Chow分割点检验理论,以所建模型中F和LR统计量最大值点作为分割点对滑坡演化阶段进行划分.以新滩滑坡和三峡库区白水河滑坡为例,利用累计位移、降雨及库水位变化数据进行计算验证.结果表明,对多元时间序列模型进行Chow分割点检验可对滑坡的演化阶段进行准确划分,为滑坡的临滑预警预报提供重要判据.   相似文献   
为了使工程地质学在工程建设和防灾减灾方面发挥更大的作用,作者主张在工程地质力学和系统科学指导下发展工程地质力学综合集成(EGMS)。本文主要论述了EGMS形成的基础、相应的方法和技术以及综合集成中的4个关键问题(包括应变体系、优先监测和加固突破口的设计方法,综合地质信息分析系统、时空综合分析方法等)。另外,还扼要地讨论了如何将EGMS用于五强溪水电站船闸边坡的问题。  相似文献   
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