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摄食栖息地面积是反映越冬水鸟生存空间的直接指标,三峡水库运行后洞庭湖枯水期水文节律出现新的变化,给越冬水鸟摄食栖息地造成的影响尚不明确.为定量描述三峡水库枯水期不同出库流量对洞庭湖越冬水鸟摄食栖息地的影响,以洞庭湖典型的珍稀越冬水鸟——白鹤(Grus leucogeranus)为指示性候鸟,以白鹤摄食对栖息地水深需求作为关键生态因子,建立白鹤摄食对水深需求的栖息地适宜度模型.构建涵盖长江干流、三口河系、洞庭湖及其四水尾闾河段的江湖一体化耦合水动力模型,实现栖息地水动力分布特征的精确模拟.在此基础上耦合栖息地适宜度模型和水动力模型,建立了面向白鹤摄食对三峡水库出库流量需求的物理栖息地模型,量化不同出库流量对应的白鹤摄食栖息地加权可利用面积,定量分析水库运行对白鹤摄食栖息地面积的影响.结果表明:1月中旬三峡水库不同出库流量下洞庭湖白鹤潜在摄食栖息地面积保持稳定并随出库流量的增加呈增大趋势,维持在101.40~121.84 km2之间,其中东洞庭湖摄食栖息地面积在7.49~9.86 km2之间,南洞庭湖(含横岭湖)摄食栖息地面积在47.37~60.34 km2之间,西洞庭湖摄食栖息地面积在46.54~51.64 km2之间.不同湖区摄食栖息地面积随着三峡水库出库流量的增加均呈增大的趋势,说明三峡水库枯水期补水调度对于维持栖息地面积具有重要作用.较三峡水库运行前相比,白鹤摄食栖息地面积最大增加20.44 km2,对应的增幅为20.16%.成果明晰了三峡水库运行对洞庭湖白鹤摄食栖息地面积的影响规律,可为通过三峡水库补水调度改善洞庭湖越冬水鸟摄食栖息地生境提供理论基础.  相似文献   
上地幔密度异常驱动小尺度对流及实验模型   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
建立了由密度异常驱动上地幔小尺度对流的数学 物理模型, 发展了利用地震层析成像数据反演上地幔小尺度对流的基本理论和方法. 该模型建立在三维直角坐标系框架上, 假设地震层析成像所显示的地震波速度异常对应于上地幔物质密度异常, 而该密度异常反映了上地幔小尺度热对流系统的温度异常场. 模型首先将地震层析成像确定的地震波速度异常转换为密度异常, 并视其为对流的驱动力; 进而利用三维傅立叶变换, 在波数域内, 在给定的边界条件下, 求解控制流体行为的运动方程和连续性方程, 最后求得对流的流场. 为检验本研究提出的理论和方法的有效性, 本文使用了两个简单的实验模型: 热体和冷体模型; 俯冲断离( break off)板片模型, 计算了其驱动的地幔流场. 结果表明, 本文提供的理论和方法, 可以直接应用于与区域岩石层构造动力学相关的上地幔小尺度对流的研究.  相似文献   
Attention has been given to baseflow in large rivers, but up to now, no study on baseflow for the Yangtze River in combination with extreme drought and extensive human activities has been carried out. Discharge data in 2000–2005 and in the extreme drought years, 1978 and 2006, at stations along the main stream, lakes and distributaries of the Yangtze River were collected to analyse the features of baseflow in 2006 by using baseflow separation technique, HYSEP. It can be seen that the baseflow relative to the streamflow in 2006 was greater than those in other years. The variation of baseflow discharge in the Upper Yangtze River Stream (UYRS) was larger than that in the Mid‐Lower Yangtze River Stream (MLYRS). Human activities in MLYRS are more intensive than that in the UYRS and the baseflow discharge was greater. The baseflow is influenced by the extreme climate and human activities along the Yangtze River with the former being the dominant factor in 2006. The contribution of human interference to baseflow discharge was about 10% in 2006. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Loading Rate Dependence of Tensile Strength Anisotropy of Barre Granite   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Granitic rocks usually exhibit strongly anisotropy due to pre-existing microcracks induced by long-term geological loadings. The understanding of the rock anisotropy in mechanical properties is critical to a variety of rock engineering applications. In this paper, Brazilian tests are conducted statically with a material testing machine and dynamically with a split Hopkinson pressure bar system to measure both static and dynamic tensile strength of Barre granite. To understand the anisotropy in tensile strength, samples are cored and labelled using the three principle directions of Barre granite to form six sample groups. For dynamic tests, a pulse shaping technique is used to achieve dynamic equilibrium in the samples during the dynamic test. The finite element method is then implemented to formulate equations that relate the failure load to the material tensile strength by employing an orthotropic elastic material model. For samples in the same orientation group, the tensile strength shows clear loading rate dependence. The tensile strengths also exhibit clear anisotropy under static loading while the anisotropy diminishes as the loading rate increases, which may be due to the interaction of pre-existing microcracks.  相似文献   
A number of ancient charred paddies with a 14C dating of about 5900 a BP were recovered in the sixth excavation at Chuodun Site and are assigned to the Majiabang culture (7–6 ka BP). To understand their formation mechanism, the ancient charred paddies were compared to modern paddies using FT-IR spectrum and thermaogravimetric analysis. At the same time, modern charred paddies were made in helium by the laboratory method, and the structural characteristics of them and the ancient ones were revealed using CP/MAS-13C-NMR. Our results show there are more aromatic moieties in ancient charred paddies compared to modern paddies. The aliphatic components of modern charred paddies decrease continuously, accompanied by the accumulation of aromatic components, when the duration and temperature of oxidation increase, and the structure buildings of modern charred paddies are more similar to ancient ones. Given the planting manner of paddies during Majiabang culture period, these ancient charred paddies might be a result of the original farming mode involving fire. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40571088)  相似文献   
首先分析了宝昌地震台地电阻率观测值曲线具有的长趋势变化以及规则年周期变化特征,为确定和提取前兆异常提供了正常变化的背景值和参考值.其次,通过去倾、傅立叶去年周期变化以及归一化月速率等方法,分析了1998年张北6.2级地震前后地电阻率异常特征,并利用相关理论尝试解释了异常产生的物理机制.归一化月速率法对于提取、分析短临异常,判断发震时间,较为理想;膨胀流体扩散(DD)模式适于解释宝昌地震台地电异常,而广泛扩容各向异性(EDA)模型适合解释该台地电阻率变化的各向异性.  相似文献   
利用四川2015模型,选择Msdp嵌入的几种常用定位方法对九寨沟M_S7.0地震进行重新定位,比较震源深度结果,并用PTD方法验证合适的震源深度,从而得到较为可靠的震源深度。本文最终判定九寨沟M_S7.0地震震源深度为12±2km。  相似文献   
西藏蛇绿岩中二种合金矿物新变种   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在西藏雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩带的东部,距拉萨200km的泽当罗莎蛇绿岩的铬铁矿中,发现有种类繁多的合金矿物,铬铁镍矿和依铁镍矿就是其中二种。铬铁镍矿分子式:Ni0.41Fe0.35Cr0.24,为等轴晶系,空间群为Fm3m,晶胞参数a=0.35622(2)nm。铱铁镍矿分子式:Ni0.66Fe0.18Ir0.16,属等轴晶系,空间群Oh^5-Fm3m,晶胞参数a=0.46486(4)mm。  相似文献   
Based on fission track dating of apatite, and measurement of vitrinite reflectance of rock samples from the Longmenshan (Longmen Mountain)area and the West Sichuan foreland basin and computer modelling it is concluded that (l)the Songpan-Garze fold belt has uplifted at least by 3-4 km with an uplift rate of no less than 0.3-0.4 mm/a since 10 Ma B.P.; (2) the Longmenshan thrust nappe belt has uplifted at least by 5-6 km with an uplift rate of more than 0.5- 0.6 mm /a since 10 Ma B.P.; (3) the Longmenshan detachment belt has uplifted by 1 - 2 km at a rate of 0.016-0.032 mm/a since 60 Ma B.P.; (4) the West Sichuan foreland basin has uplifted by 1.7-3 km at a rate of 0.028-0.05 mm/a since 60 Ma B.P.; (5) the uplift rate of the area on the west side of the Beichuan-Yingxiu-Xiaoguanzi fault for the last 10 Ma is 40 times as much as that on its east side; (6) the uplifting of the the Songpan - Garze fold belt and the subsidence of the West Sichuan foreland basin 60 Ma ago exhibit a mirro-image correlation, i.e  相似文献   
东海陆架盆地伸展率和压缩率及构造跃迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
东海陆架盆地位于欧亚板块的东南缘和西太平洋活动大陆边缘,本文选取了东海陆架盆地主要凹陷的17条地震剖面,采用平衡剖面技术,计算了主要凹陷新生代不同演化阶段的伸展率和压缩率。分析表明,东海陆架盆地构造演化总体由西向东跃迁。晚白垩世至晚古新世东海陆架盆地裂陷中心在西部坳陷带,始新世东迁至东部坳陷带,上新世东迁至东海陆架盆地东侧的冲绳海槽盆地。古新世中后期东海陆架盆地西部坳陷带北侧昆山凹陷反转;中新世东部坳陷带的西湖凹陷反转。东海陆架盆地西部坳陷带与东部坳陷带构造演化不同,证明了东海陆架盆地的东西分带。西部坳陷带北部的长江坳陷和南部的台北坳陷构造演化不同,东部坳陷带北部的西湖凹陷和南部的钓北凹陷构造演化不同,证明了东海陆架盆地的南北分块。  相似文献   
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