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利用常规观测资料、加密地面自动站、闪电定位仪和ERA5再分析资料,将2011—2020年湖北冷季91次高架雷暴事件,按照形成机制分为雷雨型、强对流型和雷打雪型3类,并细致归纳了3类事件的时空分布特征、大气环流背景及关键环境参数等特征。(1) 湖北冷季高架雷暴雷雨型最多,强对流型次之,雷打雪型最少。3类型存在明显的时空分布差异,雷雨型主要发生在秋末冬初(11月)和冬末初春(1—2月),强对流型及雷打雪型常出现在早春2月,3月基本以强对流型为主。(2) 低槽冷锋、850 hPa切变线及低空西南急流是冷季高架雷暴发生的有利环流背景,近地面为稳定的冷气团控制,逆温明显,西南低空急流沿着锋面逆温层以上的850 hPa附近触发抬升,水汽、上升运动及不稳定层结均出现在850 hPa以上。雷雨型和雷打雪型距离冷锋超过100 km以上,强对流型不足100 km。(3) 850 hPa是风场转换的重要层次。强对流型850 hPa露点温度(Td850)、K指数、850 hPa与 500 hPa温差(ΔT85)、850 hPa假相当位温(θse850)、西南急流厚度和强度(I700)、切变线强度(S850)最大,中低层(850~700 hPa)垂直风切变(SL78)最小;雷打雪型对水汽和不稳定能量的要求最低,SL78最大。  相似文献   
Changes in the concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gases are an important part of the global climate forcing. The hypothesis that benthic foraminifera are useful proxies of local methane emission from the seafloor has been verified on sediment cores by numerous studies. The calcium carbonate (CaCO3) content and the high-resolution carbon and oxygen isotope composition of the benthic foraminifera from the core 08CF7, from the northeastern Shenhu gas hydrate drilling area in the Baiyun Sag of the northern South China Sea were analyzed, and the benthic foraminifera’s evidence for methane release from gas hydrate decomposition are presented here for the first time. Two rapid obvious carbon isotope negative excursions were observed in the oxygen isotope stage boundaries 5d/5c and 6/5e (penultimate deglaciation, about 130 ka) of the cold-to-warm climatic transition period. The largest negative value of δ13C is about ?2.95 ‰, and the whole change of carbon and oxygen isotope is strikingly similar and is in consonance with the atmospheric methane concentration recorded by the Vostok ice core and the carbon isotopic record from Lake Baikal. Combining these results with the analysis of the geological conditions of the study area and the fact that gas hydrate exists in the surrounding area, it can be concluded that the carbon isotope negative excursions of the benthic foraminifera in the northern South China Sea are associated with methane release from gas hydrate decomposition due to deglacial climate warming. By recording the episodes of massive gas hydrate decomposition closely linked with the northern hemisphere temperatures during major warming periods, the new δ13C record from the Baiyun Sag provides further evidence for the potential impact of gas hydrate reservoir on rapid deglacial rises of atmospheric methane levels.  相似文献   
西准噶尔包古图地区广泛发育富镁闪长质岩墙.对这些岩墙进行角闪石Ar-Ar和锆石U-Pb定年分别获得(313.1±3.5)Ma和(316.3±3.8) Ma的年龄,显示其主要形成于晚石炭世.闪长质岩墙以富Si(SiO2=56.8 %~62.9%)、Mg(MgO=2.39%~4.04%、Mg#=54-62)、Cr(Cr=30×10-6~80×10-6)、Ni(Ni=20×10-6~62×10-6)为特征,具有弱的Eu负异常和高Sr/Y比值(36~44),强烈亏损HREE (Yb=1.32×10-6~1.54×10-6、Y=13.1×10-6~15.5×10-6),富集LILE (K、Sr、Ba),亏损HFSE(Nb、Ta、Ti).这些特点显示,这些闪长质岩墙可能是由俯冲的板片熔体与地幔橄榄岩反应而成,与洋脊俯冲有关.而闪长质岩墙的形成过程也有利于铜金矿床的形成,显示该区有良好的成矿远景.  相似文献   
2014年7月—2014年8月借助风速仪、微梯度集沙仪,通过野外监测系统获取的试验数据,对塔中地区2014年7月—2014年8月沙尘天气过程中贴地层输沙率进行分析,得出:0~85 mm高度内,随着风速的增大,35~85 mm无论是绝对的输沙量还是相对的输沙量都减少。0~85 mm高度内,各层输沙率最大值均出现在风速为8 m·s-1左右,波动较为显著;最小值出现在6.5 m·s-1左右,波动不明显;沙尘天气中,输沙率最大值出现在5~15 mm高度,最小值出现在35~85 mm高度。扬沙天气中,风速9.2 m·s-1时,输沙率最大值在0~5 mm处。沙尘暴天气,拐点风速为7.5 m·s-1,7.5 m·s-1时,输沙率增加不显著,7.5 m·s-1时,输沙率增加显著。通过微梯度集沙仪获得的上述试验数据是风沙工程设计的一个极重要工程参数,具有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   
“云娜”台风影响的商城特大暴雨过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用常规资料、天气图、物理量诊断分析等资料,对“云娜”登陆后的特征及其对商城造成特大暴雨的天气过程进行了分析,结果表明:强大深厚的台风低压是主要影响系统;华北地区弱冷空气侵入台风倒槽是主要原因;地形对降水起增幅作用;水汽通量和垂直速度中心与特大暴雨落区一致,对特大暴雨具有指示意义。  相似文献   
Worldwide experience repeatedly shows that damages in structures caused by earthquakes are highly dependent on site condition and epicentral distance. In this paper, a 21-storey shear wall-structure built in the 1960s in Hong Kong is selected as an example to investigate these two effects. Under various design earthquake intensities and for various site conditions, the fragility curves or damage probability matrix of such building is quantified in terms of the ductility factor, which is estimated from the ratio of storey yield shear to the inter-storey seismic shear. For high-rise buildings, a higher probability of damage is obtained for a softer site condition, and damage is more severe for far field earthquakes than for near field earthquakes. For earthquake intensity of VIII, the probability of complete collapse (P) increases from 1 to 24% for near field earthquakes and from 1 to 41% for far field earthquakes if the building is moved form a rock site to a site consisting a 80 m thick soft clay. For intensity IX, P increases from 6 to 69% for near field earthquake and from 14 to 79% for far field earthquake if the building is again moved form rock site to soft soil site. Therefore, site effect is very important and not to be neglected. Similar site and epicentral effects should also be expected for other types of high-rise structures.  相似文献   
云南中三叠世罗平生物群中海参骨片化石的发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在云南罗平中三叠统关岭组第二段(安尼阶Pelsonian亚阶)中发现了少量海参骨片化石,对其中的1属1种进行了描述。该发现丰富了罗平生物群的内容,为探讨中国三叠纪海参骨片化石的分类及演化增加了新材料。同时对海参骨片化石的产出层位进行了沉积环境分析,得出该类海参生活在正常浅海陆棚环境。  相似文献   
四川紫色土耕地面积406.1万公顷,占全省耕地面积的36.5%,属全省农业生产的主体区域。四川紫色土普遍退化。退化分为物理性(含构造性)、化学性、营养性三类。用模糊综合评判方法,评价了四川(主要为盆地丘陵区)紫色土退化的程度和状况。同时又建立了退化紫色土的分区原则,将四川紫色土退化分布区域划分为6个退化亚区,10个退化小区。  相似文献   
莘海亮  张元生  郭晓  李稳 《地震研究》2008,31(2):129-133
利用遗传算法对2003年10月25日甘肃民乐-山丹6.1、5.8级地震及其余震进行了精确定位,并在此基础上结合地质资料讨论了此次地震的发震构造.定位结果表明:地震序列分布集中,两次主震主要沿着民乐-永昌隐伏断裂分布;震源深度主要分布在10~15 km范围内,平均深度为12.1 km;此次地震序列的发震构造为民乐-永昌隐伏断裂与童子坝河隐伏断裂所组成的大黄山隆起区前缘逆冲断裂,其中民乐-永昌隐伏断裂西段的NWW向局部断裂起主要作用.  相似文献   
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