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汪正林  党建涛 《气象》2006,32(12):36-42
研究了西昌发射场特殊地形及地形梯度对其暴雨天气的影响。对比分析表明:2004年6月23日暴雨过程属于低涡切变型暴雨,6月27日暴雨过程属于两高辐合型暴雨。利用MM5V3.7进行了多组地形敏感试验,结果表明:场区北侧山脉对场区降水量影响明显,西昌东侧山脉对西昌降水量影响明显。地形梯度分析表明,西昌地区所处的河谷地形和场区所处喇叭口小地形,有利于中小尺度气压扰动的发生、发展和暴雨的产生,当地形梯度减弱时,降水量相应减弱。  相似文献   
研究下寒武统筇竹寺组烃源岩灶迁移演化能够为震旦-寒武系天然气成藏动力学及勘探方向提供重要的支撑. 以四川盆地热历史为基础,利用盆地模拟技术恢复筇竹寺组成熟度史及生烃史,揭示烃源岩灶迁移演化规律,建立烃源岩灶与规模成藏的耦合关系,进而指出震旦-寒武系天然气发育的有利区. 筇竹寺组烃源岩主要具有3期生油阶段:加里东旋回末期、海西旋回中-末期、印支旋回末期-燕山旋回早期;且具有4期生气阶段:加里东旋回末期、海西旋回中-末期、海西旋回末期-印支旋回中期、印支旋回中期-燕山旋回早期. 加里东旋回末期,川北和川南-川西南地区发育两个烃源岩灶,后者为主要生烃中心;加里东旋回末期-海西旋回末期,川北地区烃源岩灶向西迁移,为主要生烃中心,川南-川西南地区烃源岩灶未迁移,生烃强度少量增加;海西旋回末期-燕山旋回末期,川西北-川中地区发育一个新的烃源岩灶,生烃强度大且生烃面积广,该阶段为筇竹寺组烃源岩最主要的生烃阶段. 烃源岩以生油为主,生气为辅,震旦-寒武系气藏主要由原油二次裂解形成. 较大的生油强度、台缘带优质储层及构造高带的时空耦合为震旦-寒武系规模成藏奠定了坚实基础,研究成果可以为震旦-寒武系的天然气勘探提供重要的依据,针对震旦-寒武系的天然气下一步勘探应考虑中北部槽缘带的优质储层.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional transient groundwater flow and saltwater transport models were constructed to assess the impacts of groundwater abstraction and climate change on the coastal aquifer of Tra Vinh province (Vietnam). The groundwater flow model was calibrated with groundwater levels (2007–2016) measured in 13 observation wells. The saltwater transport model was compared with the spatial distribution of total dissolved solids. Model performance was evaluated by comparing observed and simulated groundwater levels. The projected rainfalls from two climate models (MIROC5 and CRISO Mk3.6) were subsequently used to simulate possible effects of climate changes. The simulation revealed that groundwater is currently depleted due to overabstraction. Towards the future, groundwater storage will continue to be depleted with the current abstraction regime, further worsening in the north due to saltwater intrusion from inland trapped saltwater and on the coast due to seawater intrusion. Notwithstanding, the impact from climate change may be limited, with the computed groundwater recharge from the two climate models revealing no significant change from 2017 to 2066. Three feasible mitigation scenarios were analyzed: (1) reduced groundwater abstraction by 25, 35 and 50%, (2) increased groundwater recharge by 1.5 and 2 times in the sand dunes through managed aquifer recharge (reduced abstraction will stop groundwater-level decline, while increased recharge will restore depleted storage), and (3) combining 50% abstraction reduction and 1.5 times recharge increase in sand dune areas. The results show that combined interventions of reducing abstraction and increasing recharge are necessary for sustainable groundwater resources development in Tra Vinh province.

Dang Luo 《Natural Hazards》2014,71(3):1419-1431
Risk evaluation for natural disasters is an important part of the emergency management, disaster prevention and mitigation. Because of the complexity and uncertainty of practical evaluation problems, the evaluation information available generally needs depiction of interval gray numbers instead of real numbers. This paper presents an evaluation method with three-parameter interval gray numbers which can deal with dynamic multiple indicators in order to evaluate efficiently the ice-jam disaster risk of Ningxia-Inner Mongolia reaches of the Yellow River in China. The gray range transformation is introduced into the process of model building to eliminate the incomparability of different dimensions. Moreover, model GM(1,1) is used to simulate and predict the development trend of risk vector. As the results show, while the ice-jam disaster risk of Ningxia-Inner Mongolia reaches of the Yellow River reveals certain wave characteristics, the overall trend remains smooth. The risk degree of ice-jam disaster with Bayangol and Toudaoguai is expected to decrease in the years between 2013 and 2015, while that with Sanhu River tends to increase.  相似文献   
个旧锡矿高松矿田综合信息矿产预测   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
个旧超大型锡铜多金属矿床是我国和世界上重要的锡产地,近年来面临严重的资源危机。通过分析个旧锡矿高松矿田的地质、地球化学、地球物理等信息特征,用统计排序法和地质统计学方法解决了断裂、褶皱、地层、花岗岩等定性信息的量化、分级,用分维确定了考虑线性和面状因素的最佳信息单元大小,利用以Shannon信息论基本原理为基础的分层次自相似信息量加和法在信息类型内部和类型之间进行了信息的有机综合,得到了三级18个预测区,经云南锡业公司工程和已知矿区验证,取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   
概要介绍了一种无机聚合物———地质聚合物。首先对地质聚合物材料的制备过程作了介绍。根据原料的不同,地质聚合物材料的制备可以有两种途径:一种是以偏高岭石为基础原料,一种是以粉煤灰为主要原料。通常以硅酸钠水溶液作为单体硅源,氢氧化钠溶液作为碱激发剂以提高原料的溶出性。对某些在常温和低于100 ℃下制备的独石材料作了介绍。对煅烧高岭石,叶蜡石,粉煤灰和钢渣的溶出特性作了阐述。应用SEM EDX,对以粉煤灰为原料的地质聚合物材料的化学组成作了分析。最后对地质聚合物材料的经济性以及在环境保护等领域的应用前景,特别是在减少二氧化碳排放与废弃物处理方面的意义作了介绍。  相似文献   
PCBs were analysed in surficial sediments and selected sediment cores collected between 2002 and 2008 in Central Vietnam coastal lagoons. The aim was to determine contamination levels and trends, and to evaluate the effects of anthropogenic pressures and natural events. Samples were mostly fine-grained with low total PCB concentrations (0.367-44.7 μg kg−1). Atmospheric transport and post depositional processes modify to some degree the fingerprint of PCB inputs to the environment favouring the predominance of 3, 4 and 5 chlorinated congeners. The similarity of congener distributions in contemporary surficial samples also suggests the presence of a unique source over the entire study area, probably connected to mobilisation and long range transports from land-based stocks. The removal of consistent sediment layers is hypothesised based on repeated samplings of the same area. Natural meteorological events (such as typhoons) are suspected to be responsible for these sediment losses.  相似文献   
高温高压岩石流变仪围压标定的主要方法为氯化盐类的部分熔融法和矿物相变法。利用氯化盐类进行压力标定时,不仅可以利用单一盐类,也可以使用多种盐类的混合物;常用的压力标定矿物相变及其适用温压范围如下:石英-柯石英,500~1200℃、2.5~3.2GPa;钠长石-硬玉+石英,600~1200℃、1.6~3.2GPa;铁橄榄石+石英-铁辉石,600~1200℃、1~1.7GPa;磷镁石-Mg3(PO4)2-Ⅱ,565~825℃、0.6~0.9GPa;方解石-文石,600~1200℃、0.5~2.5GPa。不同的标定方法具有不同的特征,文中将进行详细介绍。  相似文献   
Mao  Wenxin  Wang  Wenping  Luo  Dang  Sun  Huifang 《Natural Hazards》2019,97(3):1025-1049
Natural Hazards - The ice disaster risk in Ning-Meng reach of Yellow River in China is affected by many factors, and the various risk factors are not independent with each other but present...  相似文献   
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