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滇西北伸展构造区的构造特点及其动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了滇西北伸展构造区活动构造、地震活动和新构造环境的特点。该区构造与地震的活动强度为南、北部强,中间弱;第四纪最大沉降中心、湖积台地及第四纪褶皱分布呈对角对称。滇西北地区的伸展构造是在近南北向挤压力和南西—北东向剪切力的共同作用下形成的,其合力方向为北北东,与用水压致裂法和物理模拟获得的结果相符。该区在形成机制上属于一种特殊的拉分构造。  相似文献   
本文研究了1986年门源6.4级地震和1990年共和7.0级地震地,1980-1990年青海省东北部甘青交界地区浅层地温场的时空分布特征。主要结论如下:门源地震前,1989年出现以青海湖为中心的浅层地温增温区,其中从湟源-门源-带形成椭圆形地温高值区,1986年访温区地温下降;共和地震和前从1987年出现大面积、长时间浅层地温增高区。增温幅度较大的地区集中在青海省湟源-共和-兴海-线。距震中区较远  相似文献   

This study experiments with reservoir representation schemes to improve the ability to model active water management in the National Water Model (NWM). For this purpose, we developed an integrated water management model, NWM-ResSim, by coupling the NWM with HEC-ResSim, and two reservoir representation schemes are tested: simulation of reservoir operations and retrieval of scheduled operations. The experiments focus on a pilot reservoir domain in the Russian River basin – Lake Mendocino, California – and its contributing watershed. The evaluation results suggest that the NWM-ResSim improves the simulation performance of reservoir outflow from this managed reservoir over the NWM default level pool routing scheme. The degree of this improvement depends on the suitability of the operation guidance; the reservoir operations simulation scheme could have acceptable errors for the purposes of water resources management, but not for flood operations. Results of the retrieval scheme of scheduled operations demonstrated better performance for sub-daily flood operations.  相似文献   
Compression wave velocityV p has been measured on 10 representative rock samples from the Early Mesozoic granulite and mafic-ultramafic cumulate xenoliths population from the Harqin area of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (for short Inner Mongolia) as an aid to interpretingin-situ seismic velocity data and investigating velocity variation with depth in a mafic lower crust. The experiments have been carried out at constant confining pressures up to 1 000 MPa and temperatures ranging from 20 to around 1 300°C, using the ultrasonic transmission technique. After corrections for estimatedin situ crustal pressures and temperatures, elastic wave velocities range from 6.5 to 7.4 km·s?1, indicating that they are components of the Early Mesozoic crust-mantle transitional zone. Combining with previous experimental data, we have also reestablished the Early-Mesozoic continental compression velocity profile and compared it with those of the present and of the different tectonic environments in the world. The result shows that it is similar to the velocity pattern of the extensional tectonic area, providing new clues to the Mesozoic continental structure of the North China Craton.  相似文献   
Incremental dynamic analysis (IDA)—a procedure developed for accurate estimation of seismic demand and capacity of structures—requires non‐linear response history analysis of the structure for an ensemble of ground motions, each scaled to many intensity levels, selected to cover the entire range of structural response—all the way from elastic behaviour to global dynamic instability. Recognizing that IDA of practical structures is computationally extremely demanding, an approximate procedure based on the modal pushover analysis procedure is developed. Presented are the IDA curves and limit state capacities for the SAC‐Los Angeles 3‐, 9‐, and 20‐storey buildings computed by the exact and approximate procedures for an ensemble of 20 ground motions. These results demonstrate that the MPA‐based approximate procedure reduces the computational effort by a factor of 30 (for the 9‐storey building), at the same time providing results to a useful degree of accuracy over the entire range of responses—all the way from elastic behaviour to global dynamic instability—provided a proper hysteretic model is selected for modal SDF systems. The accuracy of the approximate procedure does not deteriorate for 9‐ and 20‐storey buildings, although their dynamics is more complex, involving several ‘modes’ of vibration. For all three buildings, the accuracy of the MPA‐based approximate procedure is also satisfactory for estimating the structural capacities for the limit states of immediate occupancy, collapse prevention, and global dynamic instability. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
针对当前小城镇生活垃圾的特点,根据SETAC和ISO14000关于生命周期评价的技术框架,应用生命周期评价对小城镇生活垃圾生命周期各个阶段成本消耗和环境影响进行定量化分析和评估,同时结合复合生态学理论,提出小城镇的生活垃圾的治理途径,保证小城镇生态建设规划的实施。  相似文献   
土地利用动态遥感监测成果应用现状及信息共享策略   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
新一轮国土资源大调查工程中土地利用动态遥感监测项目,经过六年多的运行取得了丰富的成果和第一手数据资料,是土地管理工作中重要的数据资源,本文通过对土地利用动态遥感监测成果内容和特点、应用现状及存在问题的分析,提出成果应用建议。  相似文献   
本文研究了基于3S技术的1:1万土地利用现状更新调查的方法,针对其中遇到的若干问题进行了探讨,认为正射影像图制作时必须注意精度问题,影像解译采用自动分类与目视解译相结合的方法可以提高效率保证解译精度;外业调绘补测应该严把质量关,以保障整个工程的精度,外业调绘结果采用直接矢量化可以减少工作量,以减少误差;重新划分图斑号可以方便外业调查和今后土地管理工作;建议数据建库时采用地形图校正可以提高数据库的精度。  相似文献   
综合目前各地震成因假说而提出了地震立体网络多因复成学说,该学说包括两个基本点:地震时空分布具有立体网络性;地震是显、隐性立体网络力能结构上的一个纽结。显性网络力能主要是以应力形式作用的力能,主要来源于地球自身的运转、地壳整体收缩和地幔活动因素,表现为局部性挤压和拉伸,结果往往形成断裂、断裂带、系或其他地球物理薄弱地带。隐性网络力能主要是以连续性(区域)场和瞬间冲击、扰动形式作用的力能,主要来源于太阳、月亮及太阳系各行星因素以及宇宙膨胀复原力能、宇宙高能粒子流或慧星与地球相遇引发的流星雨,表现为区域性引拉和斥推,以及瞬间冲击力、干扰力。隐性网络力对蕴震体物质和能量进行“加载”或“卸载”,结果是广泛沟通蕴震体内部及与外部的联系、调节控制蕴震体振动方式和运动方式及其能量积累和释放、促进或诱发蕴震体发震。显、隐性网络力能叠加于蕴震体,当蕴震体自由振动被叠加振动剧烈加强即蕴震体发生共振时,引起蕴震体加速运动而处于临界态,出现降维、减熵的有序特征,在临界态蕴震体受瞬间冲击或扰动,或者与环境出现解耦,而出现突变、混沌、发生地震。基于地震立体网络多因复成学说认识提出了DZW333预测模式,预测模式包括地震成因物理模型、典型地震发生机制和地震三级预测程序3部分主要内容。DZW即地震网络学说,333即由3类显性物质单元组成,即发震地壳体、球内地幔活动体、球外天体;由3部分力能因素组成,即地壳体自动力能、地幔热压体浮沉力能、星际引斥扰动力能;有3级预测程序,即时空网络预测、形态特征预测、精确信息预测。前两级预测也属于以研究对象中的共性为基础的统计预测,应确定概率值。后一级的信息预测则是以研究对象中的特性为基础的确定性预测,不涉及概率。以唐山大地震为例作了解析。  相似文献   
This paper focuses on interpreting the different spatial relationships between NDVI and T s, a triangular or a trapezoid, and on analyzing transformation conditions, the physical and ecological meanings of the vegetation index-surface temperature space as well. Further, we use the Temperature-Vegetation Dryness Index (TVDI) to explain the existent meaning of a triangular space after NDVI reaches its saturated state by employing the relationships between NDVI, LAI and evapotranspiration. The specific relations between NDVI and T s are useful for describing, validating and updating land surface models.  相似文献   
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