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根据Feldmann(1938)的评述,管枝藻目的系统分类研究工作始于Schmitz(1879),他首先创建了“group” Siphonocladaceae(发表名为Siphonocladiaceae)。又据Egerod(1952)的研究,Schmitz的“group”事实上只是一个科,Feldmann(1938),Fritsch(1947)及其他人把管枝藻目的创建者归诸Schmitz是错误的。Schmitz在此科中收容了法囊藻(Valonia),肋叶藻(Anadyomene),小网藻(Microdictyon),刚毛藻(Cladophora),硬毛藻(Chaetomorpha),黑孢藻(Pithophora),气球藻(Botrydium)和暂定的网叶藻(Struvea)以及他的新属管枝藻(Siphonocladus)。De Toni(1889)将Schmitz的管枝藻科的各属分散在Order Confervoideae的刚毛藻科的刚毛藻亚科(Cladophoreae)、绵枝藻亚科(Spongocladieae)、小网藻亚科(Microdictyeae)、肋叶藻亚科(Anadyomene)和法囊藻亚科(Valonieae)中。Blackman and Tansley(1902)简历管藻目时下分管藻亚目(Siphoneae)包括无分隔的种类和管枝藻亚目(Siphonocladeae)包括分隔的种类;后者由孢根藻科(Gomontiaceae),刚毛藻科(Cladophoraceae),环藻科(Sphaeropleaceae)和法囊藻科(Valoniaceae)等四个科组成。  相似文献   
Epibenthic fishes were collected with daytime beam trawl tows (n = 1713) in three shallow (<10 m) habitats of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), Zostera marina (eelgrass), Laminaria longicruris (kelp), Phyllophora sp. (algae), and unvegetated sandy/mud areas. We divided the Maine coast into three broad zones based upon geological features and sampled over five consecutive years; during April–November 2000 in the mid coast, in 2001 and 2002 along the south coast and in 2003 and 2004 along the eastern Maine coast. We quantified habitat use by eight economically important fish species (Gadus morhua, Microgadus tomcod, Pollachius virens, Urophycis chuss, Urophycis tenuis, Osmerus mordax, Tautogolabrus adspersus, and Pseudopleuronectes americanus) and 10 other common epibenthic species (n = 18 571). We identified the physical and biological variables most important in discriminating between habitats with and without individual fish species. Logistic regression models based on nearshore habitat characteristics were developed to predict the distribution of these species along the three zones representing broad geological regions of the Maine coast. Logistic regression models correctly classified individual fish species 58.7–97.1% of the time based on the temporal and physical habitat variables (month, temperature, salinity, and depth) and the presence–absence of submerged aquatic vegetation (Zostera, Laminaria, or Phyllophora). Overall fish presence and economically important fish presence were correctly classified 61.1–79.8% and 66.0–73.6% of the time, respectively. The Maine shallow water fish community was composed primarily of young-of-the-year and juvenile fishes with all habitats functioning as facultative nursery areas. Presence of most fish species was positively associated with Zostera, Laminaria, and to a lesser extent, Phyllophora. This study provides direct evidence of shallow waters of the Gulf of Maine as critical facultative nursery habitat for juvenile G. morhua, M. tomcod, P. virens, U. tenuis, U. chuss, T. adspersus, O. mordax and P. americanus, and many ecologically important species.  相似文献   
Hummocky megaripples occur on Sable Island Bank, Scotian Shelf. Submersible observations show that the megaripples form during winter storms and are subsequently obliterated through bioturbation and fair-weather reworking. The megaripples of this study were underlain by a storm bed composed of: (A) a basal scoured and infilled gravel lag facies; (B) low-angle tangential crossbedding in gravel to coarse sand; (C) anisotropic hummocky stratification in medium sand; and (D) wave ripple cross-lamination in medium/fine sand. This sequence forms a tempestite bed created by a winter storm during our sampling program. Numerical simulation of bed conditions during the storm suggests that the hummocky megaripples and hummocky stratification formed together during late stages of storm decay from conditions of sheet flow. Near-bed wave motion during deposition exceeded steady currents by an order of magnitude.  相似文献   
Velocity profiles in a salt marsh canopy   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Flow velocity profiles, measured in aSpartina anglica canopy in a laboratory flume, change with the location of measurement and plant stem density. The shear velocity above the canopy is larger than that within the canopy. The reduction ofu * within the canopy will favor the deposition of cohesive sediment. The reducedu * and flow turbulence within the canopy can enhance particle flocculation and settling velocity. The canopy exerts a strong influence on the concentration, settling velocity of the flocs, and deposition rate of the suspended sediment through effects on bed shear stress and turbulence of flow within the canopy.  相似文献   
海带类的工业利用在国外从17世纪末就开始,19世纪中叶起陆续出现了一些综合利用的方法。近20年来在这方面进行研究工作较多的国家有日本、英国、苏联等。 近几年来,我国由于大力开展了海带的人工养殖,产量猛增,为工业利用提供了必要的基础。我们在研究了海带综合利用中的两个关键性问题一一原料处理和主产品褐藻酸的提取条件——之后,接着开始了综合利用方法的研究。 国外所研究的海带综合利用要点和缺点大致是: 1. 从同一份海带中综合考虑的产品大多是褐藻酸、碘和甘露醇,而很少同时考虑氯化鉀、褐藻淀粉等其他产品; 2. 水溶性成分是用稀酸提取,这不仅消耗酸和中和用碱,而且对褐藻酸会带来很不利的影响; 3. 甘露醇和碘的分离也各有不同:高桥等推荐用铜沉淀法;英国则直接用酒精从海藻中提取甘露醇,或从稀酸提取液中加有机药品制成水不溶性甘露醇衍生物。前者所需铜盐量相当大,且对于氯化鉀、褐藻淀粉的分离研究不利;后者直接以酒精煮沸海藻,必将显著减低褐藻酸粘度,而水不溶性甘露醇沉淀的制备则成本太高,无多大实用价值。 我们认为,要寻求一个较全面、合理、轻济、简易的综合利用流程,首先应考虑: 1. 各种成分如褐藻酸、甘露醇、碘、氯化鉀、褐藻淀粉等的全面利用的流程; 2. 以水代替稀酸作提取剂;同时确定各种产品的适宜分离条件等。 综合利用流程的初步轮廓和结果已于1959年初提出。其后至1960年初这段时间内,我们对于各产品的分离条件和在各步骤中的产率等方面作了比较系统的进一步实验,并且对于先前提出的流程作了部分修正、补充。  相似文献   
Results are presented from a deep seismic sounding experiment with the research vessel POLARSTERN in the Scoresby Sund area, East Greenland. For this continental margin study 9 seismic recording landstations were placed in Scoresby Sund and at the southeast end of Kong Oscars Fjord, and ocean bottom seismographs (OBS) were deployed at 26 positions in and out of Scoresby Sund offshore East Greenland between 70° and 72° N and on the west flank of the Kolbeinsey Ridge. The landstations were established using helicopters from RV POLARSTERN. Explosives, a 321 airgun and 81 airguns were used as seismic sources in the open sea. Gravity data were recorded in addition to the seismic measurements. A free-air gravity map is presented. The sea operations — shooting and OBS recording — were strongly influenced by varying ice conditions. Crustal structure 2-D models have been calculated from the deep seismic sounding results. Free-air gravity anomalies have been calculated from these models and compared to the observed gravity. In the inner Scoresby Sund — the Caledonian fold belt region — the crustal thickness is about 35 km, and thins seaward to 10 km. Sediments more than 10 km thick on Jameson Land are of mainly Mesozoic age. In the outer shelf region and deep sea a ‘Moho’ cannot clearly be identified by our data. There are only weak indications for the existence of a ‘Moho’ west of the Kolbeinsey Ridge. Inside and offshore Scoresby Sund there is clear evidence for a lower crust refractor characterised byp-velocities of 6.8–7.3 km s?1 at depths between 6 and 10 km. We believe these velocities are related to magmatic processes of rifting and first drifting controlled by different scale mantle updoming during Paleocene to Eocene and Late Oligocene to Miocene times: the separation of Greenland/Norway and the separation of the Jan Mayen Ridge/Greenland, respectively. A thin igneous upper crust, interpreted to be of oceanic origin, begins about 50 km seaward of the Liverpool Land Escarpment and thickens oceanward. In the escarpment zone the crustal composition is not clear. Probably it is stretched and attenuated continental crust interspersed with basaltic intrusions. The great depth of the basement (about 5000 m) points to a high subsidence rate of about 0.25 mm yr?1 due to sediment loading and cooling of the crust and upper mantle, mainly since Miocene time. The igneous upper crust thickens eastward under the Kolbeinsey Ridge to about 2.5 km; the thickening is likely caused by higher production of extrusives. The basementp-velocity of 5.8–6.0 km s?1 is rather high. Such velocities are associated with young basalts and may also be caused by a higher percentage of dykes. Tertiary to recent sediments, about 5000 m thick, form most of the shelf east of Scoresby Sund, Liverpool Land and Kong Oscars Fjord. This points to a high sedimentation rate mainly since the Miocene. The deeper sediments have a rather high meanp-velocity of 4.5 km s?1, perhaps due to pre-Cambrian to Caledonian deposits of continental origin. The upper sediments offshore Scoresby Sund are thick and have a rather low velocity. They are interpreted as eroded material transported from inside the Sund into the shelf region. Offshore Kong Oscars Fjord the upper sediments, likely Jurassic to Devonian deposits, are thin in the shelf region but thicken to more than 3000 m in the slope area. The crust and upper mantle structure in the ocean-continent transition zone is interpreted to be the result of the superposition of the activities of three rifting phases related to mantle plumes of different dimensions:
  1. the ‘Greenland/Norway separation phase’ of high volcanic activity,
  2. the ‘Jan Mayen Ridge/Greenland separation phase’ and
  3. the ‘Kolbeinsey Ridge phase’ of ‘normal’ volcanic activity related to a more or less normal mantle temperature.
During period 2 and 3 only a few masses of extrusives were produced, but large volumes of intrusives were emplaced. So the margin between Scoresby Sund and Jan Mayen Fracture Zone is interpreted to be a stretched margin with low volcanic activity.  相似文献   
We report here the non-conservative behaviour of DOC in the northwestern Indian Ocean by studying this parameter together with other carbon and nitrogen components. This contrasts with earlier reports of conservative behaviour. Concentrations of DOC, 3–4 times higher than those reported earlier, were found to decrease northward from the equator. Total carbon dioxide (TCO2) increases in proportion of the oxygen utilized, thus revealing the dominant biological role in the carbon turnover. The CO2 added through dissolution of biogenic debris is found to decrease southward, in general. Decomposition of organic material contributes at least 64% to the CO2 addition that increases southward, the rest being from dissolution of skeletal material. Evidence is provided for the utilization of oxygen and nitrate for DOC oxidative decomposition. Accumulation of DOC without its complete oxidation to CO2 could be the main reason for the TCO2 decrease in southern Arabian Sea. Relationships of DOC with nitrification and denitrification processes show that the microbial population plays a major role in regulating the DOC contents in the seawater of this region. Consumption/decomposition by denitrifying bacteria and other micro-organisms responsible for nitrogen cycling in the sea are found to be intimately related to the DOC dynamics and are responsible for decreased DOC concentrations in the north. DOC accumulation in the southern Arabian Sea seems to facilitate bacterio-particulate aggregate formation and consequent nitrification, which results in excess nitrate. Application of a one-dimensional advection-diffusion model to the present data set provides evidence for the non-conservative nature of DOC in the Arabian Sea.  相似文献   
Relationships between the surface concentrations of phytoplankton pigments (C ph), total suspended matter (C sm), particulate organic carbon (C poc), and total suspended phosphorus (C sp), on the one hand, and the relative water transparency determined through the Secchi disc depth (z d), on the other, are analysed using the data compiled in the Guinean coastal waters (Tabunsu and Tonkima river estuaries) during November–December 1990. The functions ofC ph,C sm=f(z d) are matched up with the experimentally derived data, as well as with the model bio-optical state of seawater. The general regression equation has been calculated using the data characteristic of various types of water.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   
Abstract. Planktonic and benthonic foraminifera live in the desert-enclosed, hypersaline and oligotrophic Gulf of Aqaba and northernmost Red Sea near the edge of their ecological tolerance. Marked changes in foraminiferal abundance patterns in the past, resulting from hydrological shifts related to global climatic fluctuations, facilitate a high-resolution ecostratigraphic subdivision of deep-sea records covering the last 150,000 years. Of particular significance are the foraminiferal plankton/benthos ratios, the presence/absence pattern of such species as Globigerinoides sacculifer , as well as the frequency variation of Globigerina bulloules-falconensis, Buliminacea, Miiiolacea and various "rotaliform" species. Paleoceanographic interpretation of the shifts in assemblage composition and of stable oxygen isotope data obtained on planktonic foraminifera and pteropods indicates that during glacial intervals - because of global cooling, lowered sea-level and reduced water exchange at the straits of Bab-el-Mandeb - the temperature of the upper waters fell by about 4–6 oC (to 15–17 oC), salinity rose by about 10%o to more than 50%0 while residence time of the water became longer and the input/output ratio of nutrients became higher. As a consequence, fertility of the photic zone was higher, the organic content of the sediments increased and oxygen levels in the deep basin became reduced. Thus, sea level-oscillations and strait-dynamics played a major role in the foraminiferal paleoecology of the Red Sea.  相似文献   
On the basis of the analysis of the many-year data on the vertical distributions of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, we compute their annual average amounts for three typical layers of water in the deep part of the Black Sea: for a layer located above the oxycline and characterized by the formation of new portions of particulate organic matter in the course of photosynthesis, inside the oxycline, where the major part of oxygen is consumed and the major part of the flux of particulate organic matter is oxidized, and for the upper part of the anoxic zone characterized by the most active microbiological processes of oxidation of the organic substances and production of sulfides. The available literature data on sedimentation traps are used to study the downward annual average fluxes of particulate organic matter from the euphotic zone into the oxycline and into the anaerobic zone. The seasonal variability of the amounts and fluxes of particulate carbon and nitrogen is revealed.  相似文献   
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