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In this study, the molecular composition and biomarker distribution of lacustrine sediments from Val-1 drillhole in the central zone of the western part of the Valjevo-Mionica basin were investigated at depth interval of 0–400 m. Former investigations have shown that the core material can be separated into six depth intervals based on bulk geochemical, mineralogical and sedimentological characteristics. Concerning the quality of organic matter, presence of specific minerals, and high salinity and anoxicity, or alkalinity, three zones are of highest interest, defined at depth intervals of 15–75 m (A), 75–200 m (B) and 360–400 m (F). The first aim of the study was to identify which biomarkers characterize these specific intervals. The second aim, addressing the transitions zones of these intervals, was to extend the changes in the characteristics of the organic substance, to reflect the changes of conditions in the depositional environment as well as to define biomarker parameters which are the most sensitive sedimentological indicators.The sediments from the hypersaline anoxic and alkaline environment show high contribution of algal precursor biomass, what is in accordance with the good quality of organic substances in the sediments from these zones. High squalane content and low content of regular isoprenoid C25 are typical for hypersaline anoxic environment, whereas sediments from alkaline environment have high regular isoprenoid C25 content.Transition to specific sedimentation zones is characterized by change in total organic matter content, and of both free and pyrolysis-derived, and change in hydrogen index value. In the biomarker distributions, more significant changes were detected in distributions of n-alkanes and isoprenoids, compared to polycyclic alkanes. The most intensive changes in alkane distribution are reflected in changes in n-C17 content compared to n-C27, and phytane compared to n-C18. In addition, significant sensitivity was seen in ratios between squalane and n-alkane C26 (hypersaline depositional environment), or isoprenoid C25 and n-alkane C22 for high alkalinity environment.This study showed that Sq/n-C26 ratio can be used to assess the quality of organic substance in immature lacustrine sediments.  相似文献   
Studies on small-world networks have received intensive interdisciplinary attention during the past several years. It is well-known among researchers that a small-world network is often characterized by high connectivity and clustering, but so far there exist few effective approaches to evaluate small-world properties, especially for spatial networks. This paper proposes a method to examine the small-world properties of spatial networks from the perspective of network autocorrelation. Two network autocorrelation statistics, Moran’s I and Getis–Ord’s G, are used to monitor the structural properties of networks in a process of “rewiring” networks from a regular to a random network. We discovered that Moran’s I and Getis–Ord’s G tend to converge and have relatively low values when properties of small-world networks emerge. Three transportation networks at the national, metropolitan, and intra-city levels are analyzed using this approach. It is found that spatial networks at these three scales possess small-world properties when the correlation lag distances reach certain thresholds, implying that the manifestation of small-world phenomena result from the interplay between the network structure and the dynamics taking place on the network.   相似文献   
Results from processing FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC radio occultations (RO) with the new GPS L2C signal acquired both in phase locked loop (PLL) and open loop (OL) modes are presented. Analysis of L2P, L2C, and L1CA signals acquired in PLL mode shows that in the presence of strong ionospheric scintillation not only L2P tracking, but also L1CA tracking often fails, while L2C tracking is most stable. The use of L2C improves current RO processing in the neutral atmosphere mainly by increasing the number of processed occultations (due to significant reduction in the number of L2 tracking failures) and marginally by a reduction in noise in statistics. The latter is due to the combination of reduced L2C noise (compared to L2P) and increased L1CA noise in those occultations where L2P would have failed. This result suggests application of OL tracking for L1CA and L2C signals throughout an entire occultation to optimally acquire RO data. Two methods of concurrent processing of L1CA and L2C RO signals are considered. Based on testing of individual occultations, these methods allow: (1) reduction in uncertainty of bending angles retrieved by wave optics in the lower troposphere and (2) reduction in small-scale residual errors of the ionospheric correction in the stratosphere.  相似文献   
Abstrakt The Kle search programme for minor planets using 0,63m Maksutov camera of Kle Observatory was begun in 1977 as a long-term project continuing up to the present day. The discovery frequency according to seasons in the year shows multiple differences between particular months.The comparison with the number of observing nights and obtained search plates; weather conditions and other influences will be discussed. The Kle minor planet discovery frequency also will be compared with the data base of all numbered minor planets.  相似文献   
Effect of water quality on the leaching of potassium from sandy soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When potassium (K+) fertilizers are applied to soil, K+ is subject to displacement through the soil profile. More generally, the application of K+ fertilizers to sandy soils with low clay content and small buffer capacity, in which K+ does not interact strongly with the soil matrix, results in localized increases in K+ concentration in the soil solution. Losses of K+ depend on the concentration of calcium (Ca2+) as a competing ion in the leaching water and the amount of water that passes through the soil. In this study, we examined the adsorption and movement of applied K+ in columns of sandy soil. Glass tubes, 4.8 cm in diameter and 40 cm in length, were packed with either native soil or Ca2+-saturated soil. The resulting 10-cm-long column of soil had a bulk density of 1.65 g cm−3. Native soil was leached with distilled water and CaCl2 solutions of various concentrations. In the Ca2+-saturated soil, a pulse of K+ was leached with CaCl2 solutions of various concentrations or distilled water. Increasing the CaCl2 concentration from 3 to 15 mm resulted in earlier breakthrough, a higher peak concentration of K+, and greater amounts of leached K+. The breakthrough curve for K+, when leached with distilled water, showed very low concentrations and was more delayed than the other treatments. In Ca2+-saturated soil, the amount of K+ leached increased as Ca2+ concentration increased, with up to 54% of the added pulse K+ being removed from 10 pore volumes (Pv) (387 mm) of 15 mm CaCl2. The presence of Ca2+ in irrigation water and soil minerals able to release Ca2+ is important in determining the amount of K+ leached from soils. Large amounts of K+ are leached from soils in areas where crops are irrigated with water that contains significant concentrations of Ca2+ and other cations.  相似文献   
Numerical modelling of rise and fall of a dense layer in salt diapirs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Numerical models are used to study the entrainment of a dense anhydrite layer by a diapir. The anhydrite layer is initially horizontally embedded within a viscous salt layer. The diapir is down-built by aggradation of non-Newtonian sediments ( n = 4, constant temperature) placed on the top of the salt layer. Several parameters (sedimentation rate, salt viscosity, perturbation width and stratigraphic position of the anhydrite layer) are studied systematically to understand their role in governing the entrainment of the anhydrite layer. High sedimentation rates during the early stages of the diapir evolution bury the initial perturbation and, thus, no diapir forms. The anhydrite layer sinks within the buried salt layer. For the same sedimentation rate, increasing viscosity of the salt layer decreases the rise rate of the diapir and reduces the amount (volume) of the anhydrite layer transported into the diapir. Model results show that viscous salt is capable of carrying separate blocks of the anhydrite layer to relatively higher stratigraphic levels. Varying the width of the initial perturbation (in our calculations 400–800 m), from which a diapir triggers, shows that wider diapirs can more easily entrain an embedded anhydrite layer than the narrower diapirs. The anhydrite layer is entrained as long as rise rate of the diapir exceeds the descent rate of the denser anhydrite layer. We conclude that the four parameters mentioned above govern the ability of a salt diapir to entrain an embedded dense layer. However, the model results show that the entrained blocks inevitably sink back if the rise rate of the diapir is less than the rate of descent of the anhydrite layer or the diapir is permanently covered by a stiff overburden in case of high sedimentation rates.  相似文献   
More than 200 people have died in automobiles that have encountered flooded roadways in Texas from 1950 to 2004. This study examines the geographical processes that create flood hazards associated with automobile travel to discern the most important factors in their genesis. A database of drowning cases caused by motorists' interactions with flooded roadways in Texas was compiled for the study period. We examine the circumstances and spatial patterns of these events by addressing the following questions: where have motorists drowned? How did rates and spatial patterns of accidents change over the study period? To the extent that we can determine, what were the characteristics of the roads, the drivers, and the landscapes when and where deaths occurred? What factors appear to explain the temporal and spatial distributions of hazard? We conclude that roadway familiarity might have emboldened drivers to attempt to surmount water rushing across a road, that time of day was clearly an important characteristic of the accidents, and that roadway characteristics and sex and age of the drivers seem not to be key contributing factors. The most important factors, however, are associated with growth: increases in population and increased automobile registrations drive the propensity for increased automobile-flood hazards.  相似文献   
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