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为讨论不同时间序列模型对电离层垂直总电子含量(VTEC)的预报效果,在平静电离层条件下,采用载波相位平滑伪距法解算单站上空的电离层VTEC值,分别利用自回归积分滑动平均模型(ARIMA)与Holt-Winters指数平滑模型进行逐站建模,通过时长为9 d的样本序列实现3 d预报,并对预报值进行系统评估.结果表明,时间序列模型能够较好地反映预报期内的电离层VTEC变化情况,均方根误差均值不超5 TECU.此外,Holt-Winters乘法模型的预报值偏差最大,加法模型次之,ARIMA模型在11个测站的相对精度都高于Holt-Winters指数平滑模型,且其均方根误差峰值最小,具有最高的预报精度.  相似文献   
两次华北冷涡过程雹云结构特征及AgI催化效果数值研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
用三维完全弹性非静力平衡雹云模式模拟了不同低涡雹云演变特征和人工引晶催化效果,结果表明:冷涡雹云中不存在大量的过冷雨滴,过冷水几乎是由云滴组成的,雹胚形成以云霰转化为主,由冰相过程形成降水粒子。近地面有薄逆温层云体,云底温度高,云中垂直运动强,云中过冷云水含量增长迅速且丰富。在雹云主要上升气流到达的过冷水含量大值区下方和过冷水大值区中心部位分别一次引进×107/kg碘化银粒子进行大剂量催化试验,碘化银主要以凝结-冻结方式核化成冰,雹胚浓度增加,雹胚过多争食抑制冰雹增长,使得冰雹直径明显减小。  相似文献   
基于2015-2020年北京35个环境空气站和20个气象站观测资料,应用机器学习方法(随机森林算法)分离了气象条件和源排放对大气污染物浓度的影响.结果发现,为应对疫情采取的隔离措施使北京2020年春节期间大气污染物浓度降低了35.1%-51.8%;其中,背景站氮氧化物和一氧化碳浓度的降幅最大,超过了以往报道较多的交通站...  相似文献   
石林平  吉宝珩  迟秀兰  魏华 《气象》1996,22(11):26-28
该文介绍了河套至华北,华东地区一种西倾斜脊及其对天津和华北降水的影响。  相似文献   
Tibetan Plateau vortices(TPVs) are mesoscale cyclones originating over the Tibetan Plateau(TP) during the extended summer season(April–September).Most TPVs stay on the TP,but a small number can move off the TP to the east.TPVs are known to be one of the main precipitation-bearing systems on the TP and moving-off TPVs have been associated with heavy precipitation and flooding downstream of the TP(e.g.,in Sichuan province or over the Yangtze River Valley).Identifying and tracking TPVs is difficult because of their comparatively small horizontal extent(400–800 km) and the limited availability of soundings over the TP,which in turn constitutes a challenge for short-term predictions of TPV-related impacts and for the climatological study of TPVs.In this study,(i) manual tracking(MT) results using radiosonde data from a network over and downstream of the TP are compared with(ii) results obtained by an automated tracking(AT) algorithm applied to ERA-Interim data.Ten MT-TPV cases are selected based on method(i) and matched to and compared with the corresponding AT-TPVs identified with method(ii).Conversely,ten AT-TPVs are selected and compared with the corresponding MT-TPVs.In general,the comparison shows good results in cases where the underlying data are in good agreement,but considerable differences are also seen in some cases and explained in terms of differences in the tracking methods,data availability/coverage and disagreement between sounding and ERA-Interim data.Recommendations are given for future efforts in TPV detection and tracking,including in an operational weather forecasting context.  相似文献   
We investigated the acidity and concentrations of water-soluble ions in PM2.5 aerosol samples collected from an urban site in Beijing and a rural site in Gucheng, Hebei Province from November 2016 to January 2017 to gain an insight into the formation of secondary inorganic species. The average SO42–, NO3, and NH4+ concentrations were 8.3, 12.5, and 14.1 μg m–3, respectively, at the urban site and 14.0, 14.2, and 24.2 μg m–3, respectively, at the rural site. The nitrogen and sulfur oxidation ratios in urban Beijing were correlated with relative humidity (with correlation coefficient r = 0.79 and 0.67, respectively) and the aerosol loadings. Based on a parameterization model, we found that the rate constant of the heterogeneous reactions for SO2 on polluted days was about 10 times higher than that on clear days, suggesting that the heterogeneous reactions in the aerosol water played an essential role in haze events. The ISORROPIA II model was used to predict the aerosol pH, which had a mean (range) of 5.0 (4.9–5.2) and 5.3 (4.6–6.3) at the urban and rural site, respectively. Under the conditions with this predicted pH value, oxidation by dissolved NO2 and the hydrolysis of N2O5 may be the major heterogeneous reactions forming SO42– and NO3 in haze. We also analyzed the sensitivity of the aerosol pH to changes in the concentrations of SO42–, NO3, and NH4+ under haze conditions. The aerosol pH was more sensitive to the SO42– and NH4+ concentrations with opposing trends, than to the NO3 concentrations. The sensitivity of the pH was relatively weak overall, which was attributed to the buffering effect of NH3 partitioning.  相似文献   
作为地球系统的主要能量来源,进入地磁系统的太阳风能量通量(E_(in))一直难以估算。因此,E_(in)对气候的影响也没有得到广泛的研究。基于三维磁流体动力模拟估算的E_(in),本文指出,太阳风能量通量不仅存在准11年周期的年代际变率,同时还存在2-4年周期的年际变率。与以往主要关注太阳活动在年代际尺度上的气候效应的研究不同,本文揭示出太阳风能量通量与次年ENSO年际变率存在显著的联系。  相似文献   
通过对VGI 特征的介绍,说明了基于VGI的地震灾情收集的意义与方法。论述了基于VGI的地震灾情收集流程。对灾情信息进行分类,说明了基于VGI的地震灾情收集意义。为完善基于VGI的地震灾情收集理论体系,描述了基于VGI的地震灾情信息上传、储存、发布和管理方法,并对VGI地震灾情信息规范以及目前基于VGI的地震灾情收集存在的问题与发展趋势进行了讨论,为地震灾情信息指挥决策及信息发布提供了可靠的基础信息。  相似文献   
亚洲大洋洲区域综合地球观测系统是为实现国际地球观测组织总体战略目标而设立的区域地球观测合作计划,旨在面向亚大区域国家对地球观测技术的应用需求,保障亚大区域地球观测空间信息的精准获取与主动服务,增强地球观测技术支撑区域可持续发展的综合能力。该计划由地球观测组织亚大区域成员国共同提出,并对亚大地区的所有国家和参与组织开放。通过国际地球观测组织亚大区域政府间合作机制,在国家、区域和全球层面建立有效的合作框架,积极协调区域内的地球观测资源设施的互联互通、技术合作与共享服务,促进亚大区域国家在社会经济关键领域的应用,共同应对可持续发展、全球变化和重大灾害的挑战。  相似文献   
范雕  李姗姗  孟书宇  邢志斌  冯进凯  张驰 《测绘学报》2018,47(10):1307-1315
对比分析重力-海深的“理论导纳”和实际数据的“观测导纳”,获得研究海域有效弹性厚度理论值为10 km。联合重力异常和重力异常垂直梯度数据,应用自适应赋权技术,采用导纳函数方法构建菲律宾海域1'×1'海底地形模型。试验发现,当重力异常垂直梯度反演海深结果与重力异常反演海深结果的权比为2∶3时,所构建的海深模型检核精度最高。同时,联合多源重力数据反演海深能够综合重力异常和重力异常垂直梯度在对待不同海底地形上的反演优势,生成精度优于单独使用重力异常数据和重力异常垂直梯度数据反演的海底地形模型。以船测数据作为外部检核条件,反演模型检核精度略低于V18.1海深模型,而相较于ETOPO1海深模型和DTU10海深模型检核精度分别提高了27.17%和39.02%左右;反演模型相对误差的绝对值在5%范围内的检核点大约占检核点总数的94.25%。  相似文献   
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