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灼烧法中有机质与总有机碳换算关系的重建及其在页岩分析中的应用 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
有机质与总有机碳(TOC)的换算关系为wo=1.724×wTOC,难以满足当前页岩气开发的现场测定要求,需要作出修正。本文以鄂尔多斯盆地南部页岩样品为研究对象,在传统灼烧法基础上,采用X射线荧光光谱仪测定页岩组成,得出影响烧失量的因素;用热重-差热仪研究页岩灼烧情况,确定了无机盐不分解而有机质分解的最佳灼烧温度和时间。通过线性拟合灼烧法测得的有机质含量与仪器法测得的有机碳含量间的换算关系,建立了一种通过测定烧失量来换算总有机碳含量的新方法。在页岩最佳灼烧温度480℃,灼烧时间1.5 h条件下线性拟合建立了两种新的换算关系,获得TOC测定值与仪器法的标准值相对误差分别为1.691%、0.486%,检出限分别为0.41%、1.60%。综合它们的优缺点,可将测定页岩类样品的换算关系重建为wo=2.125×wTOC。重建的方法通过严格控制灼烧温度,解决了传统灼烧法中烧失量因无机盐高温分解造成有机质代表性不足的问题,可用于精确测定页岩中的有机质或有机碳含量。 相似文献
为解决无人机高光谱影像图幅较小的问题,通过计算高光谱影像各个波段的峰值信噪比筛选特征波段,基于SIFT(scale-invariantfeaturetransform)算法对筛选出的特征波段提取特征点并对特征点进行匹配,图像拼接过程中利用墨卡托投影(Mercator)纠正图像的变形,同时利用经纬度信息及重投影(Reproj)算法细化高光谱相机参数,从而实现大范围高光谱影像的拼接。为检验拼接高图像的光谱是否发生畸变,利用光谱角填图(spectralanglemapping,SAM)、波谱特征拟合分类法(spectralfeaturefitting,SFF)及二进制编码(binaryencoding,BE)3种方法对拼接前后的图像典型地物光谱进行分析。结果表明,拼接前后光谱畸变较小。 相似文献
新疆东天山地区延西铜矿床的地球化学、成矿年代学及其地质意义 总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3
延西铜矿床位于新疆东天山觉罗塔格地区北部的哈尔里克-大南湖岛弧带内,是延东-土屋斑岩型成矿带的西延部分。矿床的赋矿地层主要为石炭系企鹅山群,被含矿斜长花岗斑岩侵入。矿床中的主要岩石类型为安山岩、闪长玢岩以及斜长花岗斑岩,安山岩和闪长玢岩具有同源性及岛弧火山岩的特点,是主要的赋矿围岩;斜长花岗斑岩具有埃达克质岩石的特征,与成矿作用直接相关,其形成晚于安山岩、闪长玢岩。本文测得延西铜矿床辉钼矿Re-Os年龄为326.2±4.5Ma,可以代表其成矿年龄,与土屋-延东铜矿床322.7±2.3Ma的辉钼矿Re-Os年龄基本相同;包括延西铜矿床在内的土屋-延东斑岩型铜矿带成矿时代与成岩时代基本一致或稍晚。延西铜矿床具有斑岩型铜矿床的矿化和围岩蚀变特征,与土屋-延东斑岩型铜矿带内其它矿床均为中石炭世同源岩浆演化的产物,具有相似的成矿作用过程,成矿物质均为岩浆来源,这些矿床可能为同一岩浆活动在不同部位发生矿化的产物。延西铜矿床以及土屋-延东斑岩型铜矿带形成于东天山觉罗塔格地区晚古生代的挤压岛弧背景,应与哈尔里克-大南湖晚古生代岛弧的形成相伴,可能与康古尔塔格大洋板块向北部哈尔里克-大南湖岛弧的俯冲有关。 相似文献
采用分阶段加热爆裂法测定了不同成因热液矿床脉石英流体包裹体的氩同位素,计算出各温度段内大气氩的相对含量,从而,总结出大气降水热液矿床、再平衡岩浆水热液矿床等成矿流体的氩同位素组成特征及其演化规律。典型的大气降水热液矿床,其成矿流体以具有高大气Ar组分(约95%-100%)为特征;再平衡岩浆水热液矿床成矿流体的Ar同位素组成特征取决于与其有成因关系的初始岩浆水的Ar同位素组成及矿源层和围岩的性质,产于古老变质岩中的,一般以具有低大气Ar组分(约6%-20%)为特征,其它的再平衡岩浆水热液矿床在主成矿温度范围内一般为50%-60%左右。 相似文献
哈尔滨市松北区水库雍水浸没评价 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
浸没问题是平原型水库主要地质灾害之一。在分析了哈尔滨市松北区雍水浸没成控因素的基础上,采用地下水流数值模拟技术对研究区在不同开采方案下的雍水浸没进行评价,并综合考虑区内的地表覆盖情况、建筑物地基形式等因素,提出了适合研究区水文地质条件的浸没标准:农田区为粉质粘土2.50 m, 粉细砂1.50 m;建筑物区为粉质粘土3.50 m,粉细砂3.00 m。将研究区划分为可能浸没区、过渡浸没区和不发生浸没区,并确定了各浸没区的范围。 相似文献
Fluid composition and origin in the hydrothermal system of the Nezhdaninsky gold deposit,Sakha (Yakutia), Russia 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
N. S. Bortnikov G. N. Gamyanin O. V. Vikent’eva V. Yu. Prokof’ev V. A. Alpatov A. G. Bakharev 《Geology of Ore Deposits》2007,49(2):87-128
Petrochemical characteristics of igneous, sedimentary, and metasomatic rocks; chemical and isotopic compositions of minerals and fluids; and PT parameters of mineral formation at the Nezhdaninsky deposit are reported. A model of hydrothermal system formation is developed on this basis. In addition to decreasing Ba/Rb and Li/Mg ratios in the course of the hydrothermal process, resulting in the formation of ore-bearing metasomatic rocks, increasing K/Ba and diminishing K/Cs ratios indicate the probable participation of magmatic fluid in the ore deposition. The agreement of the K/Rb and K/Ba ratios with the values typical of the main trend of igneous rocks (MT) implies that the K, Rb, and Ba contents were distributed in the ore-forming hydrothermal fluid according to the ratios in the source magmatic chamber. The K/Rb ratios in metasomatic rocks correspond to the MT and approach the pegmatitic-hydrothermal trend and the composition of orthomagmatic fluid of Mo-W greisen. Similar REE patterns of igneous and terrigenous rocks do not allow the REE source to be constrained unequivocally. The lithological control of lithophile element distribution testifies to the supply of host rock components to the hydrothermal system. All studied rocks and minerals are enriched in LREE. The REE total and the contribution of HREE decrease from preore to synore metasomatic rocks, from preore to regenerated carbonates, and from older to younger scheelite. A similar tendency is noted in granitoids of the Kurum pluton. The δ18O values of quartz range from +10.3 to +12.6‰ in Au-Mo-W zones, from +15.9 to +16.4‰ in metasomatic rocks, from +14.8 to +16.6‰ in gold-ore veins, and from +13.5 to +16.9‰ in silver-base-metal ore mineralization. The estimates of \(\delta ^{18} O_{H_2 O} \) suggest that water was supplied from a magmatic source (δ18O = +(5.5?9.0‰)) and as a product of sedimentary rock dehydration. High-temperature (up to 390°C) and highly concentrated (up to 31 wt % NaCl equiv) fluids participated in the mineral formation. The phase separation of the fluid into H2O-CO2 liquid and predominantly carbon dioxide gas was combined with mixing of a high-temperature and relatively highly concentrated chloride solution with a low-temperature and poorly mineralized fluid. The redox conditions varied from equilibrium with CH4-bearing fluid at the gold-molybdenum-tungsten stage to equilibrium with CO2-bearing fluid during the gold-ore stage. 相似文献
杭州湾庵东浅滩沉积物中发现有多种造迹生物,主要有蝼蛄、泥甲虫、宁波泥蟹、珠带拟蟹守螺、泥螺、弹涂鱼、蚂蚁和鸟类等,营造的生物遗迹主要为觅食迹、居住迹和爬行迹(爬迹、拖迹和鸟足迹)等。分析表明,浅滩不同亚环境的造迹生物及其遗迹的主要类型和分布特征具有明显的差异性: (1)在潮上带植被茂密的草滩环境中,以层面上的生物觅食迹、居住迹和鸟足迹为主,造迹生物主要有蝼蛄、泥甲虫、蚂蚁和鸟类等,其中以蝼蛄的潜穴最为丰富。(2)在高潮滩的积水泥沼环境中,有大量近海喜盐植物,生物遗迹主要有宁波泥蟹的“J”形、“W”形和“Y”形潜穴、弹涂鱼的羽状爬迹、珠带拟蟹守螺在层面上营造的弧形、圆圈状的觅食迹和“C”形的条带状生殖迹。(3)在中、低潮间带的粉砂质环境中,以层面上珠带拟蟹守螺不规则的觅食迹为主。生物遗迹的分布与浅滩沉积底质沉积物粒度与含水量等特征密切相关。本研究不仅丰富了杭州湾浅滩沉积的新遗迹学研究,而且对古代潮汐沉积及其环境研究有重要的借鉴意义。 相似文献
Multi‐scale investigations aided by the discrete element method (DEM) play a vital role for current state‐of‐the‐art research on the elementary behaviour of granular materials. Similar to laboratory tests, there are three important aspects to be considered carefully, which are the proper stress/strain definition and measurement, the application of target loading paths and the designed experiment setup, to be addressed in the present paper. Considering the volume sensitive characteristics of granular materials, in the proposed technique, the deformation of the tested specimen is controlled and measured by deformation gradient tensor involving both the undeformed configuration and the current configuration. Definitions of Biot strain and Cauchy stress are adopted. The expressions of them in terms of contact forces and particle displacements, respectively, are derived. The boundary of the tested specimen consists of rigid massless planar units. It is suggested that the representative element uses a convex polyhedral (polygonal) shape to minimize possible boundary arching effects. General loading paths are described by directly specifying the changes in the stress/strain invariants or directions. Loading can be applied in the strain‐controlled mode by specifying the translations and rotations of the boundary units, or in the stress‐controlled mode by using a servo‐control mechanism, or in the combination of the two methods to realize mixed boundary conditions. Taking the simulation results as the natural consequences originated from a complex system, virtual experiments provide particle‐scale information database to conduct multi‐scale investigations for better understanding in granular material behaviours and possible development of the constitutive theories provided the qualitative similarity between the simulation results from virtual experiments and observations on real material behaviour. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献