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Lorraine Young 《Geoforum》2004,35(4):471-488
Children have generally been afforded little attention in migration research or unsatisfactorily included within family migration. Although they are an important consideration in family decisions to move, children also engage in autonomous, independent migration. Further, researchers now argue for the need to situate migration within political, economic and social conditions to obtain a full understanding of why people migrate. Through the use of children-centred research methods, and in-depth interviews with key informants, this paper considers children's journeys to the street in Uganda. By integrating an analysis of Ugandan street children's spatial origins with the familial and societal contexts of their migration decisions, this research highlights the complexity of their migration. In addition, an exploration of the impact of changing social, spatial and temporal conditions on street children's movements illustrates that their journeys are far more than just single processes.  相似文献   
The correlation between the b-values of acoustic emissions (AEs) and the phase of the moon was investigated at the Underground Research Laboratory (URL) in Canada. The same data as those used in Iwata (2002) were examined, which showed that the occurrence of AEs is correlated with the phase of the moon. It was expected, therefore, that the b-value of the AEs would also be sensitive to tidal stress/strain fluctuations. We investigated the variation of the b-values as a function of the phase of the moon. Results show that b-values immediately following the times of full/new moon are higher than those at other times. Using AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) and random (Monte Carlo) simulations, it was confirmed that this feature is statistically significant. We also investigated whether or not there was a change in the b-values immediately before the times of full/new moon, but no statistically significant change was observed. The results suggest that the effect of stress/strain fluctuations on AE occurrences at the URL is asymmetric to the times of full/new moon.All authors are members of the Academic Robotics Group. In listing The Academic Robotics Group, the authors are endeavoring to place each of the participant institutions on an equal footing in terms of effort and authorship. M. A. Talamini is serving as presenter.  相似文献   
Water-soluble sulfate salts extracted from six CM chondrites have oxygen isotope compositions that are consistent with an extraterrestrial origin. The Δ17O of sulfate are correlated with previously reported whole rock δ18O and with an index of meteorite alteration, and may display a correlation with the date of the fall. The enrichments and depletions for Δ17O of water-soluble sulfate from the CM chondrites relative to the terrestrial mass dependent fractionation line are consistent with sulfate formation in a rock dominated asteroidal environment, and from aqueous fluids that had undergone relatively low amounts of oxygen isotope exchange and little reaction with anhydrous components of the meteorites. It is unresolved how the oxidation of sulfide to sulfate can be reconciled with the inferred low oxidation state during the extraterrestrial alteration process. Oxygen isotope data for two CI chondrites, Orgueil and Ivuna, as well as the ungrouped C2 chondrite Essebi are indistinguishable from sulfate of terrestrial origin and may be terrestrial weathering products, consistent with previous assertions. Our oxygen isotope data, however, can not rule out a preterrestrial origin either.  相似文献   
The chemical speciation of potentially toxic elements (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn) in the contaminated soils and sulfides-rich tailings sediments of an abandoned tungsten mine in Korea was evaluated by conducting modified BCR sequential extraction tests. Kinetic and static batch leaching tests were also conducted to evaluate the potential release of As and other heavy metals by acidic rain water and the leaching behaviors of these heavy metals. The major sources of the elements were As-, Zn- and Pb-bearing sulfides, Pb carbonates (i.e., cerussite), and Pb sulfates (i.e., anglesite). The biggest pollutant fraction in these soil and tailing samples consists of metals bound to the oxidizable host phase, which can be released into the environment if conditions become oxidative, and/or to residual fractions. No significant difference in total element concentrations was observed between the tailings sediments and contaminated soils. For both sample types, almost no changes occurred in the mobility of As and the other heavy metals at 7 days, but the mobility increased afterwards until the end of the tests at 30 days, regardless of the initial pH. However, the mobility was approximately 5–10 times higher at initial pH 1.0 than at initial pHs of 3.0 and 5.0. The leached amounts of all the heavy metal contents were higher from tailings sediments than from contaminated soils at pH > 3.0, but were lower at pH < 3.0 except for As. Results of this study suggest that further dissolution of heavy metals from soil and tailing samples may occur during extended rainfall, resulting in a serious threat to surface and groundwater in the mine area.  相似文献   
We have characterized the adsorption of Suwannee River humic acid (SRHA) and Cu(II) on calcite from preequilibrated solutions at pH 8.25. Sorption isotherms of SRHA on calcite follow Langmuir-type behavior at SRHA concentrations less than 15 mg C L−1, whereas non-Langmuirian uptake becomes evident at concentrations greater than 15 mg C L−1. The adsorption of SRHA on calcite is rapid and mostly irreversible, with corresponding changes in electrostatic properties. At pH 8.25, Cu(II) uptake by calcite in the presence of dissolved SRHA decreases with increasing dissolved SRHA concentration, suggesting that formation of Cu-SRHA aqueous complexes is the primary factor controlling Cu(II) sorption at the calcite surface under the conditions of our experiments. We also observed that surface-bound SRHA has little influence on Cu(II) uptake by calcite, suggesting that Cu(II) coordinates to calcite surface sites rather than to surface-bound SRHA.Cu K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine-structure (EXAFS) spectroscopic results show that the local coordination of Cu adsorbed at the calcite surface is very similar in the presence and absence of SRHA. Ca backscatterers at ∼3.90 Å indicate that Cu(II) forms tetragonally distorted inner-sphere adsorption complexes in both binary and ternary systems. Subtle differences in the XANES and EXAFS between binary sorption samples and ternary sorption samples, however, prevent us from ruling out the formation of ternary Cu-SRHA surface complexes. Our findings demonstrate that SRHA plays an important role in controlling the fate and transport of Cu(II) in calcite-bearing systems.  相似文献   
Because of the risk of diminishing supplies of rare earth elements (REEs) worldwide due to China’s dominance over REE supply, the necessity of developing domestic resources of REE has been realized in other countries. To explore new ore bodies, a geochemical survey was conducted at one existing carbonatite REE deposit in the Hongcheon area of Korea. Proper sampling strategies and baseline data for the interpretation of the results were determined through a pilot study conducted in the area. Enrichment in the concentration of light REE (LREE) over that of heavy REE, which is typical in carbonatite-type deposits, was observed in stream sediments and heavy mineral samples collected during the geochemical survey. Maximum concentrations of LREE were 2,299 and 27,798 mg/kg for stream sediments and heavy minerals, respectively. Among LREEs, La and Ce are the dominant components of all REEs, comprising approximately 68 % of mean concentrations. Considering the distribution pattern of La + Ce contents and the associations with the existing outcropping ore bodies, the zone of prospective REE mineralization was determined to be in the south-western part of the area. A detailed follow-up soil survey of the zone found even higher concentrations of La and Ce (2,450 and 3,100 mg/kg, respectively), and suggested the possible extension of the existing ore bodies. Likewise, a systematic geochemical survey for REE is feasible for locating concealed ore bodies in the area, where the mineralization is mostly covered with soil, and rock outcrops are scarce.  相似文献   
The change of extreme precipitation is assessed with the HadGEM2-AO - 5 Regional Climate Models (RCMs) chain, which is a national downscaling project undertaken cooperatively by several South Korean institutes aimed at producing regional climate change projection with fine resolution (12.5 km) around the Korean Peninsula. The downscaling domain, resolution and lateral boundary conditions are held the same among the 5 RCMs to minimize the uncertainties from model configuration. Climatological changes reveal a statistically significant increase in the mid-21st century (2046- 2070; Fut1) and the late-21st century (2076-2100; Fut2) precipitation properties related to extreme precipitation, such as precipitation intensity and average of upper 5 percentile daily precipitation, with respect to the reference period (1981-2005). Changes depending on the intensity categories also present a clear trend of decreasing light rain and increasing heavy rain. In accordance with these results, the change of 1-in-50 year maximum precipitation intensity over South Korea is estimated by the GEV method. The result suggests that the 50-year return value (RV50) will change from -32.69% to 72.7% and from -31.6% to 96.32% in Fut1 and from -31.97% to 86.25% and from -19.45% to 134.88% in Fut2 under representative concentration pathway (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios, respectively, at the 90% confidence level. This study suggests that multi-RCMs can be used to reduce uncertainties and assess the future change of extreme precipitation more reliably. Moreover, future projection of the regional climate change contains uncertainties evoked from not only driving GCM but also RCM. Therefore, multi-GCM and multi-RCM studies are expected to provide more robust projection.  相似文献   
Source identification of PM2.5 particles measured in Gwangju, Korea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The UNMIX and Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) receptor models were used to investigate sources of PM2.5 aerosols measured between March 2001 and February 2002 in Gwangju, Korea. Measurements of PM2.5 particles were used for the analysis of carbonaceous species (organic (OC) and elemental carbon (EC)) using the thermal manganese dioxide oxidation (TMO) method, the investigation of seven ionic species using ion chromatography (IC), and the analysis of twenty-four metal species using Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP)-Atomic Emission Spectrometry (AES)/ICP-Mass Spectrometry (MS). According to annual average PM2.5 source apportionment results obtained from CMB calculations, diesel vehicle exhaust was the major contributor, accounting for 33.4% of the measured PM2.5 mass (21.5 μg m− 3), followed by secondary sulfate (14.6%), meat cooking (11.7%), secondary organic carbon (8.9%), secondary nitrate (7.6%), urban dust (5.5%), Asian dust (4.4%), biomass burning (2.8%), sea salt (2.7%), residual oil combustion (2.6%), gasoline vehicle exhaust (1.9%), automobile lead (0.5%), and components of unknown sources (3.4%). Seven PM2.5 sources including diesel vehicles (29.6%), secondary sulfate (17.4%), biomass burning (14.7%), secondary nitrate (12.6%), gasoline vehicles (12.4%), secondary organic carbon (5.8%) and Asian dust (1.9%) were identified from the UNMIX analysis. The annual average source apportionment results from the two models are compared and the reasons for differences are qualitatively discussed for better understanding of PM2.5 sources.Additionally, the impact of air mass pathways on the PM2.5 mass was evaluated using air mass trajectories calculated with the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) backward trajectory model. Source contributions to PM2.5 collected during the four air mass patterns and two event periods were calculated with the CMB model and analyzed. Results of source apportionment revealed that the contribution of diesel traffic exhaust (47.0%) in stagnant conditions (S) was much higher than the average contribution of diesel vehicle exhaust (33.4%) during the sampling period. During Asian dust (AD) periods when the air mass passed over the Korean peninsula, Asian dust and secondary organic carbon accounted for 25.2 and 23.0% of the PM2.5 mass, respectively, whereas Asian dust contributed only 10.8% to the PM2.5 mass during the AD event when the air mass passed over the Yellow Sea. The contribution of biomass burning to the PM2.5 mass during the biomass burning (BB) event equaled 63.8%.  相似文献   
Measurements of aerosol physical, chemical and optical parameters were carried out in Guangzhou, China from 1 July to 31 July 2006 during the Pearl River Delta Campaign. The dry aerosol scattering coefficient was measured using an integrating nephelometer and the aerosol scattering coefficient for wet conditions was determined by subtracting the sum of the aerosol absorption coefficient, gas scattering coefficient and gas absorption coefficient from the atmospheric extinction coefficient. Following this, the aerosol hygroscopic growth factor, f(RH), was calculated as the ratio of wet and dry aerosol scattering coefficients. Measurements of size-resolved chemical composition, relative humidity (RH), and published functional relationships between particle chemical composition and water uptake were likewise used to find the aerosol scattering coefficients in wet and dry conditions using Mie theory for internally- or externally-mixed particle species [(NH4)2SO4, NH4NO3, NaCl, POM, EC and residue]. Closure was obtained by comparing the measured f(RH) values from the nephelometer and other in situ optical instruments with those computed from chemical composition and thermodynamics. Results show that the model can represent the observed f(RH) and is appropriate for use as a component in other higher-order models.  相似文献   
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