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In this article, we summarize some recent results of measurements of temporal changes of active volcanoes using seismic noise cross-correlations. We first present a novel approach to estimate volcano interior temporal seismic velocity changes. The proposed method allows to measure very small velocity changes (≈ 0.1%) with a time resolution as small as one day. The application of that method to Piton de la Fournaise Volcano (La Réunion Island) shows velocity decreases preceding eruptions. Moreover, velocity changes from noise cross-correlations over 10 years allow to detect transient velocity changes that could be due to long-lasting intrusions of magma without eruptive activity or to pressure buildup associated to the replenishing of the magma reservoir. We also present preliminary results of noise cross-correlation waveform perturbation associated with the occurrence of dike injection and volcanic eruption. We show that such an analysis leads us to locate the areas of dike injection and eruptive fissures at Piton de la Fournaise Volcano. These recent results suggest that monitoring volcanoes using seismic noise correlations should improve our ability to forecast eruptions, their intensity and thus potential environmental impact.  相似文献   
Monitoring using a thermistor array and an acoustic Doppler current profiler was carried out in the outer part of Tokyo Bay from May 20 to November 30, 2006. Current fluctuations with tidal periods were amplified during the maximum temperature period in early September. The strong current interfered with fishing operations using set nets. Although the current fluctuation was speculated to be baroclinic motion from a phase relationship among fluctuations of temperature, current and sea level, empirical orthogonal function analysis showed the dominance of a barotropic structure. Such a discrepancy in the current structure was explained by an internal tide propagating along a deep canyon in the outer part of Tokyo Bay. Furthermore, amplification of the semidiurnal internal tide and the warming of the temperature field were found to be induced by the intrusion of Kuroshio warm water. The amplification mechanism was examined using a two-dimensional model with idealized topography. It was concluded that the large amplitude of the semidiurnal internal tide is resonantly generated in the deep canyon in the outer Tokyo Bay when stratification becomes strong and the period of the internal seiche approaches the semidiurnal period.  相似文献   
The spatial relationship between topography and rock uplift patterns in asymmetric mountain ranges was investigated using a stream erosion model in which the asymmetric rock uplift was given and erosion rates were proportional to the m-th power of the drainage area and the n-th power of the channel gradient. The model conditions were simple, and thus the effects of horizontal rock movement, diffusional processes, and erosion thresholds were neglected, and spatially uniform precipitation, lithology, and vegetation were assumed. In asymmetric mountain ranges, under realistic exponent conditions (m < n) and the above assumptions, the surface erosion rate is faster on the steeper side and slower on the gentler side. The topographic axis migrates away from the rock uplift axis toward the center of the mountain range owing to the contrast in erosion rates. This migration continues until the erosion is balanced with rock uplift. In a dynamic steady state, the topographic pattern is independent of the rock uplift rate as indicated by an analytical solution, and is prescribed by the rock uplift pattern and the exponents m and n. As the asymmetry of the rock uplift pattern increases, the topographic axis migrates a greater distance. The location of the topographic axis is related to the location of the rock uplift axis by a simple logarithmic function, for a wide range of m and n. The fit of the numerical results and the logarithmic function is particularly good when m = 0.5 and n = 1.0. If the rock uplift pattern in asymmetric mountain ranges is known, the value of n − 5m/4 can be constrained based on the logarithmic relation, assuming a dynamic steady state. On the other hand, if the value of n − 5m/4 is known in an asymmetric mountain range, the rock uplift pattern can be estimated directly from the topography. This relation was applied to the Suzuka Range in central Japan, and the value of n − 5m/4 was estimated for an assumed reverse fault motion.  相似文献   
This paper describes the potential applicability of a hydrological–geotechnical modeling system using satellite-based rainfall estimates for a shallow landslide prediction system. The physically based distributed model has been developed by integrating a grid-based distributed kinematic wave rainfall-runoff model with an infinite slope stability approach. The model was forced by the satellite-based near real-time half-hourly CMORPH global rainfall product prepared by NOAA-CPC. The method combines the following two model outputs necessary for identifying where and when shallow landslides may potentially occur in the catchment: (1) the time-invariant spatial distribution of areas susceptible to slope instability map, for which the river catchment is divided into stability classes according to the critical relative soil saturation; this output is designed to portray the effect of quasi-static land surface variables and soil strength properties on slope instability and (2) a produced map linked with spatiotemporally varying hydrologic properties to provide a time-varying estimate of susceptibility to slope movement in response to rainfall. The proposed hydrological model predicts the dynamic of soil saturation in each grid element. The stored water in each grid element is then used for updating the relative soil saturation and analyzing the slope stability. A grid of slope is defined to be unstable when the relative soil saturation becomes higher than the critical level and is the basis for issuing a shallow landslide warning. The method was applied to past landslides in the upper Citarum River catchment (2,310 km2), Indonesia; the resulting time-invariant landslide susceptibility map shows good agreement with the spatial patterns of documented historical landslides (1985–2008). Application of the model to two recent shallow landslides shows that the model can successfully predict the effect of rainfall movement and intensity on the spatiotemporal dynamic of hydrological variables that trigger shallow landslides. Several hours before the landslides, the model predicted unstable conditions in some grids over and near the grids at which the actual shallow landslides occurred. Overall, the results demonstrate the potential applicability of the modeling system for shallow landslide disaster predictions and warnings.  相似文献   
A numerical experiment using a three dimensional level model was performed to clarify the mechanism generating a strong coastal current, Kyucho, induced by the passage of Typhoon 0406 around the tip of the Tango Peninsula, Japan in June 2004. Wind stress accompanied by Typhoon 0406 was applied to the model ocean with realistic bottom topography and stratification condition. The model well reproduced the characteristics of Kyucho observed by Kumaki et al. (2005), i.e., the strong alongshore current with maximum velocity of 53 cm s−1 and its propagation along the peninsula with propagation speed of about 0.6 m s−1 one half-day after the typhoon’s passage. Coastal-trapped waves (CTW) accompanied by downwelling were induced along the northwest coast of the peninsula by the alongshore wind stress. The energy density flux due to the CTW flowed eastward along the coast, and indicated scattering of the CTW around the eastern coast of the peninsula. In addition, significant near-inertial internal gravity waves were also caused in the offshore region from the west of the Noto Peninsula to the north of the Tango Peninsula by the typhoon’s passage. The energy flux density of the near-inertial fluctuations flowed southward off the Fukui coast, and part of the energy flux was trapped on the tip of the Tango Peninsula, flowing with the coast on its right. It was found that the strong current, Kyucho, at the northeastern tip of the Tango Peninsula was generated by superposition of the near-inertial internal gravity waves and subinertial CTW.  相似文献   
Evidence for abrupt coastal uplifts has been found in emerged sessile assemblages in a sea cave at the southern end of the Izu Peninsula, central Japan. We identified five sessile assemblage zones: Zones I to V, in ascending order. The uppermost zone (Zone I), located at an elevation of 2.7–3.5 m above the present‐day mean sea level (amsl), is a hard massive shellcrust consisting mainly of the barnacles Chthamalus challenger and the tube worm Pomatoleios kraussii. Zone II, at 2.35–2.7 m amsl, is dominated by well‐preserved individuals of C. challenger. Zone III, at 2.0–2.35 m amsl, is strongly eroded and consists mainly of C. challenger and P. kraussii. Zone IV, at 1.6–2.0 m amsl, is characterized by the co‐occurrence of very fresh shells of C. challenger and P. kraussii. Zone V (the lowest zone), at 1.0–1.60 m amsl, is characterized by the co‐occurrence of very fresh shells of Saccostrea kegaki and P. kraussii, and by the absence of C. challenger. Radiocarbon dating by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) and the presence of modern taxa in the sessile assemblages suggest that three episodes of coastal uplift have occurred in the area, during AD 570–820, AD 1000–1270, and AD 1430–1660, with magnitudes of 0.9–2.0 m, 0.3–0.8 m, and 1.9–2.2 m, respectively.  相似文献   
Salinity variations in restricted basins like the Baltic Sea can alter their vulnerability to hypoxia (i.e., bottom water oxygen concentrations <2 mg/l) and can affect the burial of phosphorus (P), a key nutrient for marine organisms. We combine porewater and solid-phase geochemistry, micro-analysis of sieved sediments (including XRD and synchrotron-based XAS), and foraminiferal δ18O and δ13C analyses to reconstruct the bottom water salinity, redox conditions, and P burial in the Ångermanälven estuary, Bothnian Sea. Our sediment records were retrieved during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Baltic Sea Paleoenvironment Expedition 347 in 2013. We demonstrate that bottom waters in the Ångermanälven estuary became anoxic upon the intrusion of seawater in the early Holocene, like in the central Bothnian Sea. The subsequent refreshening and reoxygenation, which was caused by gradual isostatic uplift, promoted P burial in the sediment in the form of Mn-rich vivianite. Vivianite authigenesis in the surface sediments of the more isolated part of the estuary ultimately ceased, likely due to continued refreshening and an associated decline in productivity and P supply to the sediment. The observed shifts in environmental conditions also created conditions for post-depositional formation of authigenic vivianite, and possibly apatite formation, at ~8 m composite depth. These salinity-related changes in redox conditions and P burial are highly relevant in light of current climate change. The results specifically highlight that increased freshwater input linked to global warming may enhance coastal P retention, thereby contributing to oligotrophication in both coastal and adjacent open waters.  相似文献   
Mooring observations using ADCP, electromagnetic current meters and thermometers were performed to clarify the vertical and horizontal structure of coastal-trapped waves (CTWs) on continental shelf and slope on the eastern side of Sagami Bay, Japan, in August and September 2003. A strong inflow associated with CTW caused by Typhoon 0315 (CTW15) was observed with remarkable downwelling. The maximum current due to CTW15 was over 100 cm s−1, confined to the upper layer shallower than 90 m. The CTW (CTW10) induced by Typhoon 0310, was associated with the coastal upwelling and maximum outflow was 33 cm s−1; the currents were extended near the bottom at 230 m depth. Remarkable discrepancies were found between the current structures of CTWs. CTW15 was explained by superposing the second CTW mode on the first CTW mode, whereas CTW10 was explained by the first CTW mode. The generation and propagation processes of both CTWs were reproduced by numerical experiments using a three-dimensional level model. The model results indicated that the difference of modal characteristics between CTW15 and CTW10 already exists in the CTW generation region and are due to difference of the wind direction, i.e., the typhoon’s path.  相似文献   
Twenty-six of the fifty-seven stone meteorites listed in Huss (1979) from Roosevelt County, New Mexico, have been classified in the present study. Microprobe analyses indicate 15 H type, 9 L type and 2 LL type chondrites. Based on compositional, textural, and locational comparisons, as many as 10 chondrites may be paired to three distinct falls.  相似文献   
The solid planets assembled 4.57 Gyr ago during a period of less than 100 Myr, but the bulk of the impact craters we see on the inner planets formed much later, in a narrow time interval between 3.8 and 3.9 Gyr ago, during the so-called late heavy bombardment (LHB). It is not certain what caused the LHB, and it has not been well known whether the impactors were comets or asteroids, but our present study lend support to the idea that it was comets. Due to the Earth’s higher gravity, the impactors will have hit the Earth with ∼twice the energy density that they hit the Moon, and the bombardment will have continued on Earth longer than on the Moon. All solid surface of the Earth will have been completely covered with craters by the end of the LHB.However, almost nothing of the Earth’s crust from even the end of this epoch, is preserved today. One of the very few remnants, though, is exposed as the Isua greenstone belt (IGB) and nearby areas in Western Greenland. During a field expedition to Isua, we sampled three types of metasedimentary rocks, deposited ∼3.8 billion years ago, that contain information about the sedimentary river load from larger areas of surrounding land surfaces (mica-schist and turbidites) and of the contemporaneous seawater (BIF). Our samples show evidence of the LHB impacts that took place on Earth, by an average of a seven times enrichment (150 ppt) in iridium compared to present-day ocean crust (20 ppt). The clastic sediments show slightly higher enrichment than the chemical sediments, which may be due to contamination from admixtures of mafic (proto-crustal) sources.We show that this enrichment is in agreement with the lunar cratering rate and a corresponding extraterrestrial LHB contribution to the Earth’s Hadean-Eoarchean crust, provided the bulk of the influx was cometary (i.e., of high velocity and low in CI abundance), but not if the impactors were meteorites (i.e. had velocities and abundances similar to present-day Earth-crossing asteroids). Our study is a first direct indication of the nature of the LHB impactors, and the first to find an agreement between the LHB lunar cratering rate and the Earth’s early geochemical record (and the corresponding lunar record). The LHB comets that delivered the iridium we see at Isua will at the same time have delivered the equivalent of a ∼1 km deep ocean, and we explain why one should expect a cometary ocean to become roughly the size of the Earth’s present-day ocean, not only in terms of depth but also in terms of the surface area it covers. The total impacting mass on the Earth during the LHB will have been ∼1000 tons/m2.  相似文献   
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