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We measured the brightness of the white light corona at the total solar eclipses on 1 August 2008 and 22 July 2009, when solar activity was at its lowest in one hundred years. After careful calibration, the brightness of the corona in both eclipses was evaluated to be approximately 0.4×10?6 of the total brightness of the Sun, which is the lowest level ever observed. Furthermore, the total brightness of the K+F-corona beyond 3R in both eclipses is lower than some of the previous measurements of the brightness of the F-corona only. Our accurate measurements of the coronal brightness provide not only the K-corona brightness during a period of very low solar activity but also a reliable upper limit of the brightness of the F-corona.  相似文献   
Horizontal earth's strains preceding the Kanto, Japan, earthquake of 1, September 1923, are deduced from the analysis of the old triangulation data. The anomalous strains that are several times larger than usual tectonic strain are found in the western part of Tokyo Bay, Sagamihara district, Japan for the observational period 1882/91–1898/1910, while any significant strain is not revealed in the other region of the Kanto district. The Kanto district was surveyed twice during the period 1883/85–1890/92 in the west and during the period 1890/92–1897/99 in the east respectively. The polarity of the detected anomalous strains, the directions and the signs of the principal strains, are quite the same as those of the postseismic crustal strains during the period 1924–74, and are reversed as compared to the coseismic one.The Philippine Sea plate thrusts under the South Kanto district with N25°W direction and pulls down the land during the interseismic period. The aseismic reverse faulting would begin several decades before the 1923 Kanto earthquake along the deep interface between the Asian plate and the convergent Philippine Sea plate. The down-going along the locked part of the interface would be accelerated, thus the compressional stress on the earth's surface might be concentrated over the deep fault plane together with the acceleration of the subsidence at the tip of the peninsula close to the Sagami trough.  相似文献   
The crustal movements associated with the 1923 Kanto, Japan, earthquake of magnitude 7.9 are deduced from the results of network adjustments with the pre-seimic and post-seismic geodetic data including up to the third order triangulation. The average spacing of the third triangulation is 4 km of higher density as compared with the first order triangulation and the second order triangulation, so we can expect to find much more detailed behavior of the released crustal strain. The main rupture of the 1923 Kanto earthquake that had occurred in the Sagami Bay has been estimated from the crustal deformations deduced from repetition of the first order triangulation and the second order triangulation, while the detailed deformations associated with the secondary faulting are deduced for the first case from the repeated third order triangulation. We find evidence for the secondary faultings in the south Kanto district, Japan, mainly from the pattern of the released strain with the order of 10−4 and some of them are associated with the surface breakages. We carefully investigate whether these secondary faultings had originated with fracturing at the depth or not. We cannot find any evidence for deep fracturing, though we find remarkable high earth strain release along some secondary faultings. This is mainly due to the fact that the area of high released strain is very limited and narrow along the direction perpendicular to the faulting.  相似文献   
We present a study of 10 microflares observed in 4–30 keV by SOXS mission simultaneously with Hα observations made at NAOJ, Japan during the interval between February and August 2004. The X-ray and Hα light curves showed that the lifetime of microflares varies between 4 and 25 min. We found that the X-ray emission in all microflares under study in the dynamic energy range of 4–30 keV can be fitted by thermal plus non-thermal components. The thermal spectrum appeared to start from almost 4 keV, low level discriminator (LLD) of both Si and CZT detectors, however it ends below 8 keV. We also observed the Fe line complex features at 6.7 keV in some microflares and attempted to fit this line by isothermal temperature assumption. The temperature of isothermal plasma of microflares varies in the range between 8.6 and 10.1 MK while emission measure between 0.5 and 2x1049 cm-3. Non-thermal (NT) emission appeared in the energy range 7–15 keV with exponent -6.8 ≤γ-4.8. Our study of microflares that had occurred on 25 February 2004 showed that sometimes a given active region produces recurrent microflare activity of a similar nature. We concluded from X-ray and simultaneous Hα observations that the microflares are perhaps the result of the interaction of low lying loops. It appears that the electrons that accelerated during reconnection heat the ambient coronal plasma as well as interact with material while moving down along the loops and thereby produce Hα bright kernels.  相似文献   
Slitless flash spectrograms in heights below 8000 km above the solar limb were obtained by the University of Kyoto Expedition at Atar, Mauritania. The integrated intensities of Fexiv 5303, Fex 6374, Fexi 7892, and the continuum are measured as a function of height above the solar limb at eleven points (P.A. = 284–300°) around the third contact point. It is found that a significant amount of the emission in Fex 6374 originates in chromospheric levels well below 8000 km. This implies that the interspicular region of the chromosphere is occupied by coronal material. The average values of the electron temperature and the electron density in the interspicular region are derived from the Fex 6374 and the Fexi 7892 intensities on the assumption of spherical symmetry: T e = 0.9–1.1 × 106 K and N e = 9–10 × 108 cm–3. The intensity variations of the coronal lines and the continuum with position angle are also studied. Strong correlations between Fexiv 5303 and the continuum and between Fex 6374 and Fexi 7892 are found. From the Fex 6374 intensities it is inferred that there is a density fluctuation in the innermost corona by at least a factor of two.Contributions from the Kwasan and Hida Observatories, University of Kyoto, No. 271.  相似文献   
We compiled and analyzed long-term data, including chemical, physical and phytoplankton community data, for the Lake Biwa ecosystem from 1962 to 2003. Analyses on environmental data indicate that Lake Biwa had experienced intensified eutrophication (according to total phosphorus concentration) in the late 1960s and returned to a less eutrophic status around 1985, and then exhibited rapid warming and thus increased water column stability since 1990. Total phytoplankton cell volume largely followed the trend of total phosphorus concentration, albeit short-term fluctuations existed. However, phytoplankton community shifted dramatically in response to those changes of environmental states. These shifts were cause by changes in trophic status driven by phosphorus loadings and physical properties in the water column driven by warming. Moreover, most phytoplankton species did not show a strong linear correlation with environmental variables, suggesting nonlinear transitions among different states.  相似文献   
Vertical and temporal variations in the radioactivities of Th-234, Pb-210 and Po-210 were measured at a station in Funka Bay from April 1979 to February 1980. The inventory of Th-234 showed a minimum in early spring, when a spring bloom of phytoplankton was observed, then a steady increase to a maximum value in late summer, just before open sea water invaded the bay and a secondary phytoplankton bloom started. The inventories of Pb-210 and Po-210 also showed minima in early spring. These results suggest that the removal of these nuclides from sea water is accelerated by biological activity. The concentration of Th-234 decreased with depth, but those of Po-210 and Pb-210 were higher in the bottom water in August 1979 when the bay water was strongly stratified. This may be due to the supply of Pb-210 and Po-210 from the bottom. However, if the supply of these nuclides is expected in sediment particles, the concentrations of these nuclides in suspended matter were not sufficient to explain their increments in the bottom water.Residence times of Th, Pb and Po were estimated by applying a non-steady state model to the bay water when the water stayed in and the concentrations of these nuclides were changing. The mean residence time of Th is not significantly different from that of Pb, but is about half of that of Po, although the difference is much smaller than that obtained by applying a steady state model.  相似文献   
Paleomagnetic studies in conjunction with fission-track dating on the western arc of Sulawesi yield important evidence bearing on the tectonic history of the area. During the Paleogene to Early Miocene time interval the paleomagnetic pole for southwestern Sulawesi was situated at 36.5°E 44.8°N. This pole position is significantly different from that in the time interval Middle Miocene to Recent, which is consistent with the north pole of the axial geocentric dipole. This fact suggests that subsequent to the Paleogene to Early Miocene period, possibly 19–13 m.y. B.P., a major tectonic event occurred which caused about 40 degrees of anticlockwise rotation of the area. It is suggested by the present work that the postulated collision followed by welding of eastern Sulawesi with western Sulawesi during the Pliocene (Katili, 1978) may be the tectonic event mentioned above. In addition, our data does not support the hypothesis that western Sulawesi has been derived from the dispersal of Gondwanaland.  相似文献   
Methods have been devised for analyzing vertical land movement and seismicity data using two-dimensional Chebychev functions and oblique projections. A filtering operation in the space domain is made possible by use of a two-dimensional Chebychev function. The oblique projections give an intuitive understanding of land deformation. Characteristic aspects of vertical land movement obtained by precise levelling and of the energy release of microearthquakes with depths shallower than 20 km in the northeastern Japan arc were investigated in detail applying these methods.Lineations with wavelength of about 20–60km trending towards NE—SW were found for both the land deformation and the seismicity. It should be noted that this trend is almost perpendicular to the direction of the strain migration and is related to other geophysical information.  相似文献   
A great 3B flare, whose X-ray class was X13, occurred over a delta-sunspot at 00: 01 UT on April 25, 1984. Before the flare, a strong magnetic shear was found to be formed along the neutral line in the delta-sunspot with shear motions of umbrae. The shear motions of the umbrae were caused by the successive emergence of a magnetic flux rope.Before the flare, several groups of sheared H threads and filaments were found to merge into an elongated filament along the neutral line through the delta-sunspot. In the merging process the helical twists were formed in the filament by the reconnection as in the Pneuman's (1983) model.At the post-maximum phase of the flare, the helically twisted filament spouted out with an untwisting rotation. Examining the morphological and dynamical features of the filament eruption, we concluded that it has some typical features of the flare spray and that it seems to be accelerated by the sweeping-magnetictwist mechanism proposed by Shibata and Uchida (1986).Contributions from the Kwasan and Hida Observatories, University of Kyoto, No. 276.  相似文献   
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