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We compiled and analyzed long-term data, including chemical, physical and phytoplankton community data, for the Lake Biwa ecosystem from 1962 to 2003. Analyses on environmental data indicate that Lake Biwa had experienced intensified eutrophication (according to total phosphorus concentration) in the late 1960s and returned to a less eutrophic status around 1985, and then exhibited rapid warming and thus increased water column stability since 1990. Total phytoplankton cell volume largely followed the trend of total phosphorus concentration, albeit short-term fluctuations existed. However, phytoplankton community shifted dramatically in response to those changes of environmental states. These shifts were cause by changes in trophic status driven by phosphorus loadings and physical properties in the water column driven by warming. Moreover, most phytoplankton species did not show a strong linear correlation with environmental variables, suggesting nonlinear transitions among different states.  相似文献   
Slitless flash spectrograms in heights below 8000 km above the solar limb were obtained by the University of Kyoto Expedition at Atar, Mauritania. The integrated intensities of Fexiv 5303, Fex 6374, Fexi 7892, and the continuum are measured as a function of height above the solar limb at eleven points (P.A. = 284–300°) around the third contact point. It is found that a significant amount of the emission in Fex 6374 originates in chromospheric levels well below 8000 km. This implies that the interspicular region of the chromosphere is occupied by coronal material. The average values of the electron temperature and the electron density in the interspicular region are derived from the Fex 6374 and the Fexi 7892 intensities on the assumption of spherical symmetry: T e = 0.9–1.1 × 106 K and N e = 9–10 × 108 cm–3. The intensity variations of the coronal lines and the continuum with position angle are also studied. Strong correlations between Fexiv 5303 and the continuum and between Fex 6374 and Fexi 7892 are found. From the Fex 6374 intensities it is inferred that there is a density fluctuation in the innermost corona by at least a factor of two.Contributions from the Kwasan and Hida Observatories, University of Kyoto, No. 271.  相似文献   
A new model for solar spike bursts is considered based on the interaction of Langmuir waves with ion-sound waves: l+st. Such a mechanism can operate in shock fronts, propagating from a magnetic reconnection region. New observations of microwave millisecond spikes are discussed. They have been observed in two events: 4 November 1997 between 05:52–06:10 UT and 28 November 1997 between 05:00–05:10 UT using the multichannel spectrograph in the range 2.6–3.8 GHz of Beijing AO. Yohkoh/SXT images in the AR and SOHO EIT images testify to a reconstruction of bright loops after the escape of a CME. A fast shock front might be manifested as a very bright line in T e SXT maps (up to 20 MK) above dense structures in emission measure (EM) maps. Moreover one can see at the moment of spike emission (for the 28 November 1997 event) an additional maximum at the loop top on the HXR map in the AR as principal evidence of fast shock propagation. The model gives the ordinary mode of spike emission. Sometimes we observed a different polarization of microwave spikes that might be connected with the depolarization of the emission in the transverse magnetic field and rather in the vanishing magnetic field in the middle of the QT region. Duration and frequency band of isolated spikes are connected with parameters of fast particle beams and shock front. Millisecond microwave spikes are probably a unique manifestation of flare fast shocks in the radio emission.  相似文献   
The water masses of the central and western equatorial Pacific can be divided into two parts: the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) and the Equatorial Upwelling Region (EUR). The behavior of the WPWP plays a significant role in global climate changes such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and it drastically modifies the oceanographic conditions in the area every few years. It is important to evaluate changes in time-series diatom fluxes during both the El Niño and the La Niña events. As a part of the Global Carbon Cycle and Related Mapping based on Satellite Imagery (GCMAPS) Program, time-series sediment trap moorings were deployed and recovered along the Equator at seven stations (Sites MT1–MT7) during five R/V Mirai cruises in the central and western Pacific during January 1999–January 2003. The entire length of this study is divided into two phases depending on the oceanographic conditions: the La Niña event (1999 and 2000); and the El Niño event (2002). Site MT3 was located in the WPWP and Sites MT5–MT7 were in the EUR. Annual means of total diatom fluxes increased towards the east in each year. The fluxes observed at Sites MT4–MT6 decreased from the La Niña event to the El Niño event. However, the fluxes observed at Site MT3 in 2001 and 2002 were higher than those in 2000. Total diatom fluxes showed different seasonal patterns at all sites. The diatom assemblages in the WPWP differed from those of the EUR. Pennate diatoms (e.g., Nitzschia bicapitata, Thalassionema nitzschioides) dominated in the WPWP, while the relative abundances of centric diatoms (e.g., Rhizosolenia bergonii, Azpeitia spp., Thalassiosira spp.) were higher than those of pennate diatoms in the EUR. The diatom fluxes during the La Niña event reflected seasonal oscillation of the WPWP in spatial extent. At Site MT3 during El Niño, terrestrial materials appeared to have been transported by subsurface currents, which might be a secondary influence on total diatom fluxes. The spatial extent of the WPWP reached Site MT7 in 2002, when total diatom fluxes decreased in the sediment traps located in the eastern region including Site MT7. Therefore, we conclude that the relationships between the ENSO and diatoms fluxes in the western and central equatorial Pacific can be explained by the geographic (west–east) expansion or contraction of the WPWP.  相似文献   
Paleomagnetic studies in conjunction with fission-track dating on the western arc of Sulawesi yield important evidence bearing on the tectonic history of the area. During the Paleogene to Early Miocene time interval the paleomagnetic pole for southwestern Sulawesi was situated at 36.5°E 44.8°N. This pole position is significantly different from that in the time interval Middle Miocene to Recent, which is consistent with the north pole of the axial geocentric dipole. This fact suggests that subsequent to the Paleogene to Early Miocene period, possibly 19–13 m.y. B.P., a major tectonic event occurred which caused about 40 degrees of anticlockwise rotation of the area. It is suggested by the present work that the postulated collision followed by welding of eastern Sulawesi with western Sulawesi during the Pliocene (Katili, 1978) may be the tectonic event mentioned above. In addition, our data does not support the hypothesis that western Sulawesi has been derived from the dispersal of Gondwanaland.  相似文献   
Abstract— We measured 852 sets of planar deformation features (PDFs) in shocked quartz grains in impactite samples of the Yaxcopoil (YAX‐1) core and from 4 Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary deposits: the Monaca, the Cacarajícara, and the Peñalver formations in Cuba, and DSDP site 536, within 800 km of the Chicxulub crater, in order to investigate variations of PDF orientations in the proximity of the crater. Orientations of PDFs show a broad distribution with peaks at ω {101¯3}, π {101¯2}, and ω {111¯2}, plus r, z {1011¯} orientations with minor c(0001), s{112¯1}, t{224¯1} plus x{516¯1}, and m{101¯0} plus a{112¯0} orientations. Planar deformation features with c(0001) orientation are relatively more abundant in the proximity of the Chicxulub crater than in distal sites such as North America, the Pacific Ocean, and Europe. This feature indicates that in the proximity of the crater, part of the shocked quartz grains in the K/T boundary deposits were derived from the low shock pressure zones. Moreover, the orientations of PDFs with ω {112¯2} plus r, z {101¯1} are high in our studied sites, and frequencies of these orientations decrease with increasing distance from the crater. On the other hand, absence of c(0001) and the rare occurrence of PDFs with ?ω {112¯2} plus r, z {101¯1} orientations in the sample from the YAX‐1 core that was taken at the top of the impactite layer of the Chicxulub crater suggests that the sampling horizon that reflects a certain cratering stage is also an important factor for variations in shocked quartz.  相似文献   
Some recent Chinese observations on precursory crustal movements detected by geodetic measurements such as short-range levelling or base-line survey across the active fault corroborate the three gamma phases model of Fujita and Fujii: Gamma 1 phase is pre-slip along the imminent faulting, gamma 2 is coseismic slip and gamma 3 is post-slip along the main or subsidiary faulting after an earthquake. Typical of these are the results of short-range levelling across the earthquake fault that ruptured during the 1976 Tangshan earthquake (Ms= 7.8). Associated with the occurrence of the Tangshan earthquake or the subsequent Ninghe earthquake (Ms= 6.9), remarkable gamma 2 phases were observed. At this same location abnormal gamma 1 or gamma 3 phases were detected from the Lulong 1982 earthquake (Ms= 6.2) that originated from the north end of the Tangshan Fault and was one of the aftershocks of the Tangshan earthquake. These phases are interpreted by analogy with the recent experimental results of stick-slip motion of the frictional sliding of rock.  相似文献   
Methods have been devised for analyzing vertical land movement and seismicity data using two-dimensional Chebychev functions and oblique projections. A filtering operation in the space domain is made possible by use of a two-dimensional Chebychev function. The oblique projections give an intuitive understanding of land deformation. Characteristic aspects of vertical land movement obtained by precise levelling and of the energy release of microearthquakes with depths shallower than 20 km in the northeastern Japan arc were investigated in detail applying these methods.Lineations with wavelength of about 20–60km trending towards NE—SW were found for both the land deformation and the seismicity. It should be noted that this trend is almost perpendicular to the direction of the strain migration and is related to other geophysical information.  相似文献   
Since the beginning of the anomalous vertical crustal movement in the Izu peninsul, Honshu, Japan, many repeated precise levellings have been carried out by the Geographical Survey Institute. Trilaterations covering the entire Izu peninsula have also been carried out by the Geographical Survey Institute. A new technique is developed to adjust the results of levellings, because they had been carried out for different epochs along each levelling route and because of rapid vertical crustal movements. In conventional least-squares adjustment of levelling network, only corrections to the approximate height are assumed to be unknown, while in the present analysis a special model in which rates of vertical deformation at any bench marks are also assumed to be unknown, is adopted. In addition, tidal stations along the coast of the Izu peninsula yield the rate of vertical crustal movement from analysis of tidal data independent of levelling data. We select several special bench marks in which rates of vertical movement are determined by tidal analysis, thereafter special adjustment is applied according to the type of network.The results show that the peninsula is inclined to the south-west. Uplift in the northeastern part of the peninsula is accompanied by remarkable subsidence in the southwest. The rate of contemporary inclination is many times higher than the rate during the period from 1929 to 1972.The deformation is concentrated in the area whereNakamura (1979, 1980) pointed out the bending of the Philippine Sea plate. The mode and rate of the detected crustal deformation suggest the accelerated bending of the peninsula. There are some local uplift that deviate from the general pattern of deformation. The most remarkable land uplift was observed near Ito, a city within the peninsula, and the focus of this uplift migrated with time. The accelerated plate bending will produce an extension at the earth's surface and contraction in the deeper part of the subcrustal layer, additionally it triggered the intrusion of magma from the deeper part to the shallower. Moreover, the accelerated plate bending also triggered seismic swarms and destructive, earthquakes in and around the peninsula.  相似文献   
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