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论述了在原Voronoi图的基础上增加点和删去点后生成新Voronoi图的算法.在增点过程中,针对新增加点后不满足Delaunay三角网特性的情况,利用最大最小角规则进行局部优化,根据优化后的三角网生成新Voronoi图;在删点过程中,针对删点的不同位置情况,修改相应Voronoi域,生成新Voronoi图.  相似文献   
对徐海—石头岗花岗闪长岩体围岩中黑云母及有机质变质程度的研究发现:距岩体580m范围内的接触带岩石皆具有角岩化现象。黑云母含量受原岩成分影响,其鳞片粒径与岩体距离密切有关。围岩中镜质组反射率,(R_(mas))值与岩体距离之间有十分明显的规律。  相似文献   
下扬子海陆域新生代沉积盆地是中国东部主要含油气盆地之一,成盆断裂特征与活动规律是该区油气勘探研究的基 础。文章基于高覆盖率的地震勘探测线,以构造断裂解析为突破口,探究盆地断裂的变形特征与活动规律。依据断裂组合 样式与构造活动特征,断裂可分为伸展、走滑、挤压-反转三种样式,构造活动分为伸展断裂与伸展-走滑断裂两种构造 体系。成盆断裂显著受控于郯庐断裂右行走滑变形,主要与郯庐断裂带不同构造走向的区段位置和与郯庐断裂带的距离这 两个因素或变量有关,盆地断裂呈现了“东西有别,中部不同”的特点。下扬子区新生代多变应力场,控制着作为油气运 移通道断裂的开闭状态,是油气资源评价的重要依据。  相似文献   
Internal erosion is the most common reason which induces failure of embankment dams besides overtopping. Relatively large leakage is frequently concentrated at defects of impervious element, and this will lead to eventual failure. The amount of leakage depends not only on integrity of impervious element, but also on dam height, shape of valley, shape of impervious element and water level in reservoir. The integrity of impervious element, which represents the relative level of seepage safety, is not easy to be determined quantitatively. A simple method for generalization of steady seepage state of embankment dams with thin impervious element is proposed in this paper. The apparent overall value of permeability coefficient for impervious element can be obtained by this method with reasonable accuracy and efficiency. A defect parameter of impervious element is defined as an index to characterize seepage safety of embankment dams. It equals the ratio of the apparent overall value of permeability coefficient to the measured value in laboratory for intact materials. Subsequently, seepage safety of three dams is evaluated and the evolution of defect level of impervious element of dams is investigated. It is proved that the newly proposed method in this paper is feasible in the evaluation of relative seepage safety level of embankment dams with thin impervious element.  相似文献   
The hydrocarbon potential of the Hangjinqi area in the northern Ordos Basin is not well known, compared to the other areas of the basin, despite its substantial petroleum system.Restoration of a depth-converted seismic profile across the Hangjinqi Fault Zone(HFZ) in the eastern Hangjinqi area shows one compression that created anticlinal structures in the Late Triassic, and two extensions in ~Middle Jurassic and Late Early Cretaceous, which were interrupted by inversions in the Late Jurassic–Early Early Cretaceous and Late Cretaceous, respectively.Hydrocarbon generation at the well locations in the Central Ordos Basin(COB) began in the Late Triassic.Basin modeling of Well Zhao-4 suggests that hydrocarbon generation from the Late Carboniferous–Early Permian coal measures of the northern Shanbei Slope peaked in the Early Cretaceous, predating the inversion in the Late Cretaceous.Most source rocks in the Shanbei Slope passed the main gas-migration phase except for the Hangjinqi area source rocks(Well Jin-48).Hydrocarbons generated from the COB are likely to have migrated northward toward the anticlinal structures and traps along the HFZ because the basin-fill strata are dipping south.Faulting that continued during the extensional phase(Late Early Cretaceous) of the Hangjinqi area probably acted as conduits for the migration of hydrocarbons.Thus, the anticlinal structures and associated traps to the north of the HFZ might have trapped hydrocarbons that were charged from the Late Carboniferous–Early Permian coal measures in the COB since the Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   
试论基本岩石地层单元及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖劲东 《地球科学》1990,15(2):131-136
松辽盆地反转期的界定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
松辽盆地的构造反转对油气生成、运移和聚集保存有明显的控制作用.以往的研究认为,松辽盆地晚期经历了嫩江组沉积末期、明水组沉积末期和古近纪的多期反转.通过对松辽盆地北部进行剖面与平面的构造演化分析,认为嫩江组沉积末期为南北向差异升降活动,未引起地层褶皱变形和构造格局的改变,该期形成了区域伸展不整合面;明水组沉积末期松辽盆地从区域拉张转为挤压,盆地表现为东西向缩短,构造格局发生了性质上的变化,形成了一系列反转构造,该期构造反转奠定了盆地现今的构造格局.构造物理模拟实验进一步证明,松辽盆地不同方向的反转构造带为明水组沉积末期形成的.  相似文献   
通过对手术切除的37例胃癌患者的离体标本的自体荧光光谱检测,显示308nm,337nm激发光谱均呈双主峰结构,双主峰的比值均能区分胃癌与正常胃壁(P<0.001).分别用308nm,337nm激发荧光光谱单因素分析诊断胃癌的灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值分别为88.8%,86.8%,86.4%和80.1%,72.1%,67.5%.对308nm及337nm激发荧光光谱双因素分析,癌诊断的灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值分别为94.4%,92.1%,91.9%,其诊断正确符合率明显高于单因素分析的结果.研究表明,以308nm及337nm双波长激发检测胃壁浆膜,双因素判别算法可较好地区分胃癌,这种方法有望成为手术中快速识别胃癌在胃壁的浸润范围的有效方法.  相似文献   
中国海相泥盆纪遗迹组构及其与沉积层序的关系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在中国新疆和华南海相泥盆系中识别出交切、并列、叠覆遗迹组构(相关遗迹组构类)和欧氏、拓扑遗迹组构(本体遗迹组构类).通过对火山碎屑风暴岩中复合交切遗迹组构的研究发现,共生组合在一起的遗迹化石,可划分出6个遗迹阶层,具有不同的先后、世代关系和指相意义.拓扑遗迹组构分析表明,庞大的雕画迹家族可归并为3个拓扑类,它们分别同胚于线、树、网.雕画迹从线至网的拓扑形态谱系结构,分别代表深水或缺氧环境中,造迹生物寻觅式、探索式和诱捕式的觅食行为.研究表明:遗迹组构分析对副层序、凝缩段、不同海平面变化速度形成的海进体系域和高水位体系域的识别和高频旋回的研究有重要作用  相似文献   
地表变形、活动断裂和地球物理的综合分析表明,菲律宾洋壳向欧亚大陆的俯冲导致的地幔对流是控制中国东部沿海地区晚新生代以来构造作用的主导因素,是长江口地区地面沉降的主要深部动力学机制。由于地幔对流和青藏高原挤压共同作用导致的地壳热流值的差异则是长江口地区西部隆升、东部沉降且向东沉降速率增大的直接驱动力。预测未来长江口地区的基岩沉降范围将以>10cm/a的速率向西扩大,沉降速率将呈明显加速趋势,40000a之内上海市可能被海水淹没,但板块构造演化的“渐变”特征决定其对当地未来的人类活动不会造成显著影响。根据“地壳均衡理论”,建议在长江口南西部(浙江省北东部)的丘陵山区加大重力载荷如加快城市化进程或人工造山以减小和控制上海地区的沉降。  相似文献   
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