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The hierarchid tessellation model belongs to a class of spatial data models based on the recursive decomposition of space. The quadtree is one such tessellation and is characterized by square cells and a 1:4 decomposition ratio. To relax these constraints in the tessellation, a generalized hierarchical tessellation data model, called Adaptive Recursive Tessellations (ART), has been proposed. ART increases flexibility in the tessellation by the use of rectangular cells and variable decomposition ratios. In ART, users can specify cell sizes which are intuitively meaningful to their applications, or which can reflect the scales of data. ART is implemented in a data structure called Adaptive Recursive Run-Encoding (ARRE), which is a variant of two-dimensional run-encoding whose running path can vary with the different tessellation structures incorporated in an ART model. Given the recognition of the benefits of implementing statistical spatial analysis in GIS, the use of hierarchical tessellation models such as ART in spatial analysis is discussed. Three examples are introduced to show how ART can: (1) be applied to solve the quadrat size problem in quadrat analysis of point patterns; (2) act as the data model in the variable resolution block kriging technique for geostatistical data to reduce variation in kriging error; and (3) facilitate the evaluation of spatial autocorrelation for area data at multiple map resolutions via the construction of a connectivity matrix for calculating spatial autocorrelation indices based on ARRE.  相似文献   
Textures of tinguaite dykes cutting the alkaline Khibiny massif in the Kola Peninsula, Russia, are described. They are characterized by a combination of a fractal microfracture network dividing rock into pencil-like cells and of a concentric rhythmical zonation in almost all of them. The latter is formed by interchange of volatile-enriched and volatile-depleted mineral zones. The location of the textures only where dykes contact host khibinites appears to point out the contraction nature of the microfracture network. The cooling time calculated agrees well with this hypothesis. The zonation appears to have arisen through autometamorphic processes with two main competing factors, namely (a) overall cooling of the system and (b) periodic depletion of it in some elements, mainly Na and K. Another mechanism which may be applied to explain the zonation is the known Marangoni Instability effect at the early stage of evolution of the volatile-saturated phonolite melt. Thus, tinguaite textures are caused by nonspecific influences external to the system and may be regarded as an example of self-organization in nature.  相似文献   
 H2O activities in concentrated NaCl solutions were measured in the ranges 600°–900° C and 2–15 kbar and at NaCl concentrations up to halite saturation by depression of the brucite (Mg(OH)2) – periclase (MgO) dehydration equilibrium. Experiments were made in internally heated Ar pressure apparatus at 2 and 4.2 kbar and in 1.91-cm-diameter piston-cylinder apparatus with NaCl pressure medium at 4.2, 7, 10 and 15 kbar. Fluid compositions in equilibrium with brucite and periclase were reversed to closures of less than 2 mol% by measuring weight changes after drying of punctured Pt capsules. Brucite-periclase equilibrium in the binary system was redetermined using coarsely crystalline synthetic brucite and periclase to inhibit back-reaction in quenching. These data lead to a linear expression for the standard Gibbs free energy of the brucite dehydration reaction in the experimental temperature range: ΔG° (±120J)=73418–134.95T(K). Using this function as a baseline, the experimental dehydration points in the system MgO−H2O−NaCl lead to a simple systematic relationship of high-temperature H2O activity in NaCl solution. At low pressure and low fluid densities near 2 kbar the H2O activity is closely approximated by its mole fraction. At pressures of 10 kbar and greater, with fluid densities approaching those of condensed H2O, the H2O activity becomes nearly equal to the square of its mole fraction. Isobaric halite saturation points terminating the univariant brucite-periclase curves were determined at each experimental pressure. The five temperature-composition points in the system NaCl−H2O are in close agreement with the halite saturation curves (liquidus curves) given by existing data from differential thermal analysis to 6 kbar. Solubility of MgO in the vapor phase near halite saturation is much less than one mole percent and could not have influenced our determinations. Activity concentration relations in the experimental P-T range may be retrieved for the binary system H2O-NaCl from our brucite-periclase data and from halite liquidus data with minor extrapolation. At two kbar, solutions closely approach an ideal gas mixture, whereas at 10 kbar and above the solutions closely approximate an ideal fused salt mixture, where the activities of H2O and NaCl correspond to an ideal activity formulation. This profound pressure-induced change of state may be characterized by the activity (a) – concentration (X) expression: a H 2O=X H 2O/(1+αX NaCl), and a NaCl=(1+α)(1+α)[X NaCl/(1+αX NaCl)](1+α). The parameter α is determined by regression of the brucite-periclase H2O activity data: α=exp[A–B/ϱH 2O ]-CP/T, where A=4.226, B=2.9605, C=164.984, and P is in kbar, T is in Kelvins, and ϱH 2O is the density of H2O at given P and T in g/cm3. These formulas reproduce both the H2O activity data and the NaCl activity data with a standard deviation of ±0.010. The thermodynamic behavior of concentrated NaCl solutions at high temperature and pressure is thus much simpler than portrayed by extended Debye-Hückel theory. The low H2O activity at high pressures in concentrated supercritical NaCl solutions (or hydrosaline melts) indicates that such solutions should be feasible as chemically active fluids capable of coexisting with solid rocks and silicate liquids (and a CO2-rich vapor) in many processes of deep crustal and upper mantle metamorphism and metasomatism. Received: 1 September 1995 / Accepted: 24 March 1996  相似文献   
The northern part of the western Kunlun (southern margin of the Tarim basin) represents a Sinian rifted margin. To the south of this margin, the Sinian to Paleozoic Proto-Tethys Ocean formed. South-directed subduction of this ocean, beneath the continental southern Kunlun block during the Paleozoic, resulted in the collision between the northern and southern Kunlun blocks during the Devonian. The northern part of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean, located to the south of the southern Kunlun, was subducted to the north beneath the southern Kunlun during the Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic. This caused the formation of a subduction-accretion complex, including a sizeable accretionary wedge to the south of the southern Kunlun. A microcontinent (or oceanic plateau?), which we refer to as “Uygur terrane,” collided with the subduction complex during the Late Triassic. Both elements together represent the Kara-Kunlun. Final closure of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean took place during the Early Jurassic when the next southerly located continental block collided with the Kara-Kunlun area. From at least the Late Paleozoic to the Early Jurassic, the Tarim basin must be considered a back-arc region. The Kengxiwar lineament, which “connects” the Karakorum fault in the west and the Ruogiang-Xingxingxia/Altyn-Tagh fault zone in the east, shows signs of a polyphase strike-slip fault along which dextral and sinistral shearing occurred.  相似文献   
For normally consolidated clay, several researchers have developed a number of theoretical time factors to determine the coefficient of consolidation from piezocone test results. However, depending on assumptions and analytical techniques, it could vary considerably, even for a specific degree of consolidation. In this paper a method is proposed to determine a consistent coefficient of consolidation by applying the concept of an optimum design technique over all ranges of the degree of consolidation. Initial excess pore pressure distribution is assumed to be capable of being obtained by the successive spherical cavity expansion theory. The dissipation of pore pressure is simulated by means of a two-dimensional linear-uncoupled axi-symmetric consolidation analysis. The minimization of differences between measured and predicted excess pore pressure was carried out by the BFGS unconstrained optimum design algorithm with a one-dimensional golden section search technique. By analyzing numerical examples and in-situ test results, it was found that the adopted optimum design technique gives consistent and convergent results.  相似文献   
H2O activities in supercritical fluids in the system KCl-H2O-(MgO) were measured at pressures of 1, 2, 4, 7, 10 and 15  kbar by numerous reversals of vapor compositions in equilibrium with brucite and periclase. Measurements spanned the range 550–900 °C. A change of state of solute KCl occurs as pressures increase above 2 kbar, by which H2O activity becomes very low and, at pressures of 4 kbar and above, nearly coincident with the square of the mole fraction (x H2O). The effect undoubtedly results primarily from ionic dissociation as H2O density (ρH2O) approaches 1 gm/cm3, and is more pronounced than in the NaCl-H2O system at the same P-T-X conditions. Six values of solute KCl activity were yielded by terminal points of the isobaric brucite-periclase T-x H2O curves where sylvite saturation occurs. The H2O mole fraction of the isobaric invariant assemblage brucite-periclase-sylvite-fluid is near 0.52 at all pressures, and the corresponding temperatures span only 100 °C between 1 and 15 kbar. This remarkable convergence of the isobaric equilibrium curves reflects the great influence of pressure on lowering of both KCl and H2O activities. The H2O and KCl activities can be expressed by the formulas: a H2O = γH2O[x H2O+(1 + (1 + α)x KCl)], and a KCL = γKCl[(1 + α)x KCl/(x H2O +(1 + α)x KCl)](1 + α), where α is a degree of dissociation parameter which increases from zero at the lowest pressures to near one at high pressures and the γ's are activity coefficients based on an empirical regular solution parameter W: ln γi = (1 − xi)2W. Least squares fitting of our H2O and KCl activity data evaluates the parameters: α = exp(4.166 −2.709/ρH2O) − 212.1P/T, and W = (−589.6 − 23.10P) /T, with ρH2O in gm/cm3, P in kbar and T in K. The standard deviation from the measured activities is only ± 0.014. The equations define isobaric liquidus curves, which are in perfect agreement with previous DTA liquidus measurements at 0.5–2 kbar, but which depart progressively from their extrapolation to higher pressures because of the pressure-induced dissociation effect. The great similarity of the NaCl-H2O and KCl-H2O systems suggests that H2O activities in the ternary NaCl-KCl-H2O system can be described with reasonable accuracy by assuming proportionality between the binary systems. This assumption was verified by a few reconnaissance measurements at 10 kbar of the brucite-periclase equilibrium with a Na/(Na + K) ratio of 0.5 and of the saturation temperature for Na/(Na + K) of 0.35 and 0.50. At that pressure the brucite-periclase curves reach a lowest x H2O of 0.45 and a temperature of 587 °C before salt saturation occurs, values considerably lower than in either binary. This double-salt eutectic effect may have a significant application to natural polyionic hypersaline solutions in the deep crust and upper mantle in that higher solute concentrations and very low H2O activities may be realized in complex solutions before salt saturation occurs. Concentrated salt solutions seem, from this standpoint, and also because of high mechanical mobility and alkali-exchanging potential, feasible as metasomatic fluids for a variety of deep-crust and upper mantle processes. Received: 9 August 1996 / Accepted: 15 November 1996  相似文献   
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