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巴音戈壁盆塔木素地区砂岩型铀矿目的层普遍固结,矿体多层但连续性差,分布不规律,后生改造特征明显。本文通过野外露头调查、岩芯观察和微观分析,发现该地区普遍发育穿层脉状石膏或方解石、热液金属硫化物矿物、矿物重结晶与新生胶结物等,出现硫酸盐-金属硫化物共生矿物和S同位素分馏,指示存在后生热流体活动。通过对矿体、矿石特征及铀矿物成因的分析,初步认为热改造对成矿控制主要发生在层间氧化作用后期,温度升高造成碳酸钙和硫酸钙沉淀、重结晶,破坏含矿溶液中碳酸铀酰络合物的平衡,造成U的沉淀,促使铀矿化进一步富集。  相似文献   
<正>1 Introduction The physical properties of tight reservoir depends largely on its micro and super-micro pore structures,which mainly includes the size of pores and throats and their distribution,the collection form of pores and throats space,the connectivity among pores and throats and so on.The size of  相似文献   
<正>During the underground mining of coal resources,overlying rocks on the roof of excavated tunnels will be destroyed due to ground pressure,and as a result,part of them will break and fall into the tunnels.How to determine the distribution of fractured areas and fissures presents a major problem for preserving the overlying aquifer.In most cases,the distribution of fissures induced  相似文献   
The hydrocarbon potential of the Hangjinqi area in the northern Ordos Basin is not well known, compared to the other areas of the basin, despite its substantial petroleum system.Restoration of a depth-converted seismic profile across the Hangjinqi Fault Zone(HFZ) in the eastern Hangjinqi area shows one compression that created anticlinal structures in the Late Triassic, and two extensions in ~Middle Jurassic and Late Early Cretaceous, which were interrupted by inversions in the Late Jurassic–Early Early Cretaceous and Late Cretaceous, respectively.Hydrocarbon generation at the well locations in the Central Ordos Basin(COB) began in the Late Triassic.Basin modeling of Well Zhao-4 suggests that hydrocarbon generation from the Late Carboniferous–Early Permian coal measures of the northern Shanbei Slope peaked in the Early Cretaceous, predating the inversion in the Late Cretaceous.Most source rocks in the Shanbei Slope passed the main gas-migration phase except for the Hangjinqi area source rocks(Well Jin-48).Hydrocarbons generated from the COB are likely to have migrated northward toward the anticlinal structures and traps along the HFZ because the basin-fill strata are dipping south.Faulting that continued during the extensional phase(Late Early Cretaceous) of the Hangjinqi area probably acted as conduits for the migration of hydrocarbons.Thus, the anticlinal structures and associated traps to the north of the HFZ might have trapped hydrocarbons that were charged from the Late Carboniferous–Early Permian coal measures in the COB since the Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   
安徽沿江坳陷是长江中下游铁铜成矿带的重要组成部分,近10年来安徽新发现的具有较高经济价值的金属矿床几乎全都在该区。侵入岩体周边不同性质的围岩往往对矿床的类型具有控制作用;区域性深大断裂控制了成矿母岩的形成和分布,而具体的矿床构造(褶皱、断裂、接触带)控制着成矿有利空间(低压带)的分布;燕山中晚期中性-中酸性混熔型钙碱性岩浆岩不仅控制金属矿床的产出部位,还提供了成矿物质、热能,并产生成矿热液;矿床均围绕岩体分布,具有矿种和矿物组合等方面的水平-垂向分带;成矿时代为130~155 Ma,金属矿床分为玢岩型铁矿、夕卡岩型铁矿、斑岩型铜矿、夕卡岩型铜矿、层控型铁铜矿等5种矿床类型,各类型之间存在过渡、共生、叠加关系,构成中性-中酸性岩浆成矿系列。建议在今后的找矿工作中,要选好靶区、就矿找矿,加强中性-中酸性岩浆岩和控矿构造的研究,并注意技术方法的有效性与多解性。  相似文献   
内蒙古赤峰敖汉旗艮兑营子附近二叠系地层比较发育,下二叠统三面井组为一套陆源碎屑岩组合,在区域上较为特殊。在野外实测剖面的基础上,根据岩石组合特征、组构特征、垂向变化规律,将三面井组划分为一个Ⅲ级层序,两个Ⅳ级层序,六个Ⅴ级层序(高频旋回层序)。  相似文献   
岩石本构模型是研究岩石力学特征和变形机制的基础,而本构模型或模型中相关参数的识别是本构模型研究中的热点和难点问题。本文基于红板岩室内力学实验数据,分别利用遗传算法、BP神经网络以及遗传规划对红板岩本构模型进行了模式识别,结果表明,遗传算法进行参数识别需要事先假定流变模型的形式,误差较大,而BP神经网络和遗传规划可以一次性同时确定流变模型的结构形式及参数,有效避免模型假定所带来的误差。而遗传规划与BP神经网络相比,具有精度高、收敛快,可视化程度高等特点,为岩石本构参数及模型的智能识别方法的选取提供参考。  相似文献   
对陕西延安新宝塔山隧道Q2原状黄土进行了不同加载速率的无侧限抗压与贯入抗拉试验,研究了Q2原状黄土抗压与抗拉强度的影响因素。结果表明:加载速率对宝塔山Q2原状黄土抗压和抗拉强度影响较大,抗压强度与抗拉强度随加载速率增大而增大;高径比对抗拉强度也有较大影响,试验时当高径比控制在1.0左右时,高径比对宝塔山Q2原状黄土的抗拉强度影响相对较小,因此采用轴向压裂法测量黄土的抗拉强度时,高径比宜控制在1.0;在试验加载速率范围内,加载速率对宝塔山Q2原状黄土的压拉比影响不大,其压拉比在9.88~13.68范围内变化。  相似文献   
提出了一种新的非差FCBs估计方法,利用三角函数周期特性消除整周模糊度,避免了模糊度固定的难题.基于该方法,实现了PPP模糊度固定.实验结果表明,模糊度固定后,北、东、高程3个方向上的RMS分别从1.44 cm、3.37 cm、2.88 cm减小到0.75 cm、0.78 cm和2.06 cm,分别提高约47.8%、76.8%和28.5%.  相似文献   
在组合导航中常采用联合滤波器进行多源传感器的信息融合,其中信息分配系数的取值直接影响着联合滤波器的性能。在详细分析子滤波器状态变量估计协方差阵特点的基础上,文中提出了采用两组信息分配系数的自适应联合滤波模型,并将设计的自适应联合滤波模型应用于车载GPS/DR组合导航中。仿真实验表明,导航的位置精度提高约为40%;速度精度提高约为10%。同时也提高了组合系统的容错性和可靠性。  相似文献   
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