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海冰弯曲强度的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
简要介绍了国内外海冰弯曲强度研究概况;给出了1990年冬作者在辽东湾西部的实验结果;并且讨论了海冰弯曲强度与应力率的关系。  相似文献   
鲈鱼的鳃寄生车轮虫病及扫描电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道鲈鱼的鳃寄生车轮虫病及病理组织的扫描电镜观察。病原鉴定为 :直钩车轮虫、杜氏车轮虫、日本车轮虫、劳牧小车轮虫及简单两分虫 5种车轮虫科纤毛虫 ,其中数量上占优势的为直钩车轮虫。扫描电镜观察结果表明 ,鳃寄生车轮虫可对宿主的上皮组织产生明显的机械性损伤并造成鳃丝粘液分泌增多及炎症反应。文中就海水养殖鱼类及野生鱼类由车轮虫寄生造成的危害及防治途径做了探讨。  相似文献   
Multi-biomarker indexes were analyzed for two piston cores from potential cold seep areas of the South China Sea off southwestern Taiwan. Total organic carbon(TOC) normalized terrestrial(n-alkanes) and marine(brassicasterol, dinosterol, alkenones and iso-GDGTs) biomarker contents and ratios(TMBR, 1/Pmar-aq, BIT) were used to evaluate the contributions of terrestrial and marine organic matter(TOM and MOM respectively) to the sedimentary organic matter, indicating that MOM dominated the organic sources in Core MD052911 and the sedimentary organic matter in Core ORI-_(86)0-22 was mainly derived from terrestrial inputs, and different morphologies were the likely reason for TOM percentage differences. BIT results suggested that river-transported terrestrial soil organic matter was not a major source of TOM of sedimentary organic matter around these settings.Diagnostic biomarkers for methane-oxidizing archaea(MOA) were only detected in one sample at 172 cm depth of Core ORI-_(86)0-22, with abnormally high iso-GDGTs content and Methane Index(MI) value(0.94). These results indicated high anaerobic oxidation of methane(AOM) activities at or around 172 cm in Core ORI-_(86)0-22.However in Core MD052911, MOA biomarkers were not detected and MI values were lower(0.19–0.38), indicated insignificant contributions of iso-GDGTs from methanotrophic archaea and the absence of significant AOM activities. Biomarker results thus indicated that the discontinuous upward methane seepage and insufficient methane flux could not induce high AOM activities in our sampling sites. In addition, the different patterns of TEX_(86) and U_(37)~(K′) temperature in two cores suggested that AOM activities affected TEX_(86)37 temperature estimates with lower values in Core ORI-_(86)0-22, but not significantly on TEX_(86) temperature estimates in Core MD052911.  相似文献   
In this study the zinc exchange process and the reason for the non-additive exchange of δ-MnO2/montmorrillonite have been investigated. The results suggest that with pH increasing from 2 to 8, the stepwise exchange of zinc occurs on δ-MnO. and montmorrillonite in their mixture.At low pH zinc ions are bound on δ-MnO2, while at high pH, the exchange on montmorrillonite dominates the surface interaction in the mixture. The study demonstrates that the stepwise exchange and the heterogeneity of the binding sites on δ-MnO2 surface are the reason for the non-additive exchange. It is also shown that when δ-MnO2 amounts to 5 %, zinc exchange on sea sediments is controlled by 8-MnO2.  相似文献   
Flare-induced signals in polarization measurements which were manifested as apparent polarity reversal in magnetograms have been reported since 1981. We are motivated to further quantify the phenomenon by asking two questions: can we distinguish the flare-induced signals from real magnetic changes during flares, and what we can learn about flare energy release from the flare-induced signals? We select the X2.6 flare that occurred on 2005 January 15, for further study. The flare took place in NOAA active re-gion (AR) 10720 at approximately the central meridian, which makes the interpretation of the vector magnetograms less ambiguous. We have identified that flare-induced signals during this flare appeared in six zones. The zones are located within an average distance of 5 Mm from their weight center to the main magnetic neutral line, have an average size of (0.6±0.4)×1017 cm2, duration of 13±4 min, and flux density change of 181±125 G in the area of reversed polarity. The following new facts have been revealed by this study: (1) the flare-induced signal is also seen in the transverse magnetograms but with smaller magnitude, e.g., about 50 G; (2) the flare-induced signal mainly manifests itself as apparent polarity reversal, but the signal starts and ends as a weakening of flux density; (3) The flare-induced signals appear in phase with the peaks of hard X-ray emission as observed by the Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic lmager (RHESSI), and mostly trace the position of RHESSI hard X-ray footpoint sources. (4) in four zones, it takes place cotemporally with real magnetic changes which persist after the flare. Only for the other two zones does the flux density recover to the pre-flare level immediately after the flare.The physical implications of the flare-induced signal are discussed in view of its relevance to the non-thermal electron precipitation and primary energy release in the flare.  相似文献   
鳗鲡目鱼类线粒体基因组的基因组成较为保守,在58个线粒体基因组中,仅有3个物种存在基因数量的差异。在19个鳗鲡目鱼类线粒体基因组中存在主编码基因的重排。主编码基因的变异位点分析结果支持nad5、nad4和nad2基因作为cox1和lrRNA基因辅助的分子标记。鳗鲡科Anguillidae的20个种(亚种)聚在一起,强烈支持鳗鲡科为单系群(BPP=100)。鳗鲡科下属的3个类群(大洋洲类群、大西洋类群和印度洋-太平洋类群)也同时得到有力的验证(BPP均为100)。线鳗科Nemichthyidae和锯齿鳗科Serrivomeridae亲缘关系最近,二者聚类后,与鳗鲡科Anguillidae构成姊妹群(BPP=100)。在囊喉鱼亚目Saccopharyngoidei中,宽咽鱼科Eurypharyngidae与囊鳃鳗科Saccopharyngidae聚类(BPP=100),同时,单颌鳗科Monognathidae与月尾鳗科Cyematidae聚类(BPP=100),4个科聚在一支,支持囊喉鱼亚目为单系群(BPP=100)。在囊喉鱼亚目线粒体基因组中,3个物种(吞鳗Eurypharynx pelecanoides、拉文囊鳃鳗Saccopharynx lavenbergi和杰氏单颌鳗Monognathus jesperseni)存在主编码基因的重排。16种鳗鲡(细美体鳗Ariosoma shiroanago、短吻颈鳗Derichthys serpentinus、凯氏短尾康吉鳗Coloconger cadenati、鸭颈鳗Nessorhamphus ingolfianus、龟草鳗Thalassenchelys sp.、粗犁齿海鳗Cynoponticus ferox、百吉海鳗Muraenesox bagio、巨斑花蛇鳗Myrichthys maculosus、大吻沙蛇鳗Ophisurus macrorhynchos、几内亚副康吉鳗Paraconger notialis、哈氏异康吉鳗Heteroconger hassi、小头鸭嘴鳗Nettastoma parviceps、弱头鳗Leptocephalus sp.、斑点长犁齿鳗Hoplunnis punctata、尖吻小鸭嘴鳗Facciolella oxyrhyncha和星康吉鳗Conger myriaster),与鳗鲡目线粒体主编码基因的原始排列相比,共享nad6基因的易位。同时,基于线粒体基因组13个蛋白质编码基因构建的系统演化树,强烈支持这16个物种聚为一支(BPP=100)。然而,由此而带来的海鳗科Muraenesocidae、拟鯙科Chlopsidae和糯鳗科Congridae是否为单系群的问题,值得今后深入探究。  相似文献   
根据俚岛镇海湾22个海洋观测点的水质监测数据,依据人工神经网络与模糊理论,建立模糊神经网络模型,对研究区海水水质进行了综合评价.结果表明,区域内40.91%的采样点属于Ⅰ类海水水质标准,其余为Ⅱ类海水水质.其中,水质Ⅱ类区位于临络湾与俚岛湾的半封闭海域,因该区造船业对水体造成污染且海水对流强度较弱,不利于污染物的扩散;而海水水质Ⅰ类区域靠近黄海,工业活动较少,水体对流较强,利于污染物扩散.  相似文献   
袁长迎  炎正馨  蒙瑰  李智慧  尚丽平 《海洋学报》2010,32(10):6908-6913
采用恒流驱动耦合机械斩波技术在激光光声光谱装置上系统测量了5%—100%宽浓度范围甲烷气体的共振光声信号,发现在高浓度区共振光声信号呈现异常的饱和特征.基于气体吸收和光声光谱原理定量分析了光声信号饱和的主要原因及影响因素,研究表明,气体样本对入射光强吸收而导致的声源与本征共振模式的耦合系数改变是异常饱和的主要原因,并导出判定光声信号饱和深度的准则以用于判定高浓度气体饱和深度.  相似文献   
日本蟳血细胞及血液生化指标的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以光镜和电镜观察了日本蝠(Charybdisjaponica)血细胞的形态结构,分析了各类血细胞的大小、数量比例及功能,并测定了不同发育时期及饥饿状态的日本蝽血清主要生化指标。结果表明:日本蝠血细胞可分为4种类型,从小到大依次为:无颗粒细胞、小颗粒细胞、中间型细胞和大颗粒细胞;其核质比分别为:53.23%、33.64%...  相似文献   
根据南黄海中部海底沉积物柱状样的实验室土工试验测试结果,分析沉积物的物理特征,并通过实验室方法获得沉积物压缩波速,探讨物理参数与压缩波速的相关关系,得到经验公式。结果表明:该区域沉积物以淤泥和淤泥质黏土为主,具有含水率高、孔隙比大、塑限高等特征;物理参数与压缩波速之间有较好的相关关系,密度、孔隙比、含水率、塑限、液限及塑性指数与压缩波速的相关性最明显,其中,密度与压缩波速成正比相关关系,而孔隙比、含水率、塑限、液限和塑性指数与压缩波速成反比相关关系;以沉积物天然密度和塑性指数为自变量的双变量回归分析方程能更好地表达沉积物物理特性与压缩波速的相关关系。  相似文献   
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